Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Lanzarote. Week to Saturday 12 February.

Apart from a cloudy day on Wednesday this week has been blue skies and temperatures of 20 to 21C. All week has been dry.


I have taken more HDR photographs this week. This is pictures of the same scene taken at different exposures and then combined in special software to create enhanced pictures. I am now carrying the digital camera in a backpack. I originally but it in the barbag with bubble wrap. This did not work too well as a few bumpy roads caused too much jarring and one of the functions intermittently failed. Since switching to a backpack it has returned to normal. Panniers will be a better solution with more room for padding but being a fixed centre trip I did not think to bring any.


On Monday I did a short ride round the plateau at 1000ft. I visited a Church at Mancha Blanca which I had not looked at inside before and took HDR pictures of the interior.



Then across a nearby lava field and up an unmade road I discovered going into the middle of the lava field well off the usual Tourist trail.


Wednesday I took a ride first up to the Plateau. It was cloudy but HDR greatly enhances cloudy skies. This scene has vines in the foreground. These are surrounded by walls for shelter and to collect dew.



Then it was on to the Caesar Manrique House. This was built on a lava field with some areas built in lava bubbles. This is the only place I have come across in Lanzarote where Tripods are prohibited. I suspect this is health and safety worries over somebody tripping over it and suing them. A bit of common sense can keep a tripod out of the way and make people have to knock into one before they can trip over it. I hid the Tripod in the backpack and got it out in a couple of places where no staff were stationed. This is one of the rooms built in a lava bubble.



On Thursday I took a short ride along the coastal cyclepath to take pictures of the planes coming in to land. As the planes pass overhead really fast one handy feature of the Digital SLR is continuous shooting at up to 7 pictures a second.  

The picture below is a false HDR. Generally a moving object cannot be included in these pictures because of the time between each exposure. However there is a technique called false HDR. Digital SLR Cameras can take what is known as RAW pictures as well as jpegs. A Raw picture has all the basic image information a lot of which is lost in a jpeg. It is possible in Raw editing to alter the exposure and create 3 different exposures to produce an HDR picture. The result is not as good but still a great improvement. You can see how really close the planes pass over the cyclepath bearing in mind this was a 10mm wide angle lens.



There was a lot of flare from the sun most of which was cleaned up quite quickly with tools in Photoshop.


On Friday I did a long 56 mile ride without the camera Up to Teguise at 1000ft and then another 1000ft climb into the northern mountains. After a stop at a cafe at the top it was down to Haria and a picnic lunch in the square. Then it was down to the coast and then along to the resort of Costa Teguise and back to base on the cyclepath.


153 miles for the week



Posted by RideLeader at 17:33 GMT
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Sunday February 6th Ride to West Marden

The day started overcast drizzly and with a strong SW wind.  Richard and I were the only ones to meet at the Cross. Richard intended to do a shorter ride today and after some discussion we opted for an alternative plan with a flat ride.  We cycled to Bosham checking en route with oncoming cyclists that the tide was out and followed the road round the harbour and hence to the coffee shop.



 It had been a pleasant ride and so we took the same route back to the Cross.  On the way home from Chichester we met Alan and Liz who were riding on their own having been too late to join us at the start.

Mileage 15mls



 Avryl  (leader)

Posted by RideLeader at 17:38 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 6 February 2011 17:39 GMT
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Lanzarote. Week to 5th February


Weather this week was a little mixed. It was dry but still cloudier than normal and windy especially midweek when winds got up to 40mph. The bike stays indoors when it gets that strong. Temperatures were down in the first part of the week, only 19C! By Friday and today it was back to normal, sunny and warm, lighter winds and 21C.


On Monday I had a good ride round the Lava Fields passing the entrance to the National Park and riding bordered by Lava and Volcanoes. The picture below was taken with my compact and then enhanced a little in Photoshop.



I did not take so many HDR pictures this week (3 pictures at different exposures combined for a wider range of light). The picture below was taken last week in Yaiza Church and only recently processed.



One advantage of more clouds in the sky is more dramatic sunsets. The picture below was an HDR picture taken Thursday.



Friday I had my longest ride of the week of 56 miles. First up to the main Plateau at 1000ft. Then on to Teguise and a further climb to 2000ft to the mountains above Haria. After a Cafe stop at the top it was down a series of hairpins and then a descent down a twisting byroad to sea level. Then it was on to Costa Teguise and a stop at the beach for a late picnic lunch. Then it was back on a cyclepath and costal roads to Arrecife. The picture below was taken on Arrecife Prom.



Then it was back to Puerto del Carmen on the coastal Cyclepath and a stop for an Italian Ice Cream.


Mileage this week was 110.




Posted by RideLeader at 17:12 GMT
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Lanzarote. Week to Saturday 29 January

After nearly 3 weeks of exceptionally settled weather this last week has been unusually unsettled. Mainly it has been sunny intervals and the occasional short shower. We even had serious rain though this organised itself very well and came overnight. It was quite windy midweek. Temperatures have remained high at about 21c.


On Monday I did a short ride to the crater and explored it more and took more HDR pictures.



On Wednesday it was warm and sunny but blowing a gale at 40mph. I gave the bike a miss and took a bus to Arrecife to wander around. I found the main church and took more HDR pictures there. (3 exposures combined in software to get more detail)



On Friday I had a good 40 mile ride to the south to the El Golfo Crater and then along the spectacular coast built over the lava flow as it went down to the sea.


On the way back the clouds and the hills made a spectacular view especially with the wide angle lens. As I was setting the camera up for HDR shots some cyclists came past and I took the picture below. Because you cannot do 3 exposures of something moving this was what is known as a false HDR. An SLR camera can take images in RAW format. This is the basic image without the loss of detail and compression of the standard jpeg images. From the RAW file the exposures can be changed so I created 3 pictures from the one image at different exposures and processed as normal.



Next for a bit of picture fun.  Through Google I had learnt more about the enhancing car (and bike) shininess technique.  Below is a picture of a car in a car park on the lava coast. It was mid afternoon not evening but the double process method used darken the skies and I liked the effect so did not correct it.



A bike has less in shiny surface area than a car but it can still work. I redid a photo of my Mercian taken earlier. Selecting just the bike was a little fiddly involving a selection for the frame and separate selections for each wheel and then Photoshop adjustments.


Below is first the original picture of the Mercian and then below that the adjusted one.







Posted by RideLeader at 12:22 GMT
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Lanzarote. Week to 22 January

This last week was again near cloudless blue skies with temperatures of 22C. The only exception was today which was a red letter day really as we got some clouds and even a 10 minute shower before the sun came out again.


Cycling distances have gradually increased. I did more rides out on the cyclepath to Arrecife and longer rides later in the week. For this week I am up to summer mileages with a total of 150 miles.


During the week I have been taking more HDR pictures, 3 pictures at different exposures combined in special software. Early in the week I went out to take sunset and sunrise pictures. Sunrise here is 07.50 and sunset 18.20. It is quite convenient with only a 10 minute walk to a part of the beach which has some rocks which make good foregrounds.



Sunset 16 January



Sunrise 18 January


On Wednesday on a clear sunny day I did a 52 mile ride into the higher mountains to the north. These climb to 2000ft. Below is an HDR shot of the viewpoint at La Nieves. This is from the edge of 2000ft cliffs.



Then it was on to a nearby café and then down to Costa Teguise and back on the coast via Arrecife and the cyclepath back to base. The obligatory stop was made at the Italian Ice Cream kiosk on the seafront.


On Wedneday I had taken some pictures in Teguise Church. Teguise is an old town inland from Costa Teguise at 1000ft. I was not happy with these as the tripod was too low resulting in too much converging verticals, columns appearing to lean inward. I decided to ride out there again on Friday. For those who wonder I strap a tripod to the rack and the SLR goes in the barbag in a padded camera case and some bubble wrap in the bar bag.


I was taking the pictures and a German Tourist asked me about it. I explained about the HDR technique providing enhanced details especially in the shadows. He was very dubious about it as it was so dim in the church.


Below is the original middle exposure on auto settings. Below this is the final result after the 3 exposures are combined in special software and some cropping and adjustments in Photoshop.



After Combining Exposures



Posted by RideLeader at 14:12 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 23 January 2011 08:50 GMT
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Sunday January 16th Ride to Chalton
After a very wet and overcast week the weekend cheered up and Sunday even started with some sunshine but it was short lived. Harvey and I (Avryl) met at The Cross. There was a fairly strong south west wind which helped us on our way to Compton, our coffee stop, via East Ashling, Funtington and Walderton. Potholes were full of water and were to be avoided.
We had lunch at The Red Lion at Chalton and were joined there by Ann who had spent the morning hurtling round the Hampshire hills.
The three of us proceeded to Dean Lane End and the up the hill to Forestside with the reward of flying downhill past Stansted House. We were aiming for Fishbourne Roman Palace and hoping that we could beat the threatened rain which we did, passing through Aldsworth, Woodmancote. West Ashling and Bosham
After tea the sky was quite bright, it was still windy but no rain and we all made our various ways home from Chichester.
Total Mileage 31mls
Ride notes by Avryl

Posted by RideLeader at 19:13 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 16 January 2011 19:16 GMT
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Lanzarote Week to Saturday 15th January

Over the last week the weather has remained excellent. Temperatures have been about 22C with clear blue skies. In the week and a half I have been here I have hardly seen a cloud which is unusual even for Lanzarote.


I had a setback in my cold recovery a week ago. I rode into the hills too early. I was off the bike again for several days. Following that I kept to flat rides along the coastal cyclepath to Arrecife. The path goes past the end of the runway where I stopped on several days for some plane spotting. This is quite spectacular as they roar just overhead to land.

On one ride on a side street I spotted an unusual road sign. A lot more understandable than some of the obscure signs Arthur gave us at the Highway Code Quiz Club Night. Still would the dogs understand and obey!


Yesterday I was not feeling up to the distance still so I took the bus to Playa Blanca taking my Tripod and SLR camera for some more HDR photos (3 pictures at different exposures combined) I explored the Marina area and then a path along the coast and views of a bay I had not seen before.



Today I felt up to a 25 mile ride into the hills visiting the Geria area and its vineyards. Then on to the village of Yaiza and its Catholic Church. HDR pictures are very good for dimly lit Church interiors. This picture was 5 different exposures combined in special software and then more adjustments in Photoshop.



HDR is very good for enhancing shiny surfaces. Some of the pictures on the web are of shiny sports cars. That would not do I decided to give the Mercian the “treatment”



Posted by RideLeader at 20:37 GMT
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Lanzarote Week to Saturday 8th January


I arrived here on Tuesday with the plane on time and 100 spare seats so I had a row to myself.


You may not want to know this but since I arrived there have been clear blue skies, light winds and temperatures 22 to 24C. Lowest nightime temperature has been 16C.


I started on a bad cold just before New Year so I have taken it easy with cycling, limiting myself to flat rides on the cycle path on the coast to Arrecife which is 18 miles return for the first few days.


I brought with me my Digital SLR Camera and a new 10-20mm wide angle lens to try out. Also last month I discovered HDR Photography and have been trying this out. HDR means high dynamic range and involves taking 3 images at different exposures of the same scene and combining them together in software. This results in a higher range of light in the photograph than is normally possible and produce striking images.


Below is a photo of the sunrise on Puerto del Carmen beach. Not too early a start as sunrise was 07.50.



Yesterday I felt well enough for a short ride into the hills. This was up some backroads to 1000ft. I was aiming for some HDR photos of a crater so a tripod was strapped to the carrier. The crater is quite spectacular and I have taken photos from the road before. However there is a footpath which goes round it with an entrance to walk into the crater floor where there is a gap in the rim. I have never done this on Lanzarote before, probably because I don’t normally do walking.


Inside the crater rim it was quite spectacular. The photo below of the crater floor was taken after waiting for a coach load of German Tourists to do a brief visit.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:31 GMT
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Sat 1st January and Sunday 2nd January Amberley and East Wittering

Saturday 1st January


Today was the traditional New Years day ride to the Black Horse Amberley. I had just developed a very bad cold so did not feel up to any distance. I let the train take the strain to Amberley Station. En route about 12.00 the train passed Ford Station and I saw the great cloud of smoke and could also make out flames from the burning accommodation blocks due to the Ford Prison riot.


Nobody went on the official ride from Walberton. Linda, Bruce and Phil and Verna made their way direct. There was a good contingent from Arun Adur including John Maxim, Ernie, Dave Fox and Richard Boulton.




Sunday 2nd January

We had eight on the ride, Harvey, Avril, David Glue, Liz & Alan, Gill, Me (Lynn) and Arthur.  It was a lovely calm day, lots of sunshine.  


We had elevenses at the Yacht Basin via Appluldram and then on to Witterings via Itchenor and Shipton Green for a super  lunch as usual at the Boulevard Cafe.  Liz and Alan left us just before lunch as they had other commitments.  


Then the return was via Bracklesham, Earnley and Birdham to the Roman Palace at Fishbourne for afternoon tea.  It was getting cold by then but we had had the best part of the day.   We covered about 22 miles altogether and it was a lovely ride on a lovely day. 


Lynn Smith 

Posted by RideLeader at 21:11 GMT
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Sunday 12th December. Ride to Rowlands Castle

Four of us started out from Chichester - Edwin, Gill, Keith and Avryl on a cold morning following a frost overnight.

We set off along Monarch'sWay to Fishbourne and crossed the A259 to turn off at Park Lane and hence to Bosham Hoe and round the shoreline to Bosham.  Bright low winter sunshine gave us a glorious view of Bosham across the water. 


Alan and Liz joined us at Bosham for coffee before returning to Felpham.     We continued our way to Rowlands Castle via Woodmancote and Westbourne.


There were very few customers both at the Tea Shop and our coffee stop probably due to the previously severe weather keeping the Christmas shoppers from venturing out until today.  


We followed a direct route home via Funtingdon, West Stoke and Lavant.   Today had been a positively tropical temperature compared with the last 2 weeks and must have hit a dizzy high of 4 degrees.


Mileage  27mls                                      Notes by Avryl (Leader)

Posted by RideLeader at 21:24 GMT
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Bognor Regis Library to Wyevale Garden Centre, Merston

There was a break in the recent bad weather for today's Saturday ride - temperature hovered around 4-5 degrees (about 10 up on recent days) and with no wind to speak of  5 people turned up for a bit of fresh air and excercise. I was joined by Julian, Val, Carol and Steve.

The route took us along Bognor seafront but we hadn't set out for more than 10 minutes before Carol fell victim to a puncture. Fortunately Steve carried a spare tube and we were off again in no time. We went along the prom, then through Aldwick Green and  to the Lower Bognor Road, then the tracks across Park Farm to emerge at Lagness. From there it was across Merston Aerodrome, across the busy dual carriageway, and into the Garden Centre.

After coffee and refreshments we found time to go into the main retail area which had been transformed into a winter wonderland, and of course, Father Christmas was in residence.  Val insisted on having her picture taken with him.

Val tells Santa what she wants for Christmas

After all that excitement it was time to return, which was straight down the Chichester-Bognor Cycletrack to Bersted, then backroads to Highfield Bridge, through the college grounds, and back to the library via Hotham Park, completing a circular trip of 12.8 miles.


Posted by RideLeader at 23:11 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 19 December 2010 14:40 GMT
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Sunday 5 December. Christmas Lunch Ride


Today due to expected icy rides I had emailed all Sunday Riders to telephone me Saturday evening if they were coming. Only Anne rang so I arranged to meet at 10.00 instead of the planned 08.30 and then rang other possibles to tell them. Gill also came to The Cross on foot to say hello.


The weather today was a little warmer than of late reaching a balmy 4C. The difference in weather on the coast compared to inland was especially noticeable today. On the coast it was clear blue skies while inland on the Downs it was low cloud and mist. On the coast on Friday evening the rain had cleared nearly all snow while inland there was enough left for fields to be covered.


I led Anne on a shortened route taking the B-Road to Funtington and then lanes via West Stoke. We could see the low cloud and mist hanging over the Downs as we rode in bright sunshine. Then it was on via Lavant and across to the B-Road up to the Trundel. We rode up into the clouds at the racecourse. I took the route along the top expecting this to be clear of snow as it is a busier route. Wrong. There were a number of Sections with snow although fairly slushy. We still kept it fairly slow though.


Then it was down a little way on the main road before turning onto the Eartham Road and down to Slindon Bottom Road through the woods and back into sunshine.


Then it was on to the Stable Bar at Fontwell for Christmas Lunch and a seat by an open fire to warm up.


The alternative short ride which Arthur was going to lead had no takers. However Alan, Liz, Harvey, David and Keith rode there direct. There were 22 at the lunch altogether with the rest coming by car.



Posted by RideLeader at 22:06 GMT
Updated: Monday, 6 December 2010 16:58 GMT
Friday, 3 December 2010
Thursday 2 December and Friday 3rd December. Snowed in Pagham


On Wednesday night the conditions affecting the North arrived in Sussex with 7 inches of snow blanketing the south coast. Before it was all disturbed I went out and took some pictures of the snowbound cars outside.



Later I had the bright idea of seeing what it was like on the bike by riding the half mile to the local shop. I got halfway with one foot down but then gave up and walked. Even at the main road into Pagham it was just compacted snow with enough traffic to make it treacherous but not enough to clear it.


Later on a few more pictures were taken of local roads.



Friday 3rd December was very different with clear blue skies enhancing the snowbound landscape. I had thought of going further afield for snow pictures but a very sharp frost overnight had turned compacted snow to ice. I found on the internet that all bus services to Pagham were cancelled. The buses were diverted away from our icy wastes via the A259. All trains from Bognor were cancelled.


Instead the local area provide some picture taking opportunities with some berries up a nearby private road



and some scenes on Summer lane which goes west into open country.




Posted by RideLeader at 14:29 GMT
Monday, 22 November 2010
21/11/10 Ride To Petworth
21/11/2010  Ride To Tiffins, Petworth
I was leading the longer ride today to Tiffins , Petworth.  It was a fairly grey day with a chilly breeze, but there were five of us in all, myself, Colin, Roger and Phil and Verna on the tandem.  We set off on the Centurian way, left it briefly at Lavant and joined it again to take us to West Dean.  Then it was on to Cocking, through Bepton to avoid the main road and on to Midhurst for tea and toasted teacakes.  (We stopped to admire two red kites perched in a tree very close to the road on route)  After tea we made our way towards Selham and to River and a steady climb up to Upperton, on small leafy lanes with good views and still some autumn colour.  We continued upping and downing towards Northchapel, then turned in towards Ebernoe as time was getting on and people were getting hungry.  More lanes took us through Balls Cross and on to Petworth and the welcoming fug of Tiffins.  After lunch we made our way back via Barlavington and the
slow steady climb of Duncton.  We made our way through East Dean and Singleton and eventually back on to the cycle path to Chichester.  The ride from Chichester and back was about 55 miles.  Anne.

remote Posted by RideLeader at 17:00 GMT
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Sunday November 21 Ride to Prinsted

Six of us started at Chichester Cross, Avryl as leader substituting for Arthur, Alan, Liz, Harvey, David and newcomer Jane who we were pleased to welcome.    We stopped for elevenses at Stansted House, Alan and Liz peeling off a little before then and Jane leaving after coffee, all having other commitments but joined there by Keith for the rest of the ride.


 From Stansted we rode to Forestside, Dean Lane End, Rowlands Castle and Emsworth to arrive for lunch at Boaters Bar, Prinsted. It was a rather dull and chilly morning with a fairly strong NE wind but we enjoyed some sunshine in the afternoon riding around to Chidham and Bosham where the tide was right out.


We arrived in time to stop for tea at the Roman Palace before it started to get dark. 

Mileage 34mls           


Written by Avryl

Posted by RideLeader at 19:21 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 21 November 2010 20:43 GMT
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Sunday 14th of November. Ride to Pulborough for the DA AGM

The meeting point today was Walberton pond. I was the leader and I was joined by Colin and Anne. We had an early 9 AM start. The weather was initially dry but it soon started a steady light rain and it stayed wet the rest the day. Temperatures were about 10 C but there was very little wind.

As everybody in the group was what you might call a fast rider I set a very fast pace as I wanted to be at Pulborough in time to put out the paperwork before everybody arrived. We took a route out of Walberton and then up to the A29. Then we rode along the lanes via Madehurst and up to Whiteways Lodge. As a change from the usual route I then headed down Bury Hill and then onto lanes eventually coming out at Fittleworth. From there it was a fast ride along the A272 to Pulborough Village Hall.

The AGM went very well with about 23 attending. Arthur Smith chaired the meeting and we observed the two-minute silence at 11 AM. The existing committee was re-elected without change. Arthur mentioned that despite the very abysmal weather most of those attending had come by bicycle. After the meeting we got ready to leave from the handy bike park just outside the hall.

Horsham Section went to lunch at the nearby Oddfellows Pub. We and Arun Adur members went to the Rising Sun at Nutbourne. While we had lunch the rain outside became gradually heavier. Upon leaving we got ready with heavier waterproofs and Dave and Richard compared their capes.


For the return ride I let our group on the usual route via Amberley and then on to Houghton. Here we split up with Colin and Anne deciding to take a longer route via Duncton Hill. I continued with a climb up Houghton Hill and then straight home.

The ride from and back to Walberton was 30 miles. My mileage for the day was 47.

Edwin Jones

Posted by RideLeader at 19:46 GMT
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Sunday 7th November. Ride to Sutton

We met at Chichester Cross at 9.30 for today’s ride. The weather was dry but cold at about 10C with a NE wind.

 Gill was our leader and she was joined by myself, Colin and Avryl.


This was a good autumn leaves ride with all the trees showing a good display of colours.


We headed east on lanes via Westhampnett and then up the quiet climb to Pillygreen.


Then it was a fast descent to East Dean and along the lane at the base of the Downs to Upwaltham and along the main road to descend Duncton Hill. A sharp right at the bottom of the hill took us on more lanes via Barlavington.



Then it was on to Tiffins at Petworth for elevenses. Here we met the Arun Adur group, Brian and Sue Howe, Graham and Tony. Brian was motorised but very cheerful after getting the all clear to ride his Bike.


Arun Adur were heading directly home so Gill led us to lunch via Byworth to The White Horse at Sutton where we met John Maxim.



After lunch John headed back home via Arundel while the rest of us took the lane to the base of Duncton Hill.



After the stiff climb we headed south. Colin left us at Upwaltham and the Gill, Avryl and I took the lane via East Dean and Singleton to stop for tea at West Dean Gardens.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 40. My mileage for the day was 51.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:11 GMT
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Sunday 24th October. Ride to West Stoke. AGM.


The official ride today was quite short from Chichester Cross to West Stoke Village Hall for the Group’s AGM. I was the leader and I was joined at the Cross by Harvey, Avryl, Gill and Arthur and Lynn. More  made their own way direct to the Hall by Bike or car with a total of 15 at the meeting.



The weather today was clear blue skies but chilly especially early on with temperatures eventually reaching 10 C.


I led the group west out of Chichester on Clay Lane and then a lane north to East Ashling and then lanes over to West Stoke. There were a lot of other cyclists about with at one stage a group of about 15 passed us while another group of 10 were riding in the other direction.



At the meeting there were no changes in the Committee. The official business finished at about 12.00. We then got on with the serious business of teas and coffees served by Mary and Freda and picnic lunches.


I suggested extending the ride by going over to Aldingbourne. I was joined by Harvey, Colin, Anne and Gill. We rode via Lavant and then the climb up to Goodwood Racecourse. Then it was along the top of the Downs with great views down to the coast. Then it was a particularly long downhill via Eartham to Aldingbourne for an early tea. Here we met John Maxim finishing his lunch


The official ride distance return from Chichester was very short, about 10 miles. With the extension my mileage for the day was 38.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:14 BST
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Sunday 17 October. Ride to Hayling Island


Today’s ride was led by Arthur and he was joined at the Cross by Lynn, Myself, Avryl, Harvey and Colin. Alan and Liz joined us at elevenses and Gill at lunchtime making 8 out for the day.


The weather today was bright and sunny but much cooler than of late being only about 4C first thing and a maximum of 14C.


Today was a day for spotting strange loads on bikes. On the way to elevenses there was a kid on a butchers bike and another carried in the basket. At Hayling as we were about to leave a man cycled by with a dog tucked under his arm.


From Chichester Arthur led us on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes via Woodmancote and Westbourne and then across to Emsworth and the Greenhouse Cafe for elevenses.


Next it was to Havant and down the first part of the Hayling Billy trail. After the bridge we took the lanes via Nortney and then more lanes to West Hayling before heading along the Sea Front to the Coastguards Cafe.



After lunch it was up the main road a little way before turning off on the Northney lanes. After the bridge we took a walk along the Harbour Path before turning off pick up a back road to Havant.



Then it was back to Chichester with a stop for tea at Fishbourne Roman Palace.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was 35. My mileage for the day was 47.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:21 BST
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Sunday 10th October. Ride to Steep Nr Petersfield


I led this ride and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Colin and Roger.


The weather was excellent for October with clear blue skies all day and temperatures of 20C.


We took a route via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was the road towards West Marden but turning off on a steep climb to Forestside.



We continued via Chalton to stop for elevenses at Queen Elizabeth Country Park. Then it was up Butser Hill and great views over the Meon Valley.



Then it was on via Ramsdean and Stroud to stop for lunch at The Harrow Inn, Steep.


After lunch we bypassed Petersfield via Sheet and on to Buriton and the steep climb of THAT Hill. It was a pleasant long descent through Buriton Woods with Autumn colours showing.



We had a welcome tea stop at Rowlands Castle where I enjoyed their superb large slice of Apple Pie with 3 large scoops of Ice Cream. We returned via Woodmancote.


52 miles return from Chichester. My mileage for the day was 63.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:45 BST

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11 Sep, 17 > 17 Sep, 17
4 Sep, 17 > 10 Sep, 17
28 Aug, 17 > 3 Sep, 17
21 Aug, 17 > 27 Aug, 17
7 Aug, 17 > 13 Aug, 17
31 Jul, 17 > 6 Aug, 17
24 Jul, 17 > 30 Jul, 17
17 Jul, 17 > 23 Jul, 17
3 Jul, 17 > 9 Jul, 17
26 Jun, 17 > 2 Jul, 17
19 Jun, 17 > 25 Jun, 17
12 Jun, 17 > 18 Jun, 17
5 Jun, 17 > 11 Jun, 17
29 May, 17 > 4 Jun, 17
22 May, 17 > 28 May, 17
15 May, 17 > 21 May, 17
24 Apr, 17 > 30 Apr, 17
10 Apr, 17 > 16 Apr, 17
3 Apr, 17 > 9 Apr, 17
27 Mar, 17 > 2 Apr, 17
20 Mar, 17 > 26 Mar, 17
13 Mar, 17 > 19 Mar, 17
27 Feb, 17 > 5 Mar, 17
20 Feb, 17 > 26 Feb, 17
13 Feb, 17 > 19 Feb, 17
6 Feb, 17 > 12 Feb, 17
30 Jan, 17 > 5 Feb, 17
16 Jan, 17 > 22 Jan, 17
9 Jan, 17 > 15 Jan, 17
19 Dec, 16 > 25 Dec, 16
12 Dec, 16 > 18 Dec, 16
5 Dec, 16 > 11 Dec, 16
28 Nov, 16 > 4 Dec, 16
21 Nov, 16 > 27 Nov, 16
14 Nov, 16 > 20 Nov, 16
7 Nov, 16 > 13 Nov, 16
24 Oct, 16 > 30 Oct, 16
10 Oct, 16 > 16 Oct, 16
26 Sep, 16 > 2 Oct, 16
19 Sep, 16 > 25 Sep, 16
12 Sep, 16 > 18 Sep, 16
5 Sep, 16 > 11 Sep, 16
29 Aug, 16 > 4 Sep, 16
15 Aug, 16 > 21 Aug, 16
8 Aug, 16 > 14 Aug, 16
1 Aug, 16 > 7 Aug, 16
25 Jul, 16 > 31 Jul, 16
18 Jul, 16 > 24 Jul, 16
11 Jul, 16 > 17 Jul, 16
27 Jun, 16 > 3 Jul, 16
20 Jun, 16 > 26 Jun, 16
13 Jun, 16 > 19 Jun, 16
6 Jun, 16 > 12 Jun, 16
30 May, 16 > 5 Jun, 16
23 May, 16 > 29 May, 16
16 May, 16 > 22 May, 16
9 May, 16 > 15 May, 16
2 May, 16 > 8 May, 16
25 Apr, 16 > 1 May, 16
18 Apr, 16 > 24 Apr, 16
11 Apr, 16 > 17 Apr, 16
4 Apr, 16 > 10 Apr, 16
21 Mar, 16 > 27 Mar, 16
14 Mar, 16 > 20 Mar, 16
7 Mar, 16 > 13 Mar, 16
29 Feb, 16 > 6 Mar, 16
22 Feb, 16 > 28 Feb, 16
15 Feb, 16 > 21 Feb, 16
8 Feb, 16 > 14 Feb, 16
1 Feb, 16 > 7 Feb, 16
25 Jan, 16 > 31 Jan, 16
11 Jan, 16 > 17 Jan, 16
4 Jan, 16 > 10 Jan, 16
21 Dec, 15 > 27 Dec, 15
14 Dec, 15 > 20 Dec, 15
7 Dec, 15 > 13 Dec, 15
30 Nov, 15 > 6 Dec, 15
16 Nov, 15 > 22 Nov, 15
9 Nov, 15 > 15 Nov, 15
2 Nov, 15 > 8 Nov, 15
26 Oct, 15 > 1 Nov, 15
19 Oct, 15 > 25 Oct, 15
12 Oct, 15 > 18 Oct, 15
5 Oct, 15 > 11 Oct, 15
28 Sep, 15 > 4 Oct, 15
14 Sep, 15 > 20 Sep, 15
7 Sep, 15 > 13 Sep, 15
17 Aug, 15 > 23 Aug, 15
10 Aug, 15 > 16 Aug, 15
3 Aug, 15 > 9 Aug, 15
27 Jul, 15 > 2 Aug, 15
20 Jul, 15 > 26 Jul, 15
13 Jul, 15 > 19 Jul, 15
6 Jul, 15 > 12 Jul, 15
29 Jun, 15 > 5 Jul, 15
22 Jun, 15 > 28 Jun, 15
15 Jun, 15 > 21 Jun, 15
8 Jun, 15 > 14 Jun, 15
1 Jun, 15 > 7 Jun, 15
25 May, 15 > 31 May, 15
18 May, 15 > 24 May, 15
11 May, 15 > 17 May, 15
27 Apr, 15 > 3 May, 15
20 Apr, 15 > 26 Apr, 15
13 Apr, 15 > 19 Apr, 15
6 Apr, 15 > 12 Apr, 15
30 Mar, 15 > 5 Apr, 15
23 Mar, 15 > 29 Mar, 15
16 Mar, 15 > 22 Mar, 15
9 Mar, 15 > 15 Mar, 15
2 Mar, 15 > 8 Mar, 15
23 Feb, 15 > 1 Mar, 15
16 Feb, 15 > 22 Feb, 15
9 Feb, 15 > 15 Feb, 15
2 Feb, 15 > 8 Feb, 15
26 Jan, 15 > 1 Feb, 15
12 Jan, 15 > 18 Jan, 15
5 Jan, 15 > 11 Jan, 15
29 Dec, 14 > 4 Jan, 15
22 Dec, 14 > 28 Dec, 14
15 Dec, 14 > 21 Dec, 14
8 Dec, 14 > 14 Dec, 14
1 Dec, 14 > 7 Dec, 14
17 Nov, 14 > 23 Nov, 14
10 Nov, 14 > 16 Nov, 14
3 Nov, 14 > 9 Nov, 14
27 Oct, 14 > 2 Nov, 14
20 Oct, 14 > 26 Oct, 14
13 Oct, 14 > 19 Oct, 14
6 Oct, 14 > 12 Oct, 14
15 Sep, 14 > 21 Sep, 14
8 Sep, 14 > 14 Sep, 14
1 Sep, 14 > 7 Sep, 14
25 Aug, 14 > 31 Aug, 14
18 Aug, 14 > 24 Aug, 14
11 Aug, 14 > 17 Aug, 14
4 Aug, 14 > 10 Aug, 14
28 Jul, 14 > 3 Aug, 14
21 Jul, 14 > 27 Jul, 14
14 Jul, 14 > 20 Jul, 14
7 Jul, 14 > 13 Jul, 14
30 Jun, 14 > 6 Jul, 14
23 Jun, 14 > 29 Jun, 14
16 Jun, 14 > 22 Jun, 14
2 Jun, 14 > 8 Jun, 14
26 May, 14 > 1 Jun, 14
19 May, 14 > 25 May, 14
12 May, 14 > 18 May, 14
5 May, 14 > 11 May, 14
28 Apr, 14 > 4 May, 14
14 Apr, 14 > 20 Apr, 14
7 Apr, 14 > 13 Apr, 14
31 Mar, 14 > 6 Apr, 14
24 Mar, 14 > 30 Mar, 14
17 Mar, 14 > 23 Mar, 14
10 Mar, 14 > 16 Mar, 14
3 Mar, 14 > 9 Mar, 14
24 Feb, 14 > 2 Mar, 14
10 Feb, 14 > 16 Feb, 14
20 Jan, 14 > 26 Jan, 14
13 Jan, 14 > 19 Jan, 14
30 Dec, 13 > 5 Jan, 14
23 Dec, 13 > 29 Dec, 13
16 Dec, 13 > 22 Dec, 13
9 Dec, 13 > 15 Dec, 13
2 Dec, 13 > 8 Dec, 13
25 Nov, 13 > 1 Dec, 13
18 Nov, 13 > 24 Nov, 13
11 Nov, 13 > 17 Nov, 13
28 Oct, 13 > 3 Nov, 13
21 Oct, 13 > 27 Oct, 13
14 Oct, 13 > 20 Oct, 13
30 Sep, 13 > 6 Oct, 13
16 Sep, 13 > 22 Sep, 13
9 Sep, 13 > 15 Sep, 13
2 Sep, 13 > 8 Sep, 13
26 Aug, 13 > 1 Sep, 13
19 Aug, 13 > 25 Aug, 13
12 Aug, 13 > 18 Aug, 13
5 Aug, 13 > 11 Aug, 13
29 Jul, 13 > 4 Aug, 13
22 Jul, 13 > 28 Jul, 13
15 Jul, 13 > 21 Jul, 13
1 Jul, 13 > 7 Jul, 13
24 Jun, 13 > 30 Jun, 13
17 Jun, 13 > 23 Jun, 13
10 Jun, 13 > 16 Jun, 13
3 Jun, 13 > 9 Jun, 13
27 May, 13 > 2 Jun, 13
20 May, 13 > 26 May, 13
13 May, 13 > 19 May, 13
6 May, 13 > 12 May, 13
29 Apr, 13 > 5 May, 13
22 Apr, 13 > 28 Apr, 13
15 Apr, 13 > 21 Apr, 13
8 Apr, 13 > 14 Apr, 13
1 Apr, 13 > 7 Apr, 13
11 Mar, 13 > 17 Mar, 13
4 Mar, 13 > 10 Mar, 13
25 Feb, 13 > 3 Mar, 13
11 Feb, 13 > 17 Feb, 13
21 Jan, 13 > 27 Jan, 13
14 Jan, 13 > 20 Jan, 13
7 Jan, 13 > 13 Jan, 13
31 Dec, 12 > 6 Jan, 13
17 Dec, 12 > 23 Dec, 12
10 Dec, 12 > 16 Dec, 12
3 Dec, 12 > 9 Dec, 12
26 Nov, 12 > 2 Dec, 12
19 Nov, 12 > 25 Nov, 12
12 Nov, 12 > 18 Nov, 12
5 Nov, 12 > 11 Nov, 12
29 Oct, 12 > 4 Nov, 12
22 Oct, 12 > 28 Oct, 12
15 Oct, 12 > 21 Oct, 12
8 Oct, 12 > 14 Oct, 12
24 Sep, 12 > 30 Sep, 12
17 Sep, 12 > 23 Sep, 12
10 Sep, 12 > 16 Sep, 12
3 Sep, 12 > 9 Sep, 12
27 Aug, 12 > 2 Sep, 12
20 Aug, 12 > 26 Aug, 12
13 Aug, 12 > 19 Aug, 12
6 Aug, 12 > 12 Aug, 12
30 Jul, 12 > 5 Aug, 12
23 Jul, 12 > 29 Jul, 12
16 Jul, 12 > 22 Jul, 12
9 Jul, 12 > 15 Jul, 12
2 Jul, 12 > 8 Jul, 12
25 Jun, 12 > 1 Jul, 12
18 Jun, 12 > 24 Jun, 12
11 Jun, 12 > 17 Jun, 12
4 Jun, 12 > 10 Jun, 12
28 May, 12 > 3 Jun, 12
21 May, 12 > 27 May, 12
14 May, 12 > 20 May, 12
7 May, 12 > 13 May, 12
23 Apr, 12 > 29 Apr, 12
16 Apr, 12 > 22 Apr, 12
9 Apr, 12 > 15 Apr, 12
2 Apr, 12 > 8 Apr, 12
26 Mar, 12 > 1 Apr, 12
19 Mar, 12 > 25 Mar, 12
12 Mar, 12 > 18 Mar, 12
5 Mar, 12 > 11 Mar, 12
27 Feb, 12 > 4 Mar, 12
20 Feb, 12 > 26 Feb, 12
13 Feb, 12 > 19 Feb, 12
6 Feb, 12 > 12 Feb, 12
30 Jan, 12 > 5 Feb, 12
23 Jan, 12 > 29 Jan, 12
16 Jan, 12 > 22 Jan, 12
9 Jan, 12 > 15 Jan, 12
2 Jan, 12 > 8 Jan, 12
19 Dec, 11 > 25 Dec, 11
12 Dec, 11 > 18 Dec, 11
5 Dec, 11 > 11 Dec, 11
28 Nov, 11 > 4 Dec, 11
21 Nov, 11 > 27 Nov, 11
14 Nov, 11 > 20 Nov, 11
7 Nov, 11 > 13 Nov, 11
31 Oct, 11 > 6 Nov, 11
24 Oct, 11 > 30 Oct, 11
17 Oct, 11 > 23 Oct, 11
10 Oct, 11 > 16 Oct, 11
3 Oct, 11 > 9 Oct, 11
26 Sep, 11 > 2 Oct, 11
19 Sep, 11 > 25 Sep, 11
12 Sep, 11 > 18 Sep, 11
5 Sep, 11 > 11 Sep, 11
29 Aug, 11 > 4 Sep, 11
22 Aug, 11 > 28 Aug, 11
15 Aug, 11 > 21 Aug, 11
8 Aug, 11 > 14 Aug, 11
1 Aug, 11 > 7 Aug, 11
25 Jul, 11 > 31 Jul, 11
18 Jul, 11 > 24 Jul, 11
11 Jul, 11 > 17 Jul, 11
4 Jul, 11 > 10 Jul, 11
27 Jun, 11 > 3 Jul, 11
13 Jun, 11 > 19 Jun, 11
6 Jun, 11 > 12 Jun, 11
30 May, 11 > 5 Jun, 11
23 May, 11 > 29 May, 11
16 May, 11 > 22 May, 11
9 May, 11 > 15 May, 11
2 May, 11 > 8 May, 11
25 Apr, 11 > 1 May, 11
18 Apr, 11 > 24 Apr, 11
11 Apr, 11 > 17 Apr, 11
4 Apr, 11 > 10 Apr, 11
28 Mar, 11 > 3 Apr, 11
21 Mar, 11 > 27 Mar, 11
14 Mar, 11 > 20 Mar, 11
7 Mar, 11 > 13 Mar, 11
28 Feb, 11 > 6 Mar, 11
21 Feb, 11 > 27 Feb, 11
14 Feb, 11 > 20 Feb, 11
7 Feb, 11 > 13 Feb, 11
31 Jan, 11 > 6 Feb, 11
24 Jan, 11 > 30 Jan, 11
17 Jan, 11 > 23 Jan, 11
10 Jan, 11 > 16 Jan, 11
3 Jan, 11 > 9 Jan, 11
13 Dec, 10 > 19 Dec, 10
6 Dec, 10 > 12 Dec, 10
22 Nov, 10 > 28 Nov, 10
15 Nov, 10 > 21 Nov, 10
8 Nov, 10 > 14 Nov, 10
25 Oct, 10 > 31 Oct, 10
18 Oct, 10 > 24 Oct, 10
11 Oct, 10 > 17 Oct, 10
4 Oct, 10 > 10 Oct, 10
27 Sep, 10 > 3 Oct, 10
20 Sep, 10 > 26 Sep, 10
13 Sep, 10 > 19 Sep, 10
6 Sep, 10 > 12 Sep, 10
30 Aug, 10 > 5 Sep, 10
23 Aug, 10 > 29 Aug, 10
16 Aug, 10 > 22 Aug, 10
9 Aug, 10 > 15 Aug, 10
2 Aug, 10 > 8 Aug, 10
26 Jul, 10 > 1 Aug, 10
19 Jul, 10 > 25 Jul, 10
12 Jul, 10 > 18 Jul, 10
5 Jul, 10 > 11 Jul, 10
28 Jun, 10 > 4 Jul, 10
21 Jun, 10 > 27 Jun, 10
14 Jun, 10 > 20 Jun, 10
31 May, 10 > 6 Jun, 10
24 May, 10 > 30 May, 10
10 May, 10 > 16 May, 10
3 May, 10 > 9 May, 10
26 Apr, 10 > 2 May, 10
19 Apr, 10 > 25 Apr, 10
12 Apr, 10 > 18 Apr, 10
5 Apr, 10 > 11 Apr, 10
29 Mar, 10 > 4 Apr, 10
22 Mar, 10 > 28 Mar, 10
15 Mar, 10 > 21 Mar, 10
8 Mar, 10 > 14 Mar, 10
1 Mar, 10 > 7 Mar, 10
22 Feb, 10 > 28 Feb, 10
15 Feb, 10 > 21 Feb, 10
8 Feb, 10 > 14 Feb, 10
1 Feb, 10 > 7 Feb, 10
25 Jan, 10 > 31 Jan, 10
18 Jan, 10 > 24 Jan, 10
11 Jan, 10 > 17 Jan, 10
4 Jan, 10 > 10 Jan, 10
21 Dec, 09 > 27 Dec, 09
14 Dec, 09 > 20 Dec, 09
7 Dec, 09 > 13 Dec, 09
30 Nov, 09 > 6 Dec, 09
23 Nov, 09 > 29 Nov, 09
16 Nov, 09 > 22 Nov, 09
9 Nov, 09 > 15 Nov, 09
2 Nov, 09 > 8 Nov, 09
26 Oct, 09 > 1 Nov, 09
19 Oct, 09 > 25 Oct, 09
12 Oct, 09 > 18 Oct, 09
5 Oct, 09 > 11 Oct, 09
28 Sep, 09 > 4 Oct, 09
21 Sep, 09 > 27 Sep, 09
14 Sep, 09 > 20 Sep, 09
7 Sep, 09 > 13 Sep, 09
31 Aug, 09 > 6 Sep, 09
24 Aug, 09 > 30 Aug, 09
10 Aug, 09 > 16 Aug, 09
3 Aug, 09 > 9 Aug, 09
27 Jul, 09 > 2 Aug, 09
20 Jul, 09 > 26 Jul, 09
13 Jul, 09 > 19 Jul, 09
6 Jul, 09 > 12 Jul, 09
29 Jun, 09 > 5 Jul, 09
22 Jun, 09 > 28 Jun, 09
15 Jun, 09 > 21 Jun, 09
8 Jun, 09 > 14 Jun, 09
1 Jun, 09 > 7 Jun, 09
25 May, 09 > 31 May, 09
18 May, 09 > 24 May, 09
11 May, 09 > 17 May, 09
4 May, 09 > 10 May, 09
27 Apr, 09 > 3 May, 09
20 Apr, 09 > 26 Apr, 09
13 Apr, 09 > 19 Apr, 09
6 Apr, 09 > 12 Apr, 09
30 Mar, 09 > 5 Apr, 09
23 Mar, 09 > 29 Mar, 09
16 Mar, 09 > 22 Mar, 09
9 Mar, 09 > 15 Mar, 09
2 Mar, 09 > 8 Mar, 09
23 Feb, 09 > 1 Mar, 09
16 Feb, 09 > 22 Feb, 09
9 Feb, 09 > 15 Feb, 09
2 Feb, 09 > 8 Feb, 09
19 Jan, 09 > 25 Jan, 09
12 Jan, 09 > 18 Jan, 09
22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
8 Dec, 08 > 14 Dec, 08
1 Dec, 08 > 7 Dec, 08
24 Nov, 08 > 30 Nov, 08
10 Nov, 08 > 16 Nov, 08
3 Nov, 08 > 9 Nov, 08
27 Oct, 08 > 2 Nov, 08
13 Oct, 08 > 19 Oct, 08
6 Oct, 08 > 12 Oct, 08
29 Sep, 08 > 5 Oct, 08
1 Sep, 08 > 7 Sep, 08
25 Aug, 08 > 31 Aug, 08
18 Aug, 08 > 24 Aug, 08
11 Aug, 08 > 17 Aug, 08
4 Aug, 08 > 10 Aug, 08
28 Jul, 08 > 3 Aug, 08
21 Jul, 08 > 27 Jul, 08
14 Jul, 08 > 20 Jul, 08
7 Jul, 08 > 13 Jul, 08
30 Jun, 08 > 6 Jul, 08
23 Jun, 08 > 29 Jun, 08
16 Jun, 08 > 22 Jun, 08
9 Jun, 08 > 15 Jun, 08
2 Jun, 08 > 8 Jun, 08
26 May, 08 > 1 Jun, 08
19 May, 08 > 25 May, 08
12 May, 08 > 18 May, 08
5 May, 08 > 11 May, 08
28 Apr, 08 > 4 May, 08
21 Apr, 08 > 27 Apr, 08
14 Apr, 08 > 20 Apr, 08
7 Apr, 08 > 13 Apr, 08
31 Mar, 08 > 6 Apr, 08
17 Mar, 08 > 23 Mar, 08
10 Mar, 08 > 16 Mar, 08
3 Mar, 08 > 9 Mar, 08
25 Feb, 08 > 2 Mar, 08
18 Feb, 08 > 24 Feb, 08
11 Feb, 08 > 17 Feb, 08
4 Feb, 08 > 10 Feb, 08
28 Jan, 08 > 3 Feb, 08
21 Jan, 08 > 27 Jan, 08
14 Jan, 08 > 20 Jan, 08
7 Jan, 08 > 13 Jan, 08
31 Dec, 07 > 6 Jan, 08
24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
17 Dec, 07 > 23 Dec, 07
10 Dec, 07 > 16 Dec, 07
3 Dec, 07 > 9 Dec, 07
26 Nov, 07 > 2 Dec, 07
19 Nov, 07 > 25 Nov, 07
12 Nov, 07 > 18 Nov, 07
5 Nov, 07 > 11 Nov, 07
29 Oct, 07 > 4 Nov, 07
22 Oct, 07 > 28 Oct, 07
15 Oct, 07 > 21 Oct, 07
8 Oct, 07 > 14 Oct, 07
1 Oct, 07 > 7 Oct, 07
24 Sep, 07 > 30 Sep, 07
17 Sep, 07 > 23 Sep, 07
10 Sep, 07 > 16 Sep, 07
3 Sep, 07 > 9 Sep, 07
27 Aug, 07 > 2 Sep, 07
20 Aug, 07 > 26 Aug, 07
13 Aug, 07 > 19 Aug, 07
6 Aug, 07 > 12 Aug, 07
30 Jul, 07 > 5 Aug, 07
23 Jul, 07 > 29 Jul, 07
16 Jul, 07 > 22 Jul, 07
9 Jul, 07 > 15 Jul, 07
2 Jul, 07 > 8 Jul, 07
25 Jun, 07 > 1 Jul, 07
18 Jun, 07 > 24 Jun, 07
11 Jun, 07 > 17 Jun, 07
4 Jun, 07 > 10 Jun, 07
28 May, 07 > 3 Jun, 07
21 May, 07 > 27 May, 07
14 May, 07 > 20 May, 07
7 May, 07 > 13 May, 07
30 Apr, 07 > 6 May, 07
23 Apr, 07 > 29 Apr, 07
16 Apr, 07 > 22 Apr, 07
2 Apr, 07 > 8 Apr, 07
26 Mar, 07 > 1 Apr, 07
19 Mar, 07 > 25 Mar, 07
5 Mar, 07 > 11 Mar, 07
26 Feb, 07 > 4 Mar, 07
12 Feb, 07 > 18 Feb, 07
5 Feb, 07 > 11 Feb, 07
22 Jan, 07 > 28 Jan, 07
15 Jan, 07 > 21 Jan, 07
8 Jan, 07 > 14 Jan, 07
31 Dec, 01 > 6 Jan, 02
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