Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Saturday Ride...Bognor Library to The Forge Tearooms Slindon.

The weather forecast wasn't good  for this afternoon - heavy rain showers. it had been dry all morning but it was raining when I left home and still raining when I got to the ride start point. I was wondering whether anyone would turn up, but astonishingly a total of 8 appeared -  Mike, Steve, Carol, Harvey, Sue, "old" faces Samantha and Maureen, rejoining the group after some years absence, and new face bonnie who joined us for the first time and whom we hope to welcome again on a future ride.

 After waiting several minutes for it to stop raining -  which it didn't - the nine of us decided to head out anyway towards the blue sky in the distance. after cycling round the back of  Felpham, through the new estate and down Hoe Lane, it finally stopped raining just before we reached the Barnham cycletrack. 

The sun then appeared as we made our way to Barnham and then on the new Cycleroute to Walberton. from there it was along West Walberton lane to Fontwell, and under the subway to Slindon woods. 

 A short debate as to whether we should go via Slindon bottom and tackle the serious folly hill or take a much flatter route through the woods was resolved when I assured everyone the woods route was clear of mud. sure enough the woods were easily negotiated, there is a rough stone surfacing which is a little uneven but perfectly dry and it makes for a wonderful little cut through. we emerged unscathed in Slindon village with a short roll down to The Forge.


Just as we were getting ready to leave, it started raining again, harder than earlier, and so we took a shorter route back down Slindon bottom road, carefully crossing the very busy A27 at the central refuge, into Walberton, then Yapton, Middleton, and back to Bognor. raining the whole time until the outskirts of Middleton were reached. 


The round  trip mileage from and back to the start point, was almost exactly 19 miles.



Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Sunday 20th June, Ride to Chiddingfold

The weather today started dry and sunny clouding over late morning but staying dry until 5.00. Temperatures reached 18C.

Colin was the leader for the long ride which was to Chiddingfold in Surrey. The start was at 8.00am with at least the advantage of making the most of the sunshine. Colin was joined at Chichester Cross by just myself and Mike. On the alternative 10.00am morning only ride to Aldingbourne Harvey was joined by Keith and Arthur so there were 6 out in all on the two rides.

Colin took advantage of the early start and light traffic to lead us straight up the A286 via Singleton and Cocking before turning off on a lane to Heyshott Green and then north to Lodsworth for elevenses stop no 1 at the village Shop in Lodsworth. Colin kept us entertained with news of his just finished 2 month cycle tour in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Then it was on north via Lickfold before turning off on a very steep lane to take us over Blackdown the highest hill in Sussex at 919ft. I had to walk part of the steepest climb while the others struggled on up. A car drive stopped on the way down and told me I was the most sensible one, I couldn’t disagree.

We continued with a sharp descent before another climb up the main road into Hindhead. Here we stopped for elevenses stop Number 2 at a Costas, definetly outside a costas not a ladies swimwear shop.

Then it was more lanes taking us east to Chiddingfold. We dissuaded Colin from a loop and got there for lunch at 11.45. We all had sandwiches and stopped by the village pond.

Then it was on more lanes bringing us out just south of Dunsfold and then more familiar lanes south to Plaistow and Kirdford and then Wisborough Green. Then it was a track across fields linking up 2 quiet lanes going south towards Pulborough.  

Then it was on via Amberley passing the Horse Trials by Parham and far too many Horse Vans on the narrow lanes. We took the track over the Downs to Burpham and Arundel generally nicknamed the Khyber Pass. By now the clouds were looking threatening.


At Arundel we stopped for tea at the Putting Green Cafe and for me their giant portions of Apple Pie.

We headed back via Ford and then split to make our ways home. If any of us had returned to Chichester the round trip mileage would have been 70 miles. My mileage from Pagham was 77.

My latest picture is of The Serpentine Pavilion a temporary building made of translucent steel boxes with a Cafe inside.

For more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 20:21 BST
Friday, 10 June 2016
Thursday 9th June. Ride to The Spotted Cow, Hunston

Lovely ride this evening to Hunston and back- about 15 miles round trip taking some out of the way tracks and lanes.

John was the leader and he was joined at the start by Michelle, Dmitry, Lucy, Steve, Carol, Mike, Julian and Graham. With Edwin joining at the Pub 10 were out in all.

The route out took in quiet roads via Aldwick Bay Estate. Then in was Summer Lane from Pagham and a track across 2 fields including a crossing of the Pagham Rife with some resident Swans.

Then on up a backroad to South Mundham and another track across fields to Hunston and the Pub whose trade for the evening dramatically picked up as a result.

Carol had special camouflage for the Pub. Thanks to Dmitry for that picture and Graham for the first 2.

The return was direct down the Pagham Road and across via Aldwick to Bognor.

Posted by RideLeader at 12:07 BST
Updated: Friday, 10 June 2016 12:25 BST
Sunday, 5 June 2016
Sunday 5th June. Ride to East Wittering

The weather today was hot with unbroken clear blue skies and temperatures up to 22C. On top of that there was a gentle NE tailwind to start the day swinging round to a southerly tailwind by the time we headed back, rare indeed and a perfect day for cycling.

The 100 mile ride had been cancelled and the substitute was a short ride to East Wittering. 4 of us met at Chichester Cross, myself, Harvey, Graeme and Terry.

I was the leader and led the group first down part of Apuldram Lane before turning off onto the Salterns Way cyclepath. Then it was more of the Salterns Way across fields to Chichester Yacht Basin where we waited for numerous Yachts filling the Lock to head out into the calm waters of the Harbour. We then had a pleasant elevenses stop at the Boathouse Cafe overlooking the Harbour.

Then it was past the Yacht Club and over the Canal Lock gates.

Next it was on via Birdham Pool and more of the Saltern’s Way across fields to Shipton Green. Then it was a lane straight to East Wittering. Harvey and I had sandwiches on the seafront while the others opted for a Cafe.

The return was on lanes via Earnley and Almodington. Then it was a lane across to Sidlesham. Harvey and Terry headed straight back from here. Graeme and I headed back on the Bill Way Cycleroute passing Pagham Harbour at Sidlesham unusually coinciding with maximum high tide.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 23 miles. My mileage from Pagham was 27 miles. I was back before 2.00 so essentially a morning only ride

My latest picture to be processed was taken a few weeks ago of Chichester Cathedral Cloisters, 3 images combined for HDR  


See a larger picture and more details at  


Posted by RideLeader at 16:03 BST
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Sunday 29 May. Ride to Portsdown Hill

The weather today was dry warm and sunny reaching 20C though with a fairly strong northerly wind. I was the leader for the ride today starting 9.00 at Chichester Cross and I was joined by just Sam and Bob.

We headed out via the Centurion Way and then lanes via West Stoke and Funtington. Then it was on via Racton and Rowlands Castle and a stop for elevenses at Horndean Garden Centre. Full marks to them for their gianormous  portions of Bread Pudding.

Then it was on lanes towards Cathrington before taking a gently undulating lane just north of Denmead. We stopped briefly to look at the blues of a field of Linseed.

Then it was onwards on lanes via Worlds End and Hipley. Then it was a lane towards Boarhunt before turning of on a lane climbing Portsdown Hill from the north and coming out by the Monument to Nelson, the Portsmouth version of Nelsons Column. We stopped there briefly where I took this picture of an isolated flower.

At the monument we were almost next to Fort Nelson and its Cafe. Sam suggested we stopped there for lunch rather than descending to Portchester and the coast and having to climb back up after lunch. After a democratic vote the motion was passed unanimously.

After lunch I took a look round the National Armouries at the Fort which have free admission. One of the exhibits there was a giant gun used in the first World War to try and break the stalemate.

For our route back we rode along the ridge road along the top of Portsdown Hill with beautiful views. We stopped briefly at a layby to look down on Portchester. The Keep of the castle is visible in the middle distance on the right.

Then it was down to Havant and on along the improved cycleway along the A259 to Emsworth to stop for an Ice Cream at Flintstones Cafe by Emsworth Harbour.

We returned to Chichester on the usual route via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 46. My mileage from Pagham was 57.

Last Tuesday evening I went to Goodwood to photograph the cycle racing on the Motor Race Circuit. This shot was edited with a zoom effect.

For more details see

Last Friday on a London day trip I included a visit on a tour I had booked to the closed off tunnels at Euston Underground Station.

For more details and pictures see my Photo Blog at


Posted by RideLeader at 19:45 BST
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Thursday 26 May. Evening Ride to the Old Stables Fontwell


A glorious evening, sunny and with no wind to speak of, saw 15 riders meeting at the leisure centre for tonight’s ride out to Fontwell. Edwin joined us later straight from Time Trialing, so 16 out in all.

Suzanne, Carol, Steve, Dave S, Dave R, Dave B, Michelle, Maureen & Husband, Julian, John, Mike, Alan, Russ And I  set off round the back of Felpham, through the new estate and then dropped on to the Barnham cycle track by way of Stanover Lane, which is the old route that existed when the whole area was still fields. due to its sheltered position it is often muddy, however no rain had fallen for a few days and additionally it seems to have had another surface dressing applied, so it was quite dry. It is the developers stated intention to restore this route properly for cycling, although its clearly not a priority job

 We followed the Cycleroute through the fields to Barnham, then it was more new cycle track to Walberton green, up the incline that is west Walberton lane, and into Fontwell village. a short hop along what used to be the A27 brought us to the old stables.

after suitable refreshment, we headed back to Bognor but had not gone 200 yards when Maureen pulled up with a flat tyre. after some deliberation, a temporary fix with foam was applied, which almost got her back home although unfortunately the repair did not last.

Our route back was via Denman’s lane and the rough tracks of Northfields Lane, emerging on the A29 at the island in Westergate. Then down the A29 to Shripney, with the following traffic not sure how to safely overtake a long line of cyclists.

At the junction with the relief road the ride split, those heading for Felpham and Middleton taking the cyclepath along the relief road, and those heading for Bognor heading down the cycletrack to the Chichester road.

The round trip mileage was 15.6


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Sunday 22 May. DA Event. I-Spy Ride

Today was the 2nd DA Event of the year when all the West Sussex CTC Groups get together to take part in a special Event this time the I-Spy Ride organised by Horsham and Crawley CTC. The weather was fair with sun in the morning and more cloud in the afternoon. Despite showers being nearby we stayed dry all day.

I rode up to the start at Wiggonholt and I was joined by Jeff and Beatrice who were car assisted. John Maxim joined us on our team. After an early elevenses at the Cafe we gathered round to get our route sheets with the clues. There were 6 from Horsham Crawley and 5 from Arun Adur.

We headed out first via Broomers Hill and then across the A29 and onto lanes including Pithurst Lane. One typical clue was what time is the last collection on a Tuesday which was found on this post-box.

Then it was ups and downs on lanes and back to the A29 north of Pulborough. Then a stretch of the A29 with a diversion to Hardham and then a lane from Coldwaltham to Rackham. Then it was on to Storrington and what can best be described as a Tour of Storrington taking backstreets we had never seen before. Then on to West Chiltington and lunch at The Five Bells. At this stage we were 3rd behind 2 Arun Adur teams.

After lunch it was a shorter route first taking us via West Chiltington village and then into Stream lane and uphill along Gay Street Lane and across and then up Nutbourne Lane. In this area we passed under a beautiful tree tunnel.

We missed an answer in Nutbourne involving Fire hydrants as the vital one was partly obscured by a parked car, pesky cars. Then it was back to Wiggonholt for tea and the results. The winners were Bob and Malcolm from Horsham Crawley.

All in all a very enjoyable day and interesting way to do a ride. My mileage from and Back to Pagham was 65. Just the I-Spy route was 25 miles.

One of my latest pictures was taken near brick Lane in London involving the Street Art image of a Hedgehog. I titled it “Really Must Get a Bigger Bike”

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:53 BST
Updated: Sunday, 22 May 2016 19:56 BST
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Saturday 21 May. Bognor Library to Look and See in Littlehampton

Leaders Carol and Steve Woods were joined by 9 other cyclists, Graham, Michelle, Mike, Nicola, Harvey, David, Lucy, Alan and a new comer Chris from Chichester.

Weather today was overcast with rain at times, a good turnout considering weather forecast.

Carol led from Bognor Library through Hotham Park, along the seafront coming off at The Boat House café. On to Limmer Lane and through King Georges park heading out to Middleton Comet corner. We then made our way to Ford stopping at RNAS Ford memorial for a photo.

Steve then led via Horsemere Green Lane picking up the cycle path to Littlehampton along the A259 crossing over to head towards Climping. We crossed over the foot bridge and on to the Look and See Café stopping for tea and cake.

Taking a direct route back the weather brightened up.

Carol Woods

Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Sunday 15 May. Ride to Rudgwick

The weather today was cooler than of late but still reached 17C. There were spells of sunshine with more cloud in the afternoon. Unfortunately the wind started with a NE direction and by afternoon swung round to SW so a headwind in both directions.

We met at Walberton Pond with Russell leading and he was joined by myself, Sam, Paul, Mike and John Maxim so 6 out for the ride.


We headed out on backroads to te A29 and after a short stretch on the main road turned off onto the quiet backroad via Madehurst. With the leaves out a few tree tunnels were evident.

From Whiteways we headed down Bury Hill and then lanes via West Burton and Coates to Fittleworth. Rather than taking us up the steep climb towards Wisborough Green we turned off at the bottom on a lane towards Little Bognor.

 Then it was climbs up and down to the Kirdford Road and down to Kirdford for elevenses at Kirdford Village Shop Cafe where we just beat Godalming Cycling Club to the Queue.

As we were leaving we came across Anne and had a chat before continuing in the Wisborough Green direction before turning off on a lane to Loxwood and then on a lane taking us briefly into Surrey before heading south again to stop for lunch at the Milk Churn Cafe, Nr Rudgwick. The Cafe is next to the Downslink cyclepath and provides well for cycles.

We enjoyed lunch in the sun on a patio area and learned the cafe had only been open 2 years.

We took a direct route back south to Wisborough Green and then a section of rough track linking quiet backroads.

Then it was on past Wiggonholt and Amberley and the quieter option of the Khyber Pass track above the Arun Valley.

Then down to Arundel and tea the Putting Green Cafe. 4 of us indulged in their substantial Apple Pie.

As everyone left I spotted an ideal viewpoint with the castle in the background.

60 miles from and back to the start point and my mileage from Pagham was the longest of the year so far at 75.

More pictures can be seen on the Bognor Chichester CTC Facebook Page. You do not need to be on Facebook to view these, see



Posted by RideLeader at 21:02 BST
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Thursday 12 May. Evening Ride to the Ship & Anchor, Ford

WOW! There was 16 of us night riders that turned up to go to Ship and Anchor at Ford, too many to name but most of the usual regulars were there plus some newbies.

 After welcoming everyone for coming on my ride, we set off from Felpham Leisure Centre to find the Barnham cycle path, it was a warm 22 degrees and a clear blue sky, couldn't be better.


After reaching Church Lane we took a right turn down Hill Lane and onto the main road to Yapton, we carried on turning left down Horsemere Green Lane to Ford Road, passing a very quiet Ford Prison, and then right into the Ship and Anchor, by then everyone had quite a thirst.  After drinks we headed back down Horsemere Green Lane and then along the main road turning left at Comet Corner and back to Felpham, it was 18 degrees and still a bit of light in  the sky,

Julian Larter.

Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Sunday 8th May. Ride to Exton

The weather today was sunny and warm to hot feeling like a summers day with temperatures up to 23C. Sam was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Mike and Russell so 4 out in all. We headed out on West Street past the Cathedral.

With a strong easterly tail wind Sam took us first along the A259 to Southbourne and then on lanes via Westbourne and Rowlands Castle. We continued via Horndean and onwards via lanes towards Cathrington and then a very quiet lane running to the north of Denmead. Then it was down to Hambledon and a stop for elevenses at Lotts Cafe. We watched large groups of riders come by  on the Hampshire Hilly 100 Sportive.

After eleven’s we took the sportive route up a short 20% plus climb on a lane heading west.

After many more lanes sometimes on the Sportive route and sometimes shortcutting them  we stopped for lunch at the Shoe Exton with its garden adjoining the River Meon.

Having arrived for lunch at 11.40 Mike and I had sandwiches on a pleasant bench in the Church Grounds and we had a look inside the Church. Sam and Russell who couldn’t get in an early order decided not to bother and we started on our return ride at about 12.15. Not before a chat with a Great Grandmother who was amazed at how far we had cycled.

We continued on a very quiet lane south of Old Winchester Hill and climbed up between trees to Westend Down.


Then it was more climbing up to the HMS Mercury high ridge road above the Meon Valley. As we approached the Sustainability Centre fields were full of cars and the roads were a narrowed by pedestrians walking from their cars to a Green Fair at the Sustainability Centre. With the large number of cars we thought it not too green. For a change of route we decided to take the track from the top of the hill to the top of Butser which follows the South Downs Way. With recent dry weather the track was free of mud and a pleasant if bumpy route between the woods.


We stopped at the top for a break overlooking views down to the coast.

Then it was a lot of downhill first to cross over the A3 and then down to Chalton and more down to Finchdean. We stopped for tea at Rowlands Castle

Our stay was extended a little as we were joined by Graham Young who had missed us at lunch. We headed back to Chichester first via Westbourne with Graham joining us.

Then it was on via Woodmancote passing on a lane large amounts of wild garlic on the verge  just coming into full smell. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 51. My mileage from Pagham was 62.

The latest pictures I have processed are local spring shots. First some bluebells in a wood near Slindon

For more details and a larger picture see

Next just over a week ago I visited Arundel Castle Tulip Festival with over 32,000 bulbs planted in the gardens and grounds.

For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:09 BST
Updated: Sunday, 8 May 2016 20:34 BST
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Saturday 7th May. Ride to Stansted Garden Centre Cafe

The weather dawned warm and sunny for a ride to Stansted Garden Centre Café.

Eleven cyclists gathered at Chichester Library – Philippa, Roy, Adrian, Dmitri, Harvey, David, Richard, Graham, Steve & Carol, Maureen - and the group set off in a westerly direction towards Fishbourne.  Turning north, and then west again, the route went via back roads through West Ashling, Hambrook, Woodmancote and dropped down into Westbourne.  To avoid the steep hill coming out of Westbourne, the group turned off beforehand and diverted via Aldsworth!  The time of arrival at the café was 2.50 pm.

Following tea, Steve & Carol left the group to make their own way home as they had a pressing engagement early in the evening.  For those remaining, the route back to Chichester firstly took the group down the hill into Westbourne, where it was ‘goodbye’ to Roy and Adrian who cycled off home to Emsworth via Lumley.  After this, the route back to Chichester followed the same back roads as the outward journey.

The seven remaining cyclists arrived back in Chichester just after 5 pm.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Friday, 29 April 2016
Evening ride - Arun leisure Centre to the Murrell Arms Barnham

After a bright and sunny day, the weather turned a lot colder and windier for the first of our summer evening rides.

I wasn't too hopeful about who would turn up, given the change in the weather, but in the event we had a really good turnout of 14 - Carol, Steve, Michelle, Maureen, Collette, Dmitry, Julian, Steve, Suzanne, Cameron, Russ, Liz, Harvey, and me.


I took the riders on a short route running from the leisure centre to the Glenwood, then some fields we don’t normally use to the golf club (including negotiating a dry ditch - not as difficult as it sounds) and from there down Stanover road which is the old route we used to use before the new estate at Felpham was built. this lane is gradually being returned to walkers and cyclists as the housing construction comes to an end, but at the moment it is still diverted across the building site. nonetheless it was an interesting diversion from the routes we've recently been using.


Emerging on the new estate, we rode through to the newly opened relief road and then headed west along its shared footway and cyclepath for a half mile or so before diverting 50 yards across another field to join the Barnham cycle track beyond the end of hoe lane.

Following the usual route, with the wind behind us, we quickly arrived at barnham church. then it was hill lane and its patchwork of generations of small tarmac repairs  - astonishingly about halfway down, roughly 100 yards has been completely re-surfaced but still surrounded by endless bumps and holes.  At the end of hill lane, a left turn took us to the Murrell. as we piled in we reckoned we had more than doubled the clientele.


The homeward route was straight through the fields on the Barnham Cycletrack to Flansham and Felpham, a route always a little more exciting after dark. but no incidents to report.


The round trip mileage was a very modest 10.5.




Posted by RideLeader at 10:50 BST
Updated: Friday, 29 April 2016 10:55 BST
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Sunday 24 April. Ride to Barnes Green and Freewheel Competition

The weather today started very cold feeling more like late January than late April with a stiff NE wind. It did though stay dry with cloud and sunny spells. I was the leader and unfortunately nobody joined be for the start at Walberton Pond. Still I wasn’t going to let a little detail like nobody to lead put me off riding my planned route

I  headed out on the usual route on lanes via Madehurst. Today was notable for the Bluebells being at their peak with them being spotted in many verges and woods. The following shot was taken after Madehurst and before the stiff climb to Whiteways.

Then it was a fast descent down Houghton Hill and on to lanes via Amberley and Rackham. I continued on lanes to stop for elevenses at Wiggonholt RSPB Cafe.

Then it was on via Stream Lane which was given a fairly obvious name.

Then it was on via  West Chiltington and lanes past Shipley and via Dragons Green. The lanes between Dragons Green and Barnes Green were beside woods full of Bluebells often on both sides of the lane.

Then it was on to  Barnes Green and lunch at Sumners Pond Cafe where I met up with members from Horsham and Crawley Group and Arun Adur.

We headed out together and then gathered at the top of the freewheel hill.

There were 4 from Arun Adur and 4 from Horsham Crawley.

I took a fair few pictures and this one is of Paul Price from Arun Adur riding to overall first place.

This one is of Dawn Hemmingway from Horsham Crawley who was first and only lady

We gathered afterwards and the final result was Paul first and Bob Moore second (Horsham Crawley) and John Veitch third (Horsham Crawley)

I headed back with the Arun Adur Group via Broadford Bridge and a climb up the old freewheel hill to West Chiltington.

Then I headed home via Coldwaltham and Coates to climb Duncton Hill. Then it was on via Eartham, Fontwell and Barnham. Mileage from and back to Walberton would have been about 55. My mileage from Pagham was 73.

Some of my latest pictures. This one is not a missile silo but the exit ramp of a car park in Canary Wharf.

For more details see

On Saturday I visited the Cass Sculpture Foundation set in a forest near Goodwood with the Camera Club. There are 50 sculptures there including this one called The Host, a number of weird figures looking like something out of Dr Who.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:55 BST
Sunday, 17 April 2016
Sunday 17th April. Ride to East Meon

The weather today was colder than of late but sunny much of the time with a NW Wind.

There were 2 rides today. The short ride was led by Arthur to Emsworth and brought out 12 supporters. The long ride was led by Sam to East Meon and he was joined by myself, Jeff, Paul and Russell. Gill joined us at lunch so 6 out on the ride and a total of 18 for the 2 rides. David was at the Cross early for the short ride and took the picture.

We headed out on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes via Woodmancote and Westbourne. We passed Rowlands Castle and luckily we were not heading there for elevenses as a massive bunch from South Downs Velo had just arrived. We continued via Finchdean and then the gradual climb through the picturesque Buriton Woods.

We continued to Petersfield where we stopped in the Square for elevenses. Then it was on via a cycleroute over the A3 and past the Harrow before a long stiff climb to the appropriately named Steep Village. Then it was a lane to Stroud and a short stretch of main road before turning off on another lane to Ramsdean. As we entered the village Jeff got a good shot of a barn plus Sam and I just about in the picture.


We continued on lanes to our lunch stop at the Isaac Walton, East Meon and enjoyed a break in the sunshine

Gill joined us for the return which took lanes leading up to the ridge road of HMS Mercury. There were some steep sections on the way up.

Then it was down to Clanfield and lanes across to Chalton and then down to Finchdean. For the second week running Sam was beat at the sprint for the Rowlands Castle sign, this time only just by Paul. We continued to stop for tea at Rowlands Castle Cafe.

The return to Chichester took our outward route. I peeled off at West Ashling to go and look at the Bluebells in West Stoke Woods partly to scout out a future photographic expedition. Lesson for that, leave the bike at the road and pack wellies in the panniers, the path was very muddy.

The mileage from and back to Chichester would have been about 48. My return mileage from Pagham was 68.

Last Friday on a trip to London I took in a tour organised by the London Transport Museum of closed off platforms at Kings Cross Station and hidden areas of the station including this giant ventilation shaft. Film buffs might recognise it as a location used in the filming of James Bonds Skyfall.


Posted by RideLeader at 20:23 BST
Updated: Sunday, 17 April 2016 20:33 BST
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Sunday 10 April. Ride to Steep

The weather today was warmer at 12C with bright sunshine in the morning and more cloud in the afternoon. The downside was quite a strong south east wind.

Jeff was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Sam and Mike.

We headed up the Centurion Way part way before turning off for a change via Brandy Hole Lane and then picking up the lanes via West Stoke passing Woods filled with Bluebells. Then it was up the hill from Funtington with a brief stop at the stop with views across to Racton Tower.

Then it was on the B-Road via West Marden to stop for an early elevenses soon after 10.00 at Compton. We just beat by seconds a group from Bognor Regis Cycling Club to secure orders and seats.

We then headed up past Uppark and down to Harting and the road towards Rogate. Harting was negotiated without incident save for a rat which scuttled across our path. Bad luck? No that’s black cats. After Rogate it was a long drag of a hill before descending via Hill Brow towards Liss. We turned off via Princes Marsh and onto Cycleroute 22 via lanes and paths. Colin is now in Asia for 2 months but the route reminded us of a Colin Route. We first came to a crossing of the River Rother where we stopped briefly.

A short while later we came to the railway and a high steep bridge provided with a trough for bike wheels to go in. A little dubious especially as it was too close to the side and made no allowance for panniers. I just bumped the bike up the steps. A long way down on the other side.

The final barrier was the A3 where we took a cyclepath alongside before going underneath. Then it was a path to lunch at The Harrow Inn, Steep.

On the return ride we took a cyclepath over the A3 and into Petersfield and then the tough climb up Buriton Hill. Then it was a gentle descent through Buriton Woods.

We continued on lanes via Finchdean and shock horror Jeff caught Sam napping and won the sprint for the Rowlands Castle sign. Mike continued straight back while the rest of us enjoyed our hot drinks at the Cafe.

The return was hard as we battled against the SE wind all the way. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 47. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 60.

The latest picture to be completed is the last from Selsey at dawn from a week ago showing the path on the Pier leading to the Lifeboat House.

For more details and a larger image see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:07 BST
Updated: Sunday, 10 April 2016 19:10 BST
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Sunday 3rd April. Ride to Fernhurst

The weather today was much improved over last weekend with temperatures up to 13C, light winds and the occasional sunshine. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Colin, Russell and Roger. We met at Chichester Cross at 9.00 and there was a second ride meeting at 10.00 for a flat ride to Hayling Island. That ride attracted 7 so there were 11 out for the day.

We headed out via West Ashling, Watery Lane and Funtington. Then it was the B-Road up via West Marden to Compton where we were looking forward to a stop for hot drinks. We arrived about 10.00 just before various other cycling groups and Clubs piled in.

We continued north and after a short way a jammed chain resulted in my chain breaking. I used a chain breaking tool and a power link from Russell and help from Colin to get it all mended. We continued on up the hill and down to Harting. Then it was on a lane via Elsted and Elsted Marsh to Stedham. It was north from there on a lane I have not used for a year up a long hill via Redford. That is a few houses and a garage with out of order pumps looking to date back pre-war.

Then it was down and more lanes to Fernhurst and lunch at the Red Lion. Most of us had sandwiches though Roger had food at the pub and found it was very crowded. Roger left us after lunch to go and visit a book fair.

The rest of us continued on lanes via Lickfold. Lodsworth and Selham. Just north of Selham we came across a big tree felled by last weekends Storm Katie.

Then it was on via Heyshott to Cocking where we would have stopped for tea at the Moonlight Cafe but found it closed. Then it was on up Cocking Hill and down to Singleton where Russell and Colin turned off  to head back home to Littlehampton/Barnham. I returned via the Centurion Way and stopped for a hot drink and cake refuelling at the Canal Basin.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was 50. My mileage from Pagham was 63.

On Friday morning I rode before Dawn to Selsey to get some early morning pictures of the Selsey Lifeboat Boathouse before it is demolished sometime in the next year. The first shot was taken at Dawn with the colours being as seen.

For a larger picture and more details see

The next one taken from the eastern side with a filter to reduce light and obtain a 71 second exposure which gives the sea a milky look.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:31 BST
Updated: Sunday, 3 April 2016 18:32 BST
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Sunday 20th March. Ride to Wickham

The weather today was dull and cloudy though dry with temperatures up to 9C.

Arthur was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Sam, Bob, Paul and Jeff. Lynn joined us in the afternoon after dealing with some B&B customers . So 7 out during the day in all.

We headed out on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes via Woodmancote and then on via  Westbourne to stop for elevenses (10s) at McDonalds, Havant. Half of the group preferred to go elsewhere. I did find though that one advantage was the price, paying just £2.58 for a Hot Chocolate and Blueberry Muffin.

Then it was on via Bedhampton to the first serious hill of the day up Portsdown Hill which has some beautiful views over Portsmouth. Then it was along the top past some of the forts, ancient and modern before a brief stop to regroup.

We then descended towards Southwick. We took the B-Road via North Boarhunt to Wickham and lunch at The Kings Head at the Square. Wickham Square seemed to be full of cars going round and round in a fruitless quest for a parking space. Not a problem for bikes. Our bikes were parked in a covered and heated area next to the Pub.

Arthur got us on to a beautiful quiet lane I had only tried once before  to the site of an old mental hospital, now flats. We continued by soon taking a cycle path alongside a road towards Fareham. Then it was another new back road up to Portsdown hill. I have done the climb to Portsdown hill on all the other routes and although the riders today did not appreciate it I would say it is the easiest of the climbs. We picked up Lynn near the top at the refreshments van.

We retraced our route down Portsdown Hill and on to Havant for a tea stop at McDonalds again. Jeff and Paul headed straight back home rather than stop.

From Havant we retraced our treads of the morning via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Arthur Lynn and Sam went for a second tea stop at Fishbourne Roman Palace Cafe. Bob and I gave that a miss. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 45. My mileage for the day was 58.

My latest picture to be processed is one taken last monday being a macro of a Crocus on a green at the Aldwick Road. Done with 30 images taken at different focus and stacked together.

For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:08 BST
Saturday Ride- Bognor Regis Library to Gaskyns Cafe, Arundel


Bit colder today as a bitter East Wind brought temperatures down from earlier in the week, but no rain and the wind wasn't all that strong meaning reasonable cycling conditions, especially as it hasn't rained for some days so all the tracks were dry.

Eleven of us set out from Bognor Library, including first timers Dave and Lucy, making what surely must be a club record of three Dave's on the ride.

So Dave, Dave, Dave, Mike, Maureen, Alan, Liz, Lucy, Carol, Steve & I set off round the back of Bognor to the Arun Leisure Centre, then round the back of Felpham to the Relief Road, where we took the usual trail through Flansham Village and the track to Barnham. Then it was the newly opened cycletrack to Walberton and Hedgers Hill towards Binsted where we stopped for a short inspection of Binsted Church, with which Maureen has a family connection.  The church grounds were brimming with a jumbled mix of Daffodils and snowdrops.

connection.  The church grounds were brimming with a jumbled mix of Daffodils and snowdrops. Alan and Liz had left us shortly beforehand to return via North End.

Continuing East through Binsted we reached that point where the tarmac runs out at the lonely Madonna pond, and found the only mud on the route.

From there its a steady climb through the beautiful and isolated Binsted Woods to rejoin the tarmac. A short cut through the woods brought us to the Torton Hill Estate and a sharp drop down to the A27 river bridge, which we cycled under to arrive in Central Arundel.

Gaskyns was hospitably quiet so we probably dallied there a little longer than normal.

The return ride was along the river to the Tortington Road and Ford Station, then Ford Lane to Yapton, Bilsham, Middleton and back to Felpham and Bognor.

The return mileage to and from Bognor Library, was 23.5.


Posted by RideLeader at 08:22 BST
Updated: Sunday, 20 March 2016 08:25 BST
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Sunday 13th March. Ride to Dial Post

The weather today was one of the best of the year with unbroken blue skies all day. Temperatures were up to 10C though at times in the sun and out of the wind it felt warmer. There was a steady NE wind all day so it was a head wind going out and tail wind coming back, the right directions really.

The ride started at 9.00 at Walberton Pond and I was the leader. I was joined by Sam, Paul, Mike, Russell and just catching us as we left Andrew.

We headed out for a change via Fontwell, and Eartham with more mist gathering around the Downs as we climbed. Then it was a stretch along the main road before a fast descent of Duncton and back on to lanes and back into the sunshine. We headed on via Coates and Fittleworth to stop for elevenses at the Stopham Bridge Garden Centre Cafe Nr Pulborough and a welcome break. Russell left us to return home after elevenses.

We headed east via Pulborough and as we passed a lot of people were gathering to line the road. Not to mark out ride though but to wait for the Piazza Italia Tour of supercars. In the afternoon we again got just ahead of them when riding through Steyning.

We continued via West Chiltington and on a lane south of Shipley with good views of Shipley windmill to stop for lunch at Dial Post Garden Centre Cafe.

The afternoon ride continued east for a while on a lane taking us to Ashurst and then south to Steyning. We then took Coombes Lane to cross over the A27 where the jet crashed last year, Before taking the airport road we visited the memorial to the crash by the Old Shoreham Toll Bridge.

After 6 months without a long ride Andrew left us to get a train back from Shoreham. The rest of us  continued via the Airfield road and on to the coast and the cycle route along the prom to Worthing, We stopped for tea at the Cavern Cafe just off the seafront.

We continued back on minor roads via Ferring though I had no chance of reproducing Colin’s route through the private estates so it was a bit busier if more direct route across to Littlehampton.

Mileage from and back to Walberton Pond would have been about 56. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 74. See below for Andrews ride showing the Profile on Strava which really covered the hilliest part of the ride.

For the detailed page see[1110798752306462]&action_type_map=[%22fitness.bikes%22]&action_ref_map=[]


My latest pictures include one taken on my last London trip at Millwall  Dock near Canary Wharf.


For more details and a larger picture see

Yesterday I went to take pictures of the old West Pier at Brighton. This one was taken just after sunset using a filter to take an exposure of 2 minutes so the sea blurs.


Posted by RideLeader at 21:39 BST

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