Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Monday, 11 February 2013
Sunday 10 February. Scheduled ride to Stedham

The ride was cancelled due to heavy rain forecast for the entire day.  Avryl (leader) and Sam R turned up at the Cross wet and cold and decided to get back home a.s.a.p


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 GMT
Updated: Monday, 11 February 2013 12:17 GMT
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Saturday 9th February, ride to Manor Garden Centre Cafe.

A miserable February day, no wind but a constant  drizzly rain which threatened to get worse but never actually did.
New member Debbie (H) was the only attendee at the start point, but to get warmed up with the temperature hovering between 4 and 5 degrees, we decided to do the ride nonetheless. 
We took a route through South & North Bersted out to the Chichester cyclepath, and I used the opportunity to try a new bit of refurbished path between North Bersted Street and Chichester Road. This is on the edge of the new housing development and what was formerly a narrow footpath has been re-furbished by the builders to form a very pleasant back route avoiding the main road, which appears to be cycling permissive. Unfortunately, a bit at the end has not had a surface laid, leaving 150 yards of uncompromisingly sticky mud. Whilst we negotiated this without too much difficulty, i am not recommending this route until it has dried out!
Then it was up the Chichester cyclepath, round the Colworth loop (not too flooded compared to last time i was up there), dropping down via Merston Lane to Runcton, and the Palmhouse Restaurant at Manor Nurseries.     
We returned via the Parigo / Butterlees Farm off road route back to West Meads and Bognor, the entire return route accomplished without meeting any flooding at all. However on the Lower Bognor Road we stopped to inspect my pedal which appeared to becoming detached from the bottom bracket.  Unfortunately I had no socket spanner with me so there was no alternative but to press on and hope for the best. On reaching West Meads the pedal was spinning free and was unusable. Luckily, this was towards the end of the ride, and going slowly and using just one pedal, I made it home and it was quicker than walking. A fuller inspection revealed that the left hand pedal had worked loose from the spindle and it was just a matter of re-tightening the nuts, the bolt had not sheared.
My mileage for the afternoon was 16.5

Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 GMT
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Sunday 20 January. Ride to Midhurst

Ride CANCELLED due to adverse weather - snow ice ect ect


Posted by RideLeader at 11:53 GMT
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Sunday 13th January. Ride to West Marden

After a day of rain on Saturday and a forecast of frost for Sunday morning it was a pleasant surprise to find mostly dry roads as a result of a biting north easterly wind.  Four of us met at The Cross appropriately dressed in many layers – Sam R, David, Gill and myself.   We headed off along Clay Lane and hence to Stansted Park via Hambrook, Woodmancote and Aldsworth with no significant puddles but inevitably potholes and some rough patches of road.  The sun came out en route and at the teashop we basked in bright sunshine albeit through glass windows.  Gill left us here and the rest of us carried on up the long drag of a hill and then on to West Marden where we stopped for lunch.

 With the sun still shining we headed off down south with the wind behind us. Very shortly afterwards we encountered several rather jolly water splashes with flooded woods alongside and of course potholes.  With the sun still shining we went through Walderton and Funtington turning off along Downs road continuing to West Stoke.  We turned off at West Stoke Road and stopped for coffee/tea at Wellies.  Meanwhile the sun had disappeared and the sky looked quite threatening.  At the end of Hunters Race we split up and headed home via West Lavant or Centurion Way. 

 Mileage   25                                                                                              

 Written by Avryl    (Leader) 

Posted by RideLeader at 20:05 GMT
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Sunday 6 January, Mince Pie Ride

For today's ride we all converged on Avryl’s house in Tangmere for a Mince Pies start. The weather was dry, though cloudy with temperatures up to 10C.

I took a route on lanes via Colworth. With the worst of the flooding subsided I took one lane for the first time in months. I came across this view which I would call “Warning Potholes Ahead” It made me think of the Indians who put skulls on sticks to warn not to go any further.

There were 28 of us crowding into Avryl’s house and most arrived by bike.

I may have missed some but these included Avryl, myself, Arthur, Lynn, Jan, Jim, Freda, Richard, Elizabeth, David, Irene, Jim, Jan, Dave, Debbie, Alan, Liz, Diane, Brian, Harvey, Roy, Brian, Sue and welcome to 4 newcomers, Tony and Marylin Holmes and Mark Farrugia and Phillip Janson.

We were soon all tucking into coffees and a great spread of Mince Pies and other cakes.

When it came time to leave the first job was to find the right shoes or perhaps a better pair.

We all collected the right bikes outside to head off to lunch at Aldingbourne.

However it all came to stop at the end of the drive as Jan discovered she had a puncture. Arthur and some others waited while Arthur fixed the puncture. I led the rest over to Aldingbourne. I took a route across Tangmere Airfield and the road from Oving and lane though Aldingbourne village and on to the Garden Centre for lunch. John Maxim joined us for lunch.

We gathered to leave after lunch heading for home on various routes.

My latest HDR picture is of Westminster Underground station with a fisheye lens. I thought the roof looks a bit like a flying saucer.



Posted by RideLeader at 16:28 GMT
Updated: Monday, 7 January 2013 10:36 GMT
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Tuesday 1 January. Ride to Amberley

Today was the best day in many weeks with blue skies and sun all day with temperatures up to 8C. Evidence of recent deluges was clear as I rode up the main A29 road just north of Shripney. There were 2 locations where the water was across the road as shown by the pictures below.


There was a late 10.30 start at Walberton Pond with leader nominate on the day. However nobody arrived to lead though I learned later that Ernie had arrived just after I left at 10.35.

I took the lanes up to the A29 and then turned off onto the lane to Madehurst. With no fast group to keep up with I was able to take my time and take pictures like this pretty cottage on the Madehurst lane.


Elevenses was taken with a Hot Chocolate at the Whiteways Cafe/Kiosk.

Then downhill to Houghton and flooding in the fields where the River Arun had overflowed.

With the Black Horse Inn closed down the lunch stop was at The Sportsman, Amberley. Below is the view from the Pub where the Pulborough Wild Brooks AKA Amberley Lake was more flooded than I have ever seen it.

There was a much better turnout from Arun Adur including John Maxim, Richard Boulton, Dave Fox, Ernie and Ray and Jo.

I returned on the same route save for going back via Yapton and the coast

My mileage for the day from Pagham was 36 miles.

My latest HDR image to be processed is a shot of Bath Abbey taken from the roof with a fisheye lens during the Abbey Tower Tour.

More details at my Photo Blog at 


Posted by RideLeader at 17:51 GMT
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Sunday 30 December. Ride to East Wittering

For a change today was dry with some sunshine with temperatures up to 10C. Evidence of recent deluges was clear as I rode up the Pagham Road. The picture shows the overflow from the Lavant flood relief scheme.

Arthur was the leader and there was a good turnout. Joining the ride were myself, Sam, Richard, Graham, David, Alan and Liz. Avryl joined us at elevenses so 8 out on the day in all.

Arthur led us out from Chichester along West Street and then along Appledram lane. We kept to the road as the Salterns Way path was flooded. More flood and mud avoidance followed as we took the main road before turning off to Chichester Yacht Basis to stop at the Cafe for elevenses.

Alan and Liz and I turned back after elevenses for a half day ride. Arthur led the rest via Birdham to stop for lunch at the Boulevard Cafe, East Wittering.

My mileage for the day from Pagham was 21 miles.

Next a few more HDR pictures. The first one is of a Christmas lights scene at Canary Wharf. The second is a shot of Bath Abbey taken with a fisheye lens.


More details at my Photo Blog at 


Posted by RideLeader at 14:13 GMT
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Sunday 18 December, Tinsel Ride to Barnham

Today was the Tinsel Ride to Barnham led by Arthur and meeting at Chichester Cross. The weather was sunny and a lot warmer than of late with temperatures reaching 10C.



Meeting at the Cross were Arthur, Richard, Keith, Dave and Jan, Sam, Avryl, Graham of the Moulton Club  and myself (Edwin) so 9 in all. Alan and Liz joined us at Elevenses and John at lunch so 12 out on the day in total. Some were into the Christmas spirit


Arthur led us East via Shopwyke and then Oving and on to the lane through Aldingbourne Village.


We crossed the A27 at Crocker Hill and then on to Aldingbourne for a welcome break. We were joined here by Alan and Liz. Arthur had 2 bright baubles on the back of his bike. Avryl commented that his balls were shining in the sunshine!!


We all gathered to set off again.


Arthur led us back via Fontwell and the underpass under the A27. Then it was down to Walberton and on to Barnham for lunch at Lily’s cafe where we took over.

We were joined there by John Maxim. Lynn also joined us there by car after having to work in the morning.




After lunch I headed straight home taking a route via Yapton and Middleton. Then back on the seafront. There were some quite dramatic clouds over the sea with long delayed showers moving in which I just beat home.



Mileage from and back to Chichester would have been about 24 miles. My mileage was 31 from Pagham.



Next a few more HDR pictures both taken with a fisheye lens. Just over a week ago I took another day trip to London for some more pictures. The first one is of a travelator at Waterloo Underground station. The second was at Canary Wharf with one of the Docklands Light Railway trains just entering a skyscraper. The shutter speed was slow to get movement in the train.


 Canary Wharf



More details at my Photo Blog at  



Posted by RideLeader at 17:22 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 16 December 2012 19:40 GMT
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Saturday Ride to Brick Kiln Garden Centre Cafe

After a cold and wet week the weather took an unexpected turn for the better and today was bright and sunny, very little wind and temperature hovering at about 8 degrees - double what it has been!
Julian, Alan, Steve, Harvey, Liz with brother in law Bob, Debbie and myself all turned up at the start so 8 out for the ride is not bad for December.
We took a contorted back route out of Bognor via Aldwick, and then headed for open country along the Lower Bognor Road, diverting to our usual "Parigo Farm" tracks to avoid the busy twists of the road. Here we stopped for a quick photo opportunity. Then it was to Runcton and a route across the old airfield at Merston, a route with which regular evening and Saturday riders will be familiar. Doubling back across the old runway I took a path we don't use very often, a rarther sticky pathway (but only for a few yards) to join the old Green Lane and emerging at the India Gate and the cycle track following the A259. A quick sprint up the cyclepath brought us to Brick Kiln.
The return route took the cycletrack to the Colworth loop, where Harvey left us for Barnham, and Liz & Bob for Chichester. Then around Colworth lanes where we found the road completely submerged due to the recent rains. However it was only about 5 inches deep at worst so we got a bonus of nice clean tyres on the way home. We rejoined the cycle track to North Bersted, then back roads again via the Arena, and into central Bognor.
Return mileage to and from Bognor library just a tad under 15.

Posted by RideLeader at 07:56 GMT
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Sunday 2nd December. Christmas Lunch Ride to Hunston

Today there was an 08.30 start Appetite Improver Ride to Compton for elevenses and then the Christmas Lunch at Hunston. As the alarm went off I wondered whose silly idea it was to put down an 8.30 start ride on a cold December day, oh yes, mine and I was due to lead it.

The day dawned with clear skies and cold, well freezing really, with a widespread frost. Temperatures were about -2 in the countryside increasing to +5 later in the morning.

Survival guide for the artic weather cyclist. Five layers including 2 coats, woolly hat under the helmet, 2 pairs of gloves. For the feet 2 pairs of socks, plastic bags, shoes and overshoes.

My plan which actually worked was to stay on B Roads, hopefully salted and avoid hills until it warmed up. However I approached Chichester with hopes that nobody else would be daft enough to turn up for the ride so early on a cold morning so I could retreat to a warm cafe. Didn’t pan out though, Sam and John Maxim turned up.


We headed off up via the Northgate Roundabout and then the B-Road via East Ashling and Funtington. I mentioned to Sam that you could tell the salted roads from the wet sheen on them, to which Sam replied unless its ice, oops.

We continued though Funtington avoiding the hill and took the next right to head on via Racton. It was a beautiful morning with bright low sunlight and white frost covering everything. We continued up the B-Road via West Marden and arrived at Compton at about 9.30. The cafe opens at 8.30. Our refreshment break/warming up break lasted for an hour. When we exited Sam’s tyre was flat as a pancake.


When we left much of the frost and ice was melted. We headed back via Funtington, Watery Lane and West Ashling. Then it was Clay lane back to Chichester. John left us there and Sam and I continued to Hunston via the Canal Path to arrive in the Pub Car Park at 12.00 precisely, better than Horsham Section!

There were 14 for the lunch with some arriving by car and others coming direct by bike. The meal was excellent, tasty with substantial portions.


My mileage for the day from Pagham was 37. Mileage from and then back to Chichester after lunch would have been about 30.

One footnote to the day. When I got home I heard a noise upstairs, first thought burglars! The noise came from the spare room/computer room and came from behind a half closed curtain. Behind it was a bird, quite big, about the size of a thrush and it had those kinds of markings. I opened a window drew the curtains and it found the way out. The big mystery is that all doors and windows were firmly shut. The loft hatch was shut, the chimney is sealed off. When I went out in the morning I shut the vestibule door before opening the outer door and the inner door was shut when I got back. Answers on an E-Card only or to me as an extra question for the Christmas Quiz by Dave and Arthur at the Club Night this Thursday.

Below are my latest HDR pictures both taken with a fisheye lens. The first is City Hall, London’s South Bank and the second is a stairwell at Embankment underground Station.


More details at



Posted by RideLeader at 18:00 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 2 December 2012 19:35 GMT
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Sunday 25th November. Ride to Graffham.

After a downpour most of yesterday and last night the day started bright and sunny. On my way into Chichester for the start I took a picture of flooded roads. A little bit of Deja Vue. See the Blog entry for 3 weeks ago 4th November, same place same flood.


Avryl was the leader and she was joined by myself, Sam, Debbie and Gill so 5 out on the day.


The morning was a mixture of sunshine and clouds and we headed east via Westhampnett and the main road via Boxgrove. Then it was lanes round to Aldingbourne for elevenses. We met there 3 from Arun Adur CTC, Richard Boulton, Dave Fox and newcomer Jerry. We were due to meet them also for lunch but they took a longer route.

Avryl led us out upwards via Eartham and then the climb on the main road. Then it was further north on the main road where we met a lot of cyclists coming the other way on an Audax Event apparently organised by Dave Hudson starting from Petworth. They were struggling up Duncton Hill as we swooped down.

Then it was the lane to and through Seaford College to Graffham. We arrive just after 12.00 just as the first spots of rain started. Note to self. If we go there again in the winter ring from the Ride Start and book a table. Everything was booked but we got the use of a table where they were not due to arrive till 1.30. Arun Adur joined us about 30 minutes later.

The Pub Garden was basically water hidden by grass. When we arrived it looked ok. When we left it was churned up into muddy tyre tracks.


It was dry when we left but the rain soon started again, light to start with. We headed back on lanes via Heyshott  Green. Avryl decided to avoid the muddy lane to Cocking and took the main road. Near Heyshott Green we again met the Audax Riders, again riding the opposite way.

At Cocking Debbie got a puncture and Sam and I did the mending in steady heavy rain. As we headed back via Singleton and Lavant the rain progressed from heavy to very heavy to downpour. There was a mention at one stage of Singing in the Rain which didn’t get very far. From Lavant we headed back different ways with the rain stopping soon after.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 30. My mileage from Pagham was 42.

My latest HDR picture to be processed is the light trail of a Bus on Tower Bridge.



Posted by RideLeader at 17:48 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 25 November 2012 21:51 GMT
Monday, 19 November 2012
Sunday 18th November. Ride to Hambledon.

Report from Jeff Lander

Normally ride leaders keep within + or - 10 % of advertised ride distance.  But Colin  was leading the 9.30 start today to Lott's cafe  Hambledon and he is not normal, so it is best to plan for plus 1/3 .   I was up for it ( Jeff )   and so were Sam ( M) , Sam ( F), Gill  and  Ann .


All 6 of us headed out to Rowlands Castle on a perfect winter's day but no stop , onwards to that garden centre around Horndean that sells weak coffee.  After that we were led on some great back roads from Denmead  up to the ridge and then a variety of back lanes  including the cross roads where the traditional sign has been lovingly restored with 5 direction signs for 4 roads.   At this point Sam(F) thought she had a puncture but it was probably just low pressure.


 Finally we reached Lott's cafe after about 27 miles.   Fine cakes and another dubious coffee    ( although I refrained apart from finishing off GIll's bread pudding and consuming some of Sam (F) chocolate drops)


 After lunch we rode up the steep hill we enjoyed coming down and then meandered though some empty Hampshire lanes just east of Droxford before crossing  over the A3 and  down  and up to  Chalton , onto Forestside then Rowlands Castle cafe for our first real coffee experience . We arrived back into Chichester to a glorious sunset and only 4 miles over the advertised 50 miles.  A memorable day . As the rock anthem says 'One day like this a year will see me right'


Meanwhile I (Edwin) was due to go to the Bognor Regis Cycling Club (Time Trial Club) Annual lunch in Felpham. Not to miss out on a beautiful day I decided on a morning ride first. I set off soon after Dawn, panniers laden with 2 SLR Cameras to take some Autumn Colour shots near Slindon.

The first two are down a track from the main road on the Spur climb.

Upwards into the trees.


Zoom blur in the Camera.


This one is looking along the Slindon Bottom Road, my favourite lane.


30 miles for the ride plus another 10 for riding to and back from the lunch. On the way back riding along the prom it was a magnificent sunset, all reds and purple. Err Noooo Camera!

Below is another HDR shot taken with my fisheye lens on my last day trip to London from next to The Lloyds Building.


Edwin Jones

Posted by RideLeader at 21:01 GMT
Updated: Monday, 19 November 2012 21:05 GMT
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Sunday 11th of November. Ride to Pulborough for the DA AGM

The meeting point today was Walberton pond. I was the leader and I was joined by Anne and Jeff. We had an early 9 AM start. The weather was sunny though cold. Temperatures about 10 C but there was very little wind. There was a little mist over Walberton Pond in the cold of early morning.

As everybody in the group was what you might call a fast rider I set a very fast pace as I wanted to be at Pulborough in time to put out the paperwork before everybody arrived. We took a route out of Walberton and then up to the A29. Then we rode along the lanes via Madehurst with beautiful Autumn colours.

As a change from the usual route I then headed from Whiteways down Bury Hill and then onto lanes eventually coming out at Fittleworth. From there it was a fast ride along the A272 to Pulborough Village Hall.

The AGM went very well with about 18 attending. Jeff Lander chaired the meeting. The existing committee was re-elected without change. After the meeting we got ready to leave from the handy bike park just outside the hall. Barbara looked quite surprised to be photographed.

All sections went to the Rising Sun at Nutbourne for lunch. Jeff, Anne and I first went to Nutbourne Pond for our sandwiches. This was a very pleasant spot in the sunshine and autumn colours.

For the return ride I let our group with the addition of Colin on the usual route via Amberley and then on to Houghton. We returned via Madehurst and stopped for tea at the new Forge Cafe at Slindon.

The ride from and back to Walberton was 30 miles. My mileage for the day was 50.

My latest HDR shot to be processed was taken on a day trip to London, a week ago. It is of Shepherds Bush underground Station one of the few with a central platform where 2 trains moving can be caught at the same time

It gained 12th place in the Flickr 500 most interesting Photos of the day it was uploaded, out of about 2 million. It has been viewed so far 1400 times.

Edwin Jones

Posted by RideLeader at 19:07 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 11 November 2012 19:08 GMT
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Saturday 10 November. Ride to West Dean

There were 11 people at the start of the ride (is this a record for November?)  Carol, Steve, Debbie H, Christine, Roy, Lisa, Avryl, Elizabeth, new rider Liz, Graham, and William, who led in place of Philippa.

The weather was calm and bright, temp about 10 degrees, and remained dry all afternoon.
The route was straightforward - off road for almost the entire length, along Centurion Way and its extension, then a loop round minor roads at West Dean before a short sprint along the main road to West Dean Gardens.

The return route pretty much mirrored the outward route.

 Whilst resting after the surprisingly sharp hill at West Dean, some of us took the opportunity to inspect the old railway tunnel passing under the Lavant Road (pic).

This is earmarked for a Sustrans extension to Centurion Way and would cut the hill completely out, but as usual there are an awful lot of as yet unresolved issues to obtain a permissive right of way.
Just after Lavant station, Elizabeth pulled up with a ligament injury, and was unable to continue the ride. As leader, William took it upon himself to walk slowly with her whilst i led the group back to Chichester. Don't know what happened to Elizabeth or William after this point, presumably they got back safely somehow.

( Note from William -The trip went well; the only issue was a new lady called Elizabeth who had problems with her knees and was unable to complete the ride. I asked Graham to take over the group at Lavant, and then escorted Liz to the Earl of March pub, to where my father-in-law drove out, collected us both, and dropped her off at Chichester Station with her bike.  We understand Elizabeth also had problems with her knees last time she went cycling)

 Round trip mileage from Chichester was about 13, my mileage to and from home, was 29.7

Posted by RideLeader at 21:39 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 11 November 2012 19:16 GMT
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Sunday 4th November. Ride to Littlehampton

Sunday morning started off with torrential rain and gales, not promising. There were 2 rides planned today, a 9.30 start from Walberton for a long ride to Wiston and a 10.00 start for a short ride to Littlehampton.

With a promised improvement for later I decided on the short ride and indeed by the time I left it had stopped raining. Chichester was showing the effects of the deluge.


After battling against headwinds the Leader, Harvey was the only other to turn up. We headed out via Tangmere battling winds and floods! Well, not quite as we had a great tailwind. There were however many places where water was all across the road and sometimes water flowed off over laden fields down the roads. At Barnham Harvey led the way on various back streets I had not tried before to come out at the back of Lilies Cafe, Barnham for elevenses.

Then it was on via Yapton and Ford to stop for lunch at The Boat House Cafe, Littlehampton Marina.


With the sun now out and decreasing winds we returned on different lanes via Yapton to stop for tea at Harvey’s where his parents had just lit a warm log fire. I then returned home via Colworth and North Bersted. I call the picture below of fields flooded next to the main road at North Bersted, “Water, Water Everywhere”


Mileage from and back to Chichester would have been about  30. My mileage from and back to Pagham was 40.

Over the last week with the occasional sunny day I had rides with the camera to take Autumn shots. Last Saturday week I headed over to Arundel. This one was taken with my Fisheye Lens looking up. It gained 12th place in the Flickr 500 most interesting Photos of the day it was uploaded. It has been viewed so far 1260 times.


The next one was taken last Tuesday when I explored round the Pulborough area. This was taken at a pond at Nutbourne at the end of a dead end lane.


See further at


Posted by RideLeader at 17:40 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 4 November 2012 17:44 GMT
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Sunday 28th October. Ride to West Marden
The weather today was a little damp though with only very light rain or drizzle which had cleared up by lunchtime.

There were 2 rides due to start from Chichester Cross, a long ride led by Sam to Lodsworth and a short ride led by Avryl to West Marden.

Jeff and I arrived for the long ride. Sam was waiting at the Cross but unable to lead due to a heavy cold so he headed home to get warm.


Jeff and I decided to combine with the short ride. Avryl was the leader and we were also joined by Harvey and Chris. So there were 5 altogether on the short ride.


Avryl led us on lanes to Bosham, missing out the harbour due to the tide being at highest water so flooding the roads as usual. Jeff left us here with a mechanical problem and decided to do a shorter ride back.

We then took the loop round Chidham. Chris who had only planned to come out for part of the morning left us at this point.

We continued on lanes to stop for elevenses at Stansted. Then it was the long gradual climb between the autumn leaves on the trees up to Forrestside. Then down to The Victoria West Marden for Lunch.


To be sure of getting home before dark we took a direct route back via Funtington and West Ashling. We stopped for tea at the Cloisters Cafe, Chichester Cathedral. This was the first time here for all of us for many years.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 30. My mileage from Pagham was 44.

The last 2 HDR pictures to be processed were both from the La Defense region of Paris, the commercial area. The first is a pedestrian bridge between Skyscrapers.


The next is a nearby roof over the centre area of a circular office block which looks like a giant spiders web.



Posted by RideLeader at 18:58 BST
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Sunday 21 October. AGM Ride West Stoke


The ride to the AGM today was quite short with a start at Chichester Cross to go to West Stoke Village Hall. Unfortunately there was only myself Richard and Rex at the start of the Official Ride. Luckily more went there direct and we had a total of 14 at the meeting.



The weather today was cloudy but mainly dry with temperatures up to 14C.


I led the group west out of Chichester on Clay Lane and then a lane north to East Ashling and then lanes over to West Stoke.


All the Officers on the Committee were re-elected unchanged.


We had a long discussion about the possible closure of the Emperor Way Cyclepath to Fishbourne which the CTC has just started a National online Campaign over.


The meeting went fairly quickly and after a picnic lunch in the Hall we made our ways back on different routes.



My mileage for the day was 24.


Below are my latest HDR pictures to be processed. First last Sunday evening during a break in cloudy nights I took a Star Trails picture from my back garden using my Fisheye lens. This was 1 hour 30 minutes of 2 second exposures.



The next one is an edited view of the Orbit Tower at the Olympics made to look like it is coming into Earth Orbit.


More details on both pictures at my Photography Blog at



Posted by RideLeader at 15:08 BST
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Sunday 14 October. Ride to Hayling Island.

The day started cold and sunny. It stayed sunny all day with temperatures reaching 13C.

I was the leader and I was met at Chichester Cross by Sue and relative newcomers Angela and Andrew. Alan and Liz later met us at elevenses before returning so 6 out during the day in all.


I took the standard route out on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes to Woodmancote and Westbourne. Then it was paths and back streets to Emsworth and an early elevenses at The Greenhouse Cafe where we enjoyed the sunshine.

Just as we were leaving Sue shouted out “puncture” so it was back to the Cafe for the mending most of which I did with co-operative contributions.

Then it was on to Havant and the start of the Hayling Billy Trail to the bridge. The tide was fully in which made for great views. Then it was lanes via Northney and West Town and on along the front to The Coastguard Cafe for lunch.

The return route to the bridge was fairly similar before taking the coastal path with lots of ducks and swans to view before taking a lane which came out to the west of Havant.

Then it was a bit of main road before lanes to stop for tea at The Boaters Bar, Thorney Marina.

After lanes from Southbourne we returned to Chichester via West Ashling.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was 39. My mileage from Pagham was 50.

Below are my latest HDR pictures to be processed. The first one is the main Hall of the Natural History Museum with a Fisheye Lens.

The next one is another from the Olympics of the Orbit Tower again with a Fisheye lens.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:43 BST
Updated: Sunday, 14 October 2012 18:44 BST
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Saturday 13th October. Ride to Littlehampton

The weather forecast assured me that after a week of wet weather, today would be sunny all day. Encouraged by this, 8 of us met at the start point:  Alan, Liz, Julian, Steve, Harvey, Debbie H, guest rider Elizabeth, and me.  The weather was indeed sunny but the temperature was noticeably autumnal, dropping to about 10-11 degrees.  
We set out via the usual back routes to Felpham, Flansham, and then on to the Barnham Cycletrack.  Then it was Hill Lane, Yapton, and Horsemere Green.  At that point it started clouding over but we pressed on. I decided to take the cycletrack adjoining the A259 through Climping and over the bridge into Littlehampton, on the basis that it was about time some cyclists made some use of this isolated piece of tarmac. Before we got to the bridge however, it started to rain. Heavily.
Having negotiated the busy bridge roundabout and the path under the railway, i took some back roads behind Littlehampton station then twisted through some twittens to arrive at the Look-Sea Centre. It was still raining, only finally giving way to bright sunlight after we'd arrived and waited in a very long queue for refreshments.
Our return was once again in bright sunshine, although we were now headed into the prevailing South-Westerly, which seemed to have stiffened a little. Over the river footbridge, then to Climping school and a bit of main road got us back to Middleton. I'd been hoping we could have gone via Ancton wood but it was simply too wet and muddy to attempt. 
Returning to Bognor via back roads, my round trip mileage was 18.9.  As soon as i arrived back, it started to rain again. Heavily.

Posted by RideLeader at 19:40 BST
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Sunday 7th October. Ride to Dragons Green

I was the leader and I was joined at Walberton Pond by Colin, Gill, Samantha and Roger. John Maxim joined us at lunch so 6 out during the day.

The weather started cold but sunny and stayed mostly sunny and warming up until lunch. There was more cloud in the afternoon.

I led out via Fontwell, Slindon Bottom Road and up to Eartham. We stopped near Eartham to assist Samantha whose tyre had an insufficiency of air.

Then it was on to the main road where there were far too many fast cars due to the first of the month sports cars breakfast Club meeting at Goodwood.. It was on and down Duncton Hill before turning off on lanes via Barlavington and Coates. We rode on beautifully quiet sun dappled lanes.

Then it was on to Fittleworth to stop for elevenses at Aylings Garden Centre Cafe west of Pulborough.

Then it was on via Pulborough and West Chiltington and lanes via Broomer’s Corner to Dragons Green. Roger joined John for lunch at the George and Dragon. The rest of us took our sandwiches to the back of the nearby Scout Hut.

After lunch we headed back on lanes via Ashington, Warminghurst and down to Storrington. Then it was through Parham Park and on to Houghton for a pleasant tea stop by the River.

Then it was up the big hill and back via Slindon to Walberton.

Mileage from and back to Walberton was 46. My mileage from Pagham was 65.

Latest HDR pictures are below.

The first one is an HDR edited version of the Pont de Gard Roman Aqueduct from my Ventoux Tour.

Below is an image taken of the train crossing the Arun at Ford early morning on the day of one of my Olympics visits.


Posted by RideLeader at 19:37 BST

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