Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Sunday 20 May. Bayeux Ride.

Weather today started sunny but later clouded over and stayed dry apart from a brief shower in the afternoon as we were boarding the ferry. Temperature was cooler than of late at 13C with a chilly northerly wind.

After our usual substantial buffet breakfast we made an early start at 8.30 to ride to Bayeux. Incidentally this was in the opposite direction from the ferry at Ouistreham which we were due to catch at 5.00pm.

We enjoyed a pleasant morning ride in the early sunshine on quiet backroads. In one village we encountered the local Club Run with about 30 riders all in their Club jerseys and on lightweight road bikes.

After 1 1/2 hours we arrived in Bayeux getting to the Tapestry before the crowds and coach parties arrived. The Tapestry was well organised with audio handsets handed out in language of choice which guided us along the Tapestry giving details and explanations of each scene. We later watched a short film about the Tapestry.

Then short visit the Cathedral followed by brunch at a caf?.

We left for Ouistreham at about 12.15 taking an inland route on fairly quiet roads with the occasional climb to liven up the troops. We stopped to view a long barrow 6000 years old.

We arrived in Ouistreham with an hour to spare for a Caf? stop near the port entrance. We went to the Port an hour and a quarter before sailing but still only just in time to board ahead of the cars and get our choice of seats.

36 miles for the day.

This update emailed from the ferry using a mobile mast in range on the Isle of Wight.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 20:33 BST
Sunday 20 May. Early morning en route to Bayeux

remote Posted by RideLeader at 16:59 BST
Sunday 20 May. Riding a hill on the way to the ferry.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 16:59 BST
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Saturday 19 May. Arromanches Ride.

Today weather was mainly sunny with a brisk SW breeze. It was notable that with a SW wind in northern France it was coming off the land which seemed the wrong direction.

Today we headed west along the coast road to Arromanches. We stopped on top of a hill above the town to view the wide spread of the Bay and the remains of the Mulberry Harbour. Then down into town and elevenses at a seafront caf?.

Then a short walk across to the D-Day museum with very good displays and films of the landings and Mulberry Harbours. Then another short walk to lunch at a nearby restaurant. After lunch as we were getting ready to leave Avryl suffered a slight accident coming through a car park entrance. The barrier came down giving Avryl a glancing blow knocking her back so she hit her head. The injury was minor but she was bleeding on her head and Mary applied first aid.

Avryl had a minor head injury causing bleeding a few weeks ago in Spain so we warned her not to make a habit of it.

We continued and took some backroads to gun batteries on the cliffs west of Arromanches and explored these. Then more backroads on the way back taking an inland route. We stopped at a war cemetery and the Canadian Museum. Our Anniversary Dinner was in the hotel in the evening.

29 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 19:24 BST
Saturday 19 May. On a Pillbox at Battery Longues

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:59 BST
Saturday 19 May. Riding up a hill near Ryes

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:33 BST
Friday, 18 May 2007
France, Normandy Trip. Friday 18 May.

8 of us set sail for Caen today from Portsmouth for the Clubs Anniversary Dinner long weekend. Phil, Mary, Jim, Irene, Avryl, Peter Wilson, Mike and Edwin.

We sailed at 7.00 am and weather early morning was bright and sunny changing to cloudy during the morning and misty mid-channel. The cloud cleared to warm sunny spells mid afternoon with temperatures up to 18C.

We were let on the Fast Cat ferry first and secured good seats at the front. Even on the fast ferry the crossing was 3 3/4 hours. At Ouistreham we cycled quarter of a mile into town and then stopped for lunch.

In the afternoon we headed a few miles south on the Canal side cyclepath to Pegasus Bridge and then had a long stop to look round the very good museum and outside exhibits including the original Pegasus Bridge and full sized glider replica.

Then onwards on minor roads and back to the coast. We rode through towns and villages twinned with Tangmere and then Fishbourne and then Emsworth.

We stopped for tea at a caf? on the front at Lac-sur-Mer. Then a little further along the coast to our Hotel for 2 nights at Courseulles sur Mer.

19 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:43 BST
Friday 18 May. Cycling by the canal near Ouistreham

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:40 BST
Updated: Monday, 21 May 2007 09:41 BST
Friday 18 May. Cycling the prom at Luc sur Mer

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:33 BST
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Evening Ride - Felpham to The Spotted Cow, Hunston

The weather today had been dull, unsettled and drizzly, but by late afternoon it had improved considerably and by the start time of the ride the sun was out, the wind had dropped, and it was a gloriously warm summer evening.

Despite this, only Julian and myself were at the start point.

We set off taking exactly the same route as the ride run on 31.05.2006 (for which see report in 2006 blog). This is one of my favourite routes, taking an off road route from Pagham via Runcton, Fisher, and farm tracks to emerge at Hunston Church, a few hundred yards from the pub.  Towards the end of this cross country trail we ran into some muddy tracks, being the legacy of the earlier bad weather, but the mud was in managable patches and easily negotiated, with the ground hard packed beneath it.

At the pub we met the Chichester contingent, similarly depleted and consisting of Arthur, Lynn, and John.

For the return, John joined us to ride back as far as Aldwick as we rode at a cracking pace direct along the lower Bognor Road (with a bit of the old canal towpath cutting off Mundham Corner (now NCN 2)included for good measure). Then from Aldwick along the promenade to Felpham.

My mileage for the round trip was 18.1.



Posted by RideLeader at 23:58 BST
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Sunday 13 May. I-Spy Ride.

Today the forecast was for rain most of the day which pretty much turned out as predicted. It was dry early on with light rain by 9.00 getting heavy by the middle of the day and clearing by 3.00 with some late afternoon sunshine back on the coast.

The event start was from Billingshurst Station. I led the 7.30 am start from Walberton although only Colin turned up. We headed up via Whiteways, Amberley and West Chiltington and despite Colin having a puncture we arrived in plenty of time. Ann arrived having ridden from West Dean. John Maxim was the sole Arun Adur representative. There were 5 from Horsham being Mick, Bob, Adrian, Peter and Anton.

The event had a problem in that the route sheet and questions were inkjet printed and would rapidly run in the rain. After some discussion it was decided to turn the event into a Ride and all those turning up in the very poor conditions would get the Event points.

We took lanes via Conyhurst, Bucks Green and Drungewick to finish the ride with lunch at the Bat and Ball, Newpound Common near Wisborough Green. We arrived at 11.45 and the staff kindly let us in early out of the rain.

After lunch our group headed back south over the steep Mens climb to Fittleworth and then across to Duncton and a stop for tea at Aldingbourne.

My mileage for the day was 75.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 18:59 BST
Sunday 13 May. Rainy day

remote Posted by RideLeader at 18:17 BST
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Evening Ride - The George, Eartham

Strong winds and heavy, driving, rain forced the cancellation of both the Chichester and Felpham starts for this evening ride, due to run to Eartham.  Possibly a re-scheduled ride will be arranged for the next quarter's evening rides programme.



Posted by RideLeader at 00:04 BST
Updated: Saturday, 12 May 2007 00:13 BST
Monday, 7 May 2007
Isle of Wight. Monday 7 May.

The day started with heavy rain and we feared a really wet day. However by the time we were ready to leave it was dry and it stayed dry but overcast the rest of the day. We had a very strong SW tailwind for the return home.

After a short ride on byroads north into the centre of the Island we stopped for elevenses at Amazon World Garden Centre. Then a sharp long climb up Newport Chute to Arreton Down the Ridge across the centre of the Island.

Then a long downhill to stop for lunch at Wootton and on to the ferry port at Fishbourne where we arrived just in time to get straight on the ferry. Phil and Mary left us at Portsmouth to visit their son. The rest of us continued via Havant to stop for tea at Heidies Caf?. Then back to Chichester on the lanes.

41 miles for the day (back to Pagham)


remote Posted by RideLeader at 19:17 BST
Monday 7 May. Riding up to Arreton Down

remote Posted by RideLeader at 19:17 BST
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Sunday 6 May. Isle of Wight Randonee Ride.

Weather today was overcast most of the day with some bright spells in the middle of the day. Low cloud hung over the hills but it stayed dry.

The ride this year was anticlockwise so we headed from Ventnor west to the nearest control at Whitwell. This was 3 miles away so we did 3 miles in addition to the route in the morning and another 3 miles back to Ventnor in the afternoon.

6 of us took part, myself, Phil and Mary, Ann, Gill and John Maxim. We took lanes across to Alverstone and then to Bembridge for elevenses at the School. We met there Paul and Mick from Arun Adur Section.

Then onwards and more ups and more downs via St Helens and Havenstreet to Cowes. John was ahead of us and we arrived just as a chain ferry left. We waved goodbye to John and waited for the next ferry. We decided John was fast today due to getting through 3 portions of Apple Strudel for desert last night.

We continued round to Yarmouth for a late lunch at another School. John was just leaving as we arrived. Then round to Freshwater and a steep climb on the Military Road with views of cliffs below and sea mist and low cloud.

Then lanes via Mottitstone and across to the final big climb of Blackgang Chine into the clouds again and an ice-cream stop at the top. After a fast descent down to the finish at Whitwell we met up with John there and returned to the Hillside Hotel for another stomach expanding evening meal.

71 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 21:33 BST
Sunday 6 May. Phil and Mary and Ann riding the steep hill at Gurnard near Cowes

remote Posted by RideLeader at 21:26 BST
Isle of Wight. Saturday 5 May.

Weather today started dull but cleared to clear blue skies by midday and temperatures up to about 17C.

6 of us met at Chichester Cross to ride to Ventnor on the Isle of Wight for the weekend. Those taking part were myself, Phil and Mary, Ann, Gill and John Maxim. Sam had cancelled due to a heavy chesty cold. We missed his company, it was a lot quieter.

We compared electronic gadgets at the start. John had a new GPS and a mobile. I had my handheld PC and a mobile and a camera. Phil won with a GPS, a Blackberry emailer, a mobile and an IPAQ handheld PC.

We headed out on backlanes via Westbourne to Havant for Coffee. Then backstreets and cyclepaths into Portsmouth to catch the Car ferry to Fishbourne on the Island. We stopped for lunch at Havenstreet Steam Railway.

After lunch it was up to Arrerton Down and a narrow lane downhill towards Newport. On the descent my rear tyre went down with a loud bang which must have been heard for miles.

After mending the pinch puncture we continued to take the Newport Sandown cycletrack and then lanes round to Godshill for tea.

More lanes and hills took us to our familiar home from home of the Hillside Hotel in Ventnor.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 20:59 BST
Saturday 5 May. Riding the cyclepath from Newport

remote Posted by RideLeader at 20:58 BST
Updated: Monday, 7 May 2007 17:48 BST
Monday, 30 April 2007
Sunday 29 April - Chichester Cross to Arundel
Since most members where in the process of travelling back from Spain, the
peleton at the cross today consisted of Harvey (leading), Jo, Linda &

It was a clear and sunny day with a cool breeze keeping the temperature down
to the mid teens. We set of down East Street and headed into the parched
landscape of the famous 'tearoom desert' east of Chichester. We rode
through Westhampnett, past the Rolls Royce factory and then along the A27
cycle path before heading to Walberton Pond via Norton.
We stopped for a quick breather at Walberton Pond before pressing on east
through Binsted and Binsted wood.

We arrived in Arundel around midday. I had the full English breakfast with
a pot of tea in the Tudor Rose Cafe whilst the others had sandwiches by the
river. After my lunch in the cafe I wondered down to the river and finished
off my meal with an ice cream. After chatting for a while outside we
saddled up and set off.

As we headed south the cool breeze had been replaced with a warm one and we
enjoyed June like temperatures in the mid twenties, and were accompanied by
a soundtrack of singing skylarks as we bowled along. We pushed on through
Ford, Barnham & Eastergate before skirting Oving and approaching the
Tangmere airfield museum cafe via the path across the old airfield.

Upon arriving at the cafe we discovered it was packed, as the West Kent
chapter of the Matchless Motorcycle Owner's club had ridden over from Kent
there that morning. Just to add to the numbers Lynne & Arthur then turned
up with a 20 strong continguent of the Moulton club and the cafe grounds
became a sea of two wheeled vehicles. Soon after this the tiny cafe kitchen
which was already under strain with the great numbers went into complete
meltdown and we decided this was as good a time as any to leave and head

My mileage for the day was 102km.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 11:41 BST

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8 Feb, 16 > 14 Feb, 16
1 Feb, 16 > 7 Feb, 16
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4 Jan, 16 > 10 Jan, 16
28 Dec, 15 > 3 Jan, 16
21 Dec, 15 > 27 Dec, 15
14 Dec, 15 > 20 Dec, 15
7 Dec, 15 > 13 Dec, 15
30 Nov, 15 > 6 Dec, 15
16 Nov, 15 > 22 Nov, 15
9 Nov, 15 > 15 Nov, 15
2 Nov, 15 > 8 Nov, 15
26 Oct, 15 > 1 Nov, 15
19 Oct, 15 > 25 Oct, 15
12 Oct, 15 > 18 Oct, 15
5 Oct, 15 > 11 Oct, 15
28 Sep, 15 > 4 Oct, 15
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7 Sep, 15 > 13 Sep, 15
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27 Apr, 15 > 3 May, 15
20 Apr, 15 > 26 Apr, 15
13 Apr, 15 > 19 Apr, 15
6 Apr, 15 > 12 Apr, 15
30 Mar, 15 > 5 Apr, 15
23 Mar, 15 > 29 Mar, 15
16 Mar, 15 > 22 Mar, 15
9 Mar, 15 > 15 Mar, 15
2 Mar, 15 > 8 Mar, 15
23 Feb, 15 > 1 Mar, 15
16 Feb, 15 > 22 Feb, 15
9 Feb, 15 > 15 Feb, 15
2 Feb, 15 > 8 Feb, 15
26 Jan, 15 > 1 Feb, 15
12 Jan, 15 > 18 Jan, 15
5 Jan, 15 > 11 Jan, 15
29 Dec, 14 > 4 Jan, 15
22 Dec, 14 > 28 Dec, 14
15 Dec, 14 > 21 Dec, 14
8 Dec, 14 > 14 Dec, 14
1 Dec, 14 > 7 Dec, 14
17 Nov, 14 > 23 Nov, 14
10 Nov, 14 > 16 Nov, 14
3 Nov, 14 > 9 Nov, 14
27 Oct, 14 > 2 Nov, 14
20 Oct, 14 > 26 Oct, 14
13 Oct, 14 > 19 Oct, 14
6 Oct, 14 > 12 Oct, 14
15 Sep, 14 > 21 Sep, 14
8 Sep, 14 > 14 Sep, 14
1 Sep, 14 > 7 Sep, 14
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18 Aug, 14 > 24 Aug, 14
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5 May, 14 > 11 May, 14
28 Apr, 14 > 4 May, 14
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31 Mar, 14 > 6 Apr, 14
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17 Mar, 14 > 23 Mar, 14
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3 Mar, 14 > 9 Mar, 14
24 Feb, 14 > 2 Mar, 14
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20 Jan, 14 > 26 Jan, 14
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30 Dec, 13 > 5 Jan, 14
23 Dec, 13 > 29 Dec, 13
16 Dec, 13 > 22 Dec, 13
9 Dec, 13 > 15 Dec, 13
2 Dec, 13 > 8 Dec, 13
25 Nov, 13 > 1 Dec, 13
18 Nov, 13 > 24 Nov, 13
11 Nov, 13 > 17 Nov, 13
28 Oct, 13 > 3 Nov, 13
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14 Jan, 13 > 20 Jan, 13
7 Jan, 13 > 13 Jan, 13
31 Dec, 12 > 6 Jan, 13
17 Dec, 12 > 23 Dec, 12
10 Dec, 12 > 16 Dec, 12
3 Dec, 12 > 9 Dec, 12
26 Nov, 12 > 2 Dec, 12
19 Nov, 12 > 25 Nov, 12
12 Nov, 12 > 18 Nov, 12
5 Nov, 12 > 11 Nov, 12
29 Oct, 12 > 4 Nov, 12
22 Oct, 12 > 28 Oct, 12
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8 Oct, 12 > 14 Oct, 12
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10 Sep, 12 > 16 Sep, 12
3 Sep, 12 > 9 Sep, 12
27 Aug, 12 > 2 Sep, 12
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26 Mar, 12 > 1 Apr, 12
12 Mar, 12 > 18 Mar, 12
5 Mar, 12 > 11 Mar, 12
27 Feb, 12 > 4 Mar, 12
20 Feb, 12 > 26 Feb, 12
13 Feb, 12 > 19 Feb, 12
6 Feb, 12 > 12 Feb, 12
30 Jan, 12 > 5 Feb, 12
23 Jan, 12 > 29 Jan, 12
16 Jan, 12 > 22 Jan, 12
9 Jan, 12 > 15 Jan, 12
2 Jan, 12 > 8 Jan, 12
19 Dec, 11 > 25 Dec, 11
12 Dec, 11 > 18 Dec, 11
5 Dec, 11 > 11 Dec, 11
28 Nov, 11 > 4 Dec, 11
21 Nov, 11 > 27 Nov, 11
14 Nov, 11 > 20 Nov, 11
7 Nov, 11 > 13 Nov, 11
31 Oct, 11 > 6 Nov, 11
24 Oct, 11 > 30 Oct, 11
17 Oct, 11 > 23 Oct, 11
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3 Oct, 11 > 9 Oct, 11
26 Sep, 11 > 2 Oct, 11
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27 Jun, 11 > 3 Jul, 11
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9 May, 11 > 15 May, 11
2 May, 11 > 8 May, 11
25 Apr, 11 > 1 May, 11
18 Apr, 11 > 24 Apr, 11
11 Apr, 11 > 17 Apr, 11
4 Apr, 11 > 10 Apr, 11
28 Mar, 11 > 3 Apr, 11
21 Mar, 11 > 27 Mar, 11
14 Mar, 11 > 20 Mar, 11
7 Mar, 11 > 13 Mar, 11
28 Feb, 11 > 6 Mar, 11
21 Feb, 11 > 27 Feb, 11
14 Feb, 11 > 20 Feb, 11
7 Feb, 11 > 13 Feb, 11
31 Jan, 11 > 6 Feb, 11
24 Jan, 11 > 30 Jan, 11
17 Jan, 11 > 23 Jan, 11
10 Jan, 11 > 16 Jan, 11
3 Jan, 11 > 9 Jan, 11
13 Dec, 10 > 19 Dec, 10
6 Dec, 10 > 12 Dec, 10
29 Nov, 10 > 5 Dec, 10
22 Nov, 10 > 28 Nov, 10
15 Nov, 10 > 21 Nov, 10
8 Nov, 10 > 14 Nov, 10
25 Oct, 10 > 31 Oct, 10
18 Oct, 10 > 24 Oct, 10
11 Oct, 10 > 17 Oct, 10
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27 Sep, 10 > 3 Oct, 10
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16 Aug, 10 > 22 Aug, 10
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26 Jul, 10 > 1 Aug, 10
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28 Jun, 10 > 4 Jul, 10
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31 May, 10 > 6 Jun, 10
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3 May, 10 > 9 May, 10
26 Apr, 10 > 2 May, 10
19 Apr, 10 > 25 Apr, 10
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29 Mar, 10 > 4 Apr, 10
22 Mar, 10 > 28 Mar, 10
15 Mar, 10 > 21 Mar, 10
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22 Feb, 10 > 28 Feb, 10
15 Feb, 10 > 21 Feb, 10
8 Feb, 10 > 14 Feb, 10
1 Feb, 10 > 7 Feb, 10
25 Jan, 10 > 31 Jan, 10
18 Jan, 10 > 24 Jan, 10
11 Jan, 10 > 17 Jan, 10
4 Jan, 10 > 10 Jan, 10
28 Dec, 09 > 3 Jan, 10
21 Dec, 09 > 27 Dec, 09
14 Dec, 09 > 20 Dec, 09
7 Dec, 09 > 13 Dec, 09
30 Nov, 09 > 6 Dec, 09
23 Nov, 09 > 29 Nov, 09
16 Nov, 09 > 22 Nov, 09
9 Nov, 09 > 15 Nov, 09
2 Nov, 09 > 8 Nov, 09
26 Oct, 09 > 1 Nov, 09
19 Oct, 09 > 25 Oct, 09
12 Oct, 09 > 18 Oct, 09
5 Oct, 09 > 11 Oct, 09
28 Sep, 09 > 4 Oct, 09
21 Sep, 09 > 27 Sep, 09
14 Sep, 09 > 20 Sep, 09
7 Sep, 09 > 13 Sep, 09
31 Aug, 09 > 6 Sep, 09
24 Aug, 09 > 30 Aug, 09
10 Aug, 09 > 16 Aug, 09
3 Aug, 09 > 9 Aug, 09
27 Jul, 09 > 2 Aug, 09
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29 Jun, 09 > 5 Jul, 09
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25 May, 09 > 31 May, 09
18 May, 09 > 24 May, 09
11 May, 09 > 17 May, 09
4 May, 09 > 10 May, 09
27 Apr, 09 > 3 May, 09
20 Apr, 09 > 26 Apr, 09
13 Apr, 09 > 19 Apr, 09
6 Apr, 09 > 12 Apr, 09
30 Mar, 09 > 5 Apr, 09
23 Mar, 09 > 29 Mar, 09
16 Mar, 09 > 22 Mar, 09
9 Mar, 09 > 15 Mar, 09
2 Mar, 09 > 8 Mar, 09
23 Feb, 09 > 1 Mar, 09
16 Feb, 09 > 22 Feb, 09
9 Feb, 09 > 15 Feb, 09
2 Feb, 09 > 8 Feb, 09
19 Jan, 09 > 25 Jan, 09
12 Jan, 09 > 18 Jan, 09
22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
8 Dec, 08 > 14 Dec, 08
1 Dec, 08 > 7 Dec, 08
24 Nov, 08 > 30 Nov, 08
10 Nov, 08 > 16 Nov, 08
27 Oct, 08 > 2 Nov, 08
13 Oct, 08 > 19 Oct, 08
6 Oct, 08 > 12 Oct, 08
29 Sep, 08 > 5 Oct, 08
1 Sep, 08 > 7 Sep, 08
25 Aug, 08 > 31 Aug, 08
18 Aug, 08 > 24 Aug, 08
11 Aug, 08 > 17 Aug, 08
4 Aug, 08 > 10 Aug, 08
28 Jul, 08 > 3 Aug, 08
21 Jul, 08 > 27 Jul, 08
14 Jul, 08 > 20 Jul, 08
7 Jul, 08 > 13 Jul, 08
30 Jun, 08 > 6 Jul, 08
23 Jun, 08 > 29 Jun, 08
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