Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at www.bognorchichesterctc.org.uk
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Sunday 16th November. Ride to Midhurst
The weather today was dry most of the day save for one shower in the afternoon. Most of the rain was running along the coast so by heading north we stayed clear of most of it. I was the leader and I was joined by Sam and Rex. Chris stopped off to say hello. They were just putting up the Christmas tree next to The Cross, that time of year again! 
We headed out via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was up the valley road via West Marden. The Autumn leaves must have been near their peak colours. 
We rode at an easy pace, I because of a twinge in a knee and Sam as he was still recovering from an operation. Rex was happy to follow along and have time to admire the scenery. We stopped for elevenses at Compton Stores tearooms with a lot of other cyclists having the same idea. 
We then continued over the downs taking the relatively easy southern approach to Harting Hill past Uppark.. After descending to Harting we took lanes via Elsted and then crossing the main road to some beautiful lanes via Iping and staying north of the River Rother via Woolbeding and Easebourne to our lunch stop at Cowdray Farm Park Cafe. 
In the afternoon we took a track which none of us had tried before bypassing the main road and then past Cowdray Ruins. 
We continued on into Midhurst and onto a lane taking us south via Bepton and on to Cocking. After the Hill and the gradual descent to Singleton and West Dean we came into rain for the first time. This had cleared by the time we got back to Chichester on the Centurion Way. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 42. My mileage from Pagham was 56. My latest picture to be processed was a night shot of Carcassonne Citadel take during a cycle tour of that area of France in late September. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15780555382/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 18:00 GMT
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Sunday 9th November. Ride to Pulborough for DA AGM
After recent rain and gales it was a welcome relief today to have blue skies and light winds. I was the leader today and I was joined for the start at Walberton by Rex, Colin and Russell. We took a route out on the lanes via Madehurst. 
From Whiteways we took the main road and a fast descent down Bury Hill and then on lanes via West Burton and Coates with beautiful Autumn colours. Then it was on to Pulborough via Fittleworth to the AGM held starting 10.30 at Pulborough Village Hall. 
There were 15 in all at the AGM and business was concluded remarkably quickly in about an hour. We held a 2 minutes silence at 11.00. We adjourned for lunch at the Oddfellows Arms a few hundred yards up the road. We were quite impressed that the prices were very reasonable and there were few other customers so no problem getting a table. I did spot this sign in a corridor en route to the Gents which makes one wonder about their usual clientele!! 
The return route was via Parham Park and Rackham to Amberley. Here we stopped briefly as the road was full of Police cars and fire appliances. Apparently there was a fire up a side road which they were just taping off as we arrived. 
At Houghton the rest headed off via the Khyber Pass route to Arundel while I headed up Houghton Hill and took a few photos on the way home. For this one the River Arun merges with flooded fields at Houghton. 
The next one is a tree tunnel on the lane to Madehurst. 
I headed back via Yapton and Middleton. On Felpham seafront I caught the edge of a small shower but was amply compensated by a full rainbow. 
Mileage for the day from and back to Walberton would have been about 30. My mileage from and back to Pagham was 51. My latest pictures to be processed are first this one of Canary Wharf with a zoom effect done in Photoshop. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15537694428/in/photostream/ Finally a different sort of shot of the Tower Poppies as a suitable one for Remembrance Sunday. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15743936212/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 18:22 GMT
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Saturday Ride - Chichester to The Marina
Today it was all about the weather. There was heavy rain and strong winds all morning, but by about 11.30 the sun was out and although the wind was still blustery, Philippa as rides leader decided that the ride should go ahead as planned. Perhaps surprisingly, given the uncertain weather, there were 15 at the start, which must be a record for a November ride!! Philippa was joined by new riders Bill, Karen and Paul, and Graham, Debbie, Suzanne, Roy, Liz, Clair, Julian, Bob, Steve, Carol, and Rachel, who came with us as far as Dell Quay. 
We set off over the new railway footbridge, via Apuldram Lane, then joined the Salterns Way. The wind had dropped a little and the sun had disappeared, the earlier rain still evident from large puddles along the route. We continued along the Salterns Way and arrived at the Marina without incident. However as soon as we parked up at the Boathouse Cafe, a few spots of rain started to fall. This had developed into light rain by the time we were ready to leave. Philippa led part of the group back to Chichester the way we'd come, whilst I took a smaller group back to Bognor, via Hunston, Runcton, Butterlees Farm and Aldwick. No sooner had we left the Marina when the rain got heavier. And heavier. We arrived back in Bognor absolutely soaked, despite some wet weather gear. In fact it’s difficult to recall the last time i got quite so wet on a bike ride. The odd thing was, the rain suddenly stopped as we approached Bognor, and as we came through Aldwick, I noticed the roads were bone dry. Not a drop had fallen here! And the wind had also vanished. This was to change however as on arrival at the town centre a heavy downpour started, and our brief dry respite was over. I can't really say i got another soaking as i was already thoroughly wet through, but this extra rain didn't help. The ride from, and back to Chichester would have been around 10 miles; I clocked up 21.0 by the time I got home and was able to wring my socks out. Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:48 GMT
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Sunday 2nd November. Ride to Aldingbourne The weather today was windy and wet though with a few dry interludes.. After earlier downpours I managed to get to Chichester in the dry. I was due to lead the 9.00am ride to Rake. However nobody turned up for this so I decided to wait for the easy ride starting at 10.00 scheduled to go to Littlehampton. I waited in Costa with a hot chocolate soon joined by Keith who arrived early to start his crossword. Arthur was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Keith, Avryl, Lynn, Russell, Martin and David. Alan joined us at elevenses so a surprising 9 out on the day. In the picture Arthur gives a very suspicious look at the Paparazzi. 
As we left the rain resumed first light and then as a torrential downpour and then steady and heavy. We took a direct route to elevenses at Barnham via Shopwhyke, Oving and Eastergate. Elevenses was taken at the Willow Tea Rooms near Barnham Mill and we arrived at the same time as Alan. We decided to go for a more sheltered route and changed the lunch stop to Aldingbourne. A break in the weather arrived just in time to leave. 
Alan, David and Russell left after elevenses to head back. The rest of us headed on via Walberton and then up Tye Lane were we got dripped on from the trees. 
Then it was on to the underpass under the A27 and on to Aldingbourne Garden Centre Cafe for lunch which for some reason was empty of other customers. The picture below was taken as we left. 
The group continued back to Chichester with a tea stop at the new cafe in Goodwood Control Tower. I headed back from Aldingbourne getting home just before the next batch of rain. Distance from and back to Chichester was about 30 miles and my mileage from Pagham was 35. My latest HDR pictures are first this one from Open House taken inside the Channel 4 Building looking up through a skylight. 
For a larger picture and more detail see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15453247539/in/photostream/ The second one was taken in a tunnel at Waterloo Underground with a fair bit of processing. I call it Lines to a Space Odyssey. 
For more details see http://edwinjonesphotography.com/blog/2014/10/high-key-effect-using-topaz-simplyfy Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 16:45 GMT
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Sunday 26th October. Ride to Dragons Green
Today it was cloudy mild and dry with temperatures up to about 15C. Colin was the leader and he was joined at Walberton Pond by myself, Rex and newcomer Andrew Morley from Birdham. Sam came by car to say hello but was not yet able to cycle after his operation. Gill joined us later for a while after lunch so 5 out on the day by bike. The description of the route today is a little more detailed than usual to help those who had no idea where they were to follow it on a map. Colin led us out on the usual route from Walberton taking Shellbridge Road among the first signs of Autumn Colours. 
Then it was the lane via Madehurst and down the hill to Houghton before turning off on the lane to Bury. Then it was more quiet lanes via West Burton and Coates to Fittleworth. Then it was up the lane to Brinkwells Hill. This is a very pretty lane but one of my least favourite hills due to its length and about 4 steep ramps upwards after each of which you think you are near the top as it levels off. The clear sign for the real top is bright red post box on the left. 
Then it was down the even steeper descent on the north side and on to Wisborough Green for an elevenses stop at the cafe where we were welcomed by the serious Italian who runs it. 
We then headed east on the main road before turning off on the lane towards the Haven but turning off this near Oakhurst to cross the A29 and take the lane to Barnes Green. Just before Barnes Green I spotted an ancient car ahead of us so sprinted ahead to get a picture. 
From Barnes Green it was a lane via Marlpost wood and down to Dragons Green. We all had sandwiches at the Scout Hut using some handy picnic tables and then round the corner to the George and Dragon Inn for drinks where we met up with Gill. 
From Barnes Green we headed south soon taking a short Colin loop via Shipley and Whitehall. Then it was a lane via Broomers Corner heading south to just above Ashington. We then turned north on the B2133 and then left on a lane to Thakeham (I was lost at this stage!) After Thakeham it was south a little on the B2139 before turning right on a lane west towards West Chiltington and then south towards Storrington before turning right on a tarmac lane marked as a path on the map which bypasses Storrington. At the end of the lane it was right on another lane via Redford House (short Colin Loop) and a short stretch of main road to then join the lane via Wiggonholt Common. Then it was the usual route back via Rackham. As we were coming down fast towards Amberley it was emergency stop as a horsebox backed out from a field in front of us being directed by a girl clearly not noticing bikes. From Houghton it was the long drag up Houghton Hill and back via Madehurst. Return mileage from Walberton was 54. My mileage from Pagham was 70. Thanks go to Colin for another well navigated route with some beautiful quiet lanes. My latest picture to be processed was taken at the Carcassonne Citadel in southern France during a cycle tour last month. Taken in the dawn light. 
For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15424490987/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 21:33 BST
Updated: Sunday, 26 October 2014 21:35 BST
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Sunday 19 October. Ride to the Club AGM at West Stoke
The mornings ride today was very short just from Chichester to West Stoke Village Hall for the Club AGM. The weather was far better than most recent AGMs being dry and warm up to 18C although windy. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by David, Martin, Arthur and Lynn. A lot more went direct to the hall. 
We took a fairly direct route west from the Cross and then up the Centurion Way Cyclepath. Then it was some narrow lanes to West Stoke. At the Hall more members joined some by car and some by Bike including Richard, Alan and Liz, Freda and Jim, Rex, Colin, Philippa, Jim Jennings and Jeff and Bea Lander. A total of 16 attended in all. After the meeting we made our separate ways back. 
Colin joined me for a longer ride back via Funtington, Walderton and Stoughton and the lane to East Marden. 
We then headed back via Chilgrove and Lavant with a stop for tea at the Aero Club Cafe. For the last month this has been relocated to a renovated old control tower while the old cafe is rebuilt. The new cafe has a nice art deco look. 
It is on 2 floors with some great views over the race track from the balcony of the 2nd floor. We have scheduled it for a Saturday ride visit in March. 
My mileage for the day from Pagham was 37. My latest HDR picture was taken on Open House day showing the staircase at the London School of Economics new Student Centre.  For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15368351398/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 17:44 BST
Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2014 17:46 BST
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Sunday 12th October. Ride to Lotts Cafe, Hambledon
Sam was due to lead the ride today but he had recently had his opp done on his hernia so the baton was passed to Colin. Sam came to see us off. Those joining Colin were myself, Rex, Mark and Andrew. 
Getting started proved a bit of a logistical problem. Our start time of 9.00 coincided with the start of the Chichester Half Marathon as nearly 1000 runners poured up West Street and either side of Chichester Cross. 
We managed to get across without any collisions and Colin did a diversion to get around the race before rejoining West Street and on via Clay Lane and on via the South Coast Cycle Route lanes via Woodmancote. We continued between the woods on the lane towards Rowlands Castle where Andrew gave a patriotic look to our group in the picture. 
Then it was a convoluted route on lanes via Blendworth to Horndean and on to Catherington. Everybody had assumed we were going to elevenses at Sam’s original planned stop of Queen Elizabeth Park Cafe without thinking to ask Colin. As we were now well off course I ask Colin and it turned out his plan was to the Cafe by HMS Mercury on top of the hill. I had decided to make it a half day ride today to avoid overdoing it with my knee. I had hurt that 3 weeks ago in the early morning with no street lights and being dazzled by the lights of an oncoming car hit the curb on a corner and came off. That was not helped by immediately going on a 12 day cycle tour in France! I decided to head back before the hill going up to Mercury and stopped for my elevenses on my return at Rowlands Castle. Despite cutting short the ride my mileage from Pagham was 48. Below is a picture taken in France of Peter Wilson and Richard Boulton riding along the towpath of the Canal du Midi in Southern France near Carcassonne. The picture has been converted to look like a painting using a software plugin for Photoshop. 
Posted by RideLeader
at 16:46 BST
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Saturday Ride Bognor Library to Littlehampton
A really excellent turnout of 11 on this ride, considering the Met office forecast, the early moring rain and the generally unsettled outlook. Unbelievably, despite threatening clouds, we had not one drop of rain for the whole ride and in fact the sun was so warm at our stop in Littlehampton, we were down to T-shirts. Alan, Julian, Suzanne, Clair, Michelle, Steve, Carol, Bob ,and new riders Dave and Jacquie set out with me as rides leader. we headed out through the back of Bognor and were soon the other side of Felpham and on the Barnham Cycletrack. Plenty of evidence here of the recent heavy rain with puddles, and although the surface was perfectly rideable, it was inevitable we would all be affected by mud splashes. From Barnham Church we took the almost hidden Hill Lane to Barnham Mill, and from there it was a straight run through Yapton to Rollaston Park where we took the route across the old airfield runways to emerge at the Rudford Industrial estate in Ford. 

Following the A259 on the adjacent cycletrack for a few hundred yards, we turned into Ferry Road towards Rope Walk, which for a dead end road seemed unusually busy with traffic today. Then it was across the swing bridge, into Littlehampton, and a short ride along the riverbank to the Look-Sea Centre where we stopped for refreshments After a pleasant break in the sun, we left Julian in Littlehampton (he had cycled over to Bognor in the morning to meet us) and took a more direct route home back over the swing bridge, to Climping School and Climping Street, then a mile of main road to Comet Corner and Middleton. We continued through Middleton & Felpham, riders dropping out for home along the way. The round trip mileage from and back to Bognor Library, was 18.5 Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 00:01 BST
Updated: Sunday, 12 October 2014 16:28 BST
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Sunday 28 September. Ride to Rushfields Garden Centre, Poynings
Colin’s ride today 28th Sept, was a typical inventive mix of sportif and rough stuff fellowship ride from Walberton to Poynings and back. How we got there I have little idea ,apart from the fact that Sam and I (Jeff) opted to go the usual Madehurst/Houghton route to Amberley whilst Colin lead Ann Rex and Chris ‘the bell’ over the Kyber Pass. So Sam and Jeff enjoyed an early coffee break at Amberley Tearooms whilst the pack rolled onto Wiggonholt . After early dense fog the sun broke out giving us a perfect autumn day -24 ˚ with a pleasant light breeze. From Wiggonholt it was all a bit of a blur keeping up with Colin’s wheel at 17-20mph only slowing down for hills ( a little) and the off-road and walking bits. Lunch at a Garden Centre on the A281 just north of Poynings was an excellent choice with lovely food, coffee and table service. Despite a heavy hint that it would be appropriate to see the village of Poynings, given that was the advertised destination, Colin lead us out onto a northerly circuit of Hurstpierpoint and Blackstone before heading south to Upper Beeding then up Steyning Bowl concrete road . A swoop down to Worthing found a great cafe down a pedestrian street just west of the pier- Parklife (and there was plenty of that in Worthing today which was rather too much humanity for Rex) Chris had to get back to ring bells at Walberton which gave Colin a chance continue setting the pace . This proved too provocative for a group of kids in Yapton who set chase. We let them win. Needless to say Colin did not sell us short of the 70 miles. The picture is of Colin showing how I felt after the ride. 
Posted by RideLeader
at 08:14 BST
Updated: Thursday, 9 October 2014 08:19 BST
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Sunday 14th September. Ride to The White Horse Rogate
Four of us met at The Cross for a 9.00 am start, Sam, his hernia, Russ and Colin. The day was with the usual September morning chill and Sam complained about his lack of clothing. We dodged the usual walkers, dogs and joggers up the Centurion Way exiting at Hunters Race and working up to West Stoke. There were the usual roadies out and flashing by. Life quietened after the Walderton turn and it was a traffic free ride to Compton. Sam neglected to take the scenic and life enhancing loop around Locksash so we arrived before the rush at Compton for coffee. A leisurely refreshment break and chat with Portsmouth riders before working north to South Harting. Sam may have slowed up the hills but not on tother side. Does any village sit more comfortably in its hollow and mould to the contours than Harting? Past the village shop and left to Quebec and grass centred Collins Lane before diverting north downhill to Durleighmarsh on the A272. The north easterly made us work before the turning to Slade Farm and Hale Common. The narrow sandy lanes were ready to catch the unwary riding 20 and 25 mm tyres as we slewed on large patches of dry sand. Rather too early at The White Horse we waited for it to open, Sam and Russ placed orders for food and coffee with the staff as they arrived for work. Replete Sam led off towards Nyewood where we passed Arun Adur heading for Rogate but huddled by the roadside looking startled as we waved and rode on; twas only later Sam realised that we should have rendezvoused at lunch. The countryside had begun to put on its winter coat with neatly trimmed hedges, wide vistas, ploughed and sown fields, grey brown earth. Elsted, Bepton and Cocking were soon up and Sam and Russ talked of stopping for more refreshment (did they?) before heading up the hill to Chichester. I split and cycled east along the foot of the Downs through Seaford College and Bignor Roman Palace for tea. This was fortuitous as Alan and Liz Tyler were also there along with remainder of Sussex taking advantage of the free-entry day. Liz looked every inch the bionic woman with her wrist in a large metal cage following an accident and two broken wrists. A short ride to Houghton followed by traffic free ride over the “Kyber” (part off-road to Burpham) before the day’s heaviest traffic at Arundel and a final leg to Barnham via Tortington. Colin
Posted by RideLeader
at 12:30 BST
Saturday 13th September. Saturday Ride to Sidlesham
Thirteen cyclists went on a ride to 'The Crab & Lobster' in Sidlesham on Saturday afternoon, starting from Chichester. Those taking part were Julian, Alan, Bob, Liz, Debbie, Roy, Angela, newcomer Tizzy, Nicola, Steve, Carol, plus myself and Phillippa. 
The route firstly went along Chichester Canal towards Hunston. The group then took Cycle Network Route 88 from North Mundham to Sidlesham, via Fisher. 
The ride to the pub took just over an hour and, on arriving, it was decided to sit in the garden, as the weather was so warm and sunny. Whilst there, an old Bentley car arrived which was taking part in the Goodwood Revival event taking place at the weekend. Everyone was very interested in the old car! 
After sorting out a puncture, the group returned to Chichester, taking a slightly different route via Vinetrow. 
Philippa with pictures by Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 12:22 BST
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Sunday 7th September. Arun Crossings Ride.
Today was the last DA Event of the Season with the Arun Crossings Ride led by Colin starting at Pulborough Station stopping for elevenses at Wisborough Green and lunch at The Onslow Arms, Loxwood. Yjere were 14 taking part in the Event from the 3 West Sussex Groups. Those from Bognor Chichester were Colin, Sam, Jeff, Russ and Rex. I went by road to meet the group at the stops. It was a day of 2 climates for the morning, sunny down on the coast and misty inland especially on the hills. As I cycled north I took the following Photos at 8.30 on Felpham seafront and at 9.30 on Bury Hill. It cleared up after lunch. 

Meanwhile the group had a misty start at Pulborough, here making the first of the crossings of the Arun at Stopham Bridge. Thanks to Jeff for this Photo and pictures on the ride in the afternoon. 
We all met up at the Old Barn Cafe at Wisborough Green for an elevenses stop. 
While the others headed off for more off-road I went straight on the tarmac to the Onslow Arms our lunch stop. This has a pleasant location next to the Wey and Arun Canal. About an hour later everybody else arrived looking a lot muddier than when I last saw them. 
The afternoon saw more sunshine especially later on when Jeff’s Camera was used for the following 2 pictures. 

I headed home via Byworth, Duncton Hill, Eartham and the Barnham path to Felpham and completed 63 miles for the day. The off-road ride was about 30 miles from and back to Pulborough. For the years DA Events Bob is the individual winner, Jo Savage is the Best Lady and Horsham Crawley are the best Section. I took the following picture last week using a fisheye lens and a wireless remote to trigger the shutter. I called it Mouse View Sweetcorn. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15125648225/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 21:10 BST
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Sunday 31 August Ride to Shoreham
There were 2 rides today, a short and a long one. Harvey led the short one which went from Chichester to Arundel and 9 attended. Colin led the long ride with 4 taking part so 13 out in all today. I joined Colin at Walberton Pond together with Chris and Rex for an early 9.00am start. 
The weather was warm and generally sunny with a little light cloud and temperatures up to 20C. On the way out Colin led us along the coast route headed first to Littlehampton and then a complex route through the backstreets and private estates which I could not hope to repeat. We tried the Sea Lane Cafe first for an early elevenses but that was packed so we continued along the prom to the Artists Cafe just after Worthing Pier for a break. 
After elevenses we split up briefly. I wanted to see more of the Airshow which was due to break for an hour at 12.30 so I went on to Shoreham direct on the prom Cycleroute. The others turned inland to get in more miles and hills before lunch. As I cycled along the seafront I spotted a display of byplanes a little inland. As with all the shots today this was taken with a basic compact camera and this one with some digital cropping and enlargement. 
Then it was on to Shoreham and across from beach to town on the new Glass footbridge so called for its glass sides. Then on to the Old Shoreham Bridge across the river which has good views of the Airshow. The display parachutists were especially good. 
Eventually the others arrived to join me with their picnic lunches. 
We didn’t see anything of Horsham Section who were supposed to be in the area but assumed they were in a pub somewhere. As we left I took this shot of a sign which seemed to be more honoured in the breach than the observance. I am not sure why the police would want to be involved in a private organizations efforts to make more money. 
The afternoons ride made up for the relatively short and easy morning with more hills and various Colin loops. We took in Coombs, the Downslink, Bramber, Steyning, Ashurst and Dial Post. Then it was more lanes near Shipley and this shot taken as we passed The Countryman Pub. 
Then on to West Chiltington and a fairly roundabout route to Wiggenholt for tea. 
We continued back via Amberley and then the Khyber Pass route to Arundel, Ford and Yapton. I headed home via Middleton and the prom Cycleroute. At Felpham seafront I needed another stop, this time an ice cream stop at the prom cafe. Mileage for the main group including about an extra 5 before lunch would have been about 65 from Walberton. My mileage from Pagham was 77. My latest picture to be processed was taken from the back seat of a Docklands Light Rail train as it pulled out of Heron Quays station Canary Wharf as another train came in. The effect is achieved in the camera with a long shutter speed. 
For a larger picture and more details, see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/15070776795/
Posted by RideLeader
at 21:16 BST
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Sunday 24th August. Ride to Southsea.
There were 2 rides today, a flat and hilly ride both going to the International Kite Festival on Southsea Common.The weather was sunny at first but more cloud later and staying dry. I led the longer ride starting at Chichester Cross at 9.00 and I was joined by Sam, Rex and Colin. John Maxim stopped off to say hello before going on his own ride. 
I led the group out up the Centurion Way and then lanes via West Stoke, Funtington and Racton to Rowlands Castle. Then it was on to Horndean for elevenses at the Garden Centre Cafe. 
Sam went back from elevenses and the rest of us continued on lanes via Cathrington, Forest Gate, Worlds End and Southwick. Then it was a long but steady climb up Portsdown Hill with an abrupt change at the top from rural to Urban views. It was a fast downhill to Cosham and then the cycle route round the Hilsea lagoon and south to Portsmouth Harbour. We continued via old Portsmouth to the free to view Kite Festival being held on Southsea Common. There were some seriously large Kites on display. 
We had a picnic lunch by the War Memorial and were entertained by some synchro kite flying to music. 
We had to take a diversion on the way out due to a stretch of the seafront road being closed for some music festivals requiring a £20 entry fee! As we were leaving Harvey and his group caught us after only just arriving due to various delays en route. Harvey had been joined by Keith, Russell and newcomer Mike. We stopped for another break while the rest had their picnic lunches. 
We then went back as a combined group heading for the Eastern Road Cyclepath but first taking backroads and then a path along the shoreline with some great views. We continued on the Cycleroute and crossed the A27 on a footbridge. 
Then it was paths and backroads to Havant for tea at Costa Coffee. 
The return was via Westbourne and the South Coast Cycleroute lanes via Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 57. My mileage from Pagham was 68. My latest picture is from my recent London trip with a view of Kings Cross Station roof taken with a fisheye lens. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/14801591868/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:12 BST
Updated: Sunday, 24 August 2014 20:16 BST
Friday, 22 August 2014
Thursday 21 August - Arun Leisure Centre to the Maypole Yapton
Alan, Edwin, Graham, Julian, Liz, Russ, Steve, Carol, Harvey, David and Michelle made up the 11 starters at the Leisure Centre, with John meeting us at the pub, making 12 out in all.

Its our last ride of the summer season and it was already looking a little Autumnal, getting dark early, windy, and cloudy with rain constantly threatening but never actually putting in an appearance. We completed the outward run just about in daylight, taking a route around the back of the Leisure Centre, through north Felpham, the Roundel Estate, and then tracks to the new development, crossing into Flansham, Hoe Lane, and then the cycletrack to Barnham. No sooner had we got on the Barnham track when Carol pulled up with a puncture; Steve insisted the group carry on whilst he changed the tube. In the end they got to the pub before us by going direct wheras we took a slightly more circular route first from Barnham to Walberton where the following picture was taken of the riders in full flow. 
Then it was Yapton Road down to North End crossing, turning into Lake Lane and crossing the railway at Maypole Lane to The Maypole. 
Our return route was more or less direct via Yapton, Bilsham, Comet corner and Middleton, with people peeling off for home along the way. Mileage for the evening was 13.6 Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 09:40 BST
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Sunday 17 September. New Forest Awayday Ride
The weather today was mainly cloudy in the morning with a little very light rain in the afternoon clearing to sunshine. Arthur was the leader and we met for Elevenses at The Old Bakehouse Cafe, Eling near Totton. Arthur and Lynn and Martin Hines went there by car. I went by train to Southampton Station where I was met by Graham who lives close by. We took back streets and cyclepaths for the 5 mile ride to Eling. We got to the Cafe 20 minutes early but managed to arrive at the same time as the other 3. 
Eling is ideally situated on the edge of countryside with back roads leading to the New Forest.. There were a lot of cyclists riding in the other direction taking part in a Sportive called the New Forest Rattler. There were about 600 entrants. One was held up briefly by a wandering pony enjoying the road. 
We continued to Beaulieu for a lunch stop with some quite large portions. 
As we left we were chased by some very deep black clouds. In the event though the rain, at least in this area, was very light and short lived, hardly enough to wet the roads. We stopped for tea at Butlers Hard Cafe and by the time we left the sun was breaking through. 
We returned on a similar route with more wandering ponies spotted on the way back. 
We returned to Eling for a second tea break. I would estimate that certainly for those coming by car the time in cafes was well in excess of the time spent cycling. I gave a miss to the second tea to cycle back to Southampton for the train to Chichester. The ride was 26 miles. My mileage with the addition of rides to and from stations was 45. My latest picture to be uploaded is one of a new underground tunnel from Kings Cross opened in June which has LED coloured moving lights in the wall creating a rainbow look. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/14707679719/in/photostream/ Early Wednesday morning the total worldwide photo views of my pictures on Flickr rolled over to One million. 
For more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/14884977916/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:40 BST
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Sunday 10th August. Hurricane Ride
OK, OK it was an ex hurricane and by the time it got to us it was a low pressure system but from all the publicity it might as well have been a Hurricane. I was leading the ride today from Chichester to Portchester and when I left home at Pagham it was dry and a tailwind. Sam was the only other one to turn up, everybody else was more sensible and stayed at home. The first plan was to get as far as Rowlands Castle for an early elevenses and probably come home from there. I took a route out via the Centurion Way, then on the lane past the Solar Farm and up to West Stoke. As we rode on the lane between West Stoke and Funtington the heavens opened and a stop under a tree was called for. 
After discussion we decided to make a dash for Funtington and the village shop which does coffees. However it turned out the Pub was open for breakfasts and hot drinks so we went there instead to drip on the floor and watch the BBC News about Hurricane Bertha. It will be noted from the weather radar that it was a little wet at this time of the morning round Chichester. 
When it eased off we decided to head home to dry out. I took a route via Watery Lane (appropriate) West Ashling and back to Chichester. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 14 and my mileage from Pagham was 26. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 14:27 BST
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Bognor Regis Library to Littlehampton, Harbour Lights Cafe (Look-Sea Centre)
Only 5 people on the ride today - Graham, Julian, Clair, Liz, and Alan. The weather was bright sunshine with no prospect of rain, but there was a strong South Westerly wind, gusting to 30mph, and this may have been offputting to some, knowing that a return from Littlehampton would be against the wind. We set off around the usual back streets to Felpham, then via the Arun Leisure Centre, the Roundle, and the new Estate to Flansham. Then up the cycle path to Barnham where we stopped to check progress on the reconstruction of one of the swivel bridges across the long disused Portsmouth-Arundel Canal. 
From Barnham we proceeded to Yapton and then at Burndell we took a route across Ford Airfield to the Rudford Industrial Estate, emerging near Climping Church. Then a short sprint via the cycle track to Bridge Road and we crossed the Arun on the old footbridge, following the River to the Look-Sea Centre. There we met John Maxim, who had made his own way there and was just leaving. 
Our return route was via Climping School, The Street, then a short stretch of main road before diverting across fields to Grevatts Bridge and the route through Ancton Wood to Elmer. The woods make for delightful ride (pic) and the undergrowth had been substantially cut back since wec last came this way, making it a very pleasant detour. 
From Elmer it was a straight route back to Bognor, via Felpham. We avoided the promenade due to the strong wind and found the inland route made much more comfortable cycling. The mileage clocked from, and back to, the start point, was 18.8 Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 00:01 BST
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Arun Leisure Centre to The Walnut Tree, Runcton
Julian has bribed me to send a report in on his behalf Julian led this ride which saw 10 out tonight - Graham, David, Claire, Angela, Michelle, Russ and Tony met Julian at the start point with John meeting us along the way and Edwin coming direct to the pub from his time trialling. Our route took us through Felpham and then along the prom through Bognor where Claire pulled up with a puncture. She decided to experiment with the application of some gunk puncture sealant which from previous experience of seeing it used, appears to be extremely effective although it ruins the inner tube. Certainly it sealed her puncture and re-inflated the tyre very quickly. It is sold as a temporary repair although i know of one person who has been riding around on a gunk filled tube for over 2 years which still remains solid and giving value for money. Claire completed the whole ride without any problem so it remains to be seen when she will decide to get the tyre properly repaired. Having cycled the length of the prom we headed through Aldwick and Barrack Lane, a detour through the Bay Estate and then to Summer Lane at Nyetimber where it was across our regular off-road route to South Runcton. 
Some lovely quiet lanes followed with a background of glorious sunset before we reached Runcton Mill and the Walnut Tree pub. After a leisurely drinks stop we returned to Bognor via Lagness along the Lower Road. My mileage for the evening was 17.8 Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 00:01 BST
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Sunday 3rd August. Ride to the DA Picnic at Wisborough Green
For the ride today the weather was pleasant sunny and warm at about 23C though quite windy. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Sam, Chris and Keith. We met up with Gill at elevenses and Colin and Rex were at lunch so 7 out altogether at some time. 
The route out took us via Westhampnett and Waterbeach and then the climb over the Downs on the lane to Pillygreen. Then along the ridge with views to the sea via Selhurst Park. Then along the main road and down Duncton Hill with a turn off at the bottom to take lanes via Barlavington and Coates to Fittleworth. Then a short stretch of the main road to stop for elevenses at Pulborough Garden Centre at Stopham Bridge. 
After a pleasant break made longer by the queue to be served we headed off again, Gill and Keith headed back and the rest of us took lanes north from Pulborough via Codmore and then a track crossing the Arun and up to Wisborough Green where we met members of Arun Adur and Horsham Crawley for the DA Picnic. 
Chris headed south towards Littlehampton so it was just Sam and I to head back via Kirdford, Byworth, Burton Mill, Selham and Heyshott to Cocking for a tea stop at The Moonlight Cafe. 
We both indulged in Ice Creams which turned out to be made by Chalder Farm which is on the track route to Sidlesham and the cows producing the ice cream are often seen in the field the track (cycle route 88) crosses. Note the notice at the bottom “WARNING – This product exploits human weakness” very true but still delicious and unlike some people we had expended a lot of calories, that’s my excuse! 
We continued back via Cocking Hill, the main road to Singleton and then the Centurion Way path to Chichester. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 55. My mileage from Pagham was 67. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 22:11 BST
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24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
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31 Dec, 01 > 6 Jan, 02