Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
IOW. MTB Weekend. 25 to 27 August

Saturday 25 August


This was a long weekend away on the Isle of Wight exploring bridleways and tracks. The trip was arranged by John Maxim over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Those taking part were myself, John, Jeff and Colin. We lucked out with the weather as after weeks of dull cool days it changed just in time to clear blue skies and temperatures up to 25C.


We took a train to Portsmouth and then the car ferry to Fishbourne. At Wootton we were straight on to tracks across to Havenstreet and then more bridleways to Newport. We stopped at a Pub on the edge of Newport doing breakfasts for £1.75 which we had for lunch.


Then a long gradual climb up the Tennyson trail with wide views across the Island and over to the mainland. The trail is similar to the South Downs Way with a good wide graveled trail. Further west we headed down on tracks and backroads to Yarmouth for tea. There are some good tearooms by the Pier. Then on to our Hotel at Freshwater.


Sunday 26 August.


Another sunny warm day. We stoked up with a good breakfast and John supplied us with route sheets for the day. John had delayed handing out the route sheets until this morning to avoid disturbing our sleep.  The reason became clear as we looked at the route sheets.  The route had been downloaded from the Internet from the Extremists Mountainbike Club.  One quote from the introduction is especially relevant “ at over 50 miles, it is designed to be covered by the very fittest of riders in one day or more likely two days for lesser mortals”.  A route nearly all off road is equivalent to twice the distance on road.


Jeff and I were considering taking a shorter route for a more relaxed day.  However we set out together and were soon on tracks through the golf course and a gradual climb up from Freshwater Bay to Compton Down.  There were superb views behind us of the deep blue sea against the white cliffs of Tennyson Down.


After a few ups and downs it was clear that the more relaxed pace being taken by Jeff and I would prevent John and Colin from completing the ride in a reasonable time.  We decided to split up at that point.  Jeff and I used the route sheet and maps to follow part of the route before cutting it short.


We continued along the Tennyson Trail with great views down over the south coast to the blue sea.  We continued on the ridge turning off on to the Worsley Trail.  We descended to Shorwell after getting lost just above the village.  We stopped for lunch in the village at a pleasant pub.  With time getting on we decided to ride as far as Hoys monument on St Catherine's Down before heading back on the road.


After more trails across fields we were heading down a chalk descent when I lost control trying to avoid a thorn branch and fell off.  I escaped with a couple of grazes and numerous bruises.  We continued with a long steep climb to the Monument erected in 1814 to honor a visit by the Tsar of Russia.  We then left the official route to head down to Chale and the road back.  The track down started with a near vertical descent.  The route then took us into a narrow gully with deep mud at the bottom which we were unable to avoid.  After getting through this we saw another gully ahead of us and decided to get under an electric fence into the field to avoid more mud.  We then rode down and had to get over the electric fence again to get back onto the route.  Jeff was okay but while getting over I touched my leg against the fence and got a severe jolt and another one as I jumped back in reaction.  Jeff was a little startled by my screams.


After a few hundred yards we were back on tarmac and we both decided we had had enough of off-road for the day and we returned on the round the Island cycle route.  We had a very pleasant tea stop at Brightstone tearooms.


Mileage for the day was 31.  John and Colin returned a little later at about 7.00 but did very well to complete the full 50 mile route with 4500 feet of climbing.  My experiences provided some good dinnertime conversation along the lines of an electrifying day out.


Monday 27th August


For our return ride we tried out some new trails from Freshwater.  Unfortunately these included some goopy muddy sections before we got to the ridge and headed along the Tennyson Trail to Newport.  We stopped in town for lunch in a pub.  Then a very steep climb on the Bembridge Trail to St Georges Down.  At a junction in the trail Jeff couldn't get his foot out due to a stiff cleat and fell over in front of an audience of about 20 Ramblers.  After treating Jeff's grazes we continued but Jeff decided to return direct to the ferry on the road to avoid further problems with his cleats.  The rest of us continued on some fairly good graveled trails down to Havenstreet and then across to Wootton and the ferry home.


Mileage on the island was 25 and my mileage by the time I returned home was 31.






Posted by RideLeader at 12:50 BST
Saturday 25 August. IOW. Colin and Jeff on Westover Down.

Posted by RideLeader at 12:47 BST
Sunday 26 August. IOW. Riding up Compton Down above Freshwater.

Posted by RideLeader at 12:44 BST
Monday 27 August. IOW. On the Tennyson Trail

Posted by RideLeader at 12:41 BST
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Sunday 19 August. Ride to the Victoria Inn, West Marden.


Two rides were planned for today, a long ride to Northchapel and a short ride to West Marden.  I led the ride to Northchapel and I was joined at the Cross by Linda and Anne.  The weather was light rain at the start and with only three of us on the ride I decided to call off the ride to Northchapel and meet the other ride at West Marden.


The weather today was damp, early on, with some light rain, but this soon cleared leaving threatening clouds with the occasional sunny spell.  Temperatures reached 19 C. Heavy rain which had been forecast for the afternoon luckily failed to arrive.


We headed for Stansted House for elevenses, riding along Clay Lane to West Ashling and then Funtington.  With a 9.30 start we arrived at Stansted house at about 10.30.  Arthur led the short ride starting from Chichester Cross at 10.00.  Arthur and Lynn were joined by Alan and Liz, Harvey, Gill and Keith Dodman.  Adrian joined the group at West Marden making a total of 11 out on the day.  By coincidence Arthur also headed for Stansted for elevenses taking a route via Clay Lane and Westbourne.  More cyclists soon arrived with a group of four from Bognor Regis C. C. on a morning club run.


Everyone was arriving as we were getting ready to leave and I led Linda and Anne on a longer route with a climb up to Forestside and then down to Finchdean.  We headed north on a lane and then took a long climb across to Compton.  We were joined on the climb by two couples on tandems out for a short ride from Rowlands Castle.  From Compton we headed south to West Marden arriving at the Pub at about 11.59.  The others arrived soon afterwards.


In the afternoon we stayed together in one group heading back via Funtington and West Ashling.  We stopped briefly at West Ashling pond to view a black swan, geese, ducks and also large trout swimming in the shallow water.  We continued back to Chichester on Clay Lane for an early 2 p.m. stop for tea at Fishbourne Roman Palace cafe.


For the longer ride the mileage from and to Chichester was 30 and 25 for the shorter ride.  My mileage for the day was 40.



Posted by RideLeader at 17:43 BST
Sunday 19 August. Lunch at the Victoria Inn, West Marden.

Posted by RideLeader at 17:41 BST
Sunday 19 August. Viewing wildlife at West Ashling Pond

Posted by RideLeader at 17:38 BST
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Sunday 12th of August 2007. Ride from Chichester to the Spinnaker Tower Portsmouth.


I led the right today, and I was joined by Adrian, Avryl, Anne and Gill.  It was notable that today the ladies outnumbered the gents.


The weather forecast today was for many showers, but we escaped with just one short shower after elevenses.  The weather otherwise was cloud with some sunny spells in the morning and clear blue sky in the afternoon and temperatures up to 19 C. There was a westerly wind, which strengthened by the afternoon blowing us back home.


We took the usual route out on the lanes of the South Coast Cycle Route to Westbourne and then down to the Greenhouse Cafe Emsworth for elevenses.


Waterproofs were needed as we headed towards Havant and we sheltered briefly at the cycle route underpass.  Then it was down the Hayling Billy Trail to West Hayling and on to the Ferry.  The ferry arrived soon after we did, and after a short wait for further passengers we headed across on the short crossing to the Southsea side.


We cycled along Southsea seafront and then over to Gunwarf Quays and lunch at the Old Custom House Pub.  After lunch, we took a walk around and viewed the Spinnaker Tower, although nobody decided to go up it.  We split up at this stage, with Adrian heading back home in Portsmouth and Gill taking the train.


I continued with Anne and Avryl, taking the cycle route north past the Continental Ferry Port and up to Cosham.  We continued across to Havant and then a back route through the estates and up to Rowlands Castle for tea.


We returned via Funtington and West Stoke, where we split up with everybody heading back their own way home.


My mileage for the day was 58.



Posted by RideLeader at 21:10 BST
Sunday 12 August. On the Hayling to Southsea ferry

Posted by RideLeader at 21:05 BST
Sunday 12 August. Viewing the Spinnaker Tower after lunch

Posted by RideLeader at 21:03 BST
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Sunday 5th August. Ride to Wisborough Green and DA picnic. Chichester Cross start.


I led the ride starting from Chichester, Cross to Wisborough Green.  I was joined at the start by Avryl, Anne and Russell.  We were joined at the picnic by the Walberton Pond group of Harvey, Steve and Alan and Liz.  Nicola Bruce and Christine rode direct to join us at the picnic making a total of 11 on the day.


The weather was again perfect, with clear blue skies and temperatures hot and humid up to about 27 C.


From Chichester, I led the group up the Centurion way to Lavant, and then up the hill to Goodwood Racecourse.  There were some signs of the winding down from Glorious Goodwood, which had finished the previous day.


We continue taking the ridge route along the top of the Downs underneath the shade of the woods at Selhurst Park, and then views down to the coast.  We continued on the Petworth Road over Duncton Hill and then back roads via Shopham Bridge to stop for elevenses at Petworth.  Tiffins was closed so we continued to the nearby Saddlers cafe.  We continued via Balls Cross and Kirdford to Wisborough Green.


We settled for our picnic under the shade of a substantial tree on the Green opposite The Cricketers Inn.  The rest of the group soon joined us and also another 11 from Arun Adur and eight from Horsham.  We welcomed Alec Rothney who was down on holiday in the area.


In the afternoon the Chichester and Walberton Pond groups joined together to ride back on the lane and then across the fields towards Pulborough.  We continued via Amberley, to stop for tea at Houghton Bridge


We then headed back different ways with most of us heading up Houghton hill.


My mileage for the day was 61.



Posted by RideLeader at 22:03 BST
Updated: Sunday, 5 August 2007 22:08 BST
Sunday 5 August. Under the trees at Selhurst Park

Posted by RideLeader at 22:02 BST
Sunday 5 August. Picnic at Wisborough Green

Posted by RideLeader at 22:00 BST
Sunday 5th August. On the way back across the fields

Posted by RideLeader at 21:58 BST
Saturday 4th August. Climping beach ride.


We met at Bognor library for this years ride for a beach picnic on Climping Beach.  The weather was ideal with unbroken clear blue skies and temperatures up to 25C.


I led the ride and I was joined at the library by Jo, Val and Roy Wasdell.  Alan and Liz and Julian and his wife joined us at the beach.


The ride was on cycle paths and backroads across to Felpham, Middleton and Elmer.  We then took a path along the beach and through field to the beach at Climping.  We stopped there for an hour and a half for the picnic and for some members to swim.


We took a similar but more direct route back and stopped for an ice cream at Felpham seafront.


12 miles for the day.





Posted by RideLeader at 21:57 BST
Saturday 4 August. On the beach at Climping

Posted by RideLeader at 21:54 BST
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Sunday 29th of July. Ride to West Chiltington.


Harvey led this ride starting from Walberton Pond and was joined by Edwin, Russell, Avryl and Christine.  Alan and Liz, Linda and John Maxim, joined us at the pub making a total of nine out during the day.


The weather was dry with a mixture of cloud and sunny spells and temperatures reaching 20 C.


Harvey led us via Madehurst and Whiteways and then down Houghton hill to Wiggonholt for elevenses.


We continued on a lane to the north of Storrington and a paved footpath to West Chiltington and a stop for lunch at the Elephant and Castle.


Alan and Liz made their own way back and the rest of us returned towards Houghton.  Just as we passed Wiggonholt, we had to do some quick avoiding action to miss a grass snake wriggling across the road, which managed to survive being run over by Linda's bike.  We continued via Amberley, to stop for tea at Houghton Bridge.  We returned home via the climb of Houghton hill.


My mileage for the day was 51.


Edwin for Harvey

Posted by RideLeader at 21:08 BST
Sunday 29 July. On the lane to Madehurst

Posted by RideLeader at 21:05 BST
Sunday 29 July. At West Chiltington

Posted by RideLeader at 21:01 BST
Sunday 29 July. Tea at Houghton Bridge

Posted by RideLeader at 20:58 BST

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22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
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