Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at www.bognorchichesterctc.org.uk
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Sunday 31 May. Ride to I-Spy Ride
The weather today was wet with light drizzle interspersed with heavier spells of rain. It cleared up by afternoon. Rex was the leader and we met 08.30 at Walberton Pond. I was the only one to join him. We headed out via lanes before a short stretch on the A29 and then up the lanes via Madehurst. Then it was down Houghton Hill and lanes via Amberley. The 11s and start point were at Wiggonholt and we were about a mile short when a very loud noise came from my back wheel as everything jammed up. I managed to stop without falling off. A gear change had resulted in the derailleur being torn off the frame gear hanger. The gear hanger was also bent and the chain half broken. I cannot be accused of having mechanicals by half’s. We spent a while at the roadside removing the bent derailleur and trying to set up a single speed but without success. I walked to Wiggonholt and got Rex to ride ahead to tell everyone else. There were just 4 from Horsham and 2 from Arun Adur. Bob advised they were going to just go for a ride and cancel the event. Possibly award points to those who turned up at the start. Very kindly Pete Eyre gave me a lift to Pulborough Station. In line with my emergency procedures for total bike breakdown I got the train to Chichester Station where they have black Cabs which take bikes and got the taxi home. Looking back to sunnier times I visited Goodwood Motor Race circuit on Tuesday evening to take pictures of the cycle racing. I used a zoom effect in Photoshop to focus the image on a club mate from Bognor Regis Cycling Club. 
More details and a larger picture at https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/18163556216/in/dateposted-public/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 14:26 BST
Saturday, 30 May 2015
Saturday 30th May. Ride to the Brick Kiln Nursery Cafe
The weather today was warm and sunny. The ride was led by David and in all 17 gathered outside Bognor Library for the start. 
We went along the prom and then to Nyetimber, Summer Lane and the dry track across the field to join a lane up to South Mundham. Then it was Runcton and round Merston old airfield to the Brick Kiln Cafe for a tea stop. The return was via Colworth and North Bersted. My round trip mileage was 20.25 so the round trip from the library would have been about 15.5. Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 00:01 BST
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Evening Ride - Arun Leisure Centre to the Old Stables, Fontwell
A lovely sunny evening, temperature around 12 degrees and the wind having dropped significantly from earlier in the day, made for a very pleasant evening ride tonight. I led 8 riders - Julian, Carol, Steve, John, David, and guest riders (from Sky Rides) Maureen and Dmitry around the back of Felpham to cross into the new estate and a new exit from it into North Road where it directly meets the Barnham Cyclepath at the top of Hoe Lane. North Road is an ancient old track which has been off limits due to construction work but is now available for use again. Due to its sunken level and sheltered position it has always been vulnerable to flooding and as its had no work done on it directly, this is likely to continue to be a problem. With no significant rain for several days, tonight the surface was hard and dry. When work on the new estate is finally finished, we are promised a suitable upgrade and surface dressing, but for the moment it will be a judgment call whether or not its sufficiently dry to be used. We stopped for a picture at a bridge used by the Barnham track.

From the Barnham track we came out into Church Lane Barnham, then crossed under the railway and headed for Walberton. We noted that construction had started on the Barnham- Walberton cyclepath (essentially an extension of Felpham-Barnham) as work in progress could be seen running parallel to the road on the Western side. On reaching Walberton pond, it was left into West Walberton lane and the short climb to Fontwell village, then turning into Fontwell Avenue and crossing over into the Old stables bar, where conditions were still warm and pleasant enough to sit outside. Edwin joined us at that point, fresh from his time trialing. For the return ride, we completed a circuit by taking the rather bumpy track behind Fontwell Racecourse known as Northfields Lane down to Westergate, and then down a very quiet A29 all the way back to Bognor. Very unusually we met a vehicle coming the other way whilst down Northfields Lane. This is the first vehicle I've ever seen down there, and as it drew closer we discovered it was a police Landover. Quite what it was doing there, we never found out. The mileage from, and back to, the Arun Leisure Centre, was a modest 14. Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 00:01 BST
Updated: Friday, 29 May 2015 08:22 BST
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Sunday 24th March. Ride to Littlehampton
The weather today was mainly sunny with temperatures up to 16C and the promised rain failing to materialise. Arthur was due to lead the ride but it appeared he was away cycling in France and had forgotten to appoint another leader, oops. After a little confusion I was nominated as leader. Those on the ride were myself, Sam, Rex, Harvey, Chris, Russell, Bob, Christine, Keith and newcomer Alan Harding so 10 in all. 
We headed east on lanes via Westhampnett, Strettington and Waterbeach to Halnaker. Then a short stretch of the main Petworth road before turning off on lanes via Mount Noddy to stop for elevenses at Aldingbourne Garden Centre Cafe. For the next picture outside the cafe as discussed I made an edit in Photoshop to trim Bill’s tummy, far left. 
We continued by taking the lane past Slindon Woods and under the tunnel and on down to Walberton. Then it was down to Yapton where I stopped to let the tailback of traffic built up behind us get past. Then on to Ford and to the Marina Cafe which is on the west side of the river near Littlehampton Footbridge. Russell and Rex lived a few miles away so they left us here. After lunch more left us with Chris Dart and Christine both living to the east. 
There were just myself, Harvey, Sam, Keith and Alan heading back west. We headed back on the minor lanes to Climping. At the Ford road roundabout we really noticed the Bank Holiday traffic with a never ending stream of traffic coming from the Littlehampton direction. Sam managed to get across and the did a circuit of the roundabout to block the traffic allowing us to get across, nice one Sam!. We took Horsemere Green Lane and back to Yapton and then Barnham where Harvey headed for home. The rest of us continued down the lane by the Murrell Arms to pickup the Barnham Cyclepath to Flansham. For a bit of exploration I took the group on a diversion to the nearby (closed) new road. We did not attempt to go towards the bridge which is thoroughly closed off but turned in the Flansham direction along part of the road which is closed to traffic. 
When we got to the barrier rather than lifting bikes over a low fence to one side we went through a gate thanks to a padlock being left unlocked. 
We continued to Flansham and then back streets via the Summerley Estate with a few mutterings from the ranks about Colin like diversions. We stopped for tea on Felpham seafront at the cafe by Felpham Yacht Club. Sam reported that the mileage from and back to Chichester was 35. This was 10 miles more than the scheduled 25 but blame it on the leaders diversions. My mileage from and back to Pagham was 37. My latest picture was taken looking up through a sort of Skylight from the basement of an Office building in the City. I was struck especially by the coloured windows. 
For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/17959449691/in/dateposted-public/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 17:19 BST
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Sunday 17th May. Ride to New Arlesford
The long ride today was to New Arlesford in Hampshire and was led by Sam. The weather was fair, mainly sunny with temperatures up to 15C. Sam was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross for the early 08.30 start by myself and Rex. We were later joined by Jeff and Graham Young so 5 out on the ride in all. 
We headed out on the usual South Coast Cycleroute lanes including stretches with bluebell and more unsually one area with wild garlic growing on the verge with suitable smell effects. We headed via Westbourne to Rowlands Castle where Jeff was waiting to join us. Then it was on lanes via Finchdean to the lane up through the beech trees of the southern climb of Buriton Hill. The low light produced a long shutter speed in the picture and a nice feel of speed.  We came across a lot of other cyclists on the road with at least one sportive and another special event so at times on the quiet lanes all the fast cyclists were more of a nuisance than cars. After a fast descent of Buriton Hill we continued on lanes to East Meon and then on to West Meon intending to stop for elevenses at Springs Cafe only to find it was closed for a few days. We continued on up hill and down dale on quiet lanes and rode on to New Alresford. We came across repeated Road Closed signs which we ignored as usual until we came to the town where we found the streets choc a bloc with stalls and people for the Watercress Festival. Our intended lunch stop was packed so we moved on to stop for lunch a few miles up the road at the Tichborne Arms, Tichborne. Where we arrived at about 11.55. 
We were ready to leave by 1.00 and decided to give up on Graham who was going to meet us at the pub after riding up to Lasham. We headed a short way up the road when I realised I left my jacket on the chair, I went back to the pub and discovered Graham who had just arrived. He then rode back to Chichester with us. We headed back on some beautiful lanes via Cheriton and Soberton and then Hambledon. We took a sharp climb out of Hambledon on a narrow lane. 
Then it was on via Horndean to stop for tea at Rowlands Castle. 
The return was the usual route via Westbourne and the distance from and back from Chichester was 70 miles. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 81. My latest photo was of Westminster taken with a filter to cut down light enabling an exposure of 126 seconds which smoothes the clouds and water. 
For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/17637534185/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:42 BST
Updated: Sunday, 17 May 2015 22:05 BST
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Thursday 14th May. Evening Ride
After torrential rain for most of the day, the forecast had promised a dry "window" for the ride to go ahead in. Steve, Carol, and David met Julian the rides leader with the sun struggling to appear and very light spots of rain still falling. It had actually stopped raining when the ride set out, but the consensus was that the lanes and tracks would be too wet to go across to Ford, so combined with continuing uncertainty about the weather, the group decided to divert the ride. They set out towards Bognor town, past Hotham Park and then took a route eastwards along the prom then byways through to Ancton Lane and then a loop around the private estate at Elmer. They then decided to call at the Elmer pub for a refreshment stop. Sometime later they returned on a direct route down Elmer Road and middleton Road, back to the Arun Leisure Centre. The rain had restarted for this return trip, but it was light and not nearly as intense as earlier in the day. The round trip was in the region of 8 miles. Julian
Posted by RideLeader
at 00:01 BST
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Saturday 9th May Ride from Chichester Library to Wellies Cafe, West Stoke
Following an unpromising wet start, the weather cleared in the afternoon for a ride to Wellies Cafe in West Stoke. Fourteen cyclists gathered at Chichester Library, including a couple of newcomers who had seen the ride advertised on the Sky Ride website. The group headed west towards Westgate, over the Fishbourne crossing and then north along Clay Lane, totally ignoring a ‘Road Closed’ sign. Fortunately, it only applied to cars and was to our advantage as it meant the road was free of traffic! At the crossing with Salthill Road, the group headed straight over, in a westerly direction. Having crossed over the A27, everyone then took the next turning on the right, crossed over the B2178 east of East Ashling, and then headed straight on towards West Stoke. Following a steady climb of about a mile, the group stopped for a breather before continuing a short distance south east to arrive at Wellies Cafe at exactly 3 pm. 
The cafe had been warned to expect at least 10 cyclists at 3 pm and were prepared for us, with a plentiful supply of tea and cake. The route back to Chichester was fairly short. Turning left out of Wellies, the group took a couple of picturesque bridleways which came out into Hunters Race, Lavant, almost opposite one of the entrances to the Centurion Way cyclepath. Everyone then whizzed back to Chichester along the cyclepath, arriving back in town at the Fishbourne crossing. Philippa
Posted by RideLeader
at 16:03 BST
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Sunday 10th May. Ride to Exton
The weather today was fair with cloud clearing to sun by the afternoon and temperatures up to 15C. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Sam, Jeff, , Rex and Russell so 5 out in all. 
We headed out via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was lanes over to Rowlands Castle and Horndean and on to The Garden Centre Cafe Then it was on lanes via Rowlands Castle to stop for elevenses at Horndean Garden Centre Cafe. 
Then it was onwards via lanes towards Cathrington and then a very quiet lane running to the north of Denmead. Then it was down to Hambledon and up a very sharp hill 18% where we started being overtaken by riders on the Hampshire Hilly 100 Sportive’ A few though were struggling with their too high gears. Further on their route took them on a longer loop so when we rejoined their route near Soberton I am sure some had to overtake us again. We stopped for lunch at the Shoe Exton with its garden adjoining the River Meon. 
Having arrived for lunch at 12.00 we left soon after 1.00 and as we cycled a hill out of the village we saw Chris Dart coming towards us to meet us for lunch. He decided though to continue to stop for lunch. We continued on a very quiet lane south of Old Winchester Hill and climbed up between trees to Westend Down. 
Then it was more lanes via Chidden and on past the Bat and Ball and the location of the first ever Cricket Match. Then down to Clanfield and on via Chalton to Tea at Rowlands Castle. Just getting ready to leave were Arthur, Lynn, Avryl and Graham. They were accompanying Lynn on her first ride of her new Titanium Bike. There was a lot of chat over tea on the popular topic of bikes. 
We headed back to Chichester via Westbourne and Woodmancote passing on a lane large amounts of wild garlic on the verge just coming into full smell. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 53. My mileage from Pagham was 64. There follows a few pictures from the last weekends Isle of Wight weekend. The first one was on the Round the Island Randonnee. Sam is seen climbing up Blackgang Hill as we rode into the very low cloud base. 69 miles that day and 6000 feet of climb. 
The next picture was taken as we cycled back from Ventnor on the Isle of Wight on Monday and was the first time I have seen a red squirrel. We had stopped for elevenses at the Garlic Farm Cafe, near Newchurch. The cafe had set up a box near the terrace containing nuts. 2 red squirrels lived in a nearby tree and took it in turns to get to the box, open the door and grab a nut. 
The last picture was taken in London The part on the left started out life as a straight shot straight up of the much photographed Northern and Shell Building on Lower Thames Street, in London. This is also locally known as the Rubik Cube Building and is ideal for this kind of treatment. It was then flipped and both parts copied into a new image and combined. A shot of an edited star scene I had taken earlier was copied into the middle. 
For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/17169049567/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:14 BST
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Sunday 26th April. Ride to The Harrow, Steep
The weather for the ride today was a lot better than expected. There was a little drizzle on the way up to Chichester but after that the rest of the day was dry though cloudy with a light northerly wind. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Sam, Paul and Jeff so 4 out on the ride today. We also saw Rex but he went home to get dry after being soaked en route from a heavy shower (more rain out east) Chris who stopped off before going bell ringing had experienced the same thing. 
We headed out up the Centurion Way and then on via West Stoke and Funtington encountering many Bluebells on the way and indeed all day. We continued via Rackham and then lanes across to Rowland Castle. Then up the lane towards Horndean before turning off on a quiet lane which led us to a descent through woods to the Chalton lane. After a climb up to the bridge over the A3 we went on to the Queen Elizabeth Country Park Cafe for elevenses. Our arrival coincided with a big group from Alton Cycling Club. 
Our ride next took us up to Butser Hill from the relatively gentle side. The views were missing due to low cloud. We descended on the steep side and then lanes via Ramsdean and Stroud. We took a lane for Steep ignoring the Road Closed Sign and luckily we got through OK. I stopped of at Steep Churchyard to have my picnic while the others continued to the Pub. My picnic was enjoyed on a bench surrounded by Bluebells. 
I continued to join the others at The Harrow Inn which is also in a very pleasant rural location. 
After lunch we headed back 0n lanes via Sheet. Then it was on to the B-Road in the Harting direction but turning off before then to take the lane via Ditcham Park School which has some beautiful views on an out of the way route with little traffic. 
Then it was on via Finchdean to stop for tea at Rowlands Castle. 
We returned to Chichester via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 51. My mileage from Pagham was 64. On Monday I went to London and visited the Sky Garden at the top of the Walkie Talkie skyscraper in the City. Admission is free subject to pre-booking online. Pictures were mainly of the Architecture rather than the gardens. The first image shows the very top floor which most visitors seem to miss. 
For a larger image and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/17033742818/in/photostream/ The second image shows the view looking down on the bar and balcony viewing area. Both images were taken with a fisheye lens. 
For a larger image and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16632532773/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 18:12 BST
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Saturday Ride - Bognor Library to Denman's Garden
I led 15 out on today's ride - Deb, Michelle, Dave, David, Julian, Alan, Liz, Liz (2), Clair, Nicola, new riders June and Alan (2), and Ann & Roy who, having been regular riders with us 10 or so years ago, have dusted off their bikes again!
It was good cycling weather, bright and sunny with light SW winds, and although light rain was forecast for the afternoon, this did not appear until we reached the outskirts of Bognor on the return ride, and then it ias literally a few drops which did not trouble us greatly, so i think its fair to say it was another dry one for us. Having established that Denman's shuts at 4pm, with last orders in the Cafe 3.30pm, we set of on a reasonably direct route, over Highfield Bridge, skirting North Bersted on the back roads and then past the thatched cottages in Shripney Lane, crossing the ugly scar that is the Bognor Northern Relief Road, where it severs this picturesque old lane. A short cut through old Shripney brought us out onto the main A29, for a mile of main road before turning off into Hook Lane at Woodgate. The A29 was in fact reasonably free of traffic and the cars that came across us didn't seem too confident about passing 15 cyclists all in single file, so this short sprint was incident free. 
Proceeding up Hook Lane, we continued to Aldingbourne then towards Westergate and up Northfields Lane, a lovely little traffic free cut through, albeit a little bouncy, not having the benefit of tarmac surfacing . This brought us out to Fontwell, with a short climb up the peaceful Denmans Lane to the garden. 

We completed a circular tour for the return trip by cutting across to Eastergate Lane, Walberton pond, Barnham, then down the off-road cycletrack to Felpham and Bognor. The round trip mileage was 17.2 Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 22:02 BST
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Sunday 19th April. Ride to East Meon
Another sunny Sunday today with temperatures up to 12C. The only problem was a chilly and strong NE wind. It was more north than east so we battled against it on the way out. Sam was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself (Edwin) Paul, Jeff, Mark and Rex so 6 out on the ride. 
Sam led us out of Chichester up the Centurion Way and then lanes past the solar farm and up towards Mid Lavant. The it was on via West Stoke and the rolling lane to Funtington with bluebells spotted en route. After a short climb we descended to Racton and then the B-Road up the valley via West Marden to stop for elevenses at Compton. We arrived soon after 10.00 and bagged a table in the sunshine before other cycling groups started arriving. 
Next it was the lane over Compton Down cutting across towards Ibsworth starting with a short climb. 
As we descended I spotted a herd of about 10 deer running in the field. They were hemmed in between the road and a line of fenced trees running parallel so they ended up running alongside us. They were trying to run away from us but we were descending at about 25mph so they ended up racing alongside us. First time I raced deer!! Sorry, not a great picture, I aimed the camera in about the right direct with the screen invisible from the sun and trying to look where I was going. 
At the bottom of the hill I turned off to leave the group. After a bad cold all week I did not want to push it with too long a ride. The others continued with a climb through the woods of Buriton Hill and then lanes to East Meon for lunch. I headed back via Rowlands Castle, Westbourne and Woodmancote. I stopped at 12.00 for a picnic lunch on a bench by Chichester Cathedral. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 41. Sam reports on the route home that after discussion it was from East Meon back to and up Buriton. Mark & Paul unfamiliar with Chalton Hill so were introduced to the joys. On to Rowlands for a tea stop & then Home the usual way. 48.5 Miles in total Cross to Cross. My latest pictures to be processed are first one at the Lloyds Building with the light trails of one of the external elevators.  For more details see my Photo Blog at http://edwinjonesphotography.com/blog/2015/4/3-2-1-elevator-lift-off The next one was taken at Clapham Underground station which is one of the few with a central platform so I was able to catch 2 trains moving at once.  For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16960175097/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 16:00 BST
Updated: Monday, 20 April 2015 09:00 BST
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Sunday 12 April. Ride to Barnes Green and Freewheel Competition
The weather was good today with sunny skies and temperatures up to 15C inland and 12C on the coast. The only downside was a very strong SW wind to battle into on the way home. I was the leader and I was joined by Sam and Paul at the start at Walberton Pond. 
We headed out on the usual route on lanes via Madehurst. Then it was a fast descent down Houghton Hill and on to lanes via Amberley and Rackham. 
We continued on lanes to stop for elevenses at Wiggonholt RSPB Cafe.  Then it was on via West Chiltington and lanes past Shipley and via Dragons Green direct to Barnes Green and lunch at Sumners Pond Cafe. Aided and abetted by the strong tail wind we arrived at 11.50 with Horsham and Crawley Group arriving soon after. Arun Adur after a puncture took another 50 minutes to arrive so there was a bit of a wait to head over to the Freewheel. We headed out together and gathered at the top of the freewheel hill. There were the 3 of us from Bognor Chichester. 5 from Arun Adur and 6 from Horsham Crawley. 
I took a fair few pictures and this one is of Sam our Groups downhiller extraordinaire riding to overall first place. 
Paul didn’t get anywhere being far too light (why he goes up hills so fast) 
We gathered afterwards and the final result was Sam first and Dave Fox second. First lady was Ann Hall and second lady was Corinne Pitts both of Horsham Crawley. 
We headed back via Broadford Bridge and a climb up the old freewheel hill to West Chiltington. We returned via stop for tea at Wiggonholt where Sam helped Paul to fix a bolt. 
Then it was on via Coldwaltham and Coates to climb Duncton Hill. Sam and Paul headed home via Singleton while I headed back via Eartham and Aldingbourne. Mileage from and back to Walberton would have been about 57. My mileage from Pagham was 73. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:07 BST
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Sunday 5th April. Ride to Fernhurst
The weather today was much improved over last Sunday with temperatures up to 10C, light winds and the occasional glimpse of the Sun. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Sam, Paul, David and Rex. We were later joined at lunch by Graham Young so 6 out during the day. A cyclist from another group volunteered to take a picture of us at the start.  We headed out via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was the B-Road up via West Marden to Compton where we were looking forward to a stop for hot drinks. As we arrived we saw the closed sign up. They had opened for a few hours for papers only. Anybody would think it was Easter Sunday! All garden centres and their cafes have to close on Easter Sunday so there were not a lot of choices. We took a rest outside anyway and as Sam had a streaming cold he decided to head home from there. 
The rest of us continued up the hill and down to Harting. Then it was on a lane via Elsted and Elsted Marsh to Stedham. It was north from there on a lane I have not used for many years up a long hill via Redford. That is a few houses and a garage with pumps looking to date back pre-war. Then it was down and more lanes to Fernhurst and lunch at the Red Lion. Due to the lack of an elevenses stop and a fairly brisk pace we arrived at the Pub at 11.50, Horsham Section quality! 
As we were about to leave we were joined by Graham Young who had ridden up to meet up with his cousin Sam with whom he was not best pleased! Graham rode back with us as far as tea. In the afternoon we rode on lanes via Lickfold. Lodsworth and Selham. Then it was on to Cocking where we stopped for tea at the open Moonlight Cafe though we were the only customers, perhaps everybody expected it would be closed. Then it was on up Cocking Hill and down to Singleton where Rex turned off to head back home to Littlehampton. A little further on Paul turned off to head back to Selsey. David and I returned via the Centurion Way where David got a front wheel puncture though it was soon repaired. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 55. My mileage from Pagham was 66. My latest pictures to be processed are first an image taken at Whiteleys Shoppping Centre which is in Bayswater west of Paddington. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16787885748/in/photostream/ Next another spiral staircase, this one converted to Mono which I thought looked better 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16819542868/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 19:04 BST
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Sunday 29th March. Ride to Midhurst
The weather today was quite poor, almost as bad as forecast. The only up side was that instead of heavy rain we got drizzle with some light rain though with very strong winds as forecast. Still 3 of us went out for a bike ride from Walberton Pond, myself, Sam and Paul. 
Those of you who are paying attention may have noticed that the ride today was scheduled to go to Dial Post, way north of Worthing off the A24, so how did we end up at Midhurst instead, a bit off course? We made a mutual decision to avoid going a long way east and have a long way to get back into a howling westerly gale. Instead we headed to Petworth for elevenses and then Midhurst for lunch. The first part of the day was fine with a strong tailwind so we hardly noticed light rain. We headed out via the Madehurst Lane and then from Whiteways a fast descent of Bury Hill. Then it was lanes via West Burton towards Coates and on via Shopham Bridge to stop for elevenses at Tiffins Petworth. 
Then it was on lanes via Burton Mill Pond and across the main road to take lanes via Duncton Common, Selham and South Ambersham. Now we were heading into the wind though with the benefit of trees and high hedges to tone down the strength of the wind. We stopped for lunch at Gartons Coffee House in the Old Town Hall, Midhurst. Very fast service and reasonable prices, worth a visit. I managed to get the other 2 to smile despite the wind and rain. 
The return was south into the wind and a bit more rain on a lane via Bepton to Cocking, up the hill and down to Singleton. We took the Centurion Way down to Chichester with the top end being quite reasonable to ride despite the rain. If we had returned to Walberton Pond which we didn’t mileage would have been about 47. We all did at least that though having ridden out there before the start. My mileage from Pagham was 60. I have processed 2 pictures in the last week from trips to London. The first is an unusual viewpoint of Westminster Underground Station which I call Lines to the Saucer. 
For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16695754387/in/photostream/ The next one is traffic trails taken on London Bridge, 3 second exposure. 
For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16933155121/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 18:42 BST
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Saturday 28 March. Ride to Arundel
The weather forecast for today wasn't very good, but it did indicate there wouldn't be any rain during this afternoons ride. Dull and windy it may have been, but you couldn't fault the forecast as no rain actually fell. CycleBognor's "no-rain" guarantee held! Considering the overcast and windy conditions, it was a good turnout with 9 of us at the start point. I led Steve, Carol, Liz, Bob, Clair, Dave, Nicola and new rider Rhonda out through the back streets of Bognor, to the new estate at Felpham, where we took the cycletrack to Barnham. From there it was Walberton and a brief stop. 
Then our way was blocked by what appear to be emergency roadworks completely blocking the street. I'm not sure how the buses got through, but there was just enough room for us to walk the bikes along a very narrow pavement and carry on. Our route continued through Binsted and then beyond the tarmac and past the Madonna pond to rejoin the road on the other side of Binsted Woods, where we took the cut through to Torton Hill, dropping down to meet the A27 at the Ford Road roundabout. Then it was 200 yards of pavement, under the bridge to Fitzalan Road, and into Arundel Town Centre. A slight change of venue followed, as we were directed to Rounds Cafe, which made for a very pleasant stop. 
Most of the outward route had been with the wind, and but the return meant we would be against the wind nearly all the way, and not much shelter from trees. So we took a shorter route back via Ford station and Yapton, then via Bilsham to Middleton & Felpham. The wind was gusting up quite a bit, so it was slow going. Rhonda peeled off at Yapton to return home, the rest of us soldiered on back to Bognor. The round trip mileage from and back to Bognor library was 23.2, a little longer than our normal Saturday afternoon rides. I had clocked up almost 30 by the time i got home. Graham.
Posted by RideLeader
at 00:01 BST
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Sunday 22 March. Ride to Hipley
There were 2 rides today, a short morning only ride and a long ride to Hipley. This is the report on the Hipley ride. The weather was pleasant and sunny all day with temperatures up to 10C. The only problem was a cold NE wind. Sam was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Jeff and newcomer Paul on his second ride with us. 
We headed out on the South Coast Cycle Route via Woodmancote and Westbourne. Then it was on lanes via Rowlands Castle to stop for elevenses at Horndean Garden Centre Cafe. On the way out Sam discovered a Health and Safety issue as his front wheel disappeared down between some planks. 
Then it was onwards via lanes towards Cathrington and then a very quiet lane running to the north of Denmead. Then it was on past the village of Worlds End (temps fate) to the Horse and Jockey pub at Hipley where we arrived at 11.30 and chatted in the Garden until they opened. When ordering we learned that the garden was closed for ordering food in case the Staff slipped on the grass. We were also not allowed to take our food out to the Garden ourselves because of “Health and Safety” (o dear!) They did though agree we could be served with food in the paved patio area. 
The return route took us north on a beautiful quiet lane across rolling open downland via Hoe Gate. Then it was more lanes via Chidden and Hambledon to Clanfield where Jeff suffered a rear wheel puncture. 
A co-operative effort got Jeff on the road again and we headed on down to Horndean and lanes across to Rowlands Castle for tea. 
We headed back via Westbourne and lanes via Hambrook before joining the A259 for a fast return to Chichester. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 47. My mileage from Pagham was 58. My latest picture to be processed is of the light trails of cars and buses at the junction by the Bank of England. 
For a larger picture and more details see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16871113245/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:09 BST
Monday, 16 March 2015
Saturday 14th March - Ride from Chichester Library to The Control Tower Cafe, Goodwood Aerodrome
On a cloudy, chilly day, 11 cyclists gathered at Chichester Library for the Saturday ride to The Control Tower Cafe, Goodwood Aerodrome. Amongst the cyclists were Wendy, Nick and Youssef, who had cycled all the way from Southampton! The group headed north, riding past the old Roman walls to come out at the top end of North Street, Chichester. A route was then taken via the roads north of St Richard's Hospital, to emerge at the Homebase store. Everyone then headed in an easterly direction via the old Roman road of Stane Street (also formerly the A27). Halfway along, a turn was made left into Claypit Lane, passing the famous Rolls Royce Motor Works on the right. From there, it was a short distance to the Aerodrome on the left.  (Thanks to Carol for the picture) Having spent a happy time imbibing tea and cake, some of the group decided to climb up to the balcony of the cafe to watch the cars whizzing round the motor circuit. At this point, Alan & Liz arrived and the group from Southampton left to continue on their 70 mile round trip! The route back to Chichester was towards East Lavant, turning off down Fordwater Road on the left, to arrive back in the Summersdale end of town. Philippa
Posted by RideLeader
at 15:01 BST
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Sunday 15th March. Ride to Rake
The weather today was cold at about 6C with a NW wind. The forecast was cloudy with some showers. It didn’t start on message with bright sunshine at the start. It soon clouded over though. It stayed mainly dry except for bits of isolated light drizzle near Rake and on the way back at Cocking. I was the leader and I was joined at the start at Chichester Cross by just Sam and newcomer Paul who lives in Selsey. We headed out on the Centurion Way and then lanes via West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was on via Racton and West Marden to an early 10.00 elevenses at Compton. It was just as well we were early as soon after we got our seats large numbers of other cyclists arrived in small groups from different clubs. We were joined by former member Graham Young and Brian Hall both of Bognor Regis Cycling Club. 
After elevenses the real climbing started with first the long climb to Harting and then after lanes via Nyewood and Rogate the long climb north from Rogate. We again got to lunch at Rake Garden Centre early just before 12.00. Rake Garden Centre had been chosen a while ago as part of a Mothers Day avoidance strategy. This worked as we were there before anybody else and they only had a few tables reserved. 
The return route took in some really quiet out of the way lanes via Milland and Stedham. Then it was lanes via Bepton to Cocking and a stop for tea at the Pub so Sam could recuperate before tackling Cocking Hill. 
After the hill we had a long descent to Singleton and West Dean and on to the Centurion Way. The top end of this is now fully dried out and fine for cycling. Mileage for the day from and back to Chichester was just under 45, for a change almost spot on the estimate in the Rides List. My mileage from and back to Pagham was 57. My latest pictures to be processed are first a picture taken from the rear window of a DLR train in a tunnel.  For more details see http://edwinjonesphotography.com/blog/2015/3/dlr-warp-speed Second is a picture of a Spiral Staircase at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. 
For more details and a larger picture see https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16180702584/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 18:11 BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 March 2015 18:16 BST
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Sunday 8th March. Ride to Wisborough Green
The weather today was fairly mild up to 12C though cloudy with a few sunny spells. It stayed dry despite forecasts of a little rain in the afternoon.. Sam was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Jeff, Roger and Mark so 5 out on the day 
We headed out up North Street and then a fast training type pace up the main road via Singleton and Cocking before turning off on a lane via Heyshott Green and Lavington Common to the Petworth Road. After a brief spell on this we took another lane via Burton Mill Pond. Then it was on via Shopham Bridge and lanes to Petworth for a welcome elevenses. 
Next it was north from Petworth before turning off onto lanes via Balls Cross and Kirdford to our lunch stop at The Old Mill Cafe, Wisborough Green. 
The return route took us back to Kirdford and a long gradual climb to Flexham Park and the down to Byworth. Then it was back via Shopham Bridge and a lane to Barlavington. We stopped at the base of Duncton Hill for a break. Mark discovered that he had forgotten to drink a bottle of beer he brought to have with his picnic lunch. Sam did not have it, that was set up for the camera, Mark had to cart it back with him. 
After climbing up Duncton we had a gradual downhill. Most of the group turned right at Upwaltham to head back to Chichester via East Dean and Singleton. I took a more direct route home via Eartham, Aldingbourne village and Colworth. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 52. My mileage from Pagham was 64. My latest picture to be processed was one of the Lloyds Building, processed in Black and White for a dark skies look. 
For more details see http://edwinjonesphotography.com/blog/2015/3/metropolis-at-lloyds Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 19:19 BST
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Sunday 1st March, Ride to Northney, Hayling Island
The weather today was warmer than of late reaching 10C with most of the day sunny. Luckily the rain held off until about 5.00 when we were all home. There was a very strong westerly wind which we fought against on the way out but blew us home. Arthur was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by Lynn, Avryl, Sam, Russell, Bob, Jeff, Graham, Rex and myself so 10 out on the day. 
We headed out on West Street and the lanes near West Ashling where there was a brief stop to divest excess layers. 
Then it was on via Woodmancote and Westbourne to a stop for elevenses at The Greenhouse Cafe, Emsworth. 
Russell headed back after elevenses and the rest of us continued to Havant and turned off on the road and then path going down to the waterfront and along to the Hayling Bridge. When we crossed there a strong crosswind so it was just as well to have the cycle path. Then it was lanes round to North Hayling and lunch at Meadow Farm Nursery Cafe. This was the first time this one has been on the Rides List and we will certainly return. Sam needed to hold his stomach in before the photo was taken.  The return route was back over the bridge and up the Hayling Billy bike path to Havant. Then with a strong wind assist we headed back on the A259 as far as Southbourne before turning off on lanes for the rest of the return. 5 of us stopped for tea at Fishbourne Roman Palace Cafe while the rest headed home. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 29. My mileage from Pagham was 40. My latest picture is of a new Spiral Staircase opened a few days before my visit at The Wellcome Collection, Euston Road, London. 
More details at https://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinjones/16621471965/in/photostream/ Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 17:26 GMT
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30 Dec, 13 > 5 Jan, 14
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31 Dec, 12 > 6 Jan, 13
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22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
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7 Jan, 08 > 13 Jan, 08
31 Dec, 07 > 6 Jan, 08
24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
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3 Dec, 07 > 9 Dec, 07
26 Nov, 07 > 2 Dec, 07
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29 Oct, 07 > 4 Nov, 07
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27 Aug, 07 > 2 Sep, 07
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2 Apr, 07 > 8 Apr, 07
26 Mar, 07 > 1 Apr, 07
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26 Feb, 07 > 4 Mar, 07
12 Feb, 07 > 18 Feb, 07
5 Feb, 07 > 11 Feb, 07
22 Jan, 07 > 28 Jan, 07
15 Jan, 07 > 21 Jan, 07
8 Jan, 07 > 14 Jan, 07
31 Dec, 01 > 6 Jan, 02