Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Sunday 10 April. Ride to Steep

The weather today was warmer at 12C with bright sunshine in the morning and more cloud in the afternoon. The downside was quite a strong south east wind.

Jeff was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Sam and Mike.

We headed up the Centurion Way part way before turning off for a change via Brandy Hole Lane and then picking up the lanes via West Stoke passing Woods filled with Bluebells. Then it was up the hill from Funtington with a brief stop at the stop with views across to Racton Tower.

Then it was on the B-Road via West Marden to stop for an early elevenses soon after 10.00 at Compton. We just beat by seconds a group from Bognor Regis Cycling Club to secure orders and seats.

We then headed up past Uppark and down to Harting and the road towards Rogate. Harting was negotiated without incident save for a rat which scuttled across our path. Bad luck? No that’s black cats. After Rogate it was a long drag of a hill before descending via Hill Brow towards Liss. We turned off via Princes Marsh and onto Cycleroute 22 via lanes and paths. Colin is now in Asia for 2 months but the route reminded us of a Colin Route. We first came to a crossing of the River Rother where we stopped briefly.

A short while later we came to the railway and a high steep bridge provided with a trough for bike wheels to go in. A little dubious especially as it was too close to the side and made no allowance for panniers. I just bumped the bike up the steps. A long way down on the other side.

The final barrier was the A3 where we took a cyclepath alongside before going underneath. Then it was a path to lunch at The Harrow Inn, Steep.

On the return ride we took a cyclepath over the A3 and into Petersfield and then the tough climb up Buriton Hill. Then it was a gentle descent through Buriton Woods.

We continued on lanes via Finchdean and shock horror Jeff caught Sam napping and won the sprint for the Rowlands Castle sign. Mike continued straight back while the rest of us enjoyed our hot drinks at the Cafe.

The return was hard as we battled against the SE wind all the way. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 47. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 60.

The latest picture to be completed is the last from Selsey at dawn from a week ago showing the path on the Pier leading to the Lifeboat House.

For more details and a larger image see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:07 BST
Updated: Sunday, 10 April 2016 19:10 BST
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Sunday 3rd April. Ride to Fernhurst

The weather today was much improved over last weekend with temperatures up to 13C, light winds and the occasional sunshine. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Colin, Russell and Roger. We met at Chichester Cross at 9.00 and there was a second ride meeting at 10.00 for a flat ride to Hayling Island. That ride attracted 7 so there were 11 out for the day.

We headed out via West Ashling, Watery Lane and Funtington. Then it was the B-Road up via West Marden to Compton where we were looking forward to a stop for hot drinks. We arrived about 10.00 just before various other cycling groups and Clubs piled in.

We continued north and after a short way a jammed chain resulted in my chain breaking. I used a chain breaking tool and a power link from Russell and help from Colin to get it all mended. We continued on up the hill and down to Harting. Then it was on a lane via Elsted and Elsted Marsh to Stedham. It was north from there on a lane I have not used for a year up a long hill via Redford. That is a few houses and a garage with out of order pumps looking to date back pre-war.

Then it was down and more lanes to Fernhurst and lunch at the Red Lion. Most of us had sandwiches though Roger had food at the pub and found it was very crowded. Roger left us after lunch to go and visit a book fair.

The rest of us continued on lanes via Lickfold. Lodsworth and Selham. Just north of Selham we came across a big tree felled by last weekends Storm Katie.

Then it was on via Heyshott to Cocking where we would have stopped for tea at the Moonlight Cafe but found it closed. Then it was on up Cocking Hill and down to Singleton where Russell and Colin turned off  to head back home to Littlehampton/Barnham. I returned via the Centurion Way and stopped for a hot drink and cake refuelling at the Canal Basin.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was 50. My mileage from Pagham was 63.

On Friday morning I rode before Dawn to Selsey to get some early morning pictures of the Selsey Lifeboat Boathouse before it is demolished sometime in the next year. The first shot was taken at Dawn with the colours being as seen.

For a larger picture and more details see

The next one taken from the eastern side with a filter to reduce light and obtain a 71 second exposure which gives the sea a milky look.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:31 BST
Updated: Sunday, 3 April 2016 18:32 BST
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Sunday 20th March. Ride to Wickham

The weather today was dull and cloudy though dry with temperatures up to 9C.

Arthur was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Sam, Bob, Paul and Jeff. Lynn joined us in the afternoon after dealing with some B&B customers . So 7 out during the day in all.

We headed out on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes via Woodmancote and then on via  Westbourne to stop for elevenses (10s) at McDonalds, Havant. Half of the group preferred to go elsewhere. I did find though that one advantage was the price, paying just £2.58 for a Hot Chocolate and Blueberry Muffin.

Then it was on via Bedhampton to the first serious hill of the day up Portsdown Hill which has some beautiful views over Portsmouth. Then it was along the top past some of the forts, ancient and modern before a brief stop to regroup.

We then descended towards Southwick. We took the B-Road via North Boarhunt to Wickham and lunch at The Kings Head at the Square. Wickham Square seemed to be full of cars going round and round in a fruitless quest for a parking space. Not a problem for bikes. Our bikes were parked in a covered and heated area next to the Pub.

Arthur got us on to a beautiful quiet lane I had only tried once before  to the site of an old mental hospital, now flats. We continued by soon taking a cycle path alongside a road towards Fareham. Then it was another new back road up to Portsdown hill. I have done the climb to Portsdown hill on all the other routes and although the riders today did not appreciate it I would say it is the easiest of the climbs. We picked up Lynn near the top at the refreshments van.

We retraced our route down Portsdown Hill and on to Havant for a tea stop at McDonalds again. Jeff and Paul headed straight back home rather than stop.

From Havant we retraced our treads of the morning via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Arthur Lynn and Sam went for a second tea stop at Fishbourne Roman Palace Cafe. Bob and I gave that a miss. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 45. My mileage for the day was 58.

My latest picture to be processed is one taken last monday being a macro of a Crocus on a green at the Aldwick Road. Done with 30 images taken at different focus and stacked together.

For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:08 BST
Saturday Ride- Bognor Regis Library to Gaskyns Cafe, Arundel


Bit colder today as a bitter East Wind brought temperatures down from earlier in the week, but no rain and the wind wasn't all that strong meaning reasonable cycling conditions, especially as it hasn't rained for some days so all the tracks were dry.

Eleven of us set out from Bognor Library, including first timers Dave and Lucy, making what surely must be a club record of three Dave's on the ride.

So Dave, Dave, Dave, Mike, Maureen, Alan, Liz, Lucy, Carol, Steve & I set off round the back of Bognor to the Arun Leisure Centre, then round the back of Felpham to the Relief Road, where we took the usual trail through Flansham Village and the track to Barnham. Then it was the newly opened cycletrack to Walberton and Hedgers Hill towards Binsted where we stopped for a short inspection of Binsted Church, with which Maureen has a family connection.  The church grounds were brimming with a jumbled mix of Daffodils and snowdrops.

connection.  The church grounds were brimming with a jumbled mix of Daffodils and snowdrops. Alan and Liz had left us shortly beforehand to return via North End.

Continuing East through Binsted we reached that point where the tarmac runs out at the lonely Madonna pond, and found the only mud on the route.

From there its a steady climb through the beautiful and isolated Binsted Woods to rejoin the tarmac. A short cut through the woods brought us to the Torton Hill Estate and a sharp drop down to the A27 river bridge, which we cycled under to arrive in Central Arundel.

Gaskyns was hospitably quiet so we probably dallied there a little longer than normal.

The return ride was along the river to the Tortington Road and Ford Station, then Ford Lane to Yapton, Bilsham, Middleton and back to Felpham and Bognor.

The return mileage to and from Bognor Library, was 23.5.


Posted by RideLeader at 08:22 BST
Updated: Sunday, 20 March 2016 08:25 BST
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Sunday 13th March. Ride to Dial Post

The weather today was one of the best of the year with unbroken blue skies all day. Temperatures were up to 10C though at times in the sun and out of the wind it felt warmer. There was a steady NE wind all day so it was a head wind going out and tail wind coming back, the right directions really.

The ride started at 9.00 at Walberton Pond and I was the leader. I was joined by Sam, Paul, Mike, Russell and just catching us as we left Andrew.

We headed out for a change via Fontwell, and Eartham with more mist gathering around the Downs as we climbed. Then it was a stretch along the main road before a fast descent of Duncton and back on to lanes and back into the sunshine. We headed on via Coates and Fittleworth to stop for elevenses at the Stopham Bridge Garden Centre Cafe Nr Pulborough and a welcome break. Russell left us to return home after elevenses.

We headed east via Pulborough and as we passed a lot of people were gathering to line the road. Not to mark out ride though but to wait for the Piazza Italia Tour of supercars. In the afternoon we again got just ahead of them when riding through Steyning.

We continued via West Chiltington and on a lane south of Shipley with good views of Shipley windmill to stop for lunch at Dial Post Garden Centre Cafe.

The afternoon ride continued east for a while on a lane taking us to Ashurst and then south to Steyning. We then took Coombes Lane to cross over the A27 where the jet crashed last year, Before taking the airport road we visited the memorial to the crash by the Old Shoreham Toll Bridge.

After 6 months without a long ride Andrew left us to get a train back from Shoreham. The rest of us  continued via the Airfield road and on to the coast and the cycle route along the prom to Worthing, We stopped for tea at the Cavern Cafe just off the seafront.

We continued back on minor roads via Ferring though I had no chance of reproducing Colin’s route through the private estates so it was a bit busier if more direct route across to Littlehampton.

Mileage from and back to Walberton Pond would have been about 56. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 74. See below for Andrews ride showing the Profile on Strava which really covered the hilliest part of the ride.

For the detailed page see[1110798752306462]&action_type_map=[%22fitness.bikes%22]&action_ref_map=[]


My latest pictures include one taken on my last London trip at Millwall  Dock near Canary Wharf.


For more details and a larger picture see

Yesterday I went to take pictures of the old West Pier at Brighton. This one was taken just after sunset using a filter to take an exposure of 2 minutes so the sea blurs.


Posted by RideLeader at 21:39 BST
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Sunday 6th March. Ride to Hayling Island

The weather today was mainly dry with a lot of sun in the morning and a cloudier afternoon. After a cold start temperatures managed to reach 8C.

Arthur was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross for the 10.00am start by Lynn, Sam, myself, Russell, Bob, Chris, Graham, Keith and Alan and Liz so11 on the day

We headed out on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes along Clay Lane near West Ashling with a brief stop to regroup.

We then continued via Woodmancote and Westbourne to stop for elevenses at the Greenhouse Cafe, Emsworth. We got the outside tables on the sunny side of the courtyard and with shelter from the wind it almost felt warm.

Alan and Liz headed back from elevenses and the rest of us continued on the cyclepath alongside the main road to Havant. It seemed far busier than normal, no doubt all the mothers being taken to their lunches. We took the Hayling Billy trail from Havant and some pavements to the Bridge. There were beautifully clear views of Portsmouth in the distance. On Hayling Island we turned off on the side road to Northney and North Hayling and on to stop for lunch at Meadow Farm Nursery Cafe, Northney

We arrived about 12.10 and about 50 minutes later Arun Adur arrived to join us just as we were leaving. Still they were able to make use of the Table we vacated. We headed back over the bridge and then a path alongside the Harbour before going under the A27 on a side road. We headed back to Westbourne on a road via Southleigh. Then it was back via Woodmancote to stop for tea at Fishbourne Roman Palace Cafe.

Sam showed off his bike which is for sale, not surprisingly really considering the yucky colour scheme.

Mileage for the day from and back to Chichester was 30. My return mileage from Pagham was 42.

My latest picture was taken Saturday evening from an out of bounds location under the viaduct of the Felpham Relief Road. The new road was opened on Friday and includes a wide cyclepath on the south side.

For a larger picture and more details about how I got the picture see the Cycle Bognor Facebook Page. You can view this whether or not you are on Facebook.

On Facebook click the picture to see larger.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:29 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 6 March 2016 18:33 GMT
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Ride to Tangmere Aviation Museum Café. Saturday 5th March 2016

The weather dawned cloudy and chilly for a ride to Tangmere Aviation Museum Café.

Seven cyclists gathered at Chichester Library, including Judith, a newcomer, who had come down especially from Haslemere.  She had seen the ride advertised on the Sky Breeze Rides website and had decided it would be fun to explore a different area from her own!

The group set off from the library heading north towards North Walls, before turning east towards St Richard’s Hospital.  Fortunately, no one wanted to visit the A & E Department (!), so everyone carried on in a north-easterly direction through the Swanfield Housing Estate, coming out at the Homebase roundabout.

Having crossed over the roundabout, the group continued along Stane Street, which was originally a Roman road and the route of the A27.  At Maudlin, the cyclists veered off to the right along a cycle path signposted to Tangmere.  The route continued for a short way alongside the A27 before everyone diverted into the village via a housing estate.  The group arrived at the café at 1.50 pm.

Unfortunately, the enticing warmth of the inside of the café was unavailable as all the tables were already taken!  However, fortunately, the group managed to still stay reasonably warm in a covered roofed area outside.

Following tea, two of the cyclists left the group to make their own way home via Tangmere Airfield back to Bognor, and another left to go towards Fontwell, via the A27 cycle path.  For those remaining, the route back to Chichester was fairly short.  Turning left out of Tangmere Aviation Museum, the cyclists went towards Shopwyke and then turned right at the traffic lights at the Oving crossroads.  Having left one cyclist heading towards Sainsbury’s (to do his shopping!), the three remaining cyclists went back into Chichester via Spitalfield Lane, arriving back in town about 3.30 pm.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 GMT
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Sunday 28th February. Ride to Trotton

First well done to Steve and Carol Woods who as new leaders led the Saturday Ride yesterday and gained record support with 22 on the ride in all. The ride was an easy afternoon ride from Bognor Library to The Forge Cafe at Slindon. Scroll down to see the full report from Carol Woods.

Today the weather was dry with a cloudy morning and sunny afternoon with a strong very cold NE wind and temperatures up to 7C.

Colin was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Sam Bob and Mike. Chris joined us at lunch so 6 out on the day.

We headed out up the Centurion Way and then lanes via Charlton and East Dean all against the wind but accompanied for a while by a Red Kite flying alongside. After a short stretch of main road it was a fast descent of Duncton Hill and onto the quiet lane via Seaford College. As Bikes can get through we decided to ignore the sign about our Satnavs.

After riding through most of Graffham Village we stopped for Coffee at Graffham Village Stores. Luckily they now have some indoor tables allowing us to warm up.

We continued on lanes via Selham and South Ambersham to Midhurst. We crossed the town and took another lane. Then it was more lanes via Woolbeding. At one point we stopped to regroup and Colin noticed a big fallen branch hanging from a telephone line. As a good deed Colin tried to dislodge it several time though in the end Mike was the one to succeed . It would be interesting to know how many locals received phantom phone calls during the procedure.

We continued with many ups and downs to Chithurst. Here Colin, Mike and I diverted to Chithurst Church to eat our sandwiches. The rest continued a short way to the Garden Centre Cafe at Trotton. The Church had a beautiful spot out of the wind with some sunshine overlooking the Rother Valley and we saw about 3 deer below us.

We regrouped with the rest and with Chris who had come direct at the Garden Centre.

After lunch we split up with Bob and I taking a more direct route home via Cocking Hill while Colin and the rest headed back via Nyewood, Goose Green and Ditcham Park Hill with a stop for tea at Rowlands Castle.

Bob and I had an interesting excursion on the way back. As most will know the South Downs National Park built an extension to the Centurion Way Cycle Path without having agreed an exit/entrance for it at West Dean. Now the National Park are in furious argument with the West Dean Estate about the exit with West Dean Estate putting up giant gates and barriers to stop anybody getting to the path, oh dear!! Anyway Bob told me he knew of a way onto the path at West Dean so I followed him to the point where a bridge takes the path over the lane by the School. People have made a sort of path up the exceptionally steep bank. Just about doable climbing up there with a bike. Not advisable as an exit as you would be likely to end up falling down into the road. The picture does not do justice to how steep it is.

After getting on the path we rode on about 50 yards to the end of the path and the boarded up West Dean Tunnel.

Then it was on following the new path to join the old path and on via Lavant. They have done a fairly good job of the new path which has a good surface.

I would estimate that the mileage of the main group from and back to Chichester was about 50. My mileage from and back to Pagham was 58.

My latest picture to be processed was of a Spiral Staircase at the new Newport Street Galleries near Vauxhall, London. Far more interesting than any of the artworks which adorned the Gallery.



For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:54 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 28 February 2016 20:47 GMT
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Saturday, 27 February 2016. Ride to The Forge at Slindon

Weather today was dry, crisp and blowy. Steve and Carol Woods were the joint leaders and were joined at Bognor Library by Lynne and Richard, Julian, Graham, Liz and Alan, Mike, Clair, Bob, Liz, Bridget, Ann, Tizzy, Gill, Steve, Terry, Dave, Maureen, Alan Harding and Dmetri. What a fantastic turnout of 22 in total.

Steve called the café to give them numbers and an estimated time of arrival. They took Walkie Talkies with them in case of an emergency and were pleased they had as early on the group got split because of a dog which ran from its owner and decided to  join the ride. Carol contacted Steve to let him know and he waited by the gate of the Barnham cycle track for us to regroup.

Steve led from Bognor Library to the underpass of A27 Fontwell while Carol was the back marker, then swapped and Carol led from there to The Forge in Slindon.

After tea and cake the group split and 11 of us cycled back the same route.

Special thank you to Bob who drove down from London

Total mileage of 22.5 round trip.

Carol Woods

Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 28 February 2016 20:53 GMT
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Sunday 21 February. Ride to Rake nr Petersfield

The weather today was cloudy and dull with bits of wet in the air without actually raining or even drizzling. Temperatures were up to 12C with a moderate west SW wind which somehow contrived to be against us on the way out and the way back.

I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Sam, Colin and Paul.

We took a fairly direct route via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington to stop for an early 10.15 elevenses at Compton. Then it was up the easy side of Harting Hill past Uppark.

After a fast descent into Harting we turned off on the Nyewood road when Bang, Crash Wallop

I was riding past some parked cars when suddenly a car pulled out from an entrance into my path. With no time to stop I hit the car came off the bike and hit the bonnet. Remarkably maybe because bonnets have a little more give than the road I had no injuries of note though I may have some bruises tomorrow. Luckily the collision was quite low speed and there was no damage to my bike though I did notice a dent in the bonnet of the car of the lady. (should have had a helmet cam, it would have made a good video)

It is notable that there was a white line at the exit of the driveway though it appears that is only to indicate cars will exit. Still the driver had a hard time seeing me coming due to the parked black car in the picture and the inconsiderate parking certainly contributed to the accident.

After exchanging details we continued on via Rogate and a long climb to lunch at the Country Garden Centre at Rake near Petersfield.

The return was on lanes via Milland, Stedham and Bepton and then on to Cocking for a tea stop at the Pub there.

We continued back via Singleton and the Centurion Way. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 44. My round trip mileage from Pagham was 57.

My latest picture is one of Canary Wharf taken from the east looking across Blackwall Basin.


 For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 18:52 GMT
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Sunday 14th September. Ride to Wyevale Garden Centre, Stopham Bridge

The weather today was sunny spells, dry and cold with temperatures up to 7C.

Sam was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Jeff and Paul so 4 out for the day.

Sam came out on a shiny brand new bike with enormous 3 inch wide tyres

We headed out via Westhampnett and then on lanes past Goodwood to Climb Pillygreen Hill.

Then it was down to East Dean and along the lanes to Upwaltham where there was a brief stop for Sam to warm his hands up.

Then it was onwards and a fast descent of Duncton Hill and then on lanes via Barlavington to stop for elevenses at Tiffins, Petworth.

Leaving Petworth we took a short stretch of the A283 before turning off on lanes via Byworth and then on by way of Coates to Fittleworth. Here Sam took Sandy Lane to give his bike and tyres a tryout while the rest of us diverted by road and met up further on. We stopped for lunch at Wyevale Garden Centre Cafe. Outside a lady offered to take the groups picture.

We returned via Fittleworth, West Burton, Bury and Houghton. We then had the very bad idea of going back via the Khyber Pass on the lanes and tracks on the east side of the Arun Valley to Arundel. Not only was it extremely muddy and wet but we lost Paul as well.

From Arundel we returned via the Ford Road and then  the Ford Lane towards Yapton. Soon after turning on to the lane we stopped for a break at a new small coffee shop called Edge specially for Caffeine Addicts. They also do a pretty good hot chocolate to their own recipe.

Here we can see Sam’s Bike again, no longer new but well and truly christened.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 50. My mileage from Pagham was 57.

One of my latest pictures was taken at the recently opened Newport Street Galleries in London by Damien Hirst. It shows one of the 3 brand new spiral staircases there looking up.


 For a larger picture and more details see

Closer to home the next one was taken on a frosty morning last Thursday just before dawn about a mile north from Nytimber on the Pagham Road where a new Pond dug out last year reveals a beautiful tree.


For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 20:06 GMT
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Sunday 7th February, Ride to Durleighmarsh Tea Barn

The weather today was variable but it started out sunny with temperatures up to 11C though with a strong westerly wind. There were a few light showers in the afternoon and most of us made it home before continuous rain arrived.

I was the leader for the 9.00am start from Chichester Cross and I was joined by Sam, Russell, Colin, Paul and Bob. Jeff joined us at elevenses so 7 out in all for the day.



We headed out via the Centurion Way and then lanes via West Stoke to Funtington. Then it was on up the B-Road via West Marden to stop for an early elevenses 10.15 at Compton.


We then headed north out of the village before turning off on the lane to Idsworth. Down into the valley the road north was doing a fair Imitation of a river for half a mile from the previous nights rain. A bit further on when we turned off on the lane to Ditcham Park School we encountered another flood.

The School is situated at a beautiful spot on top of the Downs and as we continued north it was above a valley with no houses as far as we could see.

We then had a fast descent to the north and soon picked up more lanes running west of Petersfield  via Goose Green and after crossing the A272 we arrived at Durleighmarsh Tea Barn which was a first visit for many of us.

After lunch it was a fast ride with a tail wind east to Rogate where we picked up another lane to Nyewood and then a sandy and wet lane to Dumpford and Lower Elsted. Then it was on to Cocking, up the hill and back via Singleton. Mileage from Chichester was 44. My mileage from Pagham was 58.

I went photographing in London on Thursday and one of my subjects was this new Spiral Staircase at Somerset House which makes me think of the spine of a fish.


Posted by RideLeader at 19:39 GMT
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Sunday 31st January. Ride to Woodmancote

The weather today was overcast with light drizzle clearing later in the morning and quite mild at 13C.

Harvey was the leader and surprisingly for such a day he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Russell, Sam, Avryl and Chris so 6 out for the day. We were due to go to Rowlands Castle for lunch but decided at the outset to make it a half day ride with elevenses at Woodmancote.

We headed out on the usual South Coast Cycleroute lanes which were quite muddy and wet. One notable incident was that as we descended one of the dips a car came roaring past and immediately did a left turn in front of Harvey to turn into an entranceway. A classic case of stupid impatience.

We soon reached the Woodmancote Inn which opens early on a Sunday to serve Hot drinks and a Cake for £3 and has a welcoming warm fire. Not surprisingly it is quite popular with cyclists.

It was dry for the return which we took on the same route. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 14. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 26.

The following picture was taken a few weeks ago on my last London day trip. It shows the bridge to the partly opened Canary Wharf Crossrail Station building. It reminds me of a Star Wars Star Fighter Launch Tube.


For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:18 GMT
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Sunday 24 January. Ride to Wiston Cafe

The weather today was very mild after last weeks freeze with temperatures up to 11C. There was heavy rain overnight leading to flooded and muddy roads. First thing there was a little drizzle and a lot of mist on the coast and on the Downs. The following picture was taken from the Prom soon after 8.00am.

Colin was down to lead the ride today but when he advised he couldn’t make it due to a bad cold and cough I stepped in. However at Walberton Pond only Paul joined me for the ride. We headed out via Fontwell, the Tunnel under the A27 and Slindon Bottom Road through the Mist wreathed woods. Then up towards Eartham.


Higher up on the Downs the mist was thicker but cleared when we descended Duncton Hill to go north of the Downs. We rode on muddy lanes across to Fittleworth and then a bit of main road to stop for elevenses at the Garden Centre at Stopham Bridge.

Then it was on via Pulborough and West Chiltington and then the B-Road to Ashington and on to Wiston Granary Cafe where we arrived at 11.50 and had it to ourselves until parents and kids arrived to buy corn to feed the Chickens and Ducks which are a feature of the Cafe. I noticed from the following picture how Paul and I have bikes with coincidentally the same shade of blue despite being different makes of bike.

The return route was more direct. We took a short stretch of main road before turning of onto a lane signed appropriately Hollow as we passed a gigantic hole in the ground from a quarry. Then it was a footpath crossing of the A24 before taking more lanes to the back of Storrington and on to West Chiltington and Wiggonholt. We missed a tea stop to be sure of getting home before dark. The return was via Amberley and Houghton Hill.

Mileage from and back to Walberton was 45. My mileage from Pagham was 64.

My latest HDR picture was taken during the freeze on Wednesday. I went to South Stoke before dawn to get frost pictures. It was about minus 3 and the water in my water bottle froze solid.


For a larger picture and more details see



Posted by RideLeader at 18:01 GMT
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Saturday Ride - Bognor Regis Library to Runcton, Manor Nurseries‏


15 out for Todays ride, a much milder day than the whole of the past week, with temperature about 9 degrees and very little wind. It was overcast, but the forecast had indicated no rain and indeed, the whole run was completed in the dry.

Russell, Alan & Liz, Alan & Dax, David, Liz, Clair, Angela, Steve, Steve & Carol, Mike, and Maureeen joined me as we set out around the back of Bognor towards North Bersted.

The published rides list had also sent us to Manor Nurseries on the last Bognor ride, so to vary the scenery I decided to head north and approach Runcton via Woodgate. The recent rain had left its mark with the water table very high and the adjacent ditches full to the top.

So after skirting Bognor we weaved through the North Meads Estate to join Shripney Lane, where we crossed the relief road, went around the back of Shripney village and then joined a mile of the A29 up to Woodgate Crossing. The A29 wasn't too busy and the few cars that did come along waited patiently for overtaking opportunities, probably overwhelmed by 15 cyclists strung out in single file.

Then we left the A29 for Hook Lane and much more tranquil roads to Woodhorn. After the level crossing Liz pulled up with a rear puncture, which was quickly resolved with some magic foam, and we re-grouped and made our way down to Colworth. Then it was along the A259 cyclepath to Merston village, and a straight run down to Runcton and Manor nurseries, for a welcome stop at the Palm House Restaurant.

The route back was very straightforward, taking the Lower Bognor Road via Lagness, but cutting off the corner via the usual farm tracks at Butterlees. This is a nice comfortable concrete road throughout, but the ongoing work to create a solar farm in the adjacent fields has left very muddy sludge lying on the concrete. We slowed down through the worst of it, and everybody got through unscathed.

After the Rose Green roundabout I took the ride through a few new back ways around Aldwick Felds, to emerge at West Park and then the prom back into central Bognor.

The round trip mileage, at 16, was a few less than I'd been expecting, considering we took a much wider circular route than is normal. But it was all on the flat and everybody completed the ride successfully.

I got home having clocked up 22.5.


Posted by RideLeader at 22:06 GMT
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Saturday 9th January - Ride to The Boathouse Cafe, Chichester Yacht Basin

Six people (Maureen, David, Julian, Roy, Diana & Michael) arrived at Chichester Library for Philippa's ride to The Boathouse Cafe at Chichester Yacht Basin.

 The weather looked rather unpredictable, so it was decided to take the most direct route to our destination, via Saltern's Way.  Unfortunately, the cycle route was full of rather deep puddles, which resulted in several wet feet by the time we reached the cafe!  Roy sensibly wore a pair of wellies under his trousers and so remained dry.  We arrived at the cafe about 2.15 pm, and enjoyed eating slices of carrot and coffee cake, washed down with copious cups of tea!

 After about half an hour, Philippa noticed that the clouds were gathering outside, and so the group started to make their way back to Chichester, taking the same route.  As everyone arrived in Chichester, the rain began to fall and everyone was grateful we left the cafe when we did!  All in all, an enjoyable short trip out, in spite of the weather!"


Posted by RideLeader at 18:14 GMT
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Sunday 10th January. Ride to The Victoria, West Marden

The weather forecast was quite dire today and indeed after a night of torrential rain the skies seemed ready for more. However it was dry when I started out with the rain only resuming as I reached Chichester. In the end though it stopped soon after we left and the middle of the day was mainly dry with even some blue sky. Heavy rain only resumed while we were having tea so all in all a much better day than expected.

Harvey was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Avryl, Gill, Graham and Keith so 6 out in all and better than expected.

We headed out on the usual South Coast Cycleroute lanes to The Woodmancote Pub at Woodmancote where we stopped for 11s and took advantage of their £3 for a cake and coffee deal. The cakes were very substantial portions. A large group from Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club  piled in soon after us.

We continued on the direct flat route via Racton where we had fine views of Racton Tower un-obscured  by leaves at this time of year. We continued on the B-Road up to West Marden to stop for lunch at The Victoria, West Marden arriving a few minutes before 12.00. We snagged the one and only table not reserved with the benefits of comfy chairs and the warmth of a wood burning stove.

Gill headed straight back after lunch while the rest of us retraced our route down the valley before turning off on the hill towards Funtington.

We returned via Funtington and then the aptly named Watery Lane to West Ashling before returning to Chichester and a stop for tea at Chichester Cathedral Cloisters Cafe. Our stop was extended somewhat when torrential rain started soon after we arrived. We passed the time doing Keith’s Crossword.

The rain had stopped as we made our ways home. Mileage from and back to Chichester was an easy 22. My mileage from Pagham was 38.

My latest image to be processed was of Pulteney Bridge in Bath taken when I stayed there over Christmas.


For a larger image and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 18:17 GMT
Sunday, 3 January 2016
Sunday 3rd January. Mine Pies Event

This was originally due to be a Mince Pie Ride but with torrential rain and strong winds all morning the ride was cancelled and everybody went by car. Our hosts were Philippa and William at Bracklesham. Alan and Liz gave me a lift. Others attending were Arthur, Lynn, Dave, Jan, Richard, Roy, Freda and Jim. With Philippa, William and David there were 14 in all.

We were treated to a substantial spread including Mince Pies, Profiteroles and Tiramisu. We had to say no to Christmas Cake with insufficient miles. David brought out his toys which kept Arthur amused driving a toy Ferrari.

We hope for better weather next weekend with a Saturday Ride to Chichester Yacht Basin and a Sunday Ride to West Marden.

Yesterday I put a picture of the Underground on Flickr and within an hour it was published with a credit and link on The Londonist Website which has a million visits a month.

For the original picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 16:31 GMT
Friday, 1 January 2016
Friday 1st January. Ride to Amberley

The New Years Day Ride to Amberley dates back at least 30 years when the original Landlord of the Black Horse, Amberley offered a free first drink to all Cyclists arriving on New Years Day. As a result clubs from 3 counties converged on the Pub. It was too good to last and when the offer was withdrawn so did the cyclists attendance until only Bognor Chichester and Arun Adur CTC kept coming. When the Black Horse closed a few years ago we transferred our allegiance to The Sportsman, Amberley.

The weather was cloudy but dry in the morning turning to a spell of continuous light rain in the afternoon.

I led the ride today and I was joined at Walberton Pond for a late 10.30 start by Sam, Russell and John Maxim. we headed out up Shellbridge Road between the woods. Then it was a short stretch of main road before the turning for the lane via Madehurst.

We continued with various ups and downs along the pleasant quiet lanes via Madehurst and then up to the Whiteways Roundabout. We decided to stop at the Kiosk Cafe at Whiteways for elevenses.

Then it was a bit more of the main road with a fast 40mph descent of Bury Hill before turning right into Bury and the lane across to Houghton. Then it was on to Amberley arriving bang on 12.00 to get some of the few unreserved tables. Another 6 from Arun Adur joined us for lunch.

The rain started just as we left so it was a direct route back up Houghton Hill. I returned home via Yapton and the Prom via Felpham and Bognor with the Tide in and the waves a little wild.

Mileage from and back to Walberton was about 18. My mileage from Pagham was 40.

My latest picture is one taken while I was away in Bath for Christmas. The shot was taken about 7.15am Boxing Day before anybody was up and about and shows a view of Bath Abbey.


For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 17:45 GMT
Updated: Friday, 1 January 2016 17:55 GMT
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Sunday 20 December. Morning Only Ride to East Wittering

There was some weird weather early on today. I rode up to the start at Chichester from Pagham in constant rain, at times as a downpour. On reaching the edge of Chichester the rain stopped and the roads were bone dry. Looking at the rainfall radar there were 2 big areas of showers to the east and west of Chichester with just Chichester staying dry. For the rest of our ride it stayed dry save for some rain at elevenses. Temperatures were still mild at 13C.

Arthur was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by Lynn, myself, Sam, Russell, Bill, Richard and Terry. Mike Lambourne joined us at elevenses so 9 were out in all.

We headed out via West Street and then Apuldram Lane before taking the main road for a short way to avoid the muddy path. Then it was then on via the Yacht Basin.

We continued via Birdham Pool, Birdham and Shipton Green to stop for elevenses at The Boulevard Cafe, East Wittering. We delayed our departure a little as a shower came over.

The return route was on lanes via Earnley, and Sidlesham Common. Then it was on up to Hunston where the group split. Arthur led some via the new Selsey Road Cycle Bridge back to Chichester. The rest of us heading Bognor and Littlehampton directions went via Runcton and Merston and down the cyclepath.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was pretty much on the estimate of 20 miles. My mileage from Pagham was 31.

My latest picture is another Spiral Staircase (sorry) This was taken on my latest London Trip on Friday at St Clement Dane Church in the Strand.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 15:37 GMT

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