Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Evening Ride: Felpham to The George, Eartham

John led this ride but I was the only other person out; the knowledge that the pub is at the top of a hill, plus poor weather no doubt both contributed to the low turnout.

It had been windy with heavy showers all day, however by the evening the sun was out and all prospect of rain had ceased. However there was a very strong southwesterly, about 22mph, with gusts of 33mph.

It was quite a battle with the wind as we headed west through North Bersted then on through Colworth, Woodhorn and across Tangmere airfield where finally the wind relented as we headed north through Aldingboune, across the A27 at Crockerhill then straight up the hill to Eartham.  Harvey met us there, having made his own way up.

We did not leave the pub until about 21.45 and it was still light, although the chilliest evening I can recall for quite a while. The wind however had dropped. We sped down the hill back to Crockerhill, then to Westergate where Harvey left us for Barnham. John and I went down the A29 back to Bognor, John peeling off at Shripney and no doubt upping the pace a little on the way home.

My mileage for the evening was just shy of 22, about 21.9


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Friday, 17 June 2011 00:16 BST
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Sunday 12 June. Wet Sunday

Today the long ride was scheduled to go to Upham near Bishops Waltham

 I got up in good time and dressed for cycling. Then checking out BBC News 24 weather showed the rain arriving earlier than last nights forcast. Then a check on the Met Office Website rainfall radar website revealed this image.


This website is very useful for deciding whether go  out on the bike. It is updated every 30 minutes and previous images give a good idea which direction the rain is headed


The final confirmation came with the pitter patter of raindrops on the windows which continued all day so I “stood down” from cycling mode for a day indoors.


So what is a cyclist to do on a wet Sunday?  For starters of course, wash the bike. Naturally without a lady of the house to get outraged the bikes are stabled in the living room. The bike washing of the Roberts bike was done in the warm and dry with an old sheet on the carpet to stop it getting wet.


Next a bit of research on the Computer for the next bike Holiday.


To round off the day some photo editing of cycling pictures. Last Tuesday evening I went to Goodwood Motor Race circuit to take pictures of the Cycle Racing. The picture below was taken with a long lens and then edited in Photoshop to crop it and then add a zoom burst centred on the lead rider with a special filter.





Posted by RideLeader at 19:24 BST
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Saturday Ride: Bognor Regis to Aldingbourne country Centre

A bright afternoon - sunny but with a blustery SW wind  - saw 6 meeting up at Bognor library - Alan, Avryl, Janet, Ray, Christine, and myself. We met Steve and Carol along the way at Flansham, meaning 8 out in total.

To avoid a headwind, we set out westwards via Felpham and Flansham. However as we travelled through the Roundle, Janet had some difficulty with a slow puncture which suddenly became rather faster, so she and Ray decided to turn back to get it sorted, before we headed too far into the countryside.

After a quick stop for Steve & Carol to join, we took to the fields using the Barnham cycletrack, then through Barnham itself and on to Eastergate, where the village fete was in full swing. 

Then it was across the A29 to the unmade Northfields Lane, into Level Mare Lane and then "take your life in your hands" time as we crossed the 4 lanes of the very fast and very busy A27.  On the tranquil lane the other side, it was a quick half mile to Aldingbourne Country Centre.

On the return route, Avryl headed toward Tangmere straight for home, along  with Carol and Steve who were also heading east. Alan, Christine and I took Eastergate Lane to Walberton pond and then straight down to Barnham where Christine took the train back to Shoreham.  Alan and I returned to Flansham back down the Barnham cycle track and i got home having completed a round trip of 19.9 miles. 


Posted by RideLeader at 23:33 BST
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Sunday 5th June. Ride to Kirdford

Last Wednesday the ride was to Singleton. I took my SLR for taking pictures on the way to the start and on the way back. The picture below is an HDR (3 pictures combined) of Cirrus cloud above Pagham. The viewpoint is the start of the footpath to Summer Lane by the farmer’s reservoir.


On Sunday the Ride Leader was Gill and she was joined at Walberton Pond by Edwin, Sam and Colin. The weather was cloudy and about 17C. It started dry but after elevenses light spots of rain gradually got heavier through the day especially after tea. It remained light thought never reaching the downpour level.



Gill led us over the Downs via Fontwell and Eartham to the Petworth Road and on to descend Duncton Hill. On the main road there were a lot of flash sports cars passing us heading back after the Goodwood Motor Circuit monthly Breakfast Meeting.


We then took lanes via Barlavington and Shopham Bridge to Petworth for elevenses at Tiffin’s. With the benefit of some toasted teacakes we set off again. Just as we were leaving a group of racing cyclists on a Club Run arrived who had come from the Reigate area.


Then it was on to the Forrester’s at Kirdford via Balls Cross. Arun Adur had been due to join us there but with several of their Sunday riders away nobody turned up. John Maxim arrived though to join us for the return ride. We headed back via Wisborough Green and then south on lanes and a track across fields to Lee Place.



Then it was on via Broomers Hill to stop for Tea at Wiggonholt. Here we met a group from West Surrey CTC including Chris Juden the CTC technical expert.


Then it was back home via Amberley and Houghton Hill.


My mileage for the day was 57.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:08 BST
Updated: Sunday, 5 June 2011 19:11 BST
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Evening Ride: Felpham to The Holly Tree, Walberton

Another evening with the benefit of warm sunshine and little wind to speak of. 

 Eight of us started the ride at the Arun Leisure Centre - Janet, Roy, Steve, Carol, Julian, John, Harvey, & myself. Edwin & Gill met us at the pub, meaning 10 out in total.

From Felpham we made our way via the tracks at North Lane, behind the Golf course, onto the cycletrack to Barnham, noting the encroaching development at Flansham.

Then a brief stop at Barnham Court Farm, where the disused Portsmouth Canal crosses our route. The Sussex Industrial Archaeological Society are re-building the 1820 iron swivel bridge here, using some parts dug up on site, including the transoms, which were abandoned and buried when the bridge collapsed after 100 or so years use, long after the canal had been closed.  They are also making use of other parts collected from the sites of other swivel bridges along the route.

At Barnham, the route to Walberton is a turn eastwards. However I ploughed on west, waiting for somebody to point out we were heading in the wrong direction. But they all know me too well ....  yes it was a mile or so of "rough-ish" stuff as we took one of my favourite, but not used for a while,  bridlepaths (at least, i'm sure it says bridlepath on my map) due north to emerge in Eastergate Lane.  From there a couple of minutes ride brought us to Walberton pond, and the pub.

The homeward route took us down Walberton Lane back to Barnham (with a brief stop whilst Ray kindly sprinted back to retrieve my cap!) and it was still light enough, at 21.45, to take the cycletrack back across the fields to Flansham and Felpham.

After all that, a modest round trip ride of 13.0 miles.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Holmbury St Mary YHA Weekend 28-30 May

This was a Hostelling long weekend organised by John Maxim. Taking part were just John, Edwin and Anne. Colin joined us on the Sunday.


The weather was chillier than of late at about 17C with very strong SW winds luckily easing down for the return on Monday. It was dry apart from a little drizzle early and late on Monday.


This write-up will mainly be about the Sunday ride. John let us to Holmbury on the Saturday and back home on the Monday. Anne who lived in the area for a few years led us on the Sunday.


On Saturday we started from Walberton Pond and on to Tiffin’s Petworth for elevenses.  Then it was on to The Three Compasses near Cranleigh for lunch. After a long long climb from Ewhurst and a long descent to Shere we stopped for tea at the Lucky Duck tea rooms. 57 miles for the day.

 On Sunday after a substantial breakfast we gathered outside for the ride. The picture below was taken as we were ready to leave with luggage on Monday but shows the group and the Hostel. On Sunday Colin joined us at 9.00 after getting a train to Horsham. 

This area of the North Downs is particularly notable for its tree density which makes for some beautiful lanes at this time of year. Anne took us on some of these lanes via Peaslake with some notable ups and downs and across to Ewhurst. At the base of the Downs we came to a lane where a sign warned of a 21% grade. Saturday John had diverted us away from the same lane after I mentioned I fell off while on Lanzarote trying to climb a 22% grade climb. Would Anne take us up it today??


Luckily the answer was no. She took us instead on some very petty and quiet lanes with gentler climbs over the Downs at a lower point and down to Shere for elevenses at our old favourite by now the Lucky Duck tea rooms in Shere.



After elevenses some serious climbing started. We crossed the A25 and up Coomb lane which includes a 17% grade. After a long downhill there was another steep climb to the ridge of the Downs and Ranmore Common. After a sharp descent to Westhumble we crossed the A24 and started on the long climb to Box Hill. This will be used as a circuit 7 times during the Olympic Road Race. There is a trial Road Race using the Route on 14 August. More details here –


The picture below is of John Maxim fast being caught by the pack!


After buying some lunch at the National Trust Centre we went a short way to the viewpoint for a picnic



After continuing through Box Hill village we descended south onto more gentle back roads. Then it was on to Capel Church for Tea. This is a well known Cyclists Mecca of the area. The reason, the ladies of the Parish provide an enormous selection of Cakes at very cheap prices.



I had a scone with jam and cream, a slice of coconut cake and a squash for the grand total of £1.20. They open fortnightly in the summer 3.00 to 5.00. Well worth a visit.


Soon after we arrived a big group from Cheam and Morden CTC based in SW London arrived. They included a couple I had last met when they took part in  my first tour of New Zealand in 2000. After tea we chatted outside for a while.



Colin headed back to Horsham for a train back soon after tea and the rest of us took a fairly gentle route to the Hostel.


49 miles for the day and 3290ft of climbing.


Saturdays return ride took in Cranleigh for elevenses, Sumners Pond at Barnes Green for Lunch and Houghton Bridge for Tea. 55 miles for the day.



Posted by RideLeader at 12:04 BST
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Sunday 22 May. Ride to West Meon
 Yesterday it was particularly good weather, sunny and warm. In the afternoon I went to Pagham Harbour and took pictures with my SLR including the one below, an HDR combination of 3 pictures.


The weather today was not as good with a chilly and strong SW wind and some showers around. We dodged most of them though, only encountering 2 which lasted only a few minutes.


I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Colin and Mandy.


We took a route out via Clay Lane, West Ashling and Funtington. Then it was up the valley road via West Marden to stop for an early elevenses at Compton Shop Tea Rooms. Mandy had to get back early so she turned round from Compton.


Colin and I continued across to Idsworth and then the steep climb (15% on my bike computer) to Chalton. Then it was over the A3 and up to Butser Hill. After a sharp descent to East Meon we continued on the valley road to West Meon.


We had been due to go to the cafe at the back of the Village shop. However I had found out from the Internet that this was now closed on Sundays. Instead we went to the Church and found a good seat in the Church grounds for sandwiches. Then it was on north to West Meon Hut to stop at Loomies Cafe for a drink. This was inundated with Motorbikes, the Whiteways of the West. The picture below is one taken by Colin of one of the interior displays.


 In the afternoon it was a convoluted route on lanes we seldom visit via Privett, Froxfield Green and Langrish. Then onto a more familiar lane to Buriton and a sharp climb up the hill. Thanks to Colin for his picture of me recovering at the top.



Then it was on via Finchdean to stop for tea at Rowlands Castle. The return to Chichester was on the usual route via Westbourne.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 55. My mileage was 67.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:47 BST
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Sunday 15 May. Ride to Graffham

Sorry no pictures today as my Camera failed to work.


Before dealing with today’s ride I did take some pictures on Tuesday using my SLR of the Cycle Racing on the Goodwood motor race circuit. The picture below has had a few edits. The exposure was changed. It was cropped to bring the riders in closer. A white shed behind the riders was removed and other parts of the background copied over it. The zoom effect was not done with the Camera but using the Photoshop zoom blur filter moved to centre on the face of the lead rider. Anybody want a dead Bin Laden picture?


Avryl was the leader and she was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Gill, Harvey, Chris, Roger and Andrew. Colin and Alan and Liz met us for lunch so 10 out during the day.


The weather was sunny to start with later clouding over and with a chill NW wind. Temperatures were about 16C.


Avryl took us on lanes to Waterbeach where Roger left us for a longer ride. We continued via Halnaker and Tinpot Lane to stop for elevenses at Aldingbourne.


We then continued riding over the Downs via Eartham. We saw numerous riders coming the other way taking part in the Duncton Sportive.


Then it was on down Duncton Hill and turning off on a quiet lane via Seaford College to The White Horse Graffham for lunch. We met there 3 riders from Arun Adur.


Colin joined us for the return while Chris headed east to get home to Littlehampton. We took lanes via Heyshott and Cocking and then the main road south to West Dean for tea at West Dean Gardens.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 35. My mileage for the day was 45.



Posted by RideLeader at 17:50 BST
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Sunday 8th May. I-Spy Ride from Billingshurst

There was a lot of rain overnight Saturday into Sunday but this cleared early so it was a dry day with temperatures up to 18C and clouds with sunny spells especially in the afternoon.


There are unfortunately no pictures of today’s ride as my compact camera choose this morning to pack up working.


We all met at Billingshurst Station. There was just myself Colin and Anne from our Section. Another 9 took part from the other Sections. We split into 4 groups. The 3 of us from Bognor Chichester and John Maxim formed one group.


Bob the organiser handed out the route sheets with clues. Most of these related to signs and house or farm names available to spot on the route.


The morning’s route took us via Wisborough Green and Plaistow and then on some lanes I have not used for a while via Gospels Green. Then it was on via Lurgashall to lunch at The Half Moon, Northchapel. Bob checked the morning’s clues and found all 4 groups had the correct answers to all clues.


The afternoon’s route took us on lanes to Kirdford and Wisborough Green to the finish and tea at Fishers Farm. On a lane on the way to Kirdford there was what turned out to be a crucial clue. This was “a place with a helicopter in the news” This turned out to be a little weather vane NSEW with a little helicopter on it. We got all of the answers right and our nearest competitors Arun Adur missed only the helicopter clue. Bob forgot to buy the usual prize but we forgave him and thanked him for all the organising,


I took a train to the start but decided to ride home with John, Colin and Anne. We returned via Adversane, West Chiltington and Houghton.


The I-Spy route was 26 miles. My total mileage for the day was 65.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:33 BST
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Evening Ride - The Gribble Oving

Six of us met at the Arun Leisure Centre - Steve, Carol, Julian, Janet, myself, and Ray from Arun-Adur group.   Harvey and Edwin met us at the pub, meaning 8 out in total.

Once again it was very pleasant cycling weather, bright and sunny, with only a light breeze.

We made our way around the back of Bognor to North Bersted where we joined Shripney Lane. Then it was northwards via Lidsey and Woodgate to Hook Lane at Aldingbourne, and finally skirting Tangmere Airfield around the back of Oving to the Gribble. 

 The return route was via lanes to Colworth then joining the Chichester-Bognor cyclepath to North Bersted. Lastly we arrived back at Felpham via Highfield Bridge.

After a very convivial evenings cycling, I had done 17.6 miles on arriving home.

A circuit from and back to the ALC would have been about 16.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Saturday, 7 May 2011 22:05 BST
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Sunday 1st May. Ride to The Victoria West Marden
 Before getting into details of today’s ride first my latest HDR picture. This was taken at Marine Park Gardens in Bognor Regis on Saturday. It is a combination of 3 exposures and then enhanced in Photoshop including the blur of the background.


Today’s ride was led by Avryl and she was joined at Chichester Cross by myself (Edwin) Sam, Jo, Arthur, Lynn, Harvey and newcomer Andrew. Chris Dart joined us for about a mile and then had to head back due to gear problems. We met Gill at the Pub so 10 members out on the day.



Today the weather was sometimes overcast but often hazy sunshine with temperatures up to 18C and a strong NE wind.


Avryl led us west out of Chichester on Clay Lane via Woodmancote and Westbourne and on to Stansted for elevenses. Here we met members of local Time Trial racing Club Bognor Regis Cycling Club.


After a refreshing break we headed up the gentle but long climb though the woods to Forestside.



Then after a ride along the top it was a sharp downhill to West Marden and lunch at The Victoria Inn. Here we met up with members of Arun Adur led by Richard Boulton.



For the return ride we were joined by Arun Adur member Ray who was stopping at Bognor on the way home. We had a gentle downhill along the valley road and then on to Funtington. On the way towards West Stoke we diverted on to a bridleway along an unmade road through some Bluebell Woods. Then it was more back lanes to stop for tea at Fishbourne Roman Palace.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 26. My mileage was 39.



Posted by RideLeader at 18:26 BST
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Wednesday 27 April. Recycling Centre Ride

Wednesdays Ride was very unusual with a Ride to the Viridor Recycling Centre at Ford for a guided tour which we had booked months before. This is available for groups of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 14.


The weather was dry and sunny but a lot cooler than of late with a chilly NE wind.


We met for elevenses at the home of Alan and Liz on their sheltered and sunny patio. One of the household residents spent some time in the flowerbeds.


The cyclists were myself, Alan, Liz and Julian. Eric, Mike, Richard and Elizabeth joined us by car.


Alan led us via backstreets to the Felpham Barnham cyclepath across the fields. Then it was on via Yapton for lunch at The Oyster Catcher.


Then it was on to Ford where our visit was due to start for 2.00. This started with a very interesting presentation with a screen by our guide the Education Officer, Jennifer Hake. These included details of how the recycling process and machinery works and why some items can be recycled and some cannot.


We then got kitted out to go on the viewing platform above the machinery. This included safety jackets, Helmets with ear mufflers and walkie talkies to hear further explanations. The picture below is of our motley crew getting ready in the classroom.


Then it was out on to the viewing platform. The picture below shows an overview with some of the machinery and conveyor belts in the foreground.  In the distance against the far wall a lorry can be seen with its sides partly open and packed with bales of paper ready to be sent out. This picture had my special treatment. It is called a false HDR. Just one RAW image file opened in Photoshop and 3 pictures created from it at different exposures and then those pictures combined for a wider range of detail.



The picture below shows the viewing Platform. The group with their faces visible from left to right are Mike, Elizabeth, Eric and Richard.



The picture below is of a conveyor belt taking our rubbish to be processed.



The picture below is of a cut-out in the metal of the side of the viewing platform with light shining through on to the floor.


For more about recycling and the Ford Education Centre see



Posted by RideLeader at 12:04 BST
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Sunday 24 April. Ride to Midhurst

Before starting on today’s ride first a word about the week’s rides and HDR enhanced pictures.


All week has been beautiful sunny summer like weather and I made the most of it in rides and picture taking. On Tuesday I did a ride to Racton Tower near Funtington. The picture below was originally in color but I converted it to Black and White to get a darker mood in line with its reputation as a haunted building. The picture was taken with blue skies in the middle of the day. The HDR combination of 3 pictures enhances the sky.



The Wednesday ride was longer than usual to Highdown on the Downs above Ferring for a Carvery at £5.25. Alan took us on a route including a bridleway to Patching which goes through Angmering Park Woods which has an extensive carpet of Bluebells. I went back there on Friday with SLR and Tripod and a Picnic Lunch in the panniers for a Photo Session. The pictures below are HDR combinations of 3 exposures. The week’s mileage ending Saturday was 203.



Today my route to the start included a ride alongside the Chichester Canal where I spotted this Duck and her family.

For the ride to Midhurst I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Sam, Roger, Gill and Mandy. It was another warm summers/April day with temperatures up to 26C.



We took a route via the climb up Pillygreen and then along the top of the Downs. Then it was the main road to Duncton Hill and then quiet back roads via Barlavington. I got a quick picture on a hill before we dropped down to Shopham Bridge.



Then it was on to Petworth for elevenses at Tiffin’s and some welcome toasted teacakes. We continued with a short stretch of main road before turning on to lanes a Tillington. Then it was a very quiet backroad to River with views across to the Downs. From River village it was down to the river and the inevitable climb back up.



Then it was on to Lodsworth and down on back roads to South Ambersham and more backroads to Midhurst and lunch at Ye Olde Tea Pot Cafe in the High Street.


We returned via Bepton and lanes across to Cocking. Then it was the main road to West Dean for Tea on the Patio at West Dean Gardens.



Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 44. My mileage for the day was 57.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:59 BST
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Evening Ride - The Tour of Bognor

Every year I get a request to start the summer programme of evening rides off with a Tour of Bognor.  The tour is designed to be a short run through the back streets of Bognor covering some territory cycle rides don't normally do, and preferably finding somewhere that even Bognor people haven't been before.  

Six of us met at the start point (ALC) - Julian, Val, Carol, Havey, John and myself.

It had been a beautiful April day, temperatures touching 24 degrees and no wind to speak of.  The evening continued in similar vein - excellent cycling conditions.

As might be expected, we did a fairly circuitous route down to Elmer, through the University grounds and central Bognor, Aldwick, Bersted, Felpham, Flansham, Middleton, Ancton and Elmer, using some back alleys, side roads, and even some off roading at the Glenwood. A nice little run of about an hour and as dusk fell we arrived at the Elmer pub, where Steve joined us later.

We returned back to the ALC direct via Middleton Road; a short return ride and a round trip mileage of a modest 10.5.  Hopefully the weather bodes well for the rest of the summer season!


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Saturday, 23 April 2011 00:15 BST
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Sunday 17 April. Freewheel West Chiltington

We met today at Walberton Pond with Colin as the leader. He was joined by myself, Harvey, Sam, Anne and Gill. We met Alan and Liz later at elevenses and lunch and Chris Dart rode direct to the freewheel making 9 out on the day.



Colin led us first via Slindon, The Spur and then on the backroad via Madehurst. Anne had a slipping chain so for a change I managed to get ahead of her on the climb up to Whiteways for a picture.


Then in was on via Amberley and Rackham to stop for elevenses at Wiggonholt where we met Arun Adur Section. Both groups rode together to Pulborough where we joined up with Horsham Section and rode together to the top of the Freewheel hill.



I went down early as Chief Photographer. The pictures below are of Sam who was about 4th and Gill on her way to winning the ladies category. For the DA Events Competition there were 8 taking part from Arun Adur, 7 from Bognor Chichester and 4 from Horsham Crawley



There were 3 joint winners, Graham and Tony from Arun Adur and John Clark from Horsham. All got as far as the road junction which is now decided to be the maximum distance due to safety. The 3 who won got over a slight rise which took them a lot further. Everybody else finished closer together where the groups gathered to watch.



We all then headed back up the hill for lunch at The Queens Head, West Chiltington.


After lunch Colin led us back via Storrington and Parham House. From Houghton it was over the partly rough route over the pass to Arundel with good views over the Arun Valley.

Then it was down to Arundel for tea at the Putting Green Cafe. I refuelled with Apple Pie and ice cream. For portion size and quality this is probably equal first with the Village Cafe in Rowlands Castle.


We returned via Ford.


Mileage from and back to Walberton was about 40 miles. My mileage for the day was 56.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:45 BST
Sunday, 10 April 2011

Sunday 10th April. Ride to Hambledon


Just as a preliminary for those who followed my Blog entries on Lanzarote I am still developing the picture techniques worked on there. This is called HDR where a number of exposures of the same picture are combined to get more detail. On Friday I cycled to Bosham with Camera and Tripod in the panniers to take pictures inside Bosham Church. The picture below is of a small side chapel in the church. To get all the detail for the Chapel and the view through the windows 7 exposures were combined.


Todays Sunday Ride was again on a brilliant blue sky day with temperatures inland reaching 21C. There were 2 rides today, a long ride to Hambledon and a short ride to Rowlands Castle. Anne was leader of the Hambledon Ride and she was joined at the Cross by Colin, John Wickens, myself (Edwin) Jo and her husband Neil Taylor and Mandy making 7 out on the ride.


From Chichester Cross we headed out initially on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes along Clay Lane then it was through West Ashling which seemed packed with spring blossoms. Then it was along Watery Lane being careful to obey the sign to watch out for ducks crossing.



From Funtington we headed up the B Road towards West Marden but turned off before then up a very steep climb to Forestside followed by a good downhill to Finchdean. Then it was a quiet lane to Chalton and a climb up to the crossing of the A3.



We stopped for elevenses at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park Cafe. John Maxim met us there but he headed home from there.


After lunch we headed on via Clanfield and a long climb to HMS Mercury. On the way up we saw a large variety of old cars from various periods presumably on a rally or meet.


We had great views on the ridge at the top. Then we turned off and a long downhill on quiet lanes to Hambledon to stop for lunch at Lott’s Cafe.


After lunch there was a good steep hill to get us back into the ride.



Then it was some really narrow empty lanes across to Cathrington with its steep hill and then Horndean. Then it was a loop via Blendworth on some pretty and remote lanes to stop for tea at Rowlands Castle. I refuelled with my usual, Apple Pie and Ice Cream.



Then it was back to Chichester on the usual route via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 50. My mileage for the day was 61.


On the short ride to Rowlands Castle Harvey was the Leader standing in for Arthur. The ride started from Chichester Cross at 10.00, 30 minutes later than the long ride. Harvey was joined by David Glue, Dawn, Fred, Sonja and Keith Dodman. Gill joined the ride as far as elevenses making 7 out on the ride.


The group rode via Clay lane and then Southbourne and Prinsted to elevenses at Emsworth. Then it was on to Rowlands Castle for lunch and a fairly direct route back.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:28 BST
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Saturday 9 April - Bognor Regis to Chichester Garden Centre

 Six of us met at Bognor library - Julian, Avryl, Alan, Steve, Carol and myself. Weather was glorious for early April - bright sunshine and temperatures nudging 18 degrees.

We set out along Bognor seafront to Aldwick and Nyetimber (via the usual back routes) where we took Summer Lane and  the farmland tracks to South Mundham.

Crossing the Rife at Summer Lane 

Some of the terrain was off tarmac, but the ground was hard packed and not an uncomfortable ride.

After South Mundham we proceeded past Runcton Mill to Merston where we took Green Lane. At this point Avryls' chain decided to part company with her bike and the ride ground to a halt.

With the chain in pieces, step forward Dr. Steve with his link extractor, ably assisted by consultant Alan. A matter of moments  later the chain was back in one piece and the ride continued.

Steve and Alan operate on the patient (note the surgical gloves!)  

After our stop at Chichester Garden Centre (the erstwhile Heather's Cafe), Avryl left us to head back to Tangmere (chain still behaving itself!), whilst the rest of us took the cyclepath all the way back to central Bognor.

Round trip mileage was about 14.5, however I did almost 20, from and back to home.



Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Monday, 11 April 2011 15:21 BST
Thursday, 7 April 2011
20th February 2011 Ride To Stopham Bridge
I was met at Chichester Cross by Gill and Colin, it was a fairly grey morning with a cool breeze, but dry.  We headed off up Pilleygreen dropped down to East Dean and made our way to Petworth via Duncton for tea.  Gill made her way home afterwards and Colin and I carried on through Balls Cross and Kirdford and down towards the turning off the A272 to Bedham.  Before we got to the steep bit we turned left and Colin led me on an interesting track which crossed the river Arun and brought us out eventually in Pulborough.  It was fairly muddy but you know what to expect with Colins alternative routes!  Always nice to go somewhere new.  Turning to go towards the garden centre at Stopham Bridge we spied Keith who joined us for a tea and Chris Dart also appeared having made his own way there.  After some lunch we all headed off to Fittleworth where Keith left us.  Chris turned off soon after and Colin and I made our way up the dreaded Duncton Hill and
homewards.  My mileage for the day was 52

remote Posted by RideLeader at 21:30 BST
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Sunday 3rd April. Ride to Aylings Garden Centre, Trotton


Weather today was dry starting with mist clearing to cloud in the morning with more sunny spells as the day went on. Temperatures reached 14C.


There was a good turnout today. Gill was the leader and she was joined at the Cross by Colin, Edwin, Sam, Harvey, Mandy and newcomer Jo Taylor from Shoreham. Graham Young joined us at lunchtime making 8 out on the day.


Sam was out for the first time on his new bike, a Carbon Sram equipped MTB with slick tyres today for the road.



We left on Clay Lane and then West Ashling and Watery Lane to Funtington. Then it was the valley road via West Marden to Compton for elevenses at the Post Office Tea Rooms.


Then we cut across to Idsworth and turned off on the beautiful road across the Downs via Ditcham Park.



A brief stop at a gate gave me a good Photo op.


Then it was on to Harting and as we climbed out of the village on the road to Elsted there was a sharp “crack” and Harvey stopped. It turned out the large bolt securing the saddle to the seatpin had sheared. It was soon clear this could not be repaired so Harvey rang his Dad to be collected.



We continued via Elsted, Elsted Marsh and Dumpford to Trotton to the Aylings Garden Centre Cafe for lunch. This was chosen to avoid the booked up tables of Pubs on Mothers Day.


Graham Young joined us here after having ridden 70 miles that morning from a 6.00am start.


On the way back we retraced our route to Elsted Marsh and then lanes via Ingrams Green.


Then it was on via Didling for tea at the Moonlight Cafe. They were suffering from an excess of mothers so we had to wait a while for our Tea or Hot Chocolate and Cakes. Then it was back on the main road and Centurion Way to Chichester.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 43. My mileage from Pagham was 55.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:55 BST
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Sunday 27 March. Ride to the Hampshire Hogg, Clanfield.

The weather today was pleasant with hazy sunshine light winds and temperatures up to 15C. I led the ride starting from Chichester Cross and I was joined By Roger, Colin Anne and Sam at the Cross. Gill joined us later at the Cross making 6 out on the day. Southdown Velo have started meeting at the Cross. They are the fast boys in red jerseys in the background of the picture.


The route out was via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington. We were heading for Compton for elevenses. However I took a little diversion going via Walderton and then the long climb and pretty lane up to West Marden. Some enjoyed it but Sam seemed a little unhappy after overdoing it yesterday with a long ride to Arlesford. Good to see him back on form.



After recuperating at the top of the climb we headed down to Compton for elevenses at the Post Office Tea Rooms.


Then we cut across to Idsworth and a very sharp climb to Chalton. Then another climb to the A3 crossing for lunch at the Hampshire Hogg.


The afternoon ride was a lot easier with more flat and downhill. We went back to Chalton and then Finchdean and Rowlands Castle. Then it was on to Stansted for tea. They are doing a lot of work there with a big extension for the tearooms.


The return was via Westbourne and the usual Clay Lane route.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 40. My mileage was 53.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:10 BST

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