Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Sunday 6th December. Ride to Compton and then Runcton for Christmas Lunch

On the way to the start of the ride today I made a diversion to inspect the new cycle bridge over the A27 for the Selsey Road. It is a better design than the usual rectangular construction but nowhere near enough to justify the hyperbole used by the Mayor of Chichester when he opened it. As a bridge apparently designed for cycling it also has cyclists dismount signs though I did not notice them. Its fatal flaw is to dump cyclists on to the busy Selsey road with no sign of a cycle path to make it anywhere near safe.

The weather forecast  today was very poor but in the end it was only patchy light drizzle and dry most of the morning.

Just 3 of us met at Chichester Cross, myself, Sam and Bob, John Maxim was there as well but left us soon afterwards to head for Rowlands Castle. There were 18 in all for the Christmas lunch later at Runcton.

We headed out via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington. I took a route straight to Compton on the valley road via West Marden. On this road we even had a very brief spell of sunshine which I managed to record before it disappeared for the rest of the day.

We stopped at Compton Village Tea Rooms for 11s, well 10s really as we were first arrivals at about 10.00.

Then it was across to Findchdean starting with a climb. By this time we were being overtaken by fast cyclists riding the pessimistically named Fontwell Freeze Sportive. They were on the “Epic” route apparently though only 64 miles.

Then it was on via Rowlands Castle and back to Chichester on the South Coast Cycleroute via Westbourne and Woodmancote.

At Runcton we settled in to a long (3 hours) 3 course Christmas lunch. Harvey and Avryl came direct by bike with the rest coming by car.

Return milage to Chichester was about 33. My mileage from Pagham was 40.

My latest picture to be processed was taken last month at The Strand.

For a larger picture and more details see



Posted by RideLeader at 18:29 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 6 December 2015 18:37 GMT
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Sunday 29th November. Ride to Barnes Green, Nr Billingshurst

The weather today was dark clouds and windy over 30mph SW but unlike yesterday it stayed dry. Temperatures were mild compared with last Sunday reaching 13C.

Colin was the leader and he was joined for the 9.00am start from Walberton by myself, Anne and Mike.

A lot of the mornings ride had the benefit of a tailwind and we headed out via Madehurst and then a fast descent of Bury Hill. Then it was lanes via West Burton and on to Fittleworth. We then started on the regular route towards Brinkwells Hill but turned off at the base on lanes in the direction of Little Bognor. These lanes are so much off our regular routes that I it was only the second time for me in 20 years, the last time being when I led a ride that way 2 months ago. The lanes were beautiful and quiet with a mix of downland and woods and a fair bit of climbing. We came out at the top of the road  towards Kirdford at Flexham Park. The ride today was quite notable for a mix of mud and fallen leaves.

Then a long downhill to Kirdford and elevenses at Kirdford Village Stores Cafe. We took up one of the only 2 tables inside with another group of cyclists arriving to take the other table, possibly more of a summer venue.


We headed on via Wisborough Green and Billingshurst and lanes to Barnes Green for lunch. We had sandwiches on a bench behind the village hall before adjourning to the Cafe Stop at Sumners Pond, Barnes Green for hot drinks. 2 stoves provided a considerable amount of warmth while the trees shook in the wind outside.

The return ride was via West Chiltington, Wiggonholt, Coldwaltham and up Duncton Hill. I decided to opt out of a long ride home into the teeth of a gale and let the train take the strain from Billingshurst. In Bognor I briefly went past the seafront before diverting inland and saw the waves at high tide were pounding the pier at 2.00pm.

My mileage from Pagham was 48.

Last Monday I took a day trip up to London for a few pictures. These included the following which is the spiral stairs of the LSE Library. This is not open to the public so I got permission in advance.

For a larger picture and more details see

The next one is a night view looking down Whitehall towards Big Ben with Buses passing each side.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 16:07 GMT
Saturday, 28 November 2015
28.11.15 Saturday Ride - Bognor Library to Brick Kiln Nursery‏

Glorious sunshine, a light breeze, and unseasonably warm temperatures. All features missing from today's ride, which was cold, very wet, and very windy. A met office weather warning for strong gales was in place all day, and the precipitation varied between drizzle and torrential showers.

Not surprising that only three of us met at the start point. Perhaps more surprising was that any of us met at all!

I led Alan and Steve through the back streets of Bognor; in an effort to "tack" against the strong winds we did a tour of back alleys out to Aldwick, where we took the Lower Bognor Road. Both Alan and Steve professed not to know where they were at some points, despite both being long term Bognor residents. So objective achieved!

From the Lower Bognor Road we took the off road concrete tracks at Butterlees Farm (again unknown to both Steve and Alan) to emerge at Runcton, then up Green Lane and across the old airfield at Merston.  I noticed a usually locked gate was unlocked, so instead of heading back out and on to the cycletrack, we took the "quieter" route through the oher part of Green Lane, re-joining the tarmac at the Kings Head. A short sprint found us at the Brick Kiln Nursery, for a welcome cuppa.

The return route was back via Colworth, and pretty uneventful except that going round the narrowest part of the Colworth loop we found the road blocked by a large farm lorry which had misjudged the conditions and put 6 wheels or so in the ditch at the side of the lane. A large contingent from Westbourne Motors breakdown Service had just hauled the lorry back on to the road and it was ready to resume its journey. We were able to negotiate around the side of all this commotion and went on just ahead of the breakdown convoy, which was leaving the scene. Unfortunately weather conditions were not conducive to photos.... so there isn't one.

Back at Bersted, I found a newly opened route around the new estate that avoids the mud bath of Berry Lane but still brings you out (via the lake) to North Bersted Street. Here we went our separate ways, and I arrived back in Bognor in time for the Christmas lights switch on ceremony. At least, I would have arrived in time but for the fact that it had been cancelled due to the weather conditions; unfortunate in that it wasn't actually raining, nor especially windy, aat the time it should have taken place. I did bump into the town centre manager who told me some lights had come down in the wind, but they were still able to turn on the snow-blowers, which made the town quite festive.  This picture shows the lights came on anyway, but the only bike around was Macari's "Stop me and Buy one" machine!

The round trip mileage to and from the library start point, was a modest 16.


Posted by RideLeader at 21:53 GMT
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Sunday 15th November. Ride to East Meon

After a very wet and windy Saturday Sunday was more promising with a forecast of dry but cloudy. The actual weather was periods of drizzle with a few dry spells and a strong SW wind though at least it had moderated after the gales on Saturday. Temperatures were up to 15C.

Sam was the leader and he was joined at Chichester Cross by myself, Jeff, Mark and Mike so 5 out for the day.

We headed out via Woodmancote and Westbourne to stop for elevenses at Rowlands Castle.

Then it was on via Finchdean and a gradual climb thought the Autumn woods of Buriton Hill. Then it was lanes past Ramsdean to stop for lunch at The Isaac Walton, East Meon. We were there a little early by 11.50 and left soon after 12.30.

The return took us on a route south with a gradual climb up Wether Down and down to Clanfield. After crossing the A3 a fast descent to Chalton and down to Finchdean and Rowlands Castle Cafe 2nd time around, this time for an early tea. Both times it was much less busy than usual no doubt due to the weather.

Then it was straight back via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 45. My mileage from Pagham was 56.

My latest picture to be processed is another of the shots taken at the Halnaker path, this one looking in the opposite direction from the more famous one. This is looking up the path in the direction of the windmill.

For a larger picture and more details see

See also a review of some Photo Software I did on my Website using this picture as the main example see


Posted by RideLeader at 18:01 GMT
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Sunday 8th November. Ride to Pulborough. DA AGM

After 4 days of rain it finally stopped for today though it stayed cloudy and there was a brief spell of drizzle at lunchtime.

I was the leader for the ride which started from Walberton Pond and I was joined by Colin and Jeff. We later met Roger who joined us for part of the ride and the AGM so 4 of us out on the day. From Walberton we headed out up Shellbridge Road between the woods.

Then it was on the lanes via Madehurst and then a fast descent down Bury Hill and on to lanes via West Burton and Coates where Roger joined us. Then it was on to Fittleworth and the main road to Pulborough and the AGM at Pulborough Village Hall. We observed 2 minutes silence at 11.00. Officers remained the same apart from a new DA Treasurer in Mike Murray of Arun Adur. Our CTC Councillor Richard Bates advised that he had judged the Cup for the best article in the Pedaller during the year be awarded to Colin. This was an especially bright point for our Section as all the other Cups went to Horsham/Crawley.

After the AGM we should have met at the nearby Oddfellows Arms but they were not doing food so we adjourned to The White Horse. Jeff and Roger headed straight back while Colin and I joined the other Groups at the Pub in setting the world of Cycling to rights.

After lunch Colin headed off on a longer ride while I headed straight back via Amberley. Being freed of the leaders obligations I took the opportunity to take a few pictures. Near Wiggonholt there is a small pond with deep black water. I did a little editing to this to create a Creature of the Black Lagoon. Bit late for Halloween.

Further on a more normal Autumn picture on the route down towards the gates to Parham.

The mileage from and back to Walberton would have been about 30 miles. My mileage from Pagham was 43.

My latest picture was taken a few weeks ago in some woods east of Slindon.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 18:41 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 8 November 2015 18:44 GMT
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Sunday 1 November. West Stoke AGM Ride

The weather today started foggy though not too cool with a few glimpses of sun in the afternoon and temperatures up to 15C.

Most people went direct to the AGM at West Stoke Village Hall. However I led a ride starting 9.30 at Chichester Cross. I was joined by Russell, Bob, Martin, Graham Hodge, Avryl, Arthur and Lynn.

We headed out on Clay Lane and then a lane north via East Ashling to West Stoke village hall for the AGM. The boring bit only took 35 minutes before we went on to Tea, Coffee and biscuits. Russell was appointed Rides List Secretary and newcomer Graham Hodge was appointed Registrar to maintain the Membership list.

In the afternoon some of us headed for tea at The Forge, Slindon. We rode via Lavant, Goodwood and Waterbeach to Halnaker. Going up the main road we went past the layby at the start of the path up to the Windmill where my picture shown on South Today was taken. It was exceptionally busy with about 12 cars parked there. Probably a lot of it my fault with the picture now up to 9100 likes on Facebook and a number of the 300 commentators asking for directions to the location for this weekend.

We then cut across on a lane to Eartham and then a sharp downhill to Slindon Woods. Then it was a sharp climb up to Slindon. Arthur was missing at the top and eventually appeared holding his broken chain. He freewheeled down to the Forge Cafe, our tea stop where repairs were effected.

We gained John Maxim at the Forge. He had stopped there coincidentally. We continued down to Walberton where we did the first Club Ride on the newly opened on Saturday Barnham to Walberton cyclepath. The first picture is taken at the entrance off Eastergate Lane.

The next picture is taken on part of the path in the field adjoining Barnham Lane.

The ride from and back to Chichester would have been about 25 miles. My mileage from Pagham was 33.

On Saturday I did another Autumn leaves excursion taking the bike by train to Haywards Heath and then rode to to Wakehurst Place. The shot is of one of the 2 lakes there.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:32 GMT
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Sunday Ride. Ride to Dragon’s Green

It was a beautiful day today with a lot of sun. Although cold to start it reached 14C with light winds.

Colin was the leader of the long ride meeting at Walberton Pond. He was joined by Sam, Paul, Mike, Jeff, Anne and myself. Chris joined us for lunch so 8 were out in all on the ride. Sam was cold at the start.

We headed out via Madehurst up to Whiteways and then down Houghton Hill. Then it was the lane across to Bury and another quiet lane via West Burton.

After heading briefly towards Fittleworth we cut across on a lane to Coldwaltham. Just before the village Paul had a front wheel puncture. At one stage 3 people were involved in getting the tyre off. I decided that many hands made hard work and kept out of it except for recording it.

Then it was more lanes towards Wiggonholt for elevenses.

We continued via West Chiltington and then north via Broadford Bridge, Conyhurst and Barnes Green. At various times during the day many of us had no idea where we were including Colin at one stage. The problem arose because a road was missed off his Golden Eye Map.


However our route was true and we soon arrived at Dragons Green. Many of us diverted to the Scout Hut to use their picnic tables for sandwiches.

Colin explained at lunch the route back but some missed it hence the muttering at times as we headed further east in the afternoon. We took lanes via Shipley, and Dial Post to Ashhurst and then south to Steyning. Then it was a seriously vicious hill up over the downs beside Steyning Bowl. The road sign said 17% and Sam’s bike computer said 27%. I would say it was at least 20% in places.

Then it was down to Sompting and a convoluted route trough estates to come out on Worthing seafront. We stopped for tea at a cafe on a side street called the Smart Food Choice Cafe.

Then it was back on Worthing Prom and on via Ferring and a short excursion on the beach to get to a route on the private estates.

Luckily Colin knows the way because there were so many twists and turns and junctions that we could have been taken round in circles without knowing any different. We headed home via Littlehampton and Yapton. The mileage from and back to Walberton would have been about 62. My mileage from Pagham was 76.

The following picture may be of interest. I took it last month on the patio area outside the Gherkin Skyscraper in London. It is a sculpture made up of 700 steel bike frames and their wheels.

For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 22:03 BST
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Saturday Ride - Bognor Library to Arundel, Rounds Tearooms‏

After a brilliant October, the weather was finally on the turn today for our long ride to Arundel. The temperature still held up at between 11 and 15 degrees and light winds but it was overcast, and with the constant threat of rain, we were lucky to only encounter one sharp shower in the Barnham area.

 Nine of us were at the start point, with two newcomers collected on the way (by prior arrangement!) meaning 11 out on the ride.

Julian, Deb, Suzanne, Karen, Mike, David, Maureen, Steve and myself set out from Bognor library where we took the usual back roads to Felpham and the new estate at Flansham. From here i led the group a little way up the as yet unopen Northern Relief Road to the Stanover Lane junction, where the rough and muddy track has finally had some surface dressing which keeps the mud at bay and makes a good shortcut to the Barnham Cycletrack. At the top of Hoe Lane we collected our newbies Teresa and Sharon, who we hope enjoyed the experience and will see them again soon.

Up the Barnham Cycletrack we went, then under the rail bridge to Walberton. The new and very expensive cycletrack to Walberton is almost completed but is securely fenced off to prevent errant cyclists having the temerity to use it before the official opening date. I believe there is some snagging work still to complete. So we stuck to the Barnham Road.

At Walberton a short cut on an umade road took us out to Binsted Lane and the roller-coaster hill past Beam Ends heading to Tortington. Successfully negotiating the bumpy bit where the tarmac inexplicably runs out, we found ourselves at the spooky Madonna Pond. Then a steady climb through the highly picturesque Binsted Woods followed by the little known cut into Torton Hill Road and before we knew it we had gone under the A27 River Bridge and were in Arundel Town Centre.  Some suitable refreshment was taken at the quaint Grounds Coffee House.

For the return route, I completed a circular ride going under the A27 again but this time emerging on the Ford Road. Down to Ford station, then Ford Lane to Yapton, over the old canal bridge to Bilsham, and we soon arrived at Comet Corner and Middleton. Middleton is very quiet at present due to the road closure, which as supposed to be for 2 days only, but has now been about 3 weeks. Fortunately bikes can negotiate the closed bit easily. We arrived back into Bognor via the promenade, dropping people off along the way.

The round trip mileage from and back to, the start point, was 23, which makes it one of the longest Saturday rides we do. However it always seems to be very popular as its a very picturesue route. By the time i got home, my mileage was nudging 30.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Saturday ride 10 October 2015. Ride to Goodwood Airfield Cafe

Weather was good but only four people turned up for the ride, was this because of the new winter times (1pm instead of 2pm) or was there an important rugby match that afternoon! There was Mike, Martin (a newcomer) and Alan who had brought his grandson Dax along, however we set off up Centurion Way to Lavant, then through East Lavant alongside the Goodwood Racecourse. On reaching the roundabout we turned left and entered Goodwood House, a very scenic route. We came through the gates at the other end and turned right to go through Westerton village.

On arriving at Goodwood racetrack there was plenty to see from the first floor, lots of noise and racing cars and quite busy. After coffee and cake we made our way straight back to Chichester. The whole ride travelling time was 1.5 hours and we covered approx 15 miles. A lovely autumnal ride in the October sun.

 Julian Larter

Posted by RideLeader at 19:11 BST
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Sunday 18th October. Ride to Fort Nelson, Portsdown Hill

The weather today was mainly cloudy but dry with temperatures up to 16C and a lighter NE wind. I was the leader and I was joined at Chichester Cross by Sam, Colin, Harvey and Paul. Chris joined us later at lunchtime so 6 out in all.

We headed out via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington to stop for elevenses at Horndean Garden Centre Cafe. Then it was on via quiet lanes near Cathrington and Clanfield and across to Worlds End and Hipley. We crossed the B2177 and then lanes via Boarhunt. It was then up a lane on the far west of Portsdown Hill which I had not done before and Sam had not done since 1962! This proved to be one of the easier climbs of the Hill. A short way up the road we reached Fort Nelson.

Some of us  went to the new cafe for lunch and some went to have sandwiches within the fort. Admission is free.

Coincidentally that day they had some special firings of a Canon such as those used on ships like Victory. There were two firings just after 1.00. The firings were to celebrate Trafalgar Day which is Wednesday. It had to be done today because some of the Gun Crew work weekdays. The pretend Admiral gave us a short talk first about the working of the Canon.

The return was first along the ridge road of Portsdown Hill with beautiful views down to Portsmouth and the Harbour. Then it was a long descent towards Havant where Harvey turned off to go straight home while the rest of us took a back route to Rowlands Castle to stop for tea.

The way back was the usual route via Westbourne and Woodmancote. The return mileage from Chichester was 48. My mileage from Pagham was 60.

One of my latest pictures was taken about 9 days ago when we still had clear skies showing Star Trails above Coates Church Nr Fittleworth. Taken over 50 minutes.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:42 BST
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Sunday 11th October. Ride to Stedham

Although cold to start with the weather today warmed up with sunshine and temperatures up to 16C. The longer of the 2 rides today started at 9.00 at Chichester Cross which coincided with the start nearby of the Chichester Half Marathon. We waited as the runners came up Westgate and streamed past Chichester Cross.

One Photographer was much more serious than me with my little compact

Some of them looked far too happy to be making a lot of effort


Sam’s bike as the runners stream past

Sam was the leader and he was joined by myself, Russell, Mark and Jeff

We headed out up Westgate to the Centurion Way and up to Lavant before taking lanes towards West Stoke. Just before reaching West Stoke we saw police at the roadside and soldiers in a field sorting out an unexploded bomb. Sam asked a policeman as we passed and was told they were going to detonate in a few minutes. For some reason Sam didn’t sick around and we pressed on at speed. Sure enough a few minutes later we heard the bang. We continued on the lanes via Woodend to Funtington. Just before the junction we heard another loud bang as Sam’s rear tyre punctured.

As we finished some riders from Bognor Regis Cycling Club came by. We continued via Racton and West Marden to stop for Elevenses at Compton Tea Rooms. We settled down conveniently close to the Defibrillator in case anybody was feeling the pace to much.

Then it was on via the long gradual climb to Harting Hill and on to Elsted and then lanes via Treyford

Then it was on via Didling passing the Church isolated among the sheep at the base of the Downs, We turned off via Ingrams Green north to Stedham and lunch at the Hamilton Arms.

We returned via Ingrams Green and then the lanes via Didling and Bepton to Cocking. After climbing Cocking Hill we had a long fast descent to Singleton to stop for tea at West Dean. Tea though ended up being ice creams sitting by the flower beds at the entrance.

We returned to Chichester via the Centurion Way. Sam was worried that we only did about 40 miles from and back to Chichester rather than the advertised 50. The rest of us were not at all bothered. My mileage from and back to Pagham was 52.

Some of my latest pictures follow. The first is of Star Trails taken early this month over Hiorne Tower in Arundel Park. Taken over 1 hour 15 minutes.


For more details and a larger picture see

The second is one taken at Open House in London last month where one building has a light sculpture of 600 globes in the Atrium.

For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 19:12 BST
Updated: Sunday, 11 October 2015 19:20 BST
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Sunday 4th October. Ride to Southwater

Another beautiful sunny today though cold at first. On the way to the start at Walberton I stopped off while riding along the Prom at Felpham for this early morning picture.

Colin was due to lead the ride today but he had been asked to stand in for somebody at work to go over to Kenya (jammy!) I stood in as ride leader. I was joined at the start by Sam, Russell and Mike.

We headed out via the Madehurst lanes and then a fast descent of Bury hill. Then it was lanes via West Burton and on to Fittleworth. We then started on the regular route towards Brinkwells Hill but turned off at the base on lanes in the direction of Little Bognor. These lanes are so much off our regular routes that Sam had not been there for 20 years and they were all new to the others. They were beautiful and quiet with a mix of downland and woods and a fair bit of climbing. We came out at the top of the road  towards Kirdford at Flexham Park. Then a long downhill to Kirdford and elevenses at Kirdford Village Stores Cafe. Sam did a little dancing around with cold feet.

We were joined later by a large group from Arun Adur who were stopping there on the way to Fernhurst. Russell had to get back after elevenses and the rest of us continued via Wisborough Green and Barnes Green and lanes to Southwater for lunch. The cafe was very busy with a special event on. Mike and I had sandwiches anyway and Sam made do with an ice cream.

We continued on lanes towards Shipley, mainly downhill, and then on via Broomers Corner and West Chiltington to stop for tea at Wiggonholt. Then it was on via  Amberley and on to the route to Arundel over the “Khyber Pass” We coincidentally were joined by Phil and Verna Ingram on the Tandem who had ridden with us last in about 2011.

Further along Sam got a puncture and we congratulated him on his choice of location with views down to the valley and Arundel in the distance.


We came across a lot of twitchers in the area presumably due to a rare bird sighting. We continued down via Burpham and on to join the A27. Traffic was diverted away from the Arundel Bypass and through Arundel town to allow for repairs to the carriageway on the bridge. We were allowed to take the empty bypass, a truly wide cyclepath!

Then it was on home via the Ford Lane and Yapton. Mileage from and back to Walberton would have been about 57. My mileage from Pagham was 76.

My latest pictures are first one from City Hall.

For more details and a larger image see

Next for the Luna eclipse I set up my camera in the back garden on a tripod with a timer to take pictures while I slept and later combined them into one image.

For more details and a larger image see


Posted by RideLeader at 20:26 BST
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Sunday 27th September. Ride to Dundridge Nr Bishops Waltham

There were 2 rides today and I was the leader of the long ride meeting 9.00 Chichester Cross. E weather was beautiful with unbroken blue skies and temperatures up to 19C. I was joined at the start Sam, Colin, Russell, Mike and Bob so 6 out in all.

We set out via the Centurion Way, West Stoke and Funtington and then Rowlands where we coincidentally came across John Maxim and Graham Young. We continued to stop for elevenses at the Garden Centre Cafe at Horndean.

We noticed on the way out a No Smoking Sign which seemed to apply to the occupants of the Bird Table. Sam was not breaking the rules as he was using an electronic cigarette.

Then it was on via Cathrington and down to Hambledon and an especially vicious climb out of the valley still headed west. Then on via Soberton and a relatively gentle climb across downland.

Then a long descent to lunch at the Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge.

The return initially involved retracing our steps before heading on lanes via Chidden and Clanfield and on to Rowlands Castle for tea.

We took the usual route back via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 56. My mileage from Pagham was about 67.

My latest picture was taken last Sunday at the Open House Weekend in the Atrium of an Office Building looking up at an art installation of over 600 light globes.


See for a larger image

This image was spotted on Flickr by the BBC and they messaged me for permission to use it on their Website. It appeared as picture of the day on Friday on the BBC News England Big Picture webpage. See Below is the page as it appeared on Friday.


Posted by RideLeader at 22:30 BST
Updated: Sunday, 27 September 2015 22:33 BST
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Saturday Ride. Bognor Library to Littlehampton. Look and Sea Centre

A lovely sunny late September afternoon saw 15 at the start point for this ride - Steve Carol Clair Julian Dave June Ann Roy Steve Maureen Karen, myself and new riders  Jean Sheila and Ben.

We set out down the usual back streets to the Arun Leisure Centre then through new housing to Flansham and the Barnham Cycle track. Then it was Hill Lane, Yapton, and across the Aerodrome at Rollaston Park


Then on  to Climping and Bridge Road. A climb up and over the old bridge took us into Littlehampton and the Harbour Lights Cafe.

Julian Carol & Steve left us here to make their own separate ways home whilst I took the decision to lead the rest of us back to Bognor via Climping Beach to Elmer.  I've not been this way for some months so it was useful to see the condition of the beach track. We went via Climping School to Climping Street, then the woodland path to emerge directly on beach. A couple of hundred meters of reasonable riding was curtailed by deep shingle, and we ended up pushing the bikes almost all the way to Poole Place, where the track becomes a bit more stable and riding is possible. In particular just before Poole Place a combination of erosion and work by the Environment Agency has scoured a sizeable chunk out of the shingle and to proceed any further at all it was necessary to drop down to the beach and the climb the re-instated shingle bank further along.


Everyone managed this without too much difficulty and it added to the adventure but it extended the ride time and i'm not sure we shall be using this route again for a while. However it reminded us all what a fantastic cycling route this could be if just 3/4 mile or so of beach shingle had a useable path laid on top. I understand the problem here is principally the landowners resistance rather than anything else. The landowner also owns the foreshore.

Notwithstanding the very poor condition of the beach, we made it safely back onto tarmac at Elmer, and then took a route through Felpham and on to the prom for a sprint back into Bognor whre the ride finished.

My round trip mileage from the start point was 19.5.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Sunday, 27 September 2015 07:33 BST
Sunday, 13 September 2015
Sunday 13th September. Ride to East Meon

Today the weather was cooler than of late at about 17C though mostly dry. The threatened rain at least where we were came to no more than occasional spots and bits of drizzle, not enough to wet the road. On the way out heading west there seemed to be little wind but coming back we noticed a fairly strong easterly.

The longer ride started 9.00 Chichester Cross with Sam leading. He was joined by myself, Jeff, Paul and Mark. We headed out to start up the Centurion Way.

Then it was on via West Stoke and Funtington. Then a loop via Walderton and East Marden and a few ups and downs to our elevenses stop at Compton. We arrived just in time to beat the rush.

Soon after we arrived Cycle Clubs from all points of the compass converged on the Cafe. A big group came from Farnham Road Club.

We continued via Ibsworth and the a gradual climb on a beautiful lane through Buriton Woods.

At the top of the Hill Jeff, who had a cold coming on, turned back for home. The rest of us took the short sharp and fast descent into the village and then on to a lane past Ramsdean to stop for lunch at The Isaac Walton, East Meon. Arrival 12.02 so brownie points for Sam. Our destination on the Rides List was Springs Cafe, West Meon but I had found out the previous evening from their Facebook Page that they had closed a week earlier indefinitely unless the Shop are able to get new owners to run the Cafe.

In the afternoon we headed out first on a climb on the road to Clanfield. Sam called this Christmas Tree Hill from an occasion a while ago in December when he and Graham were coming back from a long ride in the dark and ran into a Christmas Tree across the road (fallen off the back of a lorry?) We continued down to Clanfield and then over the A3 and down to Chalton and Finchdean to stop for an early tea (1.30) at Rowlands Castle. That cafe was also full of cyclists who were  finishing up lunch.

We headed back on the usual route via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was 50. My mileage from Pagham was 62.

Over the last week with some clear skies I have taken some Star Trails pictures. The first was from last Sunday night 6th September. 2 hours worth of 40 second exposure images later combined in software.

For a larger picture and more details see

The next was taken on Thursday Evening at Amberley Churchyard. This was 1 hour 30 minutes worth of 40 second exposures. The camera is pointed north to get the appearance of circles round the pole star as the Earth rotates.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 18:26 BST
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Sunday 6th September. Arun Crossings Ride

Today was the last DA Event of the season with the Off-Road ride led by Colin starting from Pulborough. It was a perfect day with sunshine most of the time and temperatures up to 19C. See the following picture taken during a brief stop as I was riding along Bognor Prom early in the morning.

I do not do any substantial Off Road any more so I met the group at elevenses and lunch. The meet for elevenses was at The Old Mill Cafe, Wisborough Green. I got there about a minute before everybody else. Apart from Colin, Sam was also out. There were 2 from Horsham Crawley, Bob Moore and Mike Gimber and 3 from Arun Adur, Dave Fox, Richard Boulton and Paul Price. Ray and Jo also arrived just before we left though we did not see them at lunch.

I kept to the road again as the others took to the tracks and I went on meet them for lunch at The Onslow Arms, Loxwood. John Maxim also met everybody there. The Pub is at a very pleasant location beside the canal.

John and I headed back mainly on road though with a short stretch of track to link up quiet roads south of Wisborough Green. We stopped at Amberley at the Vintage Market Event for tea in the Village Hall. Then it was back via the quiet “Khyber Pass” route to Arundel .

The Off-Road mileage from and back to Pulborough would have been about 30. My mileage for the day was 55.

My latest pictures to be processed are first an image of a Sweetcorn Crop with a fisheye lens taken near Summer Lane, Pagham.

For a larger picture and more details see

Next an image taken at Canary Wharf and converted to Black and White.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 20:08 BST
Updated: Sunday, 6 September 2015 20:12 BST
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Sunday 16th August. Rides to Portsmouth

The weather today was pleasant with a sunny start though more cloud later and very light winds and temperatures up to 18C.

There were 2 rides, a hilly ride starting at 9.00 led by myself and a flatter ride starting at 9.30 led by Harvey. On the longer ride I was joined by Sam and Rex. Chris met us briefly before going on to bell ringing and met up later for lunch.

We headed out via the Centurion Way and then on via West Stoke, Funtington and Rowlands Castle to stop for elevenses at Horndean Garden Centre Cafe. Somebody in management must have had an off day when they decided to repaint the cafe purple with matching umbrellas, oh dear.

We continued with a lane via Cathrington and then a very quiet route coming out north of Denmead. We continued across to Worlds End, somebody else had an off day long ago when they named that village. Then it was on lanes to Southwick and a long gradual climb to Portsdown Hill. We gained a magnificent view over Portsmouth Harbour before descending at speed to Cosham.

Then it was the signed cycle route on the western side of the City passing the continental ferry port and the Portsmouth Isle of Wight car ferry port. Then along the sea front to the War Memorial where we met up with the other ride for lunch. Harvey was joined by another 4, David, Mark, Philip and Mike and Chris met us at lunch so 9 out in all. The Kites on display over Southsea Common for the International Kite Festival  were fairly disappointing compared with last year with none of the really big kites, possibly due to the lack of wind.

We all rode back together heading east along the seafront and then along a waterfront path before joining the Eastern Road Cyclepath. We continued via Havant and on to Fintstones  Cafe, Emsworth for an ice cream break in lieu of a tea stop.

The return was via Westbourne and Woodmancote. Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 56. My mileage from home was 68.

My latest London pictures taken last Monday are from Canary Wharf. The first is of the new futuristic bridge to the part completed Canary Wharf Crossrail Station.

For more details and a larger picture see

The second one is of the new roof garden at the top of the Crossrail Station.

For more details and a larger picture see


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Monday, 17 August 2015 09:27 BST
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Thursday 13 August. Evening Ride to The Gribble Oving

After torrential downpours all day the forecast predicted a dry spell early evening before heavy rain again later. Against this background i wasn’t expecting many riders to join me this evening. In the event there were 11 at the start point- Carol Steve Mike Maureen David Harvey Steve Barry Russ Dmitry and myself. Edwin joined us at Oving later making 12 out in all.

Additionally, the predicted rain never arrived and somewhat incredibly we completed the entire ride in the dry.

I led the group around Felpham cricket pitch and over Highfield Bridge to Bersted, then through the housing estates to Shripney lane. We crossed the relief road and headed into Shripney village. Then a mile of main road on the surprisingly quiet A29 to Woodgate where a turn into hook lane brought us to Aldingbourne. A short hop to Woodhorn lane took us around the back of Oving and some more quiet lanes to arrive at the Gribble from the rear.

Our return route was the empty lane over the railway bridge to Colworth, then the loop which brought us out to Elbridge. The last part of this lane is normally flooded but it appears drainage efforts have been successful as despite today’s torrential rain the road was bone dry.

This circular ride was completed by a return to Bognor and Felpham via the Chichester cycle track, riders peeling off for home as we progressed.

My round trip mileage was about 15.5


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Monday, 17 August 2015 08:30 BST
Sunday, 9 August 2015

Sunday 9th August. Awayday Ride to the New Forest

A beautiful summers day, mainly sunny with a light westerly wind. Arthur was the leader for an awayday ride to the New Forest starting from Ealing near Totton. There was a select band of 5 of us being Arthur, Lynn, Jan Graham and myself. I cycled from home, then a train to Southampton and a cycle route to Eling. Graham cycled from home in Eastleigh and the rest came by car.

The ride had one problem at the start as our usual cafe at Ealing was closed for renovation. We headed off across the forest instead towards Beauliu. En route we encountered a New Forest pony with a young foal. Mum was happy to munch grass on the other side of the road while baby was happy to be stroked.

11s was taken at The Old Bakehouse Cafe in Beaulieu, which is very much a cyclists Mecca.

Next we had a climb up the moorland and a ride into the wind to Lymington for lunch. We stopped at a cafe on the waterfront.

For the return we took a different route on quieter lanes closer to the coast, well quieter save for a rally of ancient motorcycles which passed us at intervals.

There were a few other road hazards.


Eventually we left the rally route and took a quiet lane to Bucklers Hard and a stop for tea at the Cafe. Graham treated us all to ice creams as it was his birthday today.

The return was back via Beaulieu and then on to Ealing. We had the wind and the sun behind us with the sun reflecting off Graham’s mirror.

This evening on the way back from Chichester I stopped off for some pictures of the sunflowers near Summer Lane

The mileage for the ride was about 30. My mileage for the day was 55.

My latest picture to be processed is of a sunflower taken a week ago on the Summer Lane route near Pagham, with the proper camera and a macro lens.

For a larger picture and more details see


Posted by RideLeader at 21:52 BST
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Saturday 8th May – Ride from Chichester Library to The Barnyard Garden Centre, Birdham
The weather dawned hot and sunny for a ride to The Barnyard Garden Centre in Birdham.

Seven cyclists gathered at Chichester Library for the ride and the group set off towards Westgate, crossing over the mini-roundabout and turning left towards Chichester College via the cycle path.  Alan Tyler joined us at Chichester Railway Station and the group then headed towards Chichester Canal.

On arriving at Hunston, the group took a route along the other section of the canal via Donnington towards Birdham, arriving at The Barnyard around 3 pm.  Everyone enjoyed tea and cake, although a battle was also fought with the resident wasps!

The route back to Chichester was up to Chichester Marina and then via Salterns Way, arriving back in town about 4.15 pm.


Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST

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22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
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