Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Sunday November 21 Ride to Prinsted

Six of us started at Chichester Cross, Avryl as leader substituting for Arthur, Alan, Liz, Harvey, David and newcomer Jane who we were pleased to welcome.    We stopped for elevenses at Stansted House, Alan and Liz peeling off a little before then and Jane leaving after coffee, all having other commitments but joined there by Keith for the rest of the ride.


 From Stansted we rode to Forestside, Dean Lane End, Rowlands Castle and Emsworth to arrive for lunch at Boaters Bar, Prinsted. It was a rather dull and chilly morning with a fairly strong NE wind but we enjoyed some sunshine in the afternoon riding around to Chidham and Bosham where the tide was right out.


We arrived in time to stop for tea at the Roman Palace before it started to get dark. 

Mileage 34mls           


Written by Avryl

Posted by RideLeader at 19:21 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 21 November 2010 20:43 GMT
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Sunday 14th of November. Ride to Pulborough for the DA AGM

The meeting point today was Walberton pond. I was the leader and I was joined by Colin and Anne. We had an early 9 AM start. The weather was initially dry but it soon started a steady light rain and it stayed wet the rest the day. Temperatures were about 10 C but there was very little wind.

As everybody in the group was what you might call a fast rider I set a very fast pace as I wanted to be at Pulborough in time to put out the paperwork before everybody arrived. We took a route out of Walberton and then up to the A29. Then we rode along the lanes via Madehurst and up to Whiteways Lodge. As a change from the usual route I then headed down Bury Hill and then onto lanes eventually coming out at Fittleworth. From there it was a fast ride along the A272 to Pulborough Village Hall.

The AGM went very well with about 23 attending. Arthur Smith chaired the meeting and we observed the two-minute silence at 11 AM. The existing committee was re-elected without change. Arthur mentioned that despite the very abysmal weather most of those attending had come by bicycle. After the meeting we got ready to leave from the handy bike park just outside the hall.

Horsham Section went to lunch at the nearby Oddfellows Pub. We and Arun Adur members went to the Rising Sun at Nutbourne. While we had lunch the rain outside became gradually heavier. Upon leaving we got ready with heavier waterproofs and Dave and Richard compared their capes.


For the return ride I let our group on the usual route via Amberley and then on to Houghton. Here we split up with Colin and Anne deciding to take a longer route via Duncton Hill. I continued with a climb up Houghton Hill and then straight home.

The ride from and back to Walberton was 30 miles. My mileage for the day was 47.

Edwin Jones

Posted by RideLeader at 19:46 GMT
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Sunday 7th November. Ride to Sutton

We met at Chichester Cross at 9.30 for today’s ride. The weather was dry but cold at about 10C with a NE wind.

 Gill was our leader and she was joined by myself, Colin and Avryl.


This was a good autumn leaves ride with all the trees showing a good display of colours.


We headed east on lanes via Westhampnett and then up the quiet climb to Pillygreen.


Then it was a fast descent to East Dean and along the lane at the base of the Downs to Upwaltham and along the main road to descend Duncton Hill. A sharp right at the bottom of the hill took us on more lanes via Barlavington.



Then it was on to Tiffins at Petworth for elevenses. Here we met the Arun Adur group, Brian and Sue Howe, Graham and Tony. Brian was motorised but very cheerful after getting the all clear to ride his Bike.


Arun Adur were heading directly home so Gill led us to lunch via Byworth to The White Horse at Sutton where we met John Maxim.



After lunch John headed back home via Arundel while the rest of us took the lane to the base of Duncton Hill.



After the stiff climb we headed south. Colin left us at Upwaltham and the Gill, Avryl and I took the lane via East Dean and Singleton to stop for tea at West Dean Gardens.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 40. My mileage for the day was 51.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:11 GMT
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Sunday 24th October. Ride to West Stoke. AGM.


The official ride today was quite short from Chichester Cross to West Stoke Village Hall for the Group’s AGM. I was the leader and I was joined at the Cross by Harvey, Avryl, Gill and Arthur and Lynn. More  made their own way direct to the Hall by Bike or car with a total of 15 at the meeting.



The weather today was clear blue skies but chilly especially early on with temperatures eventually reaching 10 C.


I led the group west out of Chichester on Clay Lane and then a lane north to East Ashling and then lanes over to West Stoke. There were a lot of other cyclists about with at one stage a group of about 15 passed us while another group of 10 were riding in the other direction.



At the meeting there were no changes in the Committee. The official business finished at about 12.00. We then got on with the serious business of teas and coffees served by Mary and Freda and picnic lunches.


I suggested extending the ride by going over to Aldingbourne. I was joined by Harvey, Colin, Anne and Gill. We rode via Lavant and then the climb up to Goodwood Racecourse. Then it was along the top of the Downs with great views down to the coast. Then it was a particularly long downhill via Eartham to Aldingbourne for an early tea. Here we met John Maxim finishing his lunch


The official ride distance return from Chichester was very short, about 10 miles. With the extension my mileage for the day was 38.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:14 BST
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Sunday 17 October. Ride to Hayling Island


Today’s ride was led by Arthur and he was joined at the Cross by Lynn, Myself, Avryl, Harvey and Colin. Alan and Liz joined us at elevenses and Gill at lunchtime making 8 out for the day.


The weather today was bright and sunny but much cooler than of late being only about 4C first thing and a maximum of 14C.


Today was a day for spotting strange loads on bikes. On the way to elevenses there was a kid on a butchers bike and another carried in the basket. At Hayling as we were about to leave a man cycled by with a dog tucked under his arm.


From Chichester Arthur led us on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes via Woodmancote and Westbourne and then across to Emsworth and the Greenhouse Cafe for elevenses.


Next it was to Havant and down the first part of the Hayling Billy trail. After the bridge we took the lanes via Nortney and then more lanes to West Hayling before heading along the Sea Front to the Coastguards Cafe.



After lunch it was up the main road a little way before turning off on the Northney lanes. After the bridge we took a walk along the Harbour Path before turning off pick up a back road to Havant.



Then it was back to Chichester with a stop for tea at Fishbourne Roman Palace.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 35. My mileage for the day was 47.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:21 BST
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Sunday 10th October. Ride to Steep Nr Petersfield


I led this ride and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Colin and Roger.


The weather was excellent for October with clear blue skies all day and temperatures of 20C.


We took a route via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was the road towards West Marden but turning off on a steep climb to Forestside.



We continued via Chalton to stop for elevenses at Queen Elizabeth Country Park. Then it was up Butser Hill and great views over the Meon Valley.



Then it was on via Ramsdean and Stroud to stop for lunch at The Harrow Inn, Steep.


After lunch we bypassed Petersfield via Sheet and on to Buriton and the steep climb of THAT Hill. It was a pleasant long descent through Buriton Woods with Autumn colours showing.



We had a welcome tea stop at Rowlands Castle where I enjoyed their superb large slice of Apple Pie with 3 large scoops of Ice Cream. We returned via Woodmancote.


52 miles return from Chichester. My mileage for the day was 63.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:45 BST
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Saturday Ride: Bognor Regis Library to Littlehampton

Lovely day today, warm and sunny, temperature about 20 degrees, ideal riding conditions although there was a sharp SW wind.

I met Carol, Steve, Val, and guest Paul at the library and we headed on back roads to Felpham, then took the track around the golf course to Flansham. There we picked up Alan & Liz who with perfect timing, arrived just as we did.

The cycle track to Barnham was clear and dry; not so the "extension" the way we had just passed through from Bognor, which had some sticky mud in places where the shelter of trees kept rain water in place from a few days previously. However we all negotiated this unscathed.

Paul left us at Barnham whilst the rest of us proceeded via Mill Lane, Yaton, Horsemere Green, and then the cycletrack over the new bridge to Littlehampton. After a squeeze under the very low railway bridge (where you have to watch your head!), we took a quick tour of the backstreets of Littlehampton (including a little known tunnel!) to the Look-Sea Cafe, where we found Edwin waiting and a long queue for service.

Alan, Liz and Val made their own ways home (Val was cycling on to Worthing) whilst the rest of us returned over the "old" bridge to Climping, then from Bairds Farm a mile of main road before dropping into Middleton via Comet Cottage, then Felpham and home.

My round trip mileage was 17.5.


Posted by RideLeader at 02:22 BST
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Greece Week 2. 1st to 7th Oct

Our 2nd week in Greece, Lesvos Island on Thursday 1st October started with a ride from Kalloni To Vatera on the southern coast on the eastern side of the Kalloni Gulf. This was a relatively easy ride with less hills than usual. Flat along the gulf with great views. Then a rough road along the coast. The one big climb was very steep for about 2 miles with gradients up to 13%.We stayed at the Vatera Beach Hotel right on the sea front

27 miles for the day and 1158 ft of climbing for the day.

The next day Saturday 2nd October we moved on to Plomari only about 10 miles along the coast but no direct road. To avoid a much longer diversion on roads to the north we took a route along the coast, then inland to Kato Stavros for elevenses. Then it was a steep uphill climb for 5 miles on a dirt road to 1300ft.

Jan who dislikes rough stuff was not at all happy. At the end of the track Arthur pretended to be the Pope and knelt down to appear to kiss the tarmac.

25 miles for the day and 2207 ft of climbing.

We stayed 2 nights at Plomari and on Sunday 3rd October explored some of the pretty cobbled streets of the town.

On Monday 4th October we rode east from Plomari to Mytilene. We split into 2 groups. Most of the riders took a more direct route via Perama and a ferry across the Gulf of Gera.

Richard and I took a longer and hillier ride to the north. First it was a long steep climb out of Plomari for 6 miles to Megalochori the highest village on the Island at 1500ft. After elevenses in the village we took a very steep dirt road for 3 miles with great views of Mount Olympus and reaching a high point of 2762ft.

Then it was down to the scenic mountain town of Agiasos and a Baclava stop.

Then a good 12 mile descent.

33 miles for the day and 3005ft of climbing

On Tuesday 5th October we explored the extensive Castle at Mytilene not far from the Hotel Orfeas where were staying. In the late morning and afternoon we did a circuit of the peninsula to the south with quiet scenic roads after leaving the heavy traffic of Mytilene.  

21 miles and 1295ft of climbing.

On Wednesday 6th October we rode 7 miles from Mytilene to our first Hotel the Hotel Votsala at Pyrgi Thermi. Richard and I extended the ride with a gentle climb into the mountains to Pigi and then Komi and back. 20 miles and 950ft of climb. In the afternoon the bikes were packed.

Thursday 7th October the bikes were loaded on transport provded by the Hotel to get them to the Airport..

I am writing this at Mytilene Airport in the middle of a 6 hour delay to our flight due to a 4 hour Greek Air Traffic controllers strike. Hopefully we will get home sometime today.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 13:14 BST
Updated: Saturday, 9 October 2010 18:07 BST
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Greece Lesvos Week 1

There are 10 of us on this 2 week tour of the Greek Island of Lesvos a few miles from Turkey. Myself, Edwin, the organizer, Alan and Liz, Arthur and Lyn, Peter W, Richard C, Richard B, Avryl and Jan.

Our first week here there were forcasts of chance of rain all week but none apeareared. The weather has been mainly sunny with temperatures of about 28C.

The Island is the 3rd largest Greece and mountainous with a big M.

The bikes arrived undamaged save for Alan and Liz's. Alans had a broken mudguard and Liz suffered a more serious bent rim. The first day they found a Honda Garage doing bike sales and repairs to mend it.

Our first 2 nights wereon the coast north of the main city of Mytilene at the village of Pyrgi Thermi at the Hotel Votsala. Our first day was a short out and back ride into the mountains to visit a spectacular Roman Aquaduct.This was a mere 10 miles and 350ft of climb

Saturday the serious riding started. The first part of the day was up the coast with numerous ups and downs before the serious climb into the mountains to a high point of 1230ft where we recuperated on a bench by a garage.

Then a very sharp 15% downhill for nearly 2 miles to the pretty little fishing port of Scala Sykaminias to stay at the Hotel Gorgona.

Sunday we had a short ride to Molyvos on the northern coast. Most elected to take the short 8 mile route on the coast. Richard B and I went for the 14 mile route into the mountains including the 1.5 mile 15% grade cllimb to 1000ft.

We did 1745ft of climbing

Molyvos is a beautiful town with a byzantine castle on top of a hill with a maze of narrow traffic free paths among red roofed houses spilling down the coast to tne sea. We stayed 2 nights here at the Via Liamis apartments at 250ft just below the Castle walls.

Tuesday was a hard hilly ride to Sigri at the end of a long peninsula on the western end of the Island. After many ups and downs we reached the high point of 1300ft near a monastry perched on a great crag. Everyone rejected my suggestion of an optional out and back ride up the steep road to the monastry. Then it was a 7 mile fast downhill to Sigri past Wind Turbines and great views.

We did 38 miles with 3359ft of climbing.

After staying at Sigri Studios our next destination on Wednesday was back up the great hill and on to Kalloni at the top of a great bay in the centre of the Island. We split into 2 groups with Richard and I taking a longer route and doing the climb to the monastry which seemed to be inhabited by sheep and tough looking monks. The monastry itself did not seem to be open to visitors. We descended from the Monastery with great views over the Island

Our route was 44 miles and 3740ft of climb

We stayed 2 nights at Skala Kalloni and on Thursday had a short ride to a nearby town for elevenses and a visit to some salt lakes.


Distance was 16 miles and 318ft of climb.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 15:35 BST
Updated: Saturday, 9 October 2010 17:53 BST
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Sunday 26 September. Ride to Ayling Garden Centre, Stopham Bridge


Gill, Anne, Colin, Roger, Harvey, John turned up at lunch and tea.


Walberton towards Wiggonhalt, where Colin, Anne and Roger went off to do some extra hills before arriving at the lunch stop, and meeting John, Gill and Harvey.

After lunch most of use took a route to Amberly and the Kyber pass and tea at the pitch and putt. The pitch and putt is now closed for the winter. A good day, if a little wet in places.


Posted by RideLeader at 22:48 BST
Updated: Friday, 8 October 2010 10:53 BST
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Sunday 19th September. Ride to Exton


Today I was leading a ride to Exton near Corhampton in the Meon Valley. I was joined at Chichester Cross by Colin and Gill. Colin arrived a little late having been delayed by having to overtake cars jammed up to get to the Goodwood Revival. The weather was dry, mainly cloudy though with a few sunny spells and a strong SW wind. Temperatures were about 17C.


I led the group out first on the Centurion Way and then cut across to West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was up the valley via West Marden to stop for elevenses at Compton.



Then it was across to the road from Finchdean and a gradual climb up through the woods of Buriton Hill. After Buriton we took the lane to cross the old A3 south of Petersfield. After going under the new A3 and getting ready to turn right to pick up the East Meon lane some kind marshals stopped the traffic for us. We thanked them and told them we were not on their event, a local Sportive Cycle Event.


After a pleasant lane we came into East Meon and went south up a lane we rarely use which winds its way among field before climbing sharply up to Teglease Down near HMS Mercury.


Then it was more lanes this time mainly in a downwards direction with some great views of the Isle of Wight and as far as Fawley. Then down to the Meon Valley and lunch at The Shoe Exton.


In the afternoon it was lanes with a fair few ups and downs south along the Meon Valley via Droxford and Soberton. Then another lane east to Hambledon, After heading towards Denmead we turned off on another lane east to Cathrington and a very sharp steep climb up a hill called unimaginatively Road Hill.



Then it was lanes to Horndean and a good pace with a tailwind to Rowlands Castle. I managed a very large portion of Apple Pie and Ice Cream and Gill had a piece of Bread Pudding so enormous that she couldn’t finish it.


Then it was back via Westbourne and the South Coast Cycle Route lanes.


Return mileage from Chichester Cross was 57. My mileage was 68.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:52 BST
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Sunday 12th September. Arun Crossings Ride


Today was a beautiful sunny day, possibly a last taste of summer. Temperatures were up to about 20C despite a NW wind.


After my accident 2 years ago I opted out of the Arun Crossings Ride route but met the group for elevenses and lunch. From our Section there was Colin, David Glue and Richard. Alan and Liz met us at the Pub. There were also 2 non members out for the first time from Felpham David Clark and Dominica Clark. From Arun Adur there was Richard Boulton, John Wickens, Dave Fox and Graham. Bob represented Horsham with Barbara meeting us at the Pub.


I took a route via Madehurst, Whiteways and Fittleworth and then the long stiff climb up Brinkwells Hill and down to Wisborough Green. I was soon joined by Richard Carlisle who was starting the route from Wisborough Green. A short time later the rest of the group arrived.


I took the road up to the Blue Ship at The Haven meeting Barbara there who had come direct. After a little while the offroaders arrived and we enjoyed lunch in the sunny garden.



Alan and Liz came direct to lunch and rode part way back with Colin in the afternoon.


I rode back home with Graham as far as West Chiltington. I then continued via Wiggonholt and a short tea break and then Houghton Hill and an ice cream stop on Felpham seafront.


The Arun Crossings ride route was approx 35 miles. My mileage for the day was 64.



Posted by RideLeader at 21:37 BST
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Sunday 5th September. Long Ride. Selborne


There were 2 rides today, a short one led by Harvey to West Marden and a long one led by Anne to Selborne near Alton Hants.


Early rain soon cleared and the morning was mainly dry if cloudy apart from a shower just before lunch. The afternoon was mainly sunny save for another light shower mid afternoon. It was quite warm, about 20C.


For the long ride there was just Anne and myself (Edwin) We met at Chichester Cross at 9.00 and Anne set off at a brisk pace via Funtington, Compton and the long climb to Harting. After Rogate it was another long climb to Rake arriving there at the Garden Centre Cafe for elevenses bang on time at 11.00.


Next it was some quiet pretty lanes across to Liss, then over the A3 and lanes towards Hawkley. Before there a shower started but well timed as for the next mile we were climbing along wooded lanes with the foliage so dense that the roads were mainly dry. Waterproofs were required however for the last few miles to Selborne and The Queens Inn. They had a good snack menu and the sandwiches which came out were made from doorstep sized pieces of bread.


After lunch Anne led me on many lanes I had rarely and some never ridden before with numerous ups and downs via East Tisted, High Cross (Church on a Hill) Froxfield Green and Langrish. Then it was more familiar territory as we headed across to Buriton and the dreaded hill. Then however it was a pleasant descent though Buriton woods just showing the first Autumn tints. Then on to Rowlands Castle for tea. For me it was a welcome large portion of Apple Pie and Ice Cream.


We returned via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 64. My mileage for the day was 76.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:07 BST
Monday, 30 August 2010
Sunday 29 August. Shorter Ride to Portsmouth


Four of us, Harvey, Mandy, David and I left Chichester Cross at 10.0 bound for Southsea Common to see the Kite Festival.  We zig-zagged between the road and cycle paths along the A29 to Emsworth where we stopped for coffee at The Greenhouse Cafe.  We continued along to Havant to pick up the Hayling Billy Line.  After crossing the bridge at Langstone we took the left turning on Hayling Island and worked our way down to the south coast and the Ferry by the minor roads.


We all enjoyed crossing on the ferry in sunshine and in the strong wind that had been against us all the way.  We continued to Southsea Common where we arrived at the same time as Edwin's group and all had our sandwiches together sitting around the cenotaph where we watched the kite display.


Our group took the ferry and the Hayling Billy Line back to the A29 and thence to Chichester with the pleasure of having the strong wind behind us.


Mileage   40mls                                                      


Ride notes by Avryl

Posted by RideLeader at 10:19 BST
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Sunday 29th August. Longer ride to Portsmouth


Today there were 2 rides to Portsmouth a longer hillier one led by me and a shorter flatter ride led by Avryl.


I was joined at the Cross by Gill, Anne and Colin. The weather was mainly cloudy in the morning but with some good long sunny spells in the afternoon. The day was dry apart from a short shower in the afternoon as we got back to Chichester. We fought a stiff NW headwind on the way over but a nice tailwind for the return.



I headed out via the Centurion Way and then West Stoke, Funtington and Racton with a stiff little climb on a side road to warm up. Then it was Rowlands Castle, Finchdean, Chalton and up the hill to cross the A3 and on to a welcome elevenses break at Queen Elizabeth Country Park cafe. We had a few mechanicals to sort out. En route I had to tighten up my crank and after elevenses Gill needed to use an ever useful zip tie to secure her mudguard.


We continued via Clanfield and then down to Hambledon. A right turn up a little lane out of Hambledon was a short and very sharp climb. Then it was pleasant quiet little lanes mainly downhill to Hipley. Then it was round to Southwick and on for the big climb of Portsdown Hill. I choose a very steep little lane which even Colin had not tried before.



Then it was a ride along the ridge of Portsdown Hill with great views looking down over all of Portsmouth. After a fast descent to Cosham we took the cycle route via the ferryport and round to Southsea common and the Kite festival. Avryl had tried to ring me and I tried to ring her but our mobile phones did not get on well and refused to communicate. Eventually David Glue got through to me and we met up for lunch at the war memorial. We were both fairly late, Avryl’s’ group had arrived at 1.30 and I arrived at 1.45. Avryl had been joined by Harvey, David and Mandy.



While we had our picnic lunch we had a good view of the Kite Festival which is free event.



In the afternoon Avryl led her group back via Hayling. Colin went with her to visit family. I led Gill and Anne up the Eastern Road Cycle path. To get there I took various back streets which I had scouted out using Google maps and Street View pictures so I was able to recognise a footpath I needed to take. 21st century cycle route leading!


The cycle path follows the eastern edge of the Portsmouth peninsular with good views over the harbour and then it was  across to Havant. In the Havant pedestrian precinct I spotted a Costa Coffee cafe open and as it was nearly 4.00 we stopped there for Tea. Then it was back via Emsworth, Westbourne and Woodmancote. Just as we got into Chichester we spotted Avryl’s group ahead and caught up with them.


Mileage from and back to the Cross was 65. My mileage for the day was 76.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:40 BST
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Last of this Summer's Evening Rides: The Lamb, Yapton

 John, Harvey, Steve & Carol met me at the Arun Leisure Centre for the final evening ride of the season.

The weather has been so appalling over the last few days its hard to believe its still August. However after raining pretty much all day, it had stopped by the time of the ride, although the prospects didn't look too good.  

Nonetheless we pressed on, taking the pathway around Bognor Golf Club to meet the Barnham Cycletrack. The Golf club track (North Lane) is often flooded and muddy, but despite the recent torrential rain was surprisingly passable with ease.  From Barnham we went around the back of the village to meet the Walberton Lane, then through Walberton itself, taking a circular route down to Yapton crossing, North End and down to Bilsham and  the Lamb pub. Incredibly only a few drops had fallen during the entire route.

By the time we left to return home, rain was falling steadily, although it was only 2 miles or so back to Felpham via Middleton (and Harvey had about the same mileage back home the other direction). So although a little wet, we had definitely had the weather on our side tonight.

My mileage for the round trip was 12.3.


Posted by RideLeader at 22:54 BST
Sunday, 22 August 2010

Sunday 22 August. Ride to Shoreham


Sunday was not very promising with rain forecast for most of the day. Still, it was dry by the time it came time to leave and as I really needed to get out after 2 days mainly indoors I headed off for the start at Walberton. Colin was our leader and he was joined at the start by just myself and Gill.


Colin set off at a fairly brisk pace to take us over the Downs on the lane via Madehurst. Then it was down Houghton Hill and on via Amberley. We turned off before Storrington on a lane and then a tarmaced path to come out on lanes skirting round West Chiltington and coming out eventually at Ashington. This was a good route to avoid the busy main road. Then it was down to Wiston for tea at Wiston tea rooms in the Garden and so far all in dry if cloudy weather.



Then it was along Spithandle Lane to come out south of Ashurst and drop down on the B road to Steyning. We turned off here along Coombe Lane to cross the Downs at the side of the Adur Valley. As we rode further south a few spots developed into heavier rain. The original plan had been to have a picnic on a nearby hill and watch some of Shoreham Air Show. However Colin’s planned Hill was shrouded in low cloud and with the cloud level at no more than one or two hundred feet not many planes were flying.


We decided to head into Shoreham and find shelter for our picnic. We eventually found a WSCC Car park under the Library. Not the most salubrious or scenic of picnic spots but at least it was dry.


We then headed for a cafe for a hot drink and Colin led us to one he knew of near the Lock Gate not far from the Power Station. The clouds only just cleared the Power Station Chimney.



We headed back along the coastal cycle route mainly on the Prom and making use of the prom west of Worthing recently opened up to cyclists. The rain was off and on and mainly light. After Ferring Colin led us on a convoluted quiet route via many of the private estates near the sea. We had a welcome Tea Stop at the Look and Sea Café at Littlehampton.


Then it was back via Yapton where I split off to head home via Middleton and the coast.


Mileage from and back to Walberton was about 57. My mileage for the day was 71.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:36 BST
Sunday, 15 August 2010

Sunday 15 August. Ride to Milland


Today the long ride was to Milland. Weather was cloudy to start with but clearing to warm sunshine. Anne was our leader and she was joined at the Cross for our 9.00am start by myself (Edwin) Gill and Colin.


We rode out towards Goodwood and then across to ride up the Pillygreen hill. There was a road closed sign which we ignored and then various car parks in fields. In a field on our right just past the Sculptures were set up the exhibition tents, stage and funfair of the Vintage at Goodwood event. £55 per day to attend so another to give a miss to.


We continued via East Dean and Singleton and then the main road to Cocking. Here we turned off on lanes via Bepton for backroads to Midhurst and elevenses at Ye Olde teapot Café. They seem to have a thing about teapots here but good refreshments.



Then onwards and upwards as Anne led us up the “easy” south side of Bexley Hill and then down the 17% grade descent of the North side. On then on quiet lanes to Fernhurst and more lanes across to The Rising Sun Milland. We were joined here for lunch by Arun Adur members.



Linda also joined here having left late and arrived just as we were getting ready to leave. She rode with us for a little way in the afternoon. Arun Adur headed back towards Wiggonholt while we headed west for a few extra lanes and hills via Liss and Steep and then down to Petersfield. In need of further refreshments by this time we stopped at The Continental Café in Petersfield Square. There was a gent there on a heavy tricycle he used for trips round town with his 2 dogs ensconced in comfort on the back.



We headed back via lanes to West Harting, Harting and then Didling and Bepton to Cocking. We split up after West Dean. I headed home on the Centurion Way now cleared of undergrowth. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 60. My mileage for the day was 73.




Sunday 15 August. Ride to Singleton. Alan and Liz leading.

 We met Harvey and Robin at the Cross and rode up Centurion Way into the wind to the end then along the A286 a short way then left on to the B 2141 along there, into the wind, then right on to Hylters Lane. Up and down until we arrived opposite the West Dean PO, for 11's.Lots of people driving in to buy their Sunday papers.  We then carried on the A286 to Singleton Village Hall, checked the "menu"ate our sandwiches by the pond and returned for tea and cake. We all headed back to Chivia the Cycle path , robin went down the main road and on home via West Stoke, Harveyleft us at Lavant and we carried on to Chichester. 

Return mileage from the Cross 20.



Posted by RideLeader at 22:20 BST
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Evening Ride-Arun Leisure Centre to Runcton, The Walnut Tree

Julian and Graham jointly organised the route for this ride and were accompanied by John (R), Val, and new recruit Mandy.

The sky was brighter than it had been all day, and it was a very pleasant evening's cycling, although we were surprised by a very short shower just on leaving the pub to return home.

The route took us through the University grounds and backstreets of Bognor to emerge on the sea front at Marine Parade. Then it was via Barrack Lane and Stoney Stile Lane to Pagham where we took Summer Lane for a bit of off road riding across to South Runcton. From there along some very quiet lanes to Mill Lane from where we emerged right opposite the pub.

Harvey was waiting for us at the pub and we were later joined by Edwin, who had been unable to make the main ride.

The return route was via the Lower Bognor Road through Lagness to Aldwick. Then those that had not already peeled off returned to Felpham all the way along the Promenade - obviously using only the part between Bognor and Felpham that now officially  permits cycling.

My mileage for the evening was 16.8



Posted by RideLeader at 22:58 BST
Updated: Friday, 13 August 2010 23:14 BST
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Sunday 8th August. New Forest Awayday Ride


This ride was led by Arthur and met at Brockenhurst Station at 11.00. I obtained a lift from Richard and the drive to Brockenhurst with a lot of the route on the fast M27 was only an hour. We joined Arthur and Lynn at the Station Car Park and also numerous friend of Arthur from the Moulton Club and some CTC riders from Southampton . There were 14 of us in total.


The weather was warm and sunny with light winds and temperatures up to about 22C. We set off on some backroads out of Brockenhurst and were soon on one of the few short hills of the day.


Next we turned off to ride through a campsite and after one slight navigational error got on the right route to take concrete tracks across an old airfield at Beaulieu Heath.


This avoided most of the traffic to get to Beaulieu for a stop at a cafe for elevenses, well actually twelveses.


Next it was a very quiet back lane passing to the south of East Boldre. A stop was required as I noticed my crank was feeling very loose and looking down at it the crank was wobbling enough to be on the verge of falling off. This was my Roberts Bike and a few months ago I had replaced the bottom bracket and chainset. A suitably sized large allen key soon had it tightened up.


We continued to the riverside at Lymington and split up to have lunch at various locations and then met up at 2.45 for the return ride.


We rode back a little further west via Sway encountering quite a few ponies at the roadside some smaller than others.


We rode back into Brockenhurst for a tea stop at a cafe. Then it was back to the station car park to make our ways home.


The ride was 25 miles. I had cycled up to Richards so my mileage for the day was 39.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:19 BST
Updated: Sunday, 8 August 2010 20:25 BST

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