Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Saturday 28th January. Ride from Chichester Library to Hilliers Garden Centre Café, Fishbourne
Following an unpromising wet start, the weather cleared in the afternoon for a ride to Hilliers Garden Centre Café in Fishbourne.

Twelve cyclists gathered at Chichester Library, and a warm welcome was given to newcomers Bev & Colin, Kev and Chris, who normally went out on Saturday rides with the Bognor group.

The group headed west towards Westgate, over the Fishbourne crossing and then carried on until the end of the road, before heading through the A27 underpass towards the A259.  After emerging from the underpass, everyone then took a sharp right to take the cycle path past Fishbourne Roman Palace, which then lead onto Salthill Road.  The group then headed left towards the A259.

Heading west through Fishbourne, everyone turned left to go down Old Park Lane.     

The group continued to head south towards Bosham Hoe, following the road around the coastline.  An opportunity for a photocall presented itself on the west side of Bosham Hoe, as the group went along Shore Road, opposite the picturesque village of Bosham.

From here, everyone headed north through the east side of Bosham, picking up the marked cycle route and coming out onto the A259.  From there, it was a 5-minute ride to Hilliers Garden Centre Café.

Following an hour’s worth of copious consumption of Victoria Sponge and cups of tea, the group headed back to Chichester along the A259 cycle route, arriving back at approximately 4 pm.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 GMT
Monday, 16 January 2017
Saturday 14th January. Ride to Aldingbourne

After a couple of cold days, today was sunny and at 10 degrees with a light SW wind, it promised very favorable cycling conditions. Others must have thought so too as no fewer than 18 riders were lined up at the start point.

I was joined by Debbie, Michelle, Carol, Steve1, Steve2, Sam, Alan, Liz, Julian, Dave, Lucy, Andy, Ali, Chris, Mike, Harvey, and Russ.

I had thought about taking the riders via the Flansham-Barnham cycletrack but several sources told me it was very muddy and my own check of it last week confirmed it was certainly sticky. So instead I led the group over Highfield Bridge, through South & North Bersted to Berry Lane and across the new estate, round the lake and on to the Chichester Cycletrack.

Continuing through Colworth and Woodhorn we skirted Oving and took the old route across the Tangmere runways to emerge at Aldingbourne village. Unfortunately Lucy then pulled up with a flat tyre, this was mended quickly with a foam injection.


We carried on through Nyton with a difficult crossing of the A27 to approach the Country Centre from the lesser known "rear entrance" which skirts the farmyard.  it was on arrival at our coffee stop that it became apparent that Lucy's tyre repair had failed and it was flat again. The culprit turned out to be a very large thorn, which had the appearance, and strength, of a rusty half inch nail. Very grateful thanks to Mike, one of our two super mechanics riding today, for taking considerable time out from the rest stop to strip the tube and tyre, clean the failed foam and effect permanent (we hope!) repair.

Repairs complete, Steve and Carol had to leave us early so went straight back.  Harvey, Russ, Alan & Liz also made their own ways home leaving the rest of us to take the "official" route via Halnaker Barn Lane to drop down to Crockerhill, and another "at grade" crossing of that horribly busy scar across the landscape. From there it was back through Aldingbourne, then Hook Lane to Woodgate, a short stretch of the A29 to Shripney, and then back to Bognor via Shripney Lane and north Bersted.

Mileage from, and back to, Bognor library, was just over 18.


Posted by RideLeader at 20:46 GMT
Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017 20:49 GMT
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Sunday 8th January. Mince Pie Ride

Today was the Mince Pie Ride to the house of Philippa and William at Bracklesham Bay.

We met at Chichester Cross at 10.00. Those on the ride were myself,  Harvey, Gill, Steve, Mike, Graham and just in time after Bell Ringing Chris  so 7 in all. The weather was cloudy all day with light rain early which cleared by the time we left at 10.00. At least it was mild at 10C and very light winds.

We headed out on West Street and then Appledram lane. we missed the mud of the Salterns Way path by a stretch of the main road. Then it was lanes via the Yacht Basin and Birdham Pool to Birdham. Then from the roundabout a stretch of the B-Road towards Bracklesham before turning off on a backroad via Earnley  and on to Philippa and William at Garden Avenue at Bracklesham.

We had a splendid spread provided including sausage rolls, Stollen, Mince Pies and Profiteroles.

More club members arrived coming direct by car being Dave, Jan, Alan, Liz, Arthur, Lynn, Freda, Jim, Richard and Roy so including Philippa, William and David there were 20 in all.

On the way back we took a route on lanes via Almodington to Sidlesham Common. Then it was a stretch of main road towards Hunston where there was a bit of excitement. I found I couldn’t pedal so I signaled to stop, tried to get my foot out but found it was jammed. Not clips but toe clips and straps. There then followed a gradual slow fall off the bike onto a luckily soft verge so no injuries. What had happened was that a piece had come off my overshoes and wrapped itself around the pedal and straps so my foot was jammed in the pedal. Must be a new reason for falling off a bike. After some help getting untangled we were on our way again.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 18. My mileage from Pagham was 28.

My latest HDR picture is one taken in Wells Cathedral during a day trip from Bath while staying there with family over Christmas week.



For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 17:05 GMT
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Sunday 18th December. Ride to Boaters Bar, Prinsted

The weather today was dull and misty but could have been worse as it was dry with light winds and temperatures up to 9C. The ride today was a short one to Prinsted with Arthur as the leader and we met at Chichester Cross beside the Christmas Tree.

On the 7th day before Christmas 12 cyclists went a riding. Arthur was joined by Lynn, myself, Russell, Chris, Steve, Gill,  Richard, Trevor, Keith, Terry and Andy a newcomer on his first ride. Andy had heard about us in the Chichester Observer Events Section so Kudos to Philippa our Publicity Officer for getting us in there.

Arthur led us  via West Street and Clay Lane and the South Coast Cycleroute lanes to Woodmancote for an elevenses stop at the Woodmancote Inn for coffee. The Pub overdid the festive cheer a little as we had to stoop to avoid the Christmas Decorations. Two of the group, not me, also had cake which proved to be gianormous and spoiled appetites for lunch (not complaining).

We continued via Westbourne and then the cyclepath across to back streets towards Emsworth where Ho, Ho, Ho I spotted 4 Farther Christmases on bicycles coming up behind us. We lost them when turning off at the Emsworth Roundabout to take the road towards Thorney Island. We then turned off for Prinsted and lunch at the Boaters Bar. We arrived about 11.30. Those not too full with cake had sandwiches.

For the return we took a short stretch of the main road before turning off at Southbourne onto lanes via Hambrook and then rejoined our outbound route. All but 3 of us went to Fishbourne Roman Palace for tea. Thanks to Trevor for his map of the outward route. Trevor’s mileage was from the outskirts of Chichester so the distance from and back to Chichester Cross was about 19.



My return home included the Chichester Canal which gave the opportunity for some atmospheric photos and a longer ride. My mileage from Pagham was 34.

My latest picture was taken overlooking London from the Tate Modern extension viewing area.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 16:52 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 18 December 2016 17:20 GMT
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Sunday 11 December. Ride Durleighmarsh Tea Barn, Nr Petersfield

The weather today was dry with some sunshine. It started cold at 5C with low mist over the fields as the sun rose. Temperatures later rose to 10C. Sunny skies gave way to mist and fog hanging over the Downs. The picture was taken as I left home soon after sunrise at a Pond just north of Pagham


Sam was the leader today and he was joined at Chichester Cross at 9.00 by Mark, Jeff, Colin, Russell, Mike and myself making 7 out in all


We headed out on the Centurion Way. On request Sam eased back on the Power Output of his Electric bike. Up the Centurion Way it was very quiet soon after 9.00 though at times it was hard to see the path through the wet mulch of fallen leaves. We continued on the path north of Lavant to West Dean taking the old route as the exit has not yet been built though planning consent was granted on 31st October.

Then it was on over the Downs along the main road with gathering mist. We stopped briefly at the top.

The sun returned as we headed down Cocking Hill and turned off on quiet lanes via Bepton and Severals Road up to the A272 just west of Midhurst. We followed a cyclepath beside the main road before crossing over to take a lane to Stedham and a stop for elevenses at a new cafe at Rotherhill Garden Centre. This is family owned and much better than the chain type Nursery Cafe. Sam had scouted it out and obviously made an impression as they gave us a warm welcome

My rear tyre slowly went down as we neared the cafe, good timing. The tyre is the almost but not quite puncture proof Schwalbe Marathon Plus. This is used on all my bikes and was the first puncture in about 2 years. Sam helped with getting it off and Colin helped with pumping it up thanks to his mini trackpump

After elevenses 3 of us headed straight back with myself Russell and Mike. We retraced our outward route. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 45.

The rest headed on to Durleighmarsh for lunch. A bit of offroad was included. After lunch they headed back via Ditcham Park School and Rowlands Castle getting back to Chichester by 3.00pm. The main groups mileage from and back to Chichester was 46.


Posted by RideLeader at 16:22 GMT
Updated: Monday, 12 December 2016 09:30 GMT
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Sunday 4th December Ride to Compton and Christmas Lunch at Runcton

The weather today was beautiful and sunny but very cold, just about managing 1C at our start time of 08.30 and climbing by the afternoon to 7C. There were no ice problems. Just 4 of us met at Chichester Cross, myself, Russell, Sam and Bob. There were 17 in all for the Christmas lunch later at Runcton. I was the leader.

We headed out via the relatively quiet main road to Lavant turning off just before then and taking lanes to West Stoke where we stopped for a Sam warming up his frozen hands stop.

Then it was on via  Funtington. Next I  took a route straight to Compton on the valley road via West Marden. We stopped at Compton Village Tea Rooms for 11s, well 10s really as we arrived for 9.45 before the crowds of other cyclists piling in later. As we were getting ready to leave Colin arrived and we chatted briefly before he headed on inland for a longer ride.

Then we headed back via West Marden, Racton and Woodmancote. At Runcton we settled in to a long (3 hours) 3 course Christmas lunch. Harvey, Mike, Arthur and Lynn came direct by bike with the rest coming by car

Mileage from Chichester was 28. My mileage from Pagham was 40.

My latest picture to be processed was taken a week ago at Canary Wharf while guiding a group of 18 from Bognor Regis Camera Club round various Photo locations. This one is at Blackwall Basin

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 17:36 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 4 December 2016 18:00 GMT
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Sunday 27th November. Ride to the Maple Ridge Garden Centre Cafe, Trotton

The weather today was chilly but started sunny with more cloud building up mid morning. Colin was the leader for the start at 9.00 at Chichester Cross. He was joined by myself, Sam, Gill, Jeff, Bob and Chris joined us at lunchtime so 7 out in all.


We headed out via the Centurion Way and West Stoke to Funtington. From here we encountered riders on the Wiggle Fontwell Freeze Sportive with 3 routes from 63 to 33 miles. Initially they were coming towards us but after a joining of routes near Walderton they were breezing past us at high speed. Then it was on via West Marden to stop for Elevenses (at 10.15) at Compton Village Cafe/Shop. An early arrival ensured we were there before the crowds took the warm inside seats.

I headed for home after elevenses, preferring to make it a half day ride. Jeff will now take up the tale. After elevenses the group continued up the B-Road over Harting Hill and through South Harting. There was a stop while Colin mended a puncture in his puncture proof Marathon Plus Tyre.



Then it was on via Nyewood and a lovely route up via Terwick Common and down via Chithurst to stop for lunch at Trotton where Chris joined the group after finishing Bell ringing at Chichester Cathedral.

Then it was back via Dumpford, Treyford and Elsted and up Telegraph Hill up the  back hill to Harting Down.  Then it was a turn off to North Marden.

Then on via lanes via East Marden to Walderton, then West Stoke where the new cafe was closed Tuesday and Sundays.  After a short way  it was on to  Wellies “also closed” then Funtington Road admiring the cathedral view before it is spoilt by the new development.

The ride from and back to Chichester was due to be 45 miles. My ride from Pagham was 37.

On Saturday I led a group of 18 from Bognor Regis Camera Club around London’s Canary Wharf. For a brilliant sunset we went to Blackwall Basin to view the skyscrapers across water.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:09 GMT
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Saturday Ride - Bognor Regis Library to Runcton, Manor nursery -Palm House Cafe


12 out for this ride today, a lovely sunny November afternoon with temperatures at 10-11 degrees but a chilly (albeit light) wind taking the edge of the temperatures.

I was joined at the library by Carol & Steve, Liz, David, Julian, Steve, Mike,Chris, and coming specially over from Portsmouth  Bev, Kev, and Paul, who signed up on Skyride, and we hope will join us again.

I took the group through the Hotham subway, over Highfield Bridge and into South Bersted where we took a route through the old  village and to Fairlands. Then it was through newly opened cyclepaths across the new estate and round the wildlife pond to join the Bognor-Chichester Cycletrack. Taking the Colworth loop  (which wasn't flooded, as has been the case recently), we crossed the very busy A259 into Merston village from where a quiet lane took us down to Runcton and the Cafe.

After a somewhat prolonged stop, emphasizing the social side of our rides , I completed a circular route taking our usual cut through Butterlees Farm at Lagness, (pic)

 Then it was a convoluted route through Aldwick to end up at the back of West Park. We ended up on the sea front where a brief stop was made to inspect the ruins of the fire damaged Beach Restaurant.

I ended the ride in central Bognor which was very busy with many events, live music, stalls and artificial snow for the switching on of Christmas lights.   The round trip was a modest 12.5 miles.


Posted by RideLeader at 22:08 GMT
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Sunday 20 November. Morning Ride to West Wittering


Only two on the ride today Alan and Steve. Flagged as off by Arthur and Lynn.


Steve led the way to Chichester Canal Basin then along the canal tow path to Hunston. Taking to the road we meandered our way in to a strong head wind to the Wittering's where coffee was taken.

Returning via the Salterns Way to Chichester Yacht Marina then on to the canal tow path back to Hunston. Here we each took our own way home Steve back to the Witterings and me to Aldwick. 'My Ride' showing a total distance of 30 miles door to door. Why is that you ride in to a strong head wind, turn around to go home and the wind drops to a whisper?


Posted by RideLeader at 16:36 GMT
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Sunday 13 November. Ride to Pulborough DA AGM

The weather today was bright and sunny with temperatures up to 11C with a northerly wind.

I was the leader and it was an 8.45 early start to get to the AGM in time. Colin and Sam were at Walberton with Chris going direct so 4 out in all. From Walberton we headed out up Shellbridge Road between the woods with some beautiful autumn colours still evident..

Then it was on the lanes via Madehurst and a brief stop at the top.

 Then it was a fast descent down Bury Hill and on to lanes via West Burton and Coates. Then it was on to Fittleworth and the main road to Pulborough and the AGM at Pulborough Village Hall. Sam split off for home just before Pulborough. We observed 2 minutes silence at 11.00. Officers remained the same apart from our member Roger Cline being elected as the new auditor. I received the Cup for best attendance on Sunday rides over the Summer. Louise Galley received the Cup for best Pedaller Article and all the other Cups went to Horsham/Crawley. There was fairly poor attendance with there being 9 from all the West Sussex Groups. Chris saved the day by arriving just before the end bringing us up to a quorum of 10.

After the AGM some of us met at the nearby Oddfellows Arms for lunch.

After lunch I got a train back to Pulborough so as to be in enough time to go out again to take pictures of the Supermoon rising above Bognor Pier. With cloud forecast for the rest of the week this was the only opportunity. Today the moon rose 10 minutes before sunset which is ideal for getting a moon which is not too bright and blends in with a landscape.

For this next shot the cyclist riding to the end of the pier was a lucky break.


Posted by RideLeader at 20:13 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 13 November 2016 20:16 GMT
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Saturday Ride - 12 November 2016 Chichester to Bosham

I led this ride for Philippa.

The weather forecast was less than encouraging, with heavy rain predicted for most of the afternoon. But there was only a light breeze and temperatures at around 12 degrees were up on earlier in the week. it had actually stopped raining when i set out, and still wasn't raining when I arrived at the start point, although before we left light drizzle started falling, which pretty much stayed with us all afternoon

Despite the poor weather, no fewer than nine turned up at the start - could this be a record for a miserable day? 

Steve, Carol, Maureen, Sam, Mike, Chris, Harvey, and newcomer Andy set off with me along West street, Westgate, and out on to the Fishbourne Road. We crossed the railway over the new bridge, then took the Emperors Way past the Roman Palace before emerging in Fishbourne. We then took Park Lane which was as usual very quiet and always makes for a lovely rural ride.  In due course the road ran down to Bosham Creek and the tide was out meaning we could take the harbour  road all the way to Bosham Walk, where we stopped at the Cafe for warmth and refreshment.

For the return ride I took the group  around Bosham Hoe and through the church yard then up past the station, following the Bosham Stream almost into the foothills of the Downs before returning to Chichester via Clay Lane and Fishbourne, completing a circular route of a modest 13.5 miles from and back to, the library.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:51 GMT
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Sunday 6 November. Ride to Hayling Island

The weather today was clear and sunny until cloud built up in the afternoon. The problem was the temperature which struggled to reach a maximum of 7C with a bitter NW Wind. The rain forecast for mid afternoon luckily was much delayed not arriving until evening.

Arthur couldn’t make it so I was the leader and despite the cold 9 others turned out. I was joined by Sam, Bill, Graham, Bob, Alan, Nick, Linda, Mark and newcomer Steve Wiles.

We headed out via West Street and Clay Lane among beautiful Autumn colours. Then it was on via Woodmancote and Westbourne to stop for elevenses at Poppins Cafe Havant.

Then it was on down the Hayling Billy cycle trail and the cycle path over the bridge to Hayling Island. Then it was on via the lane to Northney to our lunch stop at Meadow Farm Nursery Cafe. Despite the time of year and our arriving at 12.10 the cafe was nearly full inside so we adjourned outside which was just about doable in the sun with all coats on. (Memo to future leaders. Ring to reserve a table when at the start)

For the return route we retraced via Northney and the bridge and then took the path along the waterfront before turning off on a path heading back towards Havant. At this point Graham had an incident whereby something caught in his rear derailleur bending it and breaking it. He then locked up his bike and caught a 700 bus to Chichester 5 minutes later and returned for his bike by car.

The rest of us rode via Emsworth, Westbourne and Woodmancote. We then took a minor road to come down west of Bosham and took the old road alongside the A259 and the cyclepaths to Fishbourne and back to Chichester. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 28. My mileage from Pagham was 40.

Next a bit of cuteness with 3 Harvest Mice taken at a Camera Club workshop with various small animals brought to the hall last Tuesday.


Posted by RideLeader at 17:36 GMT
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Sunday 23rd October. Ride to West Stoke for AGM

The weather today was sunny most of the day though with a chilly easterly wind.  Temperatures started out at 6C rising up to 12C.

Most people went direct to the AGM at West Stoke Village Hall. However I led a ride starting 9.30 at Chichester Cross. I was joined by Russell, Bob, Arthur and Keith.

We headed out on West Street and then the Centurion Way north to join Hunters Race Lane just before Lavant. Then it was more quiet lanes to West Stoke village hall for the AGM. The official meeting started at 10.30 and continued to 11.45 and included a lot of discussion about Cycle Routes. We stayed in the Hall for a Picnic Lunch with Tea and Coffee prepared by Dave and Jan.

In the afternoon  I was joined by Russell, Colin and Harvey for a short ride on the lanes to the west.


We headed via Funtington, Racton and Woodmancote. Then it was down to the main road at Bosham Roundabout to join the cycle path to Fishbourne and a very early tea (1.15) at Fishbourne Roman Palace Cafe.

The ride from and back to Chichester would have been about 17 miles. My mileage from Pagham was 29.

On Thursday evening I joined a Camera Club Trip to the Sloe Fair at Northgate Car Park Chichester. No Photoshopping. The colours are all as seen and the movement is the Ride going round and up and down captured with a long shutter speed. Needless to say I only photographed, did not go on any rides.

For a larger pictures and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 17:25 BST
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Saturday 22 October Bognor library to Littlehampton

There were 18 of us meeting at Bognor Library for today’s Ride

The weather was sunny with a cool easterly breeze. I (Carol) led the ride out of Bognor via Arun Leisure Centre, cutting through the new housing estate and picking up Hoe Lane to ride up the Barnham Path. At the Murrell Arms we turned right and made our way through Yapton turning left into Horsemere Green Lane. At the T junction we turned right  towards Littlehampton crossing the road into Rope Walk to cross the Arun on the Footbridge and on to the Look and Sea Cafe for our stop for Tea

Steve led the return journey home. We departed at Felpham and Graham led those left back into Bognor.

It was lovely to meet some new riders that joined us today.

Carol and Steve

Posted by RideLeader at 19:24 BST
Updated: Saturday, 22 October 2016 19:44 BST
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Sunday 9th October. Ride to The Hamilton Arms, Stedham

The weather today started with bright sunshine in the morning though with more cloud in the afternoon. A chilly start at 9C warmed up later to reach 15C.

Sam was the leader and he was joined by Jeff, Russell and myself so 4 out on the day. The Chichester Half Marathon started at 9.00 today and we briefly watched them go past along East Street.

Due to renovation work on Chichester Cross our start point had to be moved to the Nat West Bank on East Street in the sun to warm us up. Before we left Jeff made technical adjustment No 1 to his bike  as he needed to lower his saddle after getting it back from a Service.

We headed out up North Street on a route to avoid the Runners. Then it was up the B-Road along Old Broyle Road before turning off onto a lane, West Stoke Road and over Hunters Race before Technical Adjustment Stop 2 for some more Saddle fiddling.

After passing through West Stoke we passed the Kingley Vale car park and at Woodend stopped for technical adjustment 3 to sort wheel noises. Sorry Sam, I caught you at a bad moment!

500 yards further on we stopped for technical Adjustment 4, sorry I lost track of the cause but it was the last.

We continued through Funtington and then it was the B-Road via West Marden and on to Compton for our elevenses stop in the sun trap beside the Cafe. Another Cyclist kindly took the picture of all 4 of us. Sam looks a little awkward as he was trying to hold in his tummy.

I headed back from elevenses while the rest continued via Harting to the Hamilton Arms, Stedham and a meet up with Arun Adur.

My mileage for the morning from Pagham was 35.


Posted by RideLeader at 15:36 BST
Updated: Sunday, 9 October 2016 15:38 BST
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Sunday 25th September. Ride to Rogate

Just myself leading and Mike out on today's ride to the White Horse, Rogate. 

We set off in overcast but warm weather, which turned increasingly blustery and sunny as the day progressed. Top temperature was 18C but it felt warmer.

 We set off up the Centurion Way before taking the usual roads to our elevenses at Compton. Sitting in the warm autumn sunshine watching large groups of cyclists going up the road was a very pleasant way to pass 20 minutes prior to setting off for Rogate, via South Harting. For once the wind was in our favour and we were wind assisted for an easy ascent of Harting Hill, arriving at Rogate for an early lunch on one of the benches behind the still closed pub.

 For a change we cycled north and west from the White Horse, with a short but unavoidable section of A272 before heading south via very quiet roads and faraway sounding destinations, through Quebec and Goose Green, roads with grass in the centre and more walkers than cars. Then onto Nursted and winching ourselves up the steep ascent of Buriton Hill leaving a quick run into Rowlands Castle and then back to Chichester for an early finish to the day's ride.

Mileage for the day's ride was 46 miles.



Posted by RideLeader at 18:55 BST
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Saturday 24 September. Ride to Arundel

The weather today was pleasant with hazy sunshine and temperatures up to 20C with a southerly wind.

 it was a very good turnout with 20 of us at the start point including some newcomers.

Graham was the leader and was able to show off his very cool new Ride Leader Jacket branded with Cycle Bognor, Facebook.

Graham led us through the back streets of Bognor, to the new estate at Felpham, where we joined the Flansham to Barnham cycletrack with a brief stop to regroup by the Church.

From there it was on via the new cycletrack to  Walberton. Our route continued through Binsted and then beyond the tarmac and a short off-road climb where I waited for a Photographic ambush.


Then it was past the Madonna pond and up the road through the woods to join Tortington Lane. Then downhill a little before taking the cut through to some estates and down towards Arundel.

Then it was 200 yards of pavement, under the bridge to Fitzalan Road, and into Arundel Town Centre. We then went on to Grounds Cafe, which made for a very pleasant stop.

We took a shorter route back via the Ford Road and Yapton, then via Bilsham to Middleton & Felpham. People peeled off a various points leaving a smaller group to ride back via the Summerley Estate and Bognor Seafront.

 The round trip mileage from and back to Bognor library was about 23, a little longer than our normal Saturday afternoon rides.


Posted by RideLeader at 20:53 BST
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Ride to Dial Post from Walberton Pond

3 of us out on today’s, ride Colin leading with Sam and myself.


Pleasantly warm, about 19C most of the day with decent periods of sunshine.


Colin led us  at a good pace Smile down Houghton hill, through Rackham and West Chiltington to our morning stop at Whisper's, Billingshurst


Fortified by tea and bacon rolls, Sam and myself did our best to hang onto Colin's wheel, as we sped ever faster  towards our lunch stop at Dial Post - how the small peloton missed Edwin's presence - surely, he would have issued Colin with a yellow card for 'Ungentlemanly conduct'  at this point. The average speed for the ride was now 13.5 mph and rising Wink


Following a relaxed lunch break on the bench opposite  a very quiet Crown Inn, Dial Post we set off for home. Colin was now on fine form, leading the group through a series of scenic country lanes at NBVS (near bicycle vaporizing speed, Einstein's 4th law). This has the effect of slowing time and sure enough by only 14.15hrs we had arrived at the  afternoon tea stop, the Amberley Village Cafe. Despite the rapid progress Sam was still on battery number one, however just to be sure he ordered a huge slice of coffee cake to restock his energy levels.


From there we ascended the Khyber, remarking how good the northern end of the bridle path is before going our separate ways. A great ride through archetypal Sussex countryside starting to show just the first hints of autumn.


The return mileage to Walberton Pond would have been about 60 miles.



Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Monday, 19 September 2016 07:22 BST
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Sunday 11 September. Ride to Selborne

The weather today was dry and mainly sunny with temperatures up to 20C and a light southerly wind.

The Leader was Sam who was joined at the start by myself, Colin and Jeff. Chris joined us later making 5 out in all. Our usual start and seats at Chichester cross was blocked off by repair work being done to the monument due to last for 10 weeks. We met instead at a nearby seat.

Sam lead us out on Clay Lane and the usual South Coast Cycleroute lanes via Woodmancote and Westbourne. Then it was on via Rowlands Castle and Finchdean. Riders on the Southern Sportive were coming the other way. We turned off for the climb over the Downs via Ditcham Park School. At the top is especially remote from everywhere and notably quiet.

After descending to a short paved section of the South Downs Way we took in a steep descent with hairpins down to the B2146 near South Harting. . After a short ride towards Petersfield we turned off onto more out of the way lanes via Goose Green (2 houses)

Then more lanes to the A272 and straight across to Durleighmarsh and a short way up a lane to Durleighmarsh Tea Barn on the grounds of a farm for elevenses. As we were leaving Chris arrived to join us. I left for home at this point wanting a shorter ride. The rest continued via Hill brow to the Queens Head, Selborne for lunch.

My return took in West Harting, South Harting and Elsted to turn off onto the lanes at the foot of the Downs via Didling and on to Cocking. On the way back I stopped off at West Dean to look at where the planned new exit will be to the new section of the Centurion Way, currently a dead end. The plans with the planning application show this on the SE bank of the old railway bridge down to the lane to Chilgrove from opposite the Pub. There will be steps with a wheeling ramp for bikes. Below is a stitched panorama of shots. It looks like the steps will follow the existing path coming up from the bottom right of the picture. Rather than then follow the old path shown in the picture the steps will go on to the far left and then take a right-angled right turn to climb the bank to the path.

The mileage for the main group from and back to Chichester would have been between 60 and 65. My mileage from and back to Pagham was 53.

My latest picture is a shot taken in July at a small Wildflower Meadow by West Park Bognor.

For more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 17:52 BST
Updated: Sunday, 11 September 2016 18:01 BST
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Sunday 4th September. Arun Crossings Ride

Today was the last DA Event of the season with the Off-Road ride led by Colin starting from Pulborough. It was a cloudy though it stayed dry with a SW wind and temperatures up to 20C.

I do not do any substantial Off Road any more so I met the group at elevenses and lunch. I took the took the train to Billingshurst and rode to meet for elevenses at The Old Mill Cafe, Wisborough Green. Numbers were well down on the usual with just 5 attending. For a change Bognor Chichester had the most attending with Colin, Jeff and Sam. Just Bob for Horsham Crawley and Paul from Arun Adur.

I kept to the road again as the others took to the tracks. The following shot was one by Jeff at one of the Arun Crossings before lunch.

We met up again for lunch at The Onslow Arms, Loxwood. The Pub is at a very pleasant location beside the canal.

Jeff sorted out a puncture over the lunch break and then Paul found he had another one as everybody started to leave.

From lunch I headed to Horsham to get a train back and got into the spirit of things by using a section of the safe to ride Downslink Path.

The official ride from and back to Pulborough was about 35 miles. My mileage from Pagham and from and back to stations was 28.


Posted by RideLeader at 20:44 BST

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