Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Sunday, 10 June, 9am Chichester Cross start

Five left the Cross at 9am for the ride to Lurgashall - Phil (on a solo!), Edwin, Anne, Chris, and Russell. Following a hot Saturday, we anticipated another hot day and liberally applied suncream before we started. We travelled east to Maudlin, then climbed the long hill to Pillygreen, to cross the Goodwood ridge and descend to East Dean. It appeared we had turned into the farmyard at the bottom of the hill and Phil regretted not having mudguards instead of green speckled ankles.

We continued to Duncton Hill, turning right at the bottom and taking the usual road to Petworth where we stopped for our morning break at the tea shop just off the square (Tiffins was closed). From here, we took the Kirdford Road beyond to Balls Cross, then followed a delightful lane that brought us out to the main road just south of Northchapel. We continued north and then east on the road to Lurgashall.

 The Noah's Ark is in a delightful setting by the cricket pitch. We bought drinks, but having checked out the menu, Phil and Edwin opted instead for a sandwich from the post office across the road. We were on the road again soon after 12:30pm and headed south to half-way bridge, crossing the main road to reach Selham (where Chris left heading east) then headed west towards Heyshott, then followed the rough track through to Cocking. We climbed Cocking Hill then descended to West Dean for tea with a portion of bread and butter pudding for the sandwhich buyers.

Anne turned into the College and the rest continued down the Centurion Way to Chichester. Edwin and Phil took the canal path down towards Hunston and met the Witterings Group (plus Sam) and stopped for a short chat before continuing down the tow-path. This final stage was interrupted by a puncture, but the setting was so pleasant, we quite enjoyed the enforced delay.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 21:53 BST
Updated: Monday, 11 June 2007 14:18 BST
Sunday 10 June. Lurgashall Ride group on a lane near Balls Cross

remote Posted by RideLeader at 19:40 BST
Sunday 10 June. Witterings Ride group at Chichester Canal Basin.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 19:37 BST
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Saturday Ride - Bognor Regis Library to Aldingbourne country Centre

The temperature today was just over 20 degrees, wind speed about 9mph - comfortable cycling conditions, sunny and with no threat of rain.

Despite this, and the promotion of the ride in the WSCC Walks and Rides booklet, there were no attenders at the start point.

I met with Alan and Liz who had been planning to tag onto the ride en route to visit family in Littlehampton; however when we realised no one was going to turn up they decided to go direct to Littlehampton along the coast, so we all went our separate directions.



Posted by RideLeader at 00:05 BST
Friday, 8 June 2007
Thursday 7 June. Chichester start to Barnham

I led this ride in place of Phil who was unable to make it. Weather was warm and sunny. Only John turned up so I was able to take a longer hillier route.

We headed up the Centurion Way to Lavant. Then across on lanes to Halnacker. After a short way up the main road we cut across to the Eartham road. Up to Eartham and then down to the Slindon Bottom Road through the woods. Then the tunnel under the A27 to Fontwell, down to Walberton and then Barnham to the Murrell Arms.

Graham arrived soon after we did with Chris and Janet and we returned with them via Yapton.

30 miles for me for the evening


remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:38 BST
Updated: Sunday, 10 June 2007 17:45 BST
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Evening Ride - Felpham to The Murrell Arms, Barnham

The weather this evening was warm, with a light breeze - perfect cycling weather. Despite the favourable conditions, and the promise of a short ride, only 3 of us met at the Fox Inn: Janet, Chris,  and myself .

I decided to keep the ride as off-road as possible, so we headed out through Felpham churchyard, then the Community College grounds, up to the golf club and the Roundle Estate where we took a back alley to Hoe Lane at Flansham. From there it was off road all the way as we tok the route of the proposed cycle path across the fields and over the River Rife to Barnham Church. The route has clearly been subject to some preliminary works as the footpaths have been diverted, streams culverted, and vegetation recently trimmed back. However although rideable throughout, there is still an awful lot to do and an all-weather surface would make this a really excellent route, passing as it does through some very unspoilt countryside.

As we approached Barnham, we stopped to inspect the remains of Hollinsworth swing bridge across the abandoned Portsmouth-Arundel canal at Church Lane, we then diverted 300 yards or so to Barnham Court farm, to inspect the unearthed  remains of Stewart Bridge. Both these iron swing bridges were forged in 1820, but fell out of use after the canal became impassable in c.1856, and were buried where they collapsed. Archeological digs by the canal society in 2003 unearthed this well preserved ironmongery.

From here it was a short sprint to the Murrell Arms, where we met the Chichester contingent (both of them), also just arriving.

The return trip stuck rigidly to tarmac, running via Yapton (where Chris left us for Littlehampton), and Middleton.  The entire Chichester group decided to ride with us all the way back to Felpham, and their influence led to some lively running, indeed I arrived home before dark.

The modest mileage for the evening was 12.



Posted by RideLeader at 23:27 BST
Updated: Sunday, 10 June 2007 00:04 BST
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Sun 3 June. Reliability Ride from Wiggonholt

Weather today was warm and sunny all day with temperatures up to 25C in complete contrast to last weekends rain and gales

Today was a DA Event being a 25 mile Reliability Ride starting at Wiggonholt at 11.30 and finishing at Wisborough Green and organised by Arun Adur.

Colin led the ride from Walberton Pond to the start joined by myself (Edwin) Harvey and Chris.

We cycled up via Madehurst and then down to Houghton. We split up there with Colin and Chris taking a longer route while Harvey and I went direct to Wiggonholt. We were joined there by Richard and Alan and Liz who brought their bikes by Car. Steve Thomas also joined us after cycling from Horsham the nearest he could get by train due to engineering work.

We were also joined at Wiggonholt by Arun Adur members and Horsham members arriving after we left. Dave Galle had worked out a very pleasant route on quiet byroads. We took in Coldwaltham, Coates, Selham, Lodsworth, Lickfold, Lurgashall, Ebernoe and Kirdford.

Lunch was taken at Penelopes Caf?, Wisborough Green. We headed back towards Wiggonholt for tea on a track and then across to Broomers Hill. Here my gears seriously jammed with the chain being forced out of one jockey wheel and the spring being damaged. I got mobile by splitting and then rejoining the chain. After getting to Wiggonholt I took up Richards offer of a lift back.

For me 57 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 20:01 BST
Sunday 3 June. Alan and Liz on the Reliability Ride. Photo by Dave Galle.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 20:00 BST
Updated: Monday, 4 June 2007 09:41 BST
Sunday 3 June. Edwin leading a group on the Reliability Ride at Selham. Photo by Dave Galle

remote Posted by RideLeader at 19:59 BST
Updated: Monday, 4 June 2007 09:42 BST
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Evening Ride - Felpham to The Anchor, Sidlesham

A warm sunny day, but the forecast for the evening was increasing cloud followed by heavy showers. Certainly by the time this ride got underway, some very threatening clouds were in evidence, although apart from a few spots of rain for about 5 minutes on the outward trip, the entire tour was accomplished in the dry.

At the start point were myself, Julian, Edwin, and Ian.

Despite the  heavy rain of recent days, I decided to risk the route across the fields north of Pagham, via Summer Lane and South Runcton, and this paid off as we found the ground hard packed apart from a very few easily avoided puddles.  We re-joined the tarmac and proceeded by way of Fisher and Chalder, where the track had been improved with a gravel surface.  Back on tarmac again and as we passed the site of the long closed Chalder Station on the old line to Selsey, a deer was spotted in the field beside the road. On seeing us it took off rapidly, not into the distance as we expected,  but in fact ran parallel to the road, out pacing us, then leaping the fence to run across the road in front of us, easily negotiating the 4 foot fence  on the other side, before disappearing into the landscape.

We arrived at the pub some 5 or so minutes later, to meet the Chichester contingent, a modest threesome.

John who had come out with the Chichester group, decided to join us for the run back to Felpham, which stuck strictly to the road via Hunston, North Mundham, Aldwick, and Bognor.

 My mileage back to the Fox at Felpham, was 19.5.



Posted by RideLeader at 22:04 BST
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Sunday 27 May.

I led the ride today and due to heavy rain all day only Harvey joined me at the Cross. The forecast was for continuing rain with increasing easterly winds. I made an executive leader decision to do a shorter ride.

We cycled up Centurion Way to Lavant and then across to Goodwood Airfield Caf? for elevenses. Then on via Halnacker to Aldingbourne for lunch. We were joined here by Eric who came by car.

After lunch Harvey and I made our ways straight home.

I did 27 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:20 BST
Sunday 27 May. Harvey at Chichester Cross

remote Posted by RideLeader at 16:43 BST
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Thursday 24 May. Evening ride to the Maypole, Yapton
Weather this evening was sunny and warm. Alan led the ride from the Fox joined by Edwin, Val, Jo and Julian.


We headed out via Middleton and Alan found a loop I had not tried before. From Yapton we headed towards Barnham spotting Richard and John the Chichester start riders coming in the oppposite direction. We continued back towards Yapton taking the footpath across the railway to the Pub. We studied the lights of a train for a while to be sure it was not moving before hurrying across.


We met Richard and John at the Pub. John came back with us on the return ride.


Edwin for Alan

remote Posted by RideLeader at 10:42 BST
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Sunday 20 May. Bayeux Ride.

Weather today started sunny but later clouded over and stayed dry apart from a brief shower in the afternoon as we were boarding the ferry. Temperature was cooler than of late at 13C with a chilly northerly wind.

After our usual substantial buffet breakfast we made an early start at 8.30 to ride to Bayeux. Incidentally this was in the opposite direction from the ferry at Ouistreham which we were due to catch at 5.00pm.

We enjoyed a pleasant morning ride in the early sunshine on quiet backroads. In one village we encountered the local Club Run with about 30 riders all in their Club jerseys and on lightweight road bikes.

After 1 1/2 hours we arrived in Bayeux getting to the Tapestry before the crowds and coach parties arrived. The Tapestry was well organised with audio handsets handed out in language of choice which guided us along the Tapestry giving details and explanations of each scene. We later watched a short film about the Tapestry.

Then short visit the Cathedral followed by brunch at a caf?.

We left for Ouistreham at about 12.15 taking an inland route on fairly quiet roads with the occasional climb to liven up the troops. We stopped to view a long barrow 6000 years old.

We arrived in Ouistreham with an hour to spare for a Caf? stop near the port entrance. We went to the Port an hour and a quarter before sailing but still only just in time to board ahead of the cars and get our choice of seats.

36 miles for the day.

This update emailed from the ferry using a mobile mast in range on the Isle of Wight.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 20:33 BST
Sunday 20 May. Early morning en route to Bayeux

remote Posted by RideLeader at 16:59 BST
Sunday 20 May. Riding a hill on the way to the ferry.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 16:59 BST
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Saturday 19 May. Arromanches Ride.

Today weather was mainly sunny with a brisk SW breeze. It was notable that with a SW wind in northern France it was coming off the land which seemed the wrong direction.

Today we headed west along the coast road to Arromanches. We stopped on top of a hill above the town to view the wide spread of the Bay and the remains of the Mulberry Harbour. Then down into town and elevenses at a seafront caf?.

Then a short walk across to the D-Day museum with very good displays and films of the landings and Mulberry Harbours. Then another short walk to lunch at a nearby restaurant. After lunch as we were getting ready to leave Avryl suffered a slight accident coming through a car park entrance. The barrier came down giving Avryl a glancing blow knocking her back so she hit her head. The injury was minor but she was bleeding on her head and Mary applied first aid.

Avryl had a minor head injury causing bleeding a few weeks ago in Spain so we warned her not to make a habit of it.

We continued and took some backroads to gun batteries on the cliffs west of Arromanches and explored these. Then more backroads on the way back taking an inland route. We stopped at a war cemetery and the Canadian Museum. Our Anniversary Dinner was in the hotel in the evening.

29 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 19:24 BST
Saturday 19 May. On a Pillbox at Battery Longues

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:59 BST
Saturday 19 May. Riding up a hill near Ryes

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:33 BST
Friday, 18 May 2007
France, Normandy Trip. Friday 18 May.

8 of us set sail for Caen today from Portsmouth for the Clubs Anniversary Dinner long weekend. Phil, Mary, Jim, Irene, Avryl, Peter Wilson, Mike and Edwin.

We sailed at 7.00 am and weather early morning was bright and sunny changing to cloudy during the morning and misty mid-channel. The cloud cleared to warm sunny spells mid afternoon with temperatures up to 18C.

We were let on the Fast Cat ferry first and secured good seats at the front. Even on the fast ferry the crossing was 3 3/4 hours. At Ouistreham we cycled quarter of a mile into town and then stopped for lunch.

In the afternoon we headed a few miles south on the Canal side cyclepath to Pegasus Bridge and then had a long stop to look round the very good museum and outside exhibits including the original Pegasus Bridge and full sized glider replica.

Then onwards on minor roads and back to the coast. We rode through towns and villages twinned with Tangmere and then Fishbourne and then Emsworth.

We stopped for tea at a caf? on the front at Lac-sur-Mer. Then a little further along the coast to our Hotel for 2 nights at Courseulles sur Mer.

19 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:43 BST

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