Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Sunday 18 May. Ride to Rowlands Castle.


We arrived, Alan and Liz, at Chichester Cross with only Harvey waiting. Weather was sunny and cold with a NE wind.


We set off on the cyclepath to Fishbourne and across to the Waterfront café at Bosham. Not many people were about and the tide was coming in.


We left the café and continued on lanes to Woodmancote where a charity ride was in progress. We continued via Westbourne and when almost at Rowlands Castle saw Arthur, Lynn, Vernon and Adrian coming towards us. The café was closed so we all proceeded to Stansted House Café for lunch.


In the afternoon we set off for Fishbourne for tea via Aldsworth, Woodmancote and Clay Lane. After tea we all went our separate ways.


Return distance from Chichester was 26 miles



Posted by RideLeader at 22:31 BST
Normandy. Sunday 18 May. St Malo to Pontorson
Today's ride was from St Malo to Pontorson to the east. Weather was generally cloudy with some sunny spells and also some very heavy showers.
After a breakfast buffet at the hotel we discussed the problem of a wide range of ability in the group. The decision was to split into 2 groups, a faster group led by Linda and a slower group led by Avryl and try to meet up during the day.
The initial split was Avryl, Mike, Richard, Jim, Irene and Peter in the slower group and Linda, Gill, Phil, Mary, Anne, Christine and myself in the faster group. It was notable that the ladies outnumbered the men by 5 to
2 in the faster group.
We took different routes and met up for elevenses at the seaside town of
Cancale. We spotted Avryl's group a mile outside town and quietly caught up and followed them for another mile before anybody noticed. During elevenses on the seafront a heavy shower moved through and we waited for it to pass before moving on.
We followed the coast with views back to Cancale. At one point we got the wind behind us and maintained a steady 17mph for several miles on the flat road.
Lunch was at the medieval town of
Dol-de-Bretagne with a cathedral near the central square. We waited by the Cathedral for Avryl's group. Some lunched at a bar and others bought baguettes. Just as we were about to leave heavy dark clouds gathered and a lot of us with bikes piled into the cover of a complex of public phones much to the consternation of a Frenchman wanting to make a call.
In the faster group we headed out of town on a hilly route. After a few miles the dark clouds gathered again and we all piled in to a handily located bus shelter. As the weather dried out we continued to our overnight stay at the town of
Ponderson and a Logis de France where the Proprietor provided us with tea.
39 miles for the day.

Posted by RideLeader at 22:22 BST
Normandy. Sunday 18 May. Shower shelter.

Posted by RideLeader at 22:16 BST
Saturday, 17 May 2008
France. Friday 16 May and Saturday 17 May. Dinan
5.00 p.m. I met up at Chichester Cross with Phil, Mary, Avryl, Richard and Gill to cycle over to Portsmouth for the ferry to St Malo. The rest of the group, Mike, Linda, Peter, Christine, Jim and Eileen met us at the ferry port.
Weather stayed dry and we had a tail wind for the ride over on back roads and cyclepaths. We were directed on the ferry first and settled in our cabins after an 8.30 pm sailing and supper.
23 miles for the day
Saturday morning we arrived at
8.15 am and cycled off the ferry first. Linda and Avryl were doing all the organising and I could relax as Linda led our group of 13 through the urban streets to the Hotel. We able to leave the luggage there for the day and had breakfast at a nearby Bar.
Then it was an out and back ride down the long estuary of the River Rance to Dinan. There were great views as we rode over the Barrage. We diverted from the road to a cyclepath along an old railway. This was a nice route but heavy rain the previous night and many parts under trees meant a lot of muddy patches and splattered bikes and persons.
We stopped at a village Bar near the route. We continued and eventually came into Dinan on a pretty route beside the river. We had lunch a a restaurant by the river and stayed there for a while while a heavy shower came over.
After lunch we headed up a very steep cobbled street between medieval houses to the Town centre. Most walked up while Phil, Mary and I rode part way to shouts of Allez! From the locals. We stopped and sheltered from more heavy rain and regrouped near the central square.
Then it was back on the opposite bank with more views of the estuary  and some periods of sunshine. We were late getting back and with no restaurants near the hotel we cycled straight to a restaurant  in town before returning to the hotel.
49 miles for the day

Posted by RideLeader at 22:12 BST
Updated: Saturday, 24 May 2008 17:59 BST
Normandy. Friday 16 May and Saturday 17 May

Posted by RideLeader at 22:01 BST
Updated: Saturday, 24 May 2008 12:12 BST
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Sunday 11 May. I-Spy Ride


Weather today was excellent warm if not hot at about 24C and clear sunny skies all day.


5 of us took part in the 1-Spy ride, Alan & Liz and Gill took their bikes by car to Billingshurst. Just Linda and I met at Walberton Pond at 7.20 to ride there. There were 4 from Arun Adur and 8 from Horsham.


Linda and I took a direct route via Whiteways and a quick stop at Amberley village shop for snack bars. Then on via West Chiltington and Broadford Bridge to Billingshurst Station for the start.


Bob from Horsham Section supplied us with route sheets with the clues. Many of these involved signs and house names at the side of the road so we often peering at these as we slowly cycled by likely candidates. We were split into teams. Alan & Liz rode together and Linda, Gill and I were another team. I was separated from Linda and Gill part way through the morning and we linked up again at the George & Dragon, Dragons Green for lunch.


We continued after lunch with many more interesting clues to spot. The finish was at Sumners Pond Café near Barnes Green where we had cakes or Ice Cream over results. Bob had photos of the correct answers. The days ride took us on some very pleasant unfamiliar lanes.


Peter and Marion Smith from Horsham were first. Gill, Linda and I were equal 4th. Linda and I headed back on a similar route to our way out.


My mileage was 85.



Posted by RideLeader at 22:17 BST
Updated: Monday, 12 May 2008 11:19 BST
I-Spy Ride. Riding Lane between clues

Posted by RideLeader at 22:10 BST
I- Spy Ride. Tea over Results

Posted by RideLeader at 22:00 BST
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Evening Ride - Arun Leisure Centre to The Wilkes Head, Eastergate

A short ride this evening -shorter than planned, as half a mile from the start point your leader came to an abrupt halt with a burst front tyre.

Just making the start only a couple of minutes after the ride should have left, examination of the wheel showed a small split in the tyre, through which the tube had protruded, become pinched, and then burst.  My thanks to the only two riders who turned up this evening, Julian and John, for their assistance in effecting emergency repairs, which meant the ride was able to take place, albeit 45 minutes late in starting.  Julian had also got a punchure earlier in the day and was worried that the tyre might not make it, but in the event the rest of the ride passed off without incident.

Due to the lateness of the hour, we went on a fairly direct route up to Eastergate, but we did manage a trial run up the partially completed cycle path from Felpham to Barnham. This path can be described as being in three parts - the first part from Felpham school (and ALC) around the golf course to Flansham has not yet been started, and its future revolves around the progress of the 700 homes to be built around it  ("Site Six"). The second part, which is where we joined it, runs from Flansham to the bridge over the River Rife. This follows a somewhat rutted, but hard packed and easily rideable farm track, and would be fairly straghtforward to convert to a proper cyclepath, however no work at all has been undertaken.

The final third was the most difficult to engineer and has been fully completed, although lacks any signage or publicity. It involved re-routing the old footpath on a completely new alignment, and then significantly regrading a rough and steep farm track. The surface is is rock and gravel dressed with a compacted sand finish, and makes for a very comfortable ride, although how long the surface will last is anyones guess.

 It regains the tarmac in Church Lane at Barnham, from where we proceeded direct to the Wilkes Head.  Edwin met us there, although by this time it was well after 9pm and he was about to depart having assumed the ride had been curtailed.

Our return route was straight down the A29 from Eastergate Memorial to Bognor Regis, and some lively running ensued on a very quiet evening for traffic. At Shripney Edwin and John left us for Pagham, whilst Julian and I continued over Highfield Bridge and back roads to the Arun Leisure Centre.

My mileage for the evening, a modest 13.9.



Posted by RideLeader at 23:26 BST
Updated: Saturday, 10 May 2008 23:58 BST
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Monday 5 May. Isle of Wight.


Weather today was cloudy in the morning clearing to warm sunshine by midday.


After a group photo outside the hotel we headed back on a relatively easy ride after yesterdays exertions.


After a short ride on byroads north into the centre of the Island we stopped for elevenses at Amazon World Garden Centre. John left us here to head straight back on an earlier ferry. After a ride up to Newchuch we stopped briefly at the Garlic Farm. Then a sharp long climb up Newport Chute to Arreton Down the Ridge across the centre of the Island.

Then a long downhill via Wootton and on to the ferry port at Fishbourne where we stopped for lunch at the Fishbourne Arms next to the Ferry port entrance.

After the ferry to Portsmouth we rode on Cyclepaths and backstreets out of the City to Cosham and Havant. The plan was to stop for tea at Emsworth. However we arrived at 3.35 and both The Greenhouse and Heidi’s closed at 3.30. We settled for takeaway cakes from Heidi’s. Then back to Chichester on the lanes.

35 miles back to Chichester 41 miles (back to Pagham)


Posted by RideLeader at 10:55 BST
Monday 5 May. Group photo outside the Hillside Hotel

Posted by RideLeader at 10:29 BST
Monday 5 May. Climbing the Ridge in the centre of the Island

Posted by RideLeader at 10:27 BST
Sunday 4 May. Round the Island Ride.


Weather today was cloudy with some spots of rain from time to time but not enough to require full waterproofs. Temperature was about 17C.


We had an early breakfast at the Hillside Hotel and headed over to the Whitwell Randonee Control to sign on for 9.00. John Maxim headed straight off to “do a time” The rest of us stayed together as a group, myself, Gill, Anne, Linda, Avryl and John Wickens. We were also joined by PJ, a Frenchman living in England who was staying at the hotel.


We soon started the climb of Blackgang hill from the easier side with views from the top of the white cliffs near Freshwater in the far distance. Then country lanes a short way in from the coast before coming back to the Coast road to climb the Cliffs and drop down to Freshwater.


Then it was on to Yarmouth for elevenses at a school with tables groaning with food. I told everyone to buy extra for lunch so we could have a short roadside lunch stop. Brian and Sue Howe who were camping near the Alverstone control caught us just as we were leaving and caught us again at Cowes and stayed with us for the afternoon. Many ups and downs before Cowes culminated in a very sharp climb to Guinard. We arrived at the Chain Ferry well timed just as it arrived. We had a picnic lunch in Whippingham church grounds.


Then it was on to Fishbourne where I kept pace with a car for a while on the downhill. At the control near Fishbourne we met Vernon Lewis. Then on via Seaview to the control at Bembridge for tea. I kept the energy levels up with 3 cakes. By this time there starting to be a trace of panic in the ranks about getting back to Whitwell before the control closed at 6.00. I told everybody we would do it ok.


After the Alverstone control it was soon back on yesterday’s route and we arrived with plenty of time to spare, well, 10 minutes actually at about 5.50.


John was back at the hotel and had finished at 2.46, which was what we say in the Time Trialling scene a personal best for him.


The round the Island circuit, from Whitwell and back to Whitwell was 68 miles. With additional miles from and back to the Hotel the day’s distance was 72 miles. There were 3 novice Round the Island riders. Avryl, Linda and John Wickens. The number of hills on the Island makes it a very hard route so well done to all of them especially to Avryl. The ladies in Crete would be really amazed!!



Posted by RideLeader at 10:21 BST
Monday, 5 May 2008
Pictures of this years Round the Isle of Wight Ride are in the Slide Show below. To view the show refresh the browser to start the show from the beginning. To view the Slide Show with larger pictures click   "view all images"

Posted by RideLeader at 19:48 BST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 May 2008 10:59 BST
Sunday 4 May. Round the Island Ride. Refresh the Browser to play Slde Show

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Posted by RideLeader at 19:43 BST
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 19:46 BST
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Saturday 3 May. Isle of Wight

For the first day of the Isle of Wight weekend 5 of us met at Chichester Cross, myself (Edwin) Avryl, Linda, Gill and Ann. I was very outnumbered by the ladies and I did wonder what people might think of one man with 4 ladies following on behind!

Weather was fine, sunny and warm at about 18C and a SE tailwind.

We took the South Coast Cycle Route to Westbourne and then Havant for a 10 am coffee break and for me a giant slice of bread pudding.

Then on down to Portsmouth taking Cycle paths and backstreets to the Fishbourne ferry where we were joined by John Wickens.

After the ferry crossing we rode up the hill to Havenstreet and the Steam Railway Caf? where we met up with Brian and Sue Howe who were camping for the weekend at Newchurch.

After lunch more hills over the ridge and down a narrow winding lane to Newport. Then a cyclepath on the old railway route followed by lanes to Godshill for tea. Here we met John Maxim who taken an earlier ferry and kept us updated on his whereabouts with text messages.

We said goodbye to Brian and Sue and headed for our hotel in Ventnor. After a few miles John Wickens punctured with a nasty thorn and we helped with repairs.

46 miles for the day.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 23:00 BST
Anne leading the group up the hill to Havenstreet

Posted by RideLeader at 22:00 BST
Saturday 3 May. Leaving lunch at Havenstreet

Posted by RideLeader at 21:50 BST
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 18:24 BST
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Sunday 27 April. Ride from Chichester Cross to West Marden.


After yesterday's warmth and sunshine the weather took a sharp downturn being cool and cloudy with a mixture of periods of rain, showers and brief dry intervals.


Arthur was unable to lead the ride today and asked me to take over.  At the Cross I met up with Phil and Mary, Linda, Harvey, Keith and Robin, a newcomer out for the first-time. At lunch we met up with Gill, Ann and Adrian who rode direct.  There were a total of 10 of us out on the day.


The weather was dry when we met at the Cross but as soon as we left the first spots of rain started.  We headed out via Clay Lane and after a few miles the rain was heavy enough to require waterproofs.  We headed on with the rain constant but not too heavy via Westbourne to stop for elevenses at Stansted.


There was a period of heavy rain while we were inside.  We continued on with bits of light rain up the hill from Stansted and then direct across to West Marden for lunch at the Victoria Inn. Adrian was waiting for us having cycle direct from Portsmouth and Gill and Ann soon joined us after a longer ride with a stop for elevenses at Queen Elizabeth Country Park.  Phil and Mary headed back early.  After lunch the rest of us headed back in the dry via Funtington and West Ashling. We stopped for tea at Hilliers Garden Centre near Bosham.


Just as we were leaving an enormous clap of thunder rang out overhead and another one followed shortly.  We rode back to Chichester with the rain just on the edge of being really heavy and we seemed to be just on the edge of the heavy shower.


My mileage for the day from Pagham was 40.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:57 BST
Updated: Sunday, 27 April 2008 20:00 BST
Sunday 27 April. Meeting at the Cross

Posted by RideLeader at 19:55 BST

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28 Dec, 09 > 3 Jan, 10
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26 Oct, 09 > 1 Nov, 09
19 Oct, 09 > 25 Oct, 09
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31 Dec, 07 > 6 Jan, 08
24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
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