Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at www.bognorchichesterctc.org.uk
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Majorca. Saturday 16th May. Return home
Today there was time in the morning for packing and bike packing. Some of the group went out for a fry up breakfast. At 12 we and bikes were picked up by 2 minibus taxis arranged by Avryl. Majorca Airport earns special brownie points for having some special luggage trollys designed for bikes. See picture below. 
There was no problem at all with easyjet staff over transparent bike bags. Must be fewer jobsworth types in Majorca.
Richard and Elizabeth who were booked on a later flight managed to get transferred to our flight taking the last 2 seats. The flight went well with good views over Palma. As usual the clear views faded to cloud as we approached England and also a drop in temperature to adjust to. A very good holiday which everybody enjoyed and well organised by Avryl. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 22:02 BST
Friday, 15 May 2009
Majorca. Friday 15 May.
Weather today was cloudy first thing but soon cleared to bright blue skies and temperatures up to 24C.
The ride today was to meet up with Derek at Porto Pollensa and then Derek led us to Pollensa old town and then Cala Sant Vicenc for lunch.
I led the ride to Porto Pollensa as I had leaned the back lanes route. First stop was the bike shop on the edge of Alcudia for Christine to stock up on energy gel.
We then followed the lanes and then the bay cyclepath to Porto Pollensa and a beachside cafe to meet up with Derek and his partner Margaret.
Derek then led us inland on his usual quiet narrow lanes about 5 miles to Pollensa and then through a maze of back streets to a central square and views of multiple steps up to a chapel. Then it more back streets to a Roman bridge and multiple picture taking.
We continued on lanes and then down to the bays at Cala Sant Vicenc. We stopped en route to view prehistoric burial mounds and a little different stop to view classic cars.
The bays were spectacular with jagged rock faces rising from the sea with great breakers rolling in. After lunch at a cafe on the front we rode up a road along the rocks at the side of the bay for good views.

Then we headed out of town with a stop for some Donkey feeding. Then Derek took us on more lanes and round to a bar called Red Rum for tea. We said our goodbyes to Derek and Margaret and headed back to base.
In the evening we gave a presentation to Avryl in thanks for the organisation of the holiday. This was a cooking spoon a pashmina scarf and a pinafore.

37 miles for the day.

Posted by RideLeader
at 22:18 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009 14:53 BST
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Majorca. Thursday 14 May.
Weather today was mainly cloudy with occasional sunny spells and scattered showers later in the day. Temperatures reached 22C.
Today's ride was to the SE around Alcudia Bay to Colonia De Sant Pere for lunch. Avryl led us on the main road in the absence of any backroads. The road was fairly good for cycling with a good hard shoulder.
We rode past the Nature Reserve and Caen Picafort. Then on to a turnoff on a minor road down to the coast to Son Serra. This is known locally as the empty town due to the large number of holiday homes. We stopped here for elevenses at the Fronterra Cafe on the front. This has views to the hills on either side of the bay. It was interesting to note dozens of millipedes on the walls and floors.
We continued with a climb back to the main road and after a few miles we turned off on a side road and a long descent to Colonia De Sant Pere, a small seaside town. We stopped for a lunch at a cafe on the front.
After a refreshing stop we rode up back to the main road. Christine had taken more energy gel and was again climbing well. We rode back on the main road, mainly flat but with a few short climbs.

We continued to Caen Picafort for a tea stop just in time to shelter from a heavy shower. For the first time on the trip waterproofs were required for the short ride back to base in light rain
37 miles for the day

Posted by RideLeader
at 22:09 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009 14:49 BST
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Majorca. Wednesday 13 May. Mountains Ride.
Today we split into 2 groups. Richard, Elizabeth, Mike, Irene, Avryl and Christine took a bus to Soller and then the Mountains train ride to Palma and back to Sollerand then bus back to Alcudia.
Edwin, Jim and Jan led by Derek took a hard bike ride into the mountains. Peter did the same ride but started separately aiming to take a short cut to the start of the climb but got lost and did a longer route but still managed to accidentally meet up with us for elevenses.
Weather for the day was mainly cloudy with some sunny spells and a few spots of rain but luckily not enough to wet the road. Derek had us worried by his advice about wet roads in Majorca. Apparently unique conditions in Majorca create a paste in places of limestone and vegetation which is like ice in the wet sending cyclists regularly skidding and falling. Derek never cycles in the mountains in the wet.
We met Derek on Pollensa bay and he led us on out of the way backroads not marked on any map. One good route was through woods with no traffic. We took a back route up a steep climb to the hilltop town of Campanet for elevenses in the square.
Peter joined us after 10 minutes. We continued on a backroad to campanari where we stopped to view replicas of old Majorcan houses. We then started on the big 6 mile climb after arranging to meet Peter at Luc Monastery Cafi?? at the top.
On the climb there were views of terraces for farmland and rocky valleys.

After multiple hairpin bends we eventually reached the top and had an ice cream at the Garage cafi??. Then a short descent to Luc and the Cafi??. After a while Peter joined us and we had a look round the Monastery. The descent started with some ups and downs before a great 10 mile descent to Pollensa.
Then lanes to Pollensa Bay. Riding along the bay a bus came past us and pulled into a stop and we passed it and then it came past us again. On the bus was the rest of our group on the way back from Soller and a lot of waving resulted. We continued back to base arriving soon after the others.
58 miles for the day.

Posted by RideLeader
at 21:11 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009 14:45 BST
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Majorca Tuesday 12 May. Cycling Superwoman Day
Today's ride was a short one to the Sanctuary Victoria and back. Weather started warm and sunny but later there was more cloud. Temperatures reached 26C.
Avryl led us on the usual route along the coast. It is very handy having separate access roads either side of the main road which are used as cyclepaths. We stopped at a cafi?? on the beach at Port Alcudia for elevenses. Mike and Elizabeth caught the bus there and met us.
We continued to Alcudia old town to explore. Christine stayed with Mike and Elizabeth to conserve her energy for the hilly ride later.
The old town is walled all round. The main street was full due to a market. We got onto a side street and some of us explored the Church which barred admission except on payment of a 1 Euro "Donation"
Christine rejoined us and we continued on the road up the peninsula.
On yesterdays ride Christine had been lagging behind and feeling a need to stop and rest every hour due to lack of energy. I had advised her to try an energy gel available from bike shops. She had followed the advice and took half a sachet at elevenses.
Today the transformation was amazing into Christine supercyclist. She powered up the first hill we came to ahead of everybody else and told us she felt full of energy.
We stopped for lunch at a cafi?? on a bay. Then it was a very steep climb for about 2 kilometres with many hairpin bends. Christine was still riding fast uphill though stopping occasionally. We stopped at the top and had a look round. There was an old sanctuary turned into a hotel and a restaurant with views over the bay.
We retraced our ride and stopped for tea at a cafi?? by a Marina
Miles for the day 17.6.

Posted by RideLeader
at 18:14 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009 14:42 BST
Monday, 11 May 2009
Majorca Monday 11 May. Ride to Muro
Today's ride was to the Coves (Caves) of Campanet for a late elevenses and then the old town of Muro for a late lunch. Weather was hot and sunny all day generally reaching 28C and 32C further inland.
Derek led the ride and met us at the front of the hotel. For many of us who knew him it was the first we had seen him for many years. Avryl was pleased to hand over the burden of leading to somebody who knows the Island backward.

It was amazing following Derek as we took twists and turns on narrow little lanes with no traffic and unmarked on maps. We turned off onto a rolling lane along a beautiful valley. At one point Derek stopped and pointed out a sculpture of a giant head far away in a field.
By 12.00 we reached the Coves of Camanet cafi?? for a welcome respite from the heat. The cafi?? had lovely views across the valley.
We continued with more lanes and scenic hilltop towns before reaching Muro for lunch about 3.30. Mike and Elizabeth had managed to get there by bus earlier for a more normal lunch time but had to leave before we arrived.
After lunch we took a much more direct route back across plains and a nature reserve to base
Miles for the day 37.8.

Posted by RideLeader
at 19:50 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009 14:40 BST
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Majorca. Sunday 10 May. Ride to Pollensa.
Today was bright and sunny with temperatures up to 26C.
After yesterdays bike transport problems today was the day of hired bike problems.Christine's bike had too low handlebars and Jim had problems too.
We rode first along the coast and on a cyclepath along the bay to Porto Pollensa and had a long elevenses while Christine and Jim and Irene went to the Bike Hire shop and got new bikes. Mike and Elizabeth met us there having got a bus.
We then continued on backroad cycle routes on quiet lanes to the inland town of Pollensa.

We stopped for lunch at a square by a church with a Market going on in full swing beside us. As we headed out of town there was Mike and Elizabeth walking up a street having caught a bus to Pollensa. We couldn't escape them.
For the return route I conferred with Avryl and comparing maps we agreed there was little relationship between the layout of roads on any 2 maps and many roads were missing. We decided to head in the right general direction to the left of a big hill.
The strategy worked quite well until we arrived at a junction where Avryl thought we were one place and in fact we were in another. We had a short interesting climb to a quarry and back down. We then found our way back to base.
26 miles for the day.

Posted by RideLeader
at 22:40 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009 14:37 BST
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Majorca. Saturday 9 May. Travel Tribulations
Today 10 of us were travelling to Majorca for a 7 day cycling holiday. Avryl , our Organiser, myself (Edwin) Peter, Mike, Jan, Christine, Richard and Elizabeth and Jim and Irene. Sorry no pictures for the moment as I only have the Hotel reception computer. Jim, Irene and Christine were hiring bikes. Mike and Elizabeth were not riding, Jan and Peter brought their bikes in hard cases and Avryl, Richard and I brought our bikes in the transparent CTC bike bags. On arrival at check-in EasyJet tried to spoil the Party with a jobsworth Queue Organiser telling us that the CTC bags were not allowed and it had to be a box or canvas bike bag. I pointed out to her the their website stated box or bag without specifying the type of bag and that they were Cyclist Touring Club supplied Bike Bags. I asked to speak to her supervisor and after a conflab they eventually caved in and let us through. Of interest is that when I took the bike to the baggage handler at the out of gauge belt he complimented me about how well packed my bike was. The flight went well as did the 2 minibuses to the Apartment arranged by Avryl. The next attempt by the jobsworth brigade to but a spanner in the works was at the Apartment when we were told the bikes could not be kept anywhere in the Hotel or grounds because they had an agreement with a bike tours organiser excluding independent bikes unless they paid a fee to the bike organiser of 64 euros and they would be breaching their contract. Peter started them wobbling by mentioning we would have to go to another hotel then. I then pointed out that Avryl had booked with another hotel in the same group and we were moved to their hotel because the other hotel had renovations. Our contract was with the other hotel and they had no such arrangement about bikes. The wobble became a collapse and we were allowed to keep the bikes in the rooms but out of sight as the bike company made inspections. 
The rest of the day was uneventful with bikes put together and a fine Evening meal.
Posted by RideLeader
at 22:01 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 May 2009 14:34 BST
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Evening Ride:Arun Leisure Centre to Eastergate, The Wilkes Head
Only 2 of us met up for this ride, myself and John (R). The weather was not promising, dull, windy and with rain constantly threatened - but never actually arriving. To make the best of a strong headwind we took a circular route, heading out of Felpham round the private estate to Flansham, then on to Barnham via the cycle track. (For detail of this track see the ride report dated 08.05.2008). From Barnham it was straight to Eastergate via Chuch Lane. The Wilkes Head was extremely quiet; we were the only customers in either bar for practically the whole time we were there. We returned home straight down the A29 towards Bognor. John peeled off at Shripney, no doubt for a bit of sustained evens riding on the empty road, whislt i carried on back to Felpham and the leisure centre, via Highfield Bridge. My mileage for the evening - 13.8. Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 23:16 BST
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Isle of Wight Weekend. 2nd to 4th May
Saturday 2nd May. There were just 3 of us on this trip this year, John Maxim, Anne and myself (Edwin) Weather today was dry and sunny. Sunday started sunny after overnight rain but more cloud built up in the north of the Island. Monday was very cloudy but stayed dry. We met today good and early at 08.30 at Chichester Cross. On the way there I saw a Heron standing on the banks of the Chichester Canal. We usually stop at Havant for elevenses but this time we went straight to the ferry and had elevenses on the crossing. John led for most of the weekend. This was interesting and notable for first getting out of the rut of usual routes to Ventnor and then back on Monday with some interesting new lanes. Second the pace was let’s say a little faster than the usual club ride. The standard formation was John and then Anne clinging to his back wheel and me with the elastic stretching and then breaking on the hills. From the ferry we took a route on lanes some new to me to The Oasis Café near Brading for lunch. Then it was across via Alverstone to visit the Donkey Sanctuary. John is well known for his lets say bright Jerseys. This time it was a collection of multi coloured Sports beans. 
Then it was on to Godshill for tea. Anne after several previous tries during the day finally managed to get the paper she was after. We stayed in Ventnor at the Brunswick House B&B with very friendly hosts, a deaf dog and several other cyclists staying there. 48 miles for the day for me from Pagham. Sunday 3rd May. We got an early start after a 7.30 breakfast to leave for Whitwell to sign on for the IOW Randonee. I had decided to go only part way round to Havenstreet to avoid overdoing it with the Hip. At the next control at Alverstone we met Steve from our Section who was staying at Sandown and Paul and his friend Mick from Arun Adur who were staying at Shanklin. 
I decided to ride with Steve as far as Havenstreet. We caught up with John and Anne at the next control at Bembridge where large amounts of food were on offer for elevenses. I got a picture here of Johns Cycling Jersey of the day, see below. 
If you cannot see all the writing it is Fat Bastard Cycling Team. The Eating Club with a Cycling Disorder. Does anybody else think John doesn’t quite have the build to belong to the Club? I continued with Steve who is clearly pretty fit as I had to push it to keep up with him at times. We parted at Havenstreet. 
I continued after leaving the Round the Island Route to head south back to Ventnor. I stopped by a Wood at the side of the road for a picnic lunch. The wood was full of Bluebells and I explored a little to take pictures for Camera Club Competitions. 
I headed back on a circuitous route via Chillerton to stop for tea (Apple & Blackberry Pie with Ice Cream) at Godshill. Then it was back on lanes to Ventnor on the Round the Island Route but in the opposite direction to the cyclists. It was like a river, a constant stream of cyclists, road bikes, mountain bikes, Touring Bikes Recumbents, shopping bikes and even one on a skateboard. 47 miles for the day for me, John and Anne did 72. Monday 4th May Our route back today included lanes to Alverstone and then part of the Sandown Newport Cyclepath. We stopped for elevenses at a new Café at the Garlic Farm. The cakes came with a topping of cream. John and Anne didn’t want theirs so I had to eat the extra! Paul, Paul’s wife and Mick coincidentally met us there. They were on the way back by car to the ferry. After a steep climb over Arrereton Down we descended on a lane to near Havenstreet. The verges were lined with Bluebells. 
Then back to the ferry. We caught the 12.00 ferry just as it was nearly ready to leave. We stopped for a late lunch at Rowlands Castle. We returned via Funtington and went our different ways near Lavant. My mileage for the day was 45. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 11:39 BST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 May 2009 12:02 BST
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Sun 26 April. Rides to West Marden.
There were 2 rides on today. The first was billed as a morning only ride starting at 8.00 meeting Ride 2 for elevenses although in the end this was meeting for lunch. The second ride started 2 hours later. I was out on both rides but for simplicity I will count myself only once on the 2nd ride. There were 14 out on the day altogether. Colin led the fast ride and was joined by Anne, Gill and later for part of the ride Jan and Chris. Arthur led the second ride and he was joined by Lynn, Edwin, Christine, Harvey, Brian and Brian from the IOW and Alan and Liz. Weather was dry with clear blue skies. Temperatures were a little cooler than of late reaching about 15c with a chilly SE breeze. I joined Colin, Anne and Gill at the Cross at 8.00 am. I had decided I would peel off after an hour to avoid overdoing it with the hip. We headed west on the South Coast cycle route passing many bluebells in the woods beside Clay Lane. Colin set a brisk pace, 16mph on the flat. 
We continued to Rowlands Castle and lanes to Blendworth. I turned off on a lane coming out on the Chalton Finchdean road. The rest of the group continued across the A3 to Clanfield where they picked up Jan and Chris and on to Hambledon before returning. Colin realised they would not get back in time to meet Arthur’s group for elevenses at Bosham so they stopped at Rowlands Castle. Jan and Chris turned back from there while the rest continued to meet up at West Marden for lunch. Meanwhile I had headed back to Chichester via Finchdean, West Marden Funtington and West Stoke. I arrived back at the Cross a few minutes after 10.00 with 30 miles on the clock and the easy group having just left but visible in the distance. I soon caught up. Arthur led us via Fishbourne and the lanes round to Bosham for elevenses. We continued on lanes north to pick up the South Coast Cycle Route and a bit of deja vue for me from Colin’s ride. Then on via Westbourne and the B road to West Marden. 
Near Warderton we were stopped briefly as about 10 horse drawn carriages crossed the road. A short way further on we spotted 2 deer in a field.
We stopped for lunch at the Victoria, West Marden and enjoyed the rest in the Garden. 
After lunch Colin, Anne and Gill got a few more miles in, returning via Harting and lanes at the back of the Downs and Cocking. The rest of us returned via Funtington and Watery lane to West Ashling where we had a brief stop at the Pond to look at the Black Swans and Fish. Then back to Fishbourne to stop for tea at the Roman Palace. 
I returned to Pagham on the Canal Path to Hunston and then a cycle path round the fields to join the Hunston - Mundam road. By doing so I missed a police diversion blocking the road at the roundabout. I thought the road was quiet and then round the corner it was taped of with 2 very badly wrecked cars. One of the cars had the top sliced off to bonnet level so unfortunately there were probably fatalities. The police were taking photos and treating it as a crime scene. I turned back and got home via a footpath from Hunston to Fisher. For Arthur’s ride the mileage from and back to Chichester was 30. For Colins ride mileage from and back to Chichester was 71.My mileage from and back to Pagham was 65. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 20:06 BST
Updated: Sunday, 26 April 2009 20:26 BST
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Saturday Ride: Bognor Library to Chichester Garden Centre
A fine afternoon, sunny but windier and cooler than of late, for this easy-paced ride which also forms part of the WSCC "Walks & Rides" programme. I met Alan, Val, Julian, and first-timer Alison at Bognor library. We set off through the back streets of Bognor, out through West Meads to open country on the lower Bognor Road, then through the tracks at Park Farm and Parigo to Merston, where we took Green Lane across and around Merston Old aerodrome, emerging on the main A259 right opposite our destination. It's then neccessary to take your life in your hands and cross the busy dual carriageway. Unfortunately from whatever route you arrive at, there is no other way in! (The footpath from Drayton Lane has a difficult to negotiate kissing-gate which is impossible to get round with a bike - we tried on the way back..) The return route was down the Chichester-Bognor cyclepath via Colworth, stopping along the way to inspect the remains of the old canal, before rolling in to the suburbs of Bognor and riding via the Arena back to the town centre and finish. Mileage from and return to, start point, was 12.6 Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 23:20 BST
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Evening Ride - The Fox, Felpham to Pagham (The Lamb)
The first ride of the summer evening rides programme is, by tradition, straplined the "Tour of Bognor", as it takes a leisurely paced stroll around some of Bognor’s back alleys and lesser known roads, as a warm up for the season ahead. Also by tradition, the ride gets cancelled due to adverse weather conditions or lack of support. Tonight the weather gave no trouble, as it was sunny, with little wind to speak of, although as it became darker, the temperature dropped lower than of late. So that only left the support. I arrived at the start point to find only one person waiting,evening ride stalwart Julian. Disappointed but undaunted, the two of us took what its fair to say was a circuitous route down to Pagham. Unusually for the tour of Bognor, we did not actually go through Bognor town at all, but stuck to the suburbs of Felpham, Glenwood, South Bersted, West Meads, Aldwick, Craigweil, the Bay Estate, and Pagham - including a short detour to examine the secluded beach at the bottom of Barrack Lane, and Barton Manor at Nyetimber, which Julian assures me is the oldest inhabited house in England. On arrival at The Lamb we found Edwin who turned up to join us. For the return route we went on as straight a line as possible, via Fish Lane and the promenade, to Bognor High Street and then on to Felpham. My return mileage was 14.5. Graham
Posted by RideLeader
at 23:17 BST
Updated: Saturday, 25 April 2009 23:20 BST
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Sunday 19 April. Ride to West Chiltington.
Six of us met at Walberton Pond. Our leader Gill was joined by Anne, Avryl, Edwin, Colin and David. Alan and Liz joined us for Elevenses and lunch and Russell for the Freewheel competition and lunch. Weather was sunny intervals with some cloud. It was very chilly early on with a strong NE wind but warming up by the afternoon to about 17C. Gill led us the usual route via Madehurst
and Houghton and then Amberley to stop for elevenses at Wiggonholt. We met the rest of the DA there with riders from Horsham and Arun Adur. Even without all the Cyclists the Café was very busy. Some of our group were delayed coming into the café while they admired Keith’s new Bamboo bike. We all left together making a good sized group. 
We made our way to West Chiltington and then left at the X-roads to climb the hill to the start of the freewheel competition. 
Dave Fox coming to a stop Paul from Arun Adur won it and Gill was fastest lady.

Gill Confirmed numbers are that 8 rode it from Arun Adur, 7 from Bognor Chichester and 3 from Horsham.
We stopped for lunch at the Queens Head, West Chiltington and there were few other customers so we made their day. After lunch the various groups split up. Gill led us via Storrington and Parham House to Amberley for tea. It was sunny and warm in the café courtyard. 
Colin left us to go back over the Khyber pass while the rest of us headed up Houghton Hill. We split up at Slindon. I headed back via Yapton and the coast. Mileage from and back to Walberton was about 35. My mileage was 51. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 19:02 BST
Updated: Sunday, 19 April 2009 22:09 BST
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Ride to Washington. Gill, Linda and Anne at the Start. Picture by Colin

Posted by RideLeader
at 21:42 BST
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Sunday 5th April. Ride to the Hog's Lodge, Clanfield.
Upon a sunny but coolish morning Linda led Avryl, Colin, Edwin, Gill and Robin on a brisk run from Chichester Cross through Funtington and Aldsworth to Stansted for elevenses. 
The Pavilion has reopened and very fine and tasteful it is too - woodwork in white, metalwork in black and some doors in a pale eau-de-nil. Chris, Jan and Carol from Portsmouth/Havant were there to greet us and rode on with us to the Hog's Lodge for lunch via Forestside, Chalton and up the hill past Butser Ancient Farm.

On this section of the ride Edwin asked me to point out that there were 6 women cycling and only 2 men, Robin having left us after elevenses. Come on all you chaps, come and even the numbers up. It's not normal I understand in cycling circles for women riders to outnumber the men.
Chris, Jan and Carol left us at the pub to carry on their own rides to their homes in Hampshire. We did gain more company though. Liz and Alan had cycled their own route from Chichester and returned after lunch to Chichester, making their own way. Adrian had cycled up from Portsmouth and made his way back there after lunch.
We remaining 5 carried on westwards to the Butser Hill picnic park up the appropriately named Hogs Lodge Lane and thence down to and around Oxenbourne House, through Buriton, Quebec (W Sx) and South Harting to pick up the Treyford, Bepton road at Elsted.

This took us to the Moonlight Cafe at Cocking for a lovely tea. The Cafe was very busy with a Hunt the Easter Egg village event, but we managed to squeeze ourselves around a spare table in the sunshine out of the cool easterly breeze. Despite this Gill had caught a chill and after getting up Cocking Hill raced off into the distance and we never saw her again!
The round trip from the Cross was 47miles, though most people had done well over 50 to and from their starting points.
Linda - Writeup
Pictures - Edwin

Posted by RideLeader
at 21:00 BST
Updated: Sunday, 5 April 2009 21:13 BST
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Sunday 29th March. Ride to Hayling Island.
7 of us met at Chichester Cross. Myself (Edwin) Alan and Liz, Harvey, Linda, Jan and Chris. Weather was cold early on but soon warmed up in the bright sunshine which developed and lasted most of the day on the coast. We saw a lot of cyclists out and about with a few even in shorts but none of us ventured that far. 
I led the group on the usual route on the lanes of the South Coast cycle route to Woodmancote and Westbourne. A lot of Daffodils and Spring Flowers were in evidence together with blossoms. From Westbourne we took a short cyclepath and then backstreets to Emsworth for elevenses at the Greenhouse Café. We were able to sit outside in the warming sunshine. After elevenses Alan and Liz left us to head straight back. The rest of us continued via the first part of the Hayling Billy trail out of Havant and after crossing the bridge we took back lanes via Northney and West Town before riding down to the Seafront for lunch at the Coastguard Café. Jan and Chris left us here to ride home to Clanfield leaving us depleted to just myself, Linda and Harvey. We returned by a similar route except some different paths and streets through Havant. As we neared Chichester Linda headed straight back while Harvey and I stopped for tea at Hilliers Garden Centre Café near Bosham. This had a big makeover during the winter with now a lot more space and also outside seating. My mileage for the day was 54. Distance from and back to Chichester was 40. Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 19:42 BST
Monday, 23 March 2009
Bognor Chichester Anniversary Dinner and Ride
Kevin Mayne Director of CTC and his wife Cheril were guests of honour at the 25th Anniversary Dinner of the forming of the Bognor Chichester Group of the West Sussex DA.This was organised by Avryl and took place at the Robin Hood Inn just outside Bognor Regis on Saturday 21st March 2009. Kevin was appointed 11 years ago to modernise the CTC by the then chairman Tom Lamb. Coming from industry Kevin was considered an outsider (the Brian Clough of Cycling) but unlike Cloughy, Kevin did get the top job. Kevin gave an inspiring and informative after dinner speech covering the resurgence of the CTC from the low point of the 1970's to the present day. Whilst the promotion of touring remains central to the purpose of the CTC it is aware nowadays people need encouragement to try cycling. The CTC is now administering multimillion pound lottery projects for various cycling initiatives, notably the Bikeability training programmes for all ages and the Cycle Champions project which aims to increase the nation's health and fitness. This brings cycling to groups of all abilities but especially those that have historically not experienced the health benefits and sheer pleasure that cycling can bring. Kevin took us back to 1984, the year of the formation of the Bognor Chichester Group and read out a review from Chris Juden on a new breed of bikes (off road machines). This perceptively pointed out that these bikes could make very good touring bikes. Given that one of our number, Colin Bloomfield had just returned from six weeks solo touring Vietnam and Laos on a Marin that probably dates from 1984; we can see how accurate that early assessment was. Kevin answered questions including what makes a successful group and many points were noted. 
Philippa thanked Kevin for attending and asked him and Cheril to cut the celebratory cake baked and decorated with cycle clips and other cycle accessories by Mary Turner.

A lovely sunny Spring day greeted the 'day after riders' at Chichester Cross.20 attended on the Ride including Kevin Mayne, Colin, Richard, Jeff and Beatrice, Alan and Liz, Bob and Gill Marshall, Arthur and Lynn, Gill, Anne, Philippa, Jo Phillips, Harvey, Kath, Freda and Jim and Keith Dodman. The photo shoot with Kevin, again the guest of honour, involved Japanese tourists taking photos of CTC riders taking photos of other CTC riders.
After everyone had taken photos of each other we departed via back roads to Bosham. The low tide allowed riders to use the road around the edge of the harbour with great views of Bosham village.
There was an elevenses stop at Bosham before continuing to Rowland Castle for lunch. The ride was led by Richard Carlisle. The Ride was a re-enactment of the Bognor and Chichester Groups first Ride which was to Rowlands Castle on 14th April 1984. Write up by Jeff Lander and Photos by Colin Bloomfield Combined and posted by Edwin from Lanzarote
Posted by RideLeader
at 17:57 BST
Updated: Monday, 6 April 2009 11:16 BST
Monday, 16 March 2009
Sunday March 15th Ride to The Limeburners Arms, Newbridge
On the first sunny, settled day for a while just Colin and Linda set of from the Cross via Pilley Green, Duncton Hill and Barlavington to Tiffins for elevenses and thence via Kirdford to The Limeburners. Arun-Adur had also chosen this pub as their lunch destination, so we had more lunchtime company from 7 of them. After lunch it was T-shirt warmth. Winter layers discarded. On the return journey, three of Arun-Adur rode with us the West Chiltington route for tea at the Amberley tea room. They then went their own way and we carried on up Houghton Hill and on to Walberton, where Colin departed for his home and I for mine in Chichester. A pleasant fastish ride of 55 miles round trip from the Cross. Linda

Posted by RideLeader
at 09:47 BST
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Lanzarote. Thursday 12 March to Sunday 15 March. Scroll down for local Club Rides.
Ride to Fire Mountain On Thursday 12 March most of the group were leaving. Richard and Peter midday and Harvey later in the afternoon. Weather today was hazy sun all day with temperatures late in the afternoon reaching 27C. This was a record temperature for Lanzarote for this date in March. After watching Peter dismantle his bike and pack it in a small suitcase I led Gill and Anne on a ride to Fire Mountain the centre of the area of big eruptions 300 years ago. We took the backroads to Tias and then Conil with Gill and Anne waiting for me at the top of each climb, I may need to get used to this for a little while yet! We continued on a different backroad from usual from Conil to the main road and then turned off north on a road across Lava fields.
We turned off on another road to the Timanfaya National Park and stopped off to look round the Visitor Centre at the Park Boundary. We treated this as elevenses and I acquired a refreshing ice cream at the shop. Then it was further into the Park across great lava fields and between Volcanoes. We turned off onto an access road and paid the entry fee and the scenery became if anything more remote and desolate. We got the Park centre and got the bus for the tour of the Volcanoes. No pedestrians or bikes are allowed on the circuit for the very good reason that the road is the width of a bus with steep drops. The trip is amazing with the bus climbing round the volcanoe with views of vast desolate areas and other Volcanoes 
After watching some demonstrations of the heat in the area including geysers set off by pouring water down a hole we had a picnic lunch and Gill attracted a few Lizards interested in her crumbs. We then headed on with a stop at a gathering of Camels used to take tourists on sand on the side of the Volcano. We descended across a vast expanse of lava fields to Yaiza and then down and a stop at the Puerto Calero Marina for an early tea. We got back to base just as Harvey was waiting outside for his taxi which soon arrived. 35 miles for the day.
Ride above the Clouds Today’s ride was to the far North of the Island including climbs to 2000ft. Temperatures today reached 26C. Weather conditions were pretty unique as I will describe later. We had an early start at 08.40. We took the usual backroad to Tias and then another backroad among many spring flowers. At the top the sunny weather we had enjoyed changed to clouds and mist as we started to ride in the clouds. We continued on the main route with a stop for elevenses at a pleasant café in Teguise.
As we continued and rode a little way above Teguise the clouds suddenly all disappeared to be replaced by unbroken clear blue sky with very low clouds lapping against the north side of the ridge we were climbing up but not able to get over it. The weather condition is known as a Temperature Inversion. The usual decrease of temperature with height is reversed with temperatures getting lower with lower height and low misty cloud forming at lower altitude. I have never seen this before in Lanzarote and it is more usual in high mountain ranges. I have seen it only once before 20 years ago when riding up the 11,250ft Pico Veleta. We gradually continued the climb past some big Wind Turbines and then turned off on a backroad to La Nieves, a church and viewpoint looking down over 2000ft cliffs to Famara on the North coast. Here there was an amazing view as we looked down in bright sunshine on the clouds below covering the North coast and the central Plateau area at 1000ft. Peaks of Volcanoes appeared above the Clouds. 
Anne adopted a comfortable niche in the rocks to admire the view. 
We continued on a backroad and rejoined the main road by a café where I turned in to look at the view to the south coast which was clear. A couple of British racing cyclists asked for their pictures to be taken with their red noses, Red Nose Day today. We continued with a descent down multiple hairpins to the old town of Haria at about 1000ft. Then it was multiple ups and downs before we turned off on a backroad to Mirador del Rio, a viewpoint at the far NE tip of the Island. This is a spectacular road with views over cliffs still visible between the clouds lapping against the rocks. 
At the Mirador we stopped for lunch with views of the clouds trying to climb over the edge. 
We then had a swooping 1400ft descent to the clear south coast. We had a tail wind but a few more climbs first on the main road and then up to San Bartolome before the final 1000ft descent to Playa Honda and the cyclepath back
67 miles for the day and about 4500ft of climbing. This was far and away the hardest ride I have done since the accident, helped by everybody coming out here giving me motivation to regularly get out on the bike.
On Saturday 14 March Gill and Anne were heading back late in the day. We all had a good rest day after yesterday’s exertions. We had a walk down to the Prom and Anne had a swim. There were clear blue skies and temperatures up to 25C.
On Sunday 15 March there were again clear blue skies all day with temperatures up to 27C. I decided on an easy ride to Costa Teguise along the coast taking the Cyclepath to Arrecife and then through the City on roads close to the coast with little traffic on a Sunday. Everybody was out and the beaches packed on a day which felt like the hot summer days we seem to have missed the last few years in the UK. I stopped for a picnic lunch on the way out and an Ice Cream stop in Costa Teguise. Then a tea stop or more strictly a fresh orange juice stop in a café in Playa Honda.
32 miles for the day Edwin
Posted by RideLeader
at 22:15 BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 March 2009 23:26 BST
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21 Dec, 09 > 27 Dec, 09
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22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
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7 Jan, 08 > 13 Jan, 08
31 Dec, 07 > 6 Jan, 08
24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
17 Dec, 07 > 23 Dec, 07
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3 Dec, 07 > 9 Dec, 07
26 Nov, 07 > 2 Dec, 07
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22 Jan, 07 > 28 Jan, 07
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8 Jan, 07 > 14 Jan, 07
31 Dec, 01 > 6 Jan, 02