Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Sunday 1 April. Riding down towards Stansted.












Eight of us met at Chichester Cross - Edwin, Chris, Avryll, Harvie, Alan, Liz, Phil and Mary. The sky was clear, the sun shone, but a strong northerly wind hampered progress in that direction. A new GPS unit was mounted on Mary's handlebars to direct us to Chalton - a first for the club? After promising not to cycle over cliffs or across ploughed fields, we set off.

GPS immediatey directed us back to Chichester Cross. He had cleverly spotted that this was also the end point and devised a (very) short cut! We headed down west street with Mary frantically pushing buttons and toggle switches to get him to behave. The route out took us through Funtington and across into the Compton valley and a gradual climb to the shop at Compton. GPS was at this point displaying coffee stop, but unfortunately the coffee machine was broken so cold drinks were the order of the day.

A little north of Compton we turned west and crossed into the next valley and eventually crossed the railway and climbed the very steep hill up to Chalton. Alan and Liz had taken an alternative route through Finchdean and met us at the pub reporting a sighting of the rare John Maxim en route. The pub was fairly full, but the outside temperature was pleasant and we sat in the garden admiring the splendid view across the Downs.

Heading south again, GPS sensed we were finally heading in the right direction (or was it Mary threatening to chuck him over the hedge) and dutifully bleeped the correct turns until we arrived at our tea stop at Stanstead House. Another pleasant interlude in the sun and then back down the road to Woodmancote and on to Chichester.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:35 BST
Updated: Sunday, 1 April 2007 22:45 BST
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Sunday 25 March. Coastguard Cafe, Hayling Island.

Weather today was mainly cloudy with the occasional sunny spell. We had a brisk NW wind and temperatures reached about 10C.

I was down to lead the ride today but I wanted to ride a local 25 mile Time Trial first, the date for which had not been fixed when the Rides List was sorted. Alan kindly agreed to lead on the way out. I rode direct to Hayling Island after the Time Trial and led the return ride.
There were 9 of us out today, Alan and Liz, Harvey, Russell, Linda, Avryl, Ann, Gill and myself.

Alan’s route out was on Clay Lane to Woodmancote and Westbourne and then a track via Lumley to Emsworth and elevenses at The Greenhouse Cafe. Then the Cycle Path down from Havant and over the bridge. Then a quiet byroad via Northney and North Hayling and down to the Coastguard Cafe in East Hayling on the seafront.

I led the return ride taking the Hayling Billy trail up the west coast of the Island with views across to Portsmouth. Then on to Havant, Southleigh and Westbourne and across to Hillier’s  near Bosham for tea. I decided my mileage today justified a piece of Raspberry and Apple Pie with custard. We returned to Chichester via Fishbourne and split up there for different routes home.

My mileage for the day was 45 for the Club Ride plus 47 for the Time Trial including riding from home to the start and back again so 92 total.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 18:10 BST
Updated: Sunday, 25 March 2007 18:54 BST
Sunday 25 March. Getting ready to leave the Coastguard Cafe.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 18:08 BST
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Sunday 18 March. Rising Sun, Nutbourne.

Weather today was bright and sunny all day apart from 2 short light showers. Temperatures were a lot colder than of late at about 8C with a strong NW wind.

We had a good turnout, the leader Harvey was joined at Walberton Pond by Edwin, Phil and Mary, Nicola and Gill. We were joined at elevenses by Steve and Linda.
The route out was via Madehurst, down Houghton hill and then across to Wiggonholt via Amberley for elevenses. More traffic than normal seemed to be about on the lanes. Probably mothers being taken for a drive in the country before their lunch.
Edwin left Wiggonholt a little early and got to the Pub at 12.01 to grab the big table in the bar before any mothers got hold of it. Ernie had left a car at Henfield and rode over from there. After lunch Ernie and Nicola rode to Henfield for tea with Nicola’s Mum.

Suitably fed and watered we headed back via Coldwaltham and then Bury and Houghton and up Houghton Hill to stop for Tea at Whiteways. Just as we arrived a short shower came on with a little hail and snow.

My mileage for the day (Edwin) was 50.

Edwin for Harvey

remote Posted by RideLeader at 22:21 BST
Updated: Sunday, 18 March 2007 22:31 BST
Sunday 18 March. Cycling down Houghton Hill

remote Posted by RideLeader at 22:19 BST
Sunday 18 March. Cycling on the lanes towards Wiggonholt

remote Posted by RideLeader at 22:19 BST
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Sunday 4 March











It was wet. The two hardy tandem riders waited until 2 minutes past the appointed hour in the pouring rain at Chichester Cross then set off up North Street to join the Funtington Road. Right in Funtington, then down into the valley and up the long road until just past Compton we turned left to cross into the next valley. The rain was stinging into the driver’s eyes as the tandem rolled down the hill after crossing the ridge, and the puddle at the bottom of the hill seemed quite innocuous until they were up to their axles in it. Having practised their landing on deep water/crossing a ford drill the previous year (and fallen off into the stream), they were able to power through the deep water, though the front chain fell off – perhaps that should be the stoker powered through the water having a strong aversion to falling in for the second time. They continued up the steep hill, through Clanfield, and arrived at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park Cafe by 11:30 pm (a respectable time for the conditions).

Fortified by a Cornish Pasty and flapjack, they returned through Clanfield but continued down the valley to Rowlands Castle, returning to Chichester along the south coast cycle route.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 15:12 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 4 March 2007 15:18 GMT
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Sunday 25 February - Walberton start

Looking south west from above Amberley.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 21:00 GMT
Monday, 26 February 2007
Sunday 25 February - Chichester start

Eight riders gathered at the Cross on a rather overcast morning - Freda, Jim, Richard, Russel, Linda, Avryll, Mary & Phil. We cycled east, admiring the water flowing in the Lavant, through Maudlin to pick up the main road throgh Halnaker to the crest of Goodwood ridge. Freda and Jim dropped out at the ridge and the rest of us continued to the viewpoint on Duncton Hill where we stopped for refreshments.

We swooped down Duncton Hill and followed the road through Seaford College to Graffam arriving at the White Horse a few minutes before it opened at noon. Alan and Liz arrived from the east at shortly afterwards, and as we were finishing lunch, the group from Walberton led by Colin (including Jill, Anne and Chris).

We then continued eastwards to meet the main road from Midhurst just north of Cocking and climbed Cocking Hill, descending to West Dean for afternoon tea. Russel took an alternative off-road route on his mountain bike and rejoined us at West Dean.

Finally, we followed the Centurion Way back into Chichester.

The weather was overcast except for the occasional sunny interval in the morning, but generally dry and mild. JPT

Posted by RideLeader at 22:32 GMT
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Bognor Library to Runcton, Manor Nurseries Restaurant

Six hardy souls braved torrential rain to take this short "beginners" ride to Runcton. The group consisted of myself, Alan & Liz, Val, Jo, and Steve from Haywards Heath who had come over specially. Mind you, it wasn’t raining when he left home!

Our route took us through Bognor backstreets to Bersted, where we joined the cyclepath to Chichester. We then proceeded via Colworth and Merston to Runcton.

About half a mile from our destination, at Greeen Lane, Val pulled up right on the site of the old canal bridge, with a front puncture. The weather not having improved, a pump was applied and the tyre survived a quick sprint to the restaurant, where a permanent repair was effected.

We were joined at tea by a tame Robin, who seemed quite at home inside the premises, and gratefully accepted our crumbs.

The return trip started with a brief respite from the rain, but it resumed again by the time we crossed the farm roads at Parigo and with hail stinging our faces, we arrived at Aldwick and Bognor seafront. At this point the rain finally eased off, stopping completely as the ride ended.

Mileage from start point to finish, a modest 12 – but not bad considering the conditions!


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 GMT
Updated: Monday, 12 February 2007 22:56 GMT
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Sunday, 4 February - Chichester start

Another good turn out at the Cross on a fairly cold morning. Richard led out Russel, Linda, Jimmy and Phil & Mary. We took the Centurion Way up to West Dean - very claggy at the top end, and then the road through Singleton. As we climbed the hill a slight mist developed and the temperature dropped.

Jimmy turned back at the top of the hill, but Steve joined us having arrived late for the start. We continued to the Moonlight Cafe in Cocking for coffee where we met up with Harvie and Colin who arrived from Walberton, Colin having recently returned from his latest adventures in Vietnam.

Richard and Harvie then took us through the lanes to Bepton, crossed the A272 and looped round over the top before dropping back into Midhurst. Richard, Colin, Phil & Mary had sandwiches by the castle, then joined the others for tea and to escape from the cold.

We returned down the main road to Cocking then up over Cocking Hill and down to Singleton. Harvie and Steve stopped for tea at West Dean but the others continued back down the Centurion Way (using the main road to skirt the claggy bit) to Chichester.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:28 GMT
Sunday, 21 January 2007
Sunday 21 January

Another good turnout with 10 people starting from Chichester Cross led by Freda Birch. This included two prospective members Linda and Jimmy who we hope will join us again. We took the long route to Old Bosham and managed to arrive just before the high tide covered the road. Alan & Liz met us in the cafe.

Freda took the A259 from Bosham to Chidham, then continued inland to Hambrook, via Friars Leaze Road to Southborn, and then via Prinstead to Emsworth. Adrian met the group at the Greenhouse cafe and the diners were reunited with Vernon and Claire - back for the time being from their round-the-world adventure.

The group then cycled inland to Welbourne and returned via Clay Lane.

Posted by RideLeader at 18:57 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 21 January 2007 19:00 GMT
Sunday, 14 January 2007
Sunday, 14 January 2007
After all the wet gloomy days recently, it was a joy to see real sunshine, blue sky and no wind. Thirteen cyclists turned out. 11 solos and 1 tandem. There were several  ' not often seen' individuals as well as a new member, Ian, from Westergate. The circuitous route went via Goodwood Park, Halnaker, and Mount Noddy. We had coffee at the Aldingbourne Centre before moving on to Walberton and the road through Binsted Woods - very wet and muddy in the rough section - into Arundel. Lunch was partaken by most at the Tudor Rose Cafe. Return journey on the Ford Road, off to Yapton, then Barnham, Eastergate, Aldingbourne and Merston. A really enjoyable day out, even if short -- about 35 miles, and home before dark. Meetings on the way – Mike (Motorised Division), Eric, Keith (Green Man) and Sam.

Richard Carlisle

Posted by RideLeader at 20:21 GMT
Sunday, 7 January 2007
Sunday 7 January. Mince Pie Ride.

Today was the winter gathering for a final festive fling of eating excess. 28 assembled at Phil and Mary’s at Runcton for coffee and Mince Pies together with a wide spread of cakes of all kinds including some freshly baked Baklavas, a honeyed Greek pastry.

With much chatting eating and drinking it was nearly 12 before we got on the bikes to ride to the Winterton Arms near Aldingbourne. Only 7 of us rode in the main group with Phil and Mary and Alan and Liz following on later. The rest were car assisted. Weather was much better than forecast and although there were heavy threatening clouds we had no rain.

I led the group on the lane to Merston and then Shopwyke and Tangmere and across the Airfield and up to Aldingbourne and then the Winterton Arms.

After lunch it was direct to Avryl’s house in Tangmere via Easthampnett. We were welcomed with another substantial spread of Mince Pies and cakes.

My mileage for the day was 21.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 18:24 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 7 January 2007 20:46 GMT
Sunday 7 January. Leaving Phil and Mary's on Mince Pie Ride

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:55 GMT
Tuesday, 1 January 2002
Sunday 21 January

Posted by RideLeader at 01:00 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 21 January 2007 18:55 GMT
Sunday 25 February, Chichester start

Posted by RideLeader at 01:00 GMT

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28 Dec, 09 > 3 Jan, 10
21 Dec, 09 > 27 Dec, 09
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12 Jan, 09 > 18 Jan, 09
22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
8 Dec, 08 > 14 Dec, 08
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27 Oct, 08 > 2 Nov, 08
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4 Feb, 08 > 10 Feb, 08
28 Jan, 08 > 3 Feb, 08
21 Jan, 08 > 27 Jan, 08
14 Jan, 08 > 20 Jan, 08
7 Jan, 08 > 13 Jan, 08
31 Dec, 07 > 6 Jan, 08
24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
17 Dec, 07 > 23 Dec, 07
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