Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Sunday 20 July. Downslink Awayday Ride.

This ride met at Christ?s Hospital Station to do a loop taking in the Downslink path and the Wey canal path. Jeff offered me a lift and we agreed to meet at Hunston giving me the chance to ride some paths and lanes up from Pagham on my little used MTB bike. Gill also came by car. Colin, our leader and Anne came by train and Phil and Mary cycled 35 miles from home. Linda rode to the lunch stop from Chichester and John Maxim rode up from Angmering to the lunch stop making 9 out for the day.

Weather was sunny spells but a lot of cloud around especially in the middle of the day and still a brisk cooling breeze. Temperature was about 20C.

Colin led us first on the Downs Link and then paths and lanes close to the Haven and then past Gibbons Mill. Then it was some really scenic riding along the Wey Canal Path along the renovated Section. Most of the riding was on good paths but there were some bumpy bits and at one stage Phil and Mary did a slow fall off.

We took lunch at the Three Compasses near Cranleigh. John and Linda didn?t want to do any off-road so they headed back after lunch. The rest of us continued on tracks and then picked up the Downslink SE from Cranleigh. The generally flat route was interrupted by a steep climb at one stage to get above a tunnel occupied by bats. Soon after we came to the Wellwood Arboretum doing teas alongside the canal. This is a brilliant tea stop set beside a pool with a bicycle sculpture. Look at the slideshow below for full details, a picture being worth a 1000 words.

We continued on the Downslink back to Christ?s Hospital Station. Phil and Mary rode home. The days ride was 28 miles. My mileage was 36. Phil and Mary about 100 miles. Good practice for the 100 mile ride they lead next Sunday.


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Posted by RideLeader at 20:10 BST
Sunday 20 July. Downslink Ride. To play refresh browser or click "view all images"

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Posted by RideLeader at 20:02 BST
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Evening Ride 17 July 2008 - Arun Leisure centre to the Winterton Arms Crockerhill

Support for the summer evening rides has been patchy so on this cold, dull and breezy evening it was nice to see 3 others out - tandem riders Phil and Mary, plus Julian.

No doubt the tandem had an influence as we set off at quite a pace around the back of Bognor, heading through Bersted then Shripney Lane and the cut through to the A29, running up a very quiet main road to Woodgate, where we turned down Hook Lane, then through Aldingbourne village to complete an uneventful run to Crockerhill.

On arrival at the pub however we were told that we could only be sold soft drinks as the licensee had very recently died and the transfer of the licence had not yet been completed. Fortunately there was some beer still in the barrels which they were giving way free (contributions to the landlords cancer fund were invited) as otherwise it would have gone off by the time they were able to sell it. Perhaps unsurprisingly, we opted for the beer.

On the return route Phil and Mary made their own way back to Runcton whilst Julian and I were joined by Edwin fresh from his time trialling. We stuck to an almost deserted A29 until Shripney, where Edwin peeled off, then Julian and I returned to Felpham via Highfield Bridge and the cricket pitch. My mileage for the evening was 17.4.


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Posted by RideLeader at 23:26 BST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2008 08:28 BST
Monday, 14 July 2008
Sunday 13 July. Owslebury Ride.


We had two rides for today, an easy ride to Rowlands Castle and this long ride estimated at 80 miles.  As you will read later this ride was to be action packed.


8 of us met at Chichester Cross at 8 a.m. for the long ride.  I led the ride and I was joined at the Cross by Linda, Anne, Gill, Phil and Mary, Colin and John Maxim.  Adrian joined us at elevenses making a total of nine out on the ride.


The weather was generally sunny during the morning with clouds building up during the afternoon but staying dry.  Temperatures reached about 21C.


We took the Centurion Way out of Chichester and then lanes over to West Stoke, Funtington                 and Rowlands Castle.  Then the first serious test of the day was the very steep climb up to Chalton. This was closely followed by another climb up to the A3 overpass.  Then down to the Queen Elizabeth Country Park for elevenses.  We had made good time and arrived there just before 10.00.


After elevenses we climbed back up from the Park and rather than heading for Clanfield I turned off on the long gradual climb to Butser Hill.  I heard but ignored a few cries of dismay from the ranks.  We regrouped at the top where there were marshals and supporters for a charity ride coming in the opposite direction.  I later learned that this was the annual Petersfield Ups and Downs Charity Bike Ride.  They were certainly putting some ups in the route as the riders were coming up the steep side of Butser Hill.  We were heading down on this route and had to go slowly and cautiously to avoid the riders and some small children pushing their bikes up.


At the bottom of the hill Phil and Mary had to make adjustments to the new disc brake on their tandem which was causing them some problems as it is bedded in.  We continued with a fast ride along the Meon Valley riding via East Meon and then West Meon and Warnford. Then it was a long climb up the appropriately named Wheely Down.  Then it was a long ride along the ridge with great views to the north.  As we came to a crossroads we saw a big group of cyclists and marshals and continued on the lane.  John and I were in the lead as we started a long gradual climb.  We will soon overtaken by three riders who were apparently a breakaway group in a road race.  John wisely decided not to contest the hill with them.  We reached the top and a crossroads where there was another big group of cyclists and marshals and we decided that the Peloton would soon be arriving and got out of the way.


We watched with interest as the rest of our group cycled up the hill accompanied by motorcycle race escorts and being passed by advanced riders from the Peloton. One of the marshals spoke into his radio advising somebody that there was a group of slow riders coming up the hill.  Surely he couldn't have meant the best of Bognor Chichester CTC fast group??Surprised


Linda and Gill got to the top and out of the way just in time before the massed pack of the Peloton came powering up the hill and swept left at the crossroads.  After all the excitement we continued a few more miles to our lunchtime destination of Owslebury.  Unfortunately as we reached the pub we saw a sign up saying closed for renovations.  I decided to continue on our planned return route for 2 miles to the pub at the nearby village of Upham. Unfortunately this was on lanes involving an up and a down and another up and other down and then a long up to the appropriately named Upham where the pub was open.


After lunch we continued on many pleasant quiet country lanes north of Bishops Waltham and then across to Droxford.  Then it was more lanes via Chidham and Clanfield and back to Rowlands Castle for tea.


On the way back the action packed day was not finished.  As we approached Woodmancote we heard a squeal of brakes and rounded the bend to see two cars had collided and various locals were gathering around.  One car had its side bashed in but there did not seem to be any injuries and the usual arguments were starting about fault. Yell We slowly got round the scene of the accident and returned home.


Mileage for the day from and back to Chichester was 72.  My mileage from Pagham was 84.




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Posted by RideLeader at 11:13 BST
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Sunday 13 July. Owslebury Ride. To play refresh browser or click "view all images"

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Posted by RideLeader at 21:36 BST
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Sunday 6 July. 2 Weald Ride.


Today was a DA Event organised by Horsham Section starting from Wisborough Green with a choice from four 25 mile loop rides starting and finishing at the Green.


Weather dawned bright and sunny down on the coast but that didn’t last long soon deteriorating into a long spell of rain or showers with SW gales. I took the train up aiming to alight at Billingshurst. Anne joined me at Barnham. At Pulborough the Guard announced that a tree had been blown onto the line near Billingshurst and the train was held up at Pulborough. When the Guard announced that a team had not yet arrived to clear the tree we decided to get off and ride on up to Wisborough Green.


We rode up the A29 for a few miles and then onto a back road and onto a path over fields and up to Wisborough Green.


We sheltered under the Gazebo put up by Horsham Section members. Bob was holding onto one pole to stop it blowing away. Barbara served us with drinks and cakes. John Maxim was there having got there early and already done a ride while it was still dry. Other members of Horsham and Arun Adur Sections arrived. Then Phil and Mary and friends Roger and Pamela arrived by car. Roger and Pamela had borrowed a Tandem and were giving it a go for the first time.


The 6 of us eventually set off into the rain with some wobbling from Roger and Pamela and a fair bit of trepidation especially going down hill, up hills and starting off. They provided us with a good amount of entertainment but overall did pretty well for a first ride on a Tandem especially with the travails to come in the afternoon.


We got to Cranleigh on various back lanes with a tail wind most of the way and stopped at the Garden Centre Café for lunch. After lunch we headed back with the rain easing to the occasional shower. After a few miles Rogers pedal fell off. Phil checked it out and it was soon apparent that the tread had worn inside the crank. The pedal was attached with toe-strap and tape with the idea of providing a platform to rest the foot on while the pedalling was done with one leg.


After a while Phil offered to give Roger a rest and swap bikes. Pamela decided to stay on the same bike so it was a partner swap to Phil and Pamela and Roger and Mary. Being in the wilds of deepest Surrey I am sure Partner swaps go on all the time!


All was not plain sailing as with Phil and Pamela riding on ahead Roger soon found the saddle was too high and he could hardly touch the pedals. I lent an Allen key to sort that out. We continued back via Plaistow and Kirdford and the sun was appearing as we arrived back at Wisborough Green.


We learnt that Harvey and Gill had come on the Club ride from Walberton Pond but had headed back earlier as we had been so late getting back.


Anne rode back home and I got the train from Billingshurst, this time without incident. My total mileage for the day was 41.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:18 BST
Sunday 6 July. Sheltering under the Gazebo

Posted by RideLeader at 20:11 BST
Sunday 6 July. Sorting out the errant pedal

Posted by RideLeader at 20:10 BST
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Sunday 29 June. Tom Anderson Commemorative Ride

Colin led this ride using some of the Toms favourite back roads and tracks. 11 of us met at Walberton Pond. Colin, Phil & Verna, Harvey, Anne, Gill, Sue, Avryl, Jim and myself (Edwin) Bruce joined us at elevenses and John Wickens, John Maxim and Keith Dodman joined us at lunch. Christine and Bruce left us during the afternoon. We were joined at tea by Freda, Jim, Dave, Jan, Irene, Alan, Liz, Eric and Tony who rode direct to Joys for tea. This made a total of 24 out during the day and 22 at Joy?s for tea.

The weather during the day was very good with clear sunny skies early and late and sunny intervals and some cloud during the middle of the day. There was a strong south-westerly wind and temperatures up to 20 C.

From the Pond Colin led us up to Madehurst and then turned off on the farm road and track up to the top of the Downs at the parking area by Bignor Hill. We gathered for a group photo by the Signpost. We then cycled down the very steep road descent with its exceptionally steep bend. Then it was along to Bignor Roman Palace cafe for elevenses.

Colin then led us back through Sutton and Barlavington and then Coates and Coldwaltham to lunch at Wiggonholt.

After lunch we headed back via Amberley and then the Khyber Pass route with great views across the Arun Valley with poppies lining the fields. Then it was Burpham and lanes across to Warningcamp and Poling and a track across to Lyminster and down into Littlehampton for tea in Joys back garden. We enjoyed excellent hospitality with tea and a wide selection of cakes.

Many returned home on different routes. Colin led some of us back along the seafront across the footbridge and over to Yapton. I left the others here to head back on the coast.

Mileage from and back to the Walberton area was about 43. My mileage for the day was 58.


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Posted by RideLeader at 23:37 BST
Updated: Monday, 30 June 2008 18:06 BST
Tom Anderson Commemorative Ride. Sun 29 June. To play refresh browser or click "view all images"

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Posted by RideLeader at 23:29 BST
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Sunday 22 June. Nether Wallop Weekend trip and Stockbridge Awayday Ride.


After very substantial breakfasts at both B& Bs we all met up for the ride at Nether Wallop Pub. After heavy rain all night the skies had cleared to bright sunshine and temperatures up so 21C. There was a strong WSW wind giving us a tailwind home.


We rode about 4 miles to Stockbridge with a climb over a ridge to meet up with the Awayday Ride. Avryl was leading this and was joined by Richard, Colin and Mike a CTC member from Kent who was staying in Southampton and had spotted our ride on the Website. Colin had taken a train to Eastleigh and had cycled from there. Richard, Colin and Mike came by car. The 10 of us had an early elevenses at Lilly Langtrees café.


Avryl then led us on lanes down the Test Valley. We saw a lot of other cyclists out on the quiet lanes. We headed south via Mottisfont. There were some stiff climbs and winding pretty lanes in an area many of us had not explored before. We eventually ended up at The Plough Inn, Sparsholt for lunch a few miles west of Winchester.


After lunch I led Linda, Adrian and Gill on a direct route home. Phil and Mary and Colin stayed with the Awayday riders aiming to complete that ride and then ride back.


The 4 of us took a route through Winchester and then a long climb up from the valley first on a B road out of town and then on the A272. From the top we had great views including Fawley and the Isle of Wight on the Horizon. Then we turned off on a lane with ups and downs along a ridge before descending to Warnford. Then it was a long climb out of the Valley to Old Winchester Hill. Then along the scenic ridge with views to the Meon Valley on one side and the coast and Isle of Wight on the other side.


We descended to Clanfield and stopped at the shop there for recuperation in the form of ice creams and chocolate milk. Adrian left us here to return to Portsmouth. I led Linda and Gill on a direct route back via Chalton, Rowlands Castle and Clay lane.


The days ride to Chichester was 62. My mileage was 70. I got back home about 6.30.



Posted by RideLeader at 22:42 BST
Sunday 22 June.Riding along the Test Valley

Posted by RideLeader at 22:40 BST
Sunday 22 June. Lunch at the Plough

Posted by RideLeader at 22:38 BST
Sunday 22 June. Hard slog to Old Winchester Hill

Posted by RideLeader at 22:37 BST
Updated: Sunday, 22 June 2008 22:40 BST
Sat 21 June. Ride to Nether Wallop.

Today was a ride over to Nether Waller for a weekend away meeting up with the Awayday ride from Stockbridge tomorrow.


6 of us met up at Chichester Cross, myself (Edwin) Phil and Mary, Linda and Gill. Adrian joined us at elevenses.


Weather was overcast all day with spots of rain and drizzle occasionally but nothing very much. Wind was SSW so that extra bit of south in the direction gave us a good tailwind at times.


We rode via Clay Lane, Rowlands Castle and Finchdean to stop for elevenses at QE Country Park café. While we were there a school group set up a Steel band and starting playing.


We continued with a climb up to Butser Hill and then a fast descent to East Meon. Then along the Valley to West Meon and quiet lanes to Cheriton and then Tichborne for lunch. A dog kept us entertained, grabbing my seat at one stage.


After lunch we took quiet lanes alongside the River Itchen to the north of Winchester. Then more lanes via Crawley, a pretty little village with no Aircraft noise. Then an up and down rolling B Road to Stockbridge for tea at the Lilly Langtree Café.


Then lanes via Longstock and a climb past Danehill Ring before descending to Nether Wallop. Phil, Mary, Linda and Gill stayed at a B&B here while Adrian and I went on a few more miles to a B&B at Over Wallop.


We met up at a Pub in Nether Wallop for an Evening meal which proved quite interesting. The original Landlord had left and the villagers had taken over for a short period taking turns behind the bar. Today everybody was down at the village Green for a special event. The Pub was open but nobody about. A villager told us to help ourselves and settle up later which was apparently the usual routine when no volunteer was around. We had a bit of fun finding the bar lights and then poured ourselves some drinks. Phil was our chief barman.


Linda had ordered in advance an evening meal of Sea Bass and as the cook was late back he told us pudding would be thrown in free. We were left an apple pie and a strawberry flan with cream. Mary divided these into even portions and we ended up with 2 puddings each


67 miles for the day for me from Pagham.


Posted by RideLeader at 20:38 BST
Saturday 21 June. The Pubs Dog at Tichborne

Posted by RideLeader at 20:34 BST
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Sat 21 June. Ride to Nether Wallop.
Today was a ride over to Nether Waller for a weekend away.

5 of us met up at Chichester Cross, myself (Edwin) Phil and Mary,Linda and Gill. Adrian joined us at elevenses.

Weather was overcast all day with spots of rain and drizzle occasionally but nothing very much.

We rode via Clay Lane, Rowlands Castle and Finchdean to stop for elevenses at QE Country Park cafi??.
While we there a school group set up a Steel band and starting playing.

We continued with a climb up to Butser Hill and then a fast descent to East Meon. Then along the Valley to West Meon and quiet lanes to Cheriton and then Tichborne for lunch. A dog kept us entertained grabbng my seat at one stage.

After lunch we took quiet lanes alongside the River Itchen to the north of Winchester. Then more lanes via Crawley, a pretty little village with no Aircraft noise. Then an up and down rolling B Road to Stockbridge for tea at the Lilly Langtree Cafi??.

Then lanes via Longstock and a climb past Danehill Ring before descending to Nether Wallop. Phil, Mary, Linda and Gill stayed at a B&B here while Adrian and I went on a few more miles to a B&B at Over Wallop. We met up at a Pub in Nether Wallop for an Evening meal.

67 miles for the day for me from Pagham.


remote Posted by RideLeader at 22:33 BST
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2008 16:03 GMT
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Sunday 15 June. Ride to Stansted

11 of us met at Chichester Cross. Alan & Liz, Freda & Jim, Kath, Richard, Christine, Steve, Elizabeth Medler and Bob & Gill Marshall. Adrian joined us at lunch.


We rode along Clay Lane and then the A259 and lanes through Prinsted and on to The Greenhouse Café Emsworth for elevenses.


We went on via Aldsworth to Stansted House Garden Centre for lunch.


After lunch both Elizabeth and Adrian went back. The rest of us took the back bridleway to Funtington and West Stoke and took tea at Freda and Jim’s house.


Mileage from Chichester was 27



Posted by RideLeader at 18:20 BST
Henley Ride.Sunday 15 June. Riding near Seaford College

Posted by RideLeader at 18:15 BST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 June 2008 17:14 BST
Sunday 15 June. Hopeful bystander

Posted by RideLeader at 18:12 BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 June 2008 21:55 BST

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10 Oct, 11 > 16 Oct, 11
3 Oct, 11 > 9 Oct, 11
26 Sep, 11 > 2 Oct, 11
19 Sep, 11 > 25 Sep, 11
12 Sep, 11 > 18 Sep, 11
5 Sep, 11 > 11 Sep, 11
29 Aug, 11 > 4 Sep, 11
22 Aug, 11 > 28 Aug, 11
15 Aug, 11 > 21 Aug, 11
8 Aug, 11 > 14 Aug, 11
1 Aug, 11 > 7 Aug, 11
25 Jul, 11 > 31 Jul, 11
18 Jul, 11 > 24 Jul, 11
11 Jul, 11 > 17 Jul, 11
4 Jul, 11 > 10 Jul, 11
27 Jun, 11 > 3 Jul, 11
13 Jun, 11 > 19 Jun, 11
6 Jun, 11 > 12 Jun, 11
30 May, 11 > 5 Jun, 11
23 May, 11 > 29 May, 11
16 May, 11 > 22 May, 11
9 May, 11 > 15 May, 11
2 May, 11 > 8 May, 11
25 Apr, 11 > 1 May, 11
18 Apr, 11 > 24 Apr, 11
11 Apr, 11 > 17 Apr, 11
4 Apr, 11 > 10 Apr, 11
28 Mar, 11 > 3 Apr, 11
21 Mar, 11 > 27 Mar, 11
14 Mar, 11 > 20 Mar, 11
7 Mar, 11 > 13 Mar, 11
28 Feb, 11 > 6 Mar, 11
21 Feb, 11 > 27 Feb, 11
14 Feb, 11 > 20 Feb, 11
7 Feb, 11 > 13 Feb, 11
31 Jan, 11 > 6 Feb, 11
24 Jan, 11 > 30 Jan, 11
17 Jan, 11 > 23 Jan, 11
10 Jan, 11 > 16 Jan, 11
3 Jan, 11 > 9 Jan, 11
13 Dec, 10 > 19 Dec, 10
6 Dec, 10 > 12 Dec, 10
29 Nov, 10 > 5 Dec, 10
22 Nov, 10 > 28 Nov, 10
15 Nov, 10 > 21 Nov, 10
8 Nov, 10 > 14 Nov, 10
25 Oct, 10 > 31 Oct, 10
18 Oct, 10 > 24 Oct, 10
11 Oct, 10 > 17 Oct, 10
4 Oct, 10 > 10 Oct, 10
27 Sep, 10 > 3 Oct, 10
20 Sep, 10 > 26 Sep, 10
13 Sep, 10 > 19 Sep, 10
6 Sep, 10 > 12 Sep, 10
30 Aug, 10 > 5 Sep, 10
23 Aug, 10 > 29 Aug, 10
16 Aug, 10 > 22 Aug, 10
9 Aug, 10 > 15 Aug, 10
2 Aug, 10 > 8 Aug, 10
26 Jul, 10 > 1 Aug, 10
19 Jul, 10 > 25 Jul, 10
12 Jul, 10 > 18 Jul, 10
5 Jul, 10 > 11 Jul, 10
28 Jun, 10 > 4 Jul, 10
21 Jun, 10 > 27 Jun, 10
14 Jun, 10 > 20 Jun, 10
31 May, 10 > 6 Jun, 10
24 May, 10 > 30 May, 10
10 May, 10 > 16 May, 10
3 May, 10 > 9 May, 10
26 Apr, 10 > 2 May, 10
19 Apr, 10 > 25 Apr, 10
12 Apr, 10 > 18 Apr, 10
5 Apr, 10 > 11 Apr, 10
29 Mar, 10 > 4 Apr, 10
22 Mar, 10 > 28 Mar, 10
15 Mar, 10 > 21 Mar, 10
8 Mar, 10 > 14 Mar, 10
1 Mar, 10 > 7 Mar, 10
22 Feb, 10 > 28 Feb, 10
15 Feb, 10 > 21 Feb, 10
8 Feb, 10 > 14 Feb, 10
1 Feb, 10 > 7 Feb, 10
25 Jan, 10 > 31 Jan, 10
18 Jan, 10 > 24 Jan, 10
11 Jan, 10 > 17 Jan, 10
4 Jan, 10 > 10 Jan, 10
28 Dec, 09 > 3 Jan, 10
21 Dec, 09 > 27 Dec, 09
14 Dec, 09 > 20 Dec, 09
7 Dec, 09 > 13 Dec, 09
30 Nov, 09 > 6 Dec, 09
23 Nov, 09 > 29 Nov, 09
16 Nov, 09 > 22 Nov, 09
9 Nov, 09 > 15 Nov, 09
2 Nov, 09 > 8 Nov, 09
26 Oct, 09 > 1 Nov, 09
19 Oct, 09 > 25 Oct, 09
12 Oct, 09 > 18 Oct, 09
5 Oct, 09 > 11 Oct, 09
28 Sep, 09 > 4 Oct, 09
21 Sep, 09 > 27 Sep, 09
14 Sep, 09 > 20 Sep, 09
7 Sep, 09 > 13 Sep, 09
31 Aug, 09 > 6 Sep, 09
24 Aug, 09 > 30 Aug, 09
10 Aug, 09 > 16 Aug, 09
3 Aug, 09 > 9 Aug, 09
27 Jul, 09 > 2 Aug, 09
20 Jul, 09 > 26 Jul, 09
13 Jul, 09 > 19 Jul, 09
6 Jul, 09 > 12 Jul, 09
29 Jun, 09 > 5 Jul, 09
22 Jun, 09 > 28 Jun, 09
15 Jun, 09 > 21 Jun, 09
8 Jun, 09 > 14 Jun, 09
1 Jun, 09 > 7 Jun, 09
25 May, 09 > 31 May, 09
18 May, 09 > 24 May, 09
11 May, 09 > 17 May, 09
4 May, 09 > 10 May, 09
27 Apr, 09 > 3 May, 09
20 Apr, 09 > 26 Apr, 09
13 Apr, 09 > 19 Apr, 09
6 Apr, 09 > 12 Apr, 09
30 Mar, 09 > 5 Apr, 09
23 Mar, 09 > 29 Mar, 09
16 Mar, 09 > 22 Mar, 09
9 Mar, 09 > 15 Mar, 09
2 Mar, 09 > 8 Mar, 09
23 Feb, 09 > 1 Mar, 09
16 Feb, 09 > 22 Feb, 09
9 Feb, 09 > 15 Feb, 09
2 Feb, 09 > 8 Feb, 09
19 Jan, 09 > 25 Jan, 09
12 Jan, 09 > 18 Jan, 09
22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
8 Dec, 08 > 14 Dec, 08
1 Dec, 08 > 7 Dec, 08
24 Nov, 08 > 30 Nov, 08
10 Nov, 08 > 16 Nov, 08
27 Oct, 08 > 2 Nov, 08
13 Oct, 08 > 19 Oct, 08
6 Oct, 08 > 12 Oct, 08
29 Sep, 08 > 5 Oct, 08
1 Sep, 08 > 7 Sep, 08
25 Aug, 08 > 31 Aug, 08
18 Aug, 08 > 24 Aug, 08
11 Aug, 08 > 17 Aug, 08
4 Aug, 08 > 10 Aug, 08
28 Jul, 08 > 3 Aug, 08
21 Jul, 08 > 27 Jul, 08
14 Jul, 08 > 20 Jul, 08
7 Jul, 08 > 13 Jul, 08
30 Jun, 08 > 6 Jul, 08
23 Jun, 08 > 29 Jun, 08
16 Jun, 08 > 22 Jun, 08
9 Jun, 08 > 15 Jun, 08
2 Jun, 08 > 8 Jun, 08
19 May, 08 > 25 May, 08
12 May, 08 > 18 May, 08
5 May, 08 > 11 May, 08
28 Apr, 08 > 4 May, 08
21 Apr, 08 > 27 Apr, 08
14 Apr, 08 > 20 Apr, 08
7 Apr, 08 > 13 Apr, 08
31 Mar, 08 > 6 Apr, 08
10 Mar, 08 > 16 Mar, 08
3 Mar, 08 > 9 Mar, 08
25 Feb, 08 > 2 Mar, 08
18 Feb, 08 > 24 Feb, 08
11 Feb, 08 > 17 Feb, 08
4 Feb, 08 > 10 Feb, 08
28 Jan, 08 > 3 Feb, 08
21 Jan, 08 > 27 Jan, 08
14 Jan, 08 > 20 Jan, 08
7 Jan, 08 > 13 Jan, 08
31 Dec, 07 > 6 Jan, 08
24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
17 Dec, 07 > 23 Dec, 07
10 Dec, 07 > 16 Dec, 07
3 Dec, 07 > 9 Dec, 07
26 Nov, 07 > 2 Dec, 07
19 Nov, 07 > 25 Nov, 07
12 Nov, 07 > 18 Nov, 07
5 Nov, 07 > 11 Nov, 07
29 Oct, 07 > 4 Nov, 07
22 Oct, 07 > 28 Oct, 07
15 Oct, 07 > 21 Oct, 07
8 Oct, 07 > 14 Oct, 07
1 Oct, 07 > 7 Oct, 07
24 Sep, 07 > 30 Sep, 07
17 Sep, 07 > 23 Sep, 07
10 Sep, 07 > 16 Sep, 07
3 Sep, 07 > 9 Sep, 07
27 Aug, 07 > 2 Sep, 07
20 Aug, 07 > 26 Aug, 07
13 Aug, 07 > 19 Aug, 07
6 Aug, 07 > 12 Aug, 07
30 Jul, 07 > 5 Aug, 07
23 Jul, 07 > 29 Jul, 07
16 Jul, 07 > 22 Jul, 07
9 Jul, 07 > 15 Jul, 07
2 Jul, 07 > 8 Jul, 07
25 Jun, 07 > 1 Jul, 07
18 Jun, 07 > 24 Jun, 07
11 Jun, 07 > 17 Jun, 07
4 Jun, 07 > 10 Jun, 07
28 May, 07 > 3 Jun, 07
21 May, 07 > 27 May, 07
14 May, 07 > 20 May, 07
7 May, 07 > 13 May, 07
30 Apr, 07 > 6 May, 07
23 Apr, 07 > 29 Apr, 07
16 Apr, 07 > 22 Apr, 07
2 Apr, 07 > 8 Apr, 07
26 Mar, 07 > 1 Apr, 07
19 Mar, 07 > 25 Mar, 07
5 Mar, 07 > 11 Mar, 07
26 Feb, 07 > 4 Mar, 07
5 Feb, 07 > 11 Feb, 07
22 Jan, 07 > 28 Jan, 07
15 Jan, 07 > 21 Jan, 07
8 Jan, 07 > 14 Jan, 07
31 Dec, 01 > 6 Jan, 02
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