Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Sunday 17th June. Ride to Hooksway
Gill led the ride today in my place as I still have the chest infection. This is Gill’s report.

Today's ride was windy and a bit hilly. Sam, Ray, Brian and Sue came with me to 11's at Compton. Sam and Ray and I had lunch at Hooksway, and Sam and I had Tea at Aldingbourne. Sam tells me the whole ride was about 50 miles. My computer is having a few issues.


The Strawberry Tea was called off due to the recent weather and low numbers expected to attend.

Some of my latest pictures below. The first one is of a Sculpture Tower in La Defence Paris.

The one below is my latest picture intended to depict the Earth rising on the Moon 4.5 billion years ago when the Earth was covered with oceans of Magma

To see how it was done see my Photo Blog at



Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Saturday 9 June 2012 - Bognor Regis Library to Aldingbourne country Centre


It was a bright and breezy afternoon today, as six of us  - Julian, Debbie, Ray, Alan, Liz, & myself -  set off from Bognor Library.


To avoid the unusually stong winds - considerably lighter than the previous day but still gusting to 31mph from the South West - I planned an easterly and northerly route so that we could take as much advantage from wind assistance as possible.


We set out through Felpham to Flansham and then the usual cyclepath to Barnham.  From there it was Eastergate village and after a quarter of a mile of main road, up Northfields Lane - a little muddier and wetter than usual due to the recent heavy rain. On reaching the A27 Alan took us along the pavement to the crossing at Norton Lane that goes directly into the back of the Country Centre. I have not been this way for something over 10 years and last time I did it, it led into the dead-end lane next to the Centre. Unfortunately the recent addition of a farm park has resulted in the Centre gating and fencing in its boundaries, meaning the direct route into the centre is closed off again, and the route now takes the old right of way it always used to, out onto the lane at the front. However still an interesting diversion.


At the cafe we met 4  Arun-Adur members halfway around one of their easy Saturday jaunts - starting today I believe, from Ford Station.


Our return route back to Bognor was once again out the back way, then Norton Lane to Aldingbourne, Hook Lane, Woodgate, and down to Shripney. At Shripney Lane we found the road closed off for bypass construction, but fortunately a clear pathway through for cyclists and pedestrians. I knew the road had been closed to through traffic, but had omitted to check beforehand that it was still cycleable!


After a ride through the Bognor backroads the ride finished back at the library, a round trip of 17 miles.



Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Sunday 3rd July. Jubilee Sunday
Arthur was due to lead a ride to Compton today. I later heard from him that nobody turned up and the ride was abandoned. I think a combination of the weather and competing Jubilee Celebrations.

That applied to me as I headed up to London for the Thames Pageant. The bike only as far as the Station and then I took a train to Victoria. This was a direct train and the big advantage of starting at the first Station is getting a seat on a day like today.

My enthusiasm did not stretch far enough to get up very early to get a good viewpoint. After checking out view points on Google Street view yesterday I headed for the Albert Embankment on the South Bank near Vauxhall Bridge. There was a slight rise on a grassy area, enough to get some view behind a crowd about 6 deep in front of me. I was there by 12.00 with the Pageant due to start passing at 3.00 so more crowds built up behind me.

The view was good enough to see the boats coming by but not good enough for clear pictures with waving flags, people’s heads and everybody else, like me holding their cameras above the heads in front of them.

Below are some of the better ones. First there is the Heralds Barge.

Next is the Royal Barge where I think the out of focus flag in the foreground adds to the image.

Last the one picture I got of a boat free of obstructions. This is the Minden, a former Dutch Fire Boat which coincidentally is normally moored in Emsworth Harbour.

The day had been dry so far with just a few spots of drizzle and dampness in the air. I was lucky as the boats had just about all passed when the heavens opened and I walked back to Vauxhall Tube Station with a few thousand others and made good use of the umbrella I had carried all day.


Posted by RideLeader at 21:54 BST
Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2012 22:02 BST
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Evening Ride: Arun Leisure Centre to Holly Tree, Walberton

The evening rides this year have been beset with poor weather, meaning that all of the organised rides from Felpham have thus far run short of their intended destination, or not run at all.

Today, for different reasons, we still ended up at a different destination.

The weather, glorious hot sunshine of late, had deteriorated through the week and was cloudy and dull, although not much wind, with temperature about 16 degrees. Although there was rain in the air, this disapeared as we got going.

Seven of us - Harvey, Debbie, Steve, Carol, Julian, John, & myself - set out from the ALC up the cycle track to Barnham. Because of construction work on the "Site 6" housing development and the Bognor bypass, the route from the Golf Club to Hoe Lane is closed until the end of July, for major refurbishment, so I took a different path through the Roundle Estate and across new housing to Hoe Lane. Then it was the track to Barnham, and around the back of the village to Walberton. There we found the rumours to be true - the Holly Tree was closed, and indeed had been closed since January; plans to re-open appear to have stalled.

A quick vote was taken as to an alternataive stop and we settled on the Maypole. I took a roundabout route via Avisford Park Road, North End, then Lake Lane and over the railway foot crossing to Maypole Lane and the pub.

Our return route was direct to Yapton (where Harvey peeled off for home at the Olive Branch) whilst the rest of us returned to Felpham via Bilsham and Middleton.

My round trip mileage was a very modest 13.7.


Posted by RideLeader at 23:55 BST
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Sunday 27th May. 100 mile ride.

The weather today was dry, sunny and warm with temperatures up to about 24C.

I was not able to ride today due to a continuing Chest Infection though this has nearly cleared up.

Arthur was the leader and during the day 19 attended in all. From the Club there was Arthur, Lynn, Debbie, Avryl, Jan, Colin, Keith, Sam, Roger, Brian and Bob and Gill Marshall. There were also a number from the Moulton Club invited by Arthur.

The start was 7.00 am from Chichester Cross. Not long after setting off the riders came to a spot where some youths had smashed beer bottles on a path which some riders couldn’t miss. This resulted in 2 punctures before breakfast and 2 after.


Puncture and smoking stop

This was Arthur’s flat 100 mile ride so the route was carefully devised to keep to the coastal plain avoiding all hills, while taking in a lot of quite lanes. Breakfast was at The Boaters Bar, Prinsted, Emsworth. After various lanes the group made their way to East Wittering for lunch. By now everybody was feeling the effects of the heat with light winds and a humid feel. This was quite a change from some recent wet Sundays. 

Rose Green en route to Littlehampton


Tea was at The Look and Sea Cafe in Littlehampton.

Roger, Colin and Keith did part of the ride while rest completed it. Gill and Bob turned off near the end but would have done 100 miles by home. Mileage from Chichester and back was 102.8. 

Back to Chichester 

Mission accomplished

Below are some more pictures from Paris which I processed over the last week. The first one was of the main Aisle of Notre Dame. This reached 15th place on the Flickr Explore pages for the day out of about a million uploads. The next one is of an interesting Paris Metro Station. The last is near Sacre Coeur. The illusion is because the grass was actually a steep bank and I tilted the Camera. This reached 17th on the Explore pages. Larger pictures and more details can be found on Flickr at


Posted by RideLeader at 22:03 BST
Updated: Monday, 28 May 2012 19:39 BST
Sunday, 20 May 2012

Sunday 20th May. Ride to Fernhurst.

The weather today was dry but cloudy and a little warmer than the average of late at 15C.

I was not able to ride today due to a continuing Chest Infection. I was down as leader so I arranged with Colin yesterday for him to lead the ride. Unfortunately things went a little wrong as there was an error in the Section Rides List with the Pedaller List showing a start time of 9.00 and the Section Rides List showing a start time of 9.30. Sorry about that, missed by myself and the numerous proof readers I get to check it. Gill and Rex turned up at 9.00 and Colin at 9.30.

Gill led the ride to Petworth for elevenses meeting Arun Adur there led by Richard. Richard led the combined group to lunch at the Red Lion, Fernhurst. Anne rode direct and joined the group at Fernhurst.

Meanwhile Colin went to Chichester Cross at 9.30 and nobody joined him there so he took his own route but was late getting there and missed everyone else.

Despite all this I think everybody had good rides.

Below are some more pictures from Paris processed over the last week. Some fairly unusual futuristic ones. The first one was the from the front window of an automated Metro Train coming into a station. I called it Warp Speed on the Metro. The second is of a canopy over the entrance to the EDF building in the La Defence business district. This strongly resembles the underside of the Starship Enterprise. I called it Starship Enterprise Paris. The third is a night time view of the Business District. I called this 23rd Century Paris. Larger pictures and more details can be found on Flickr at




Posted by RideLeader at 19:58 BST
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Sunday 13 November. Ride to Lee on Solent
After weeks of cold and rain the weekend has finally seen some warm dry weather with blue skies, I put suncream on today for the first time since returning from Lanzarote in March.

When I arrived at Chichester Cross I saw a crowd of about 100 cyclists! Not ours it turned out but meeting for the start of a Charity Cycling Family Fun Ride to Witterings. Is that the wording we need for a good turnout?

The Mayor sent off the fun riders and as they thinned out our little group emerged. Arthur was leading and he was joined by Lynn,  Debbie, myself and another 4 from the Moulton Club making 8 out in all.

With a long ride to Lee on Solent Arthur took a direct route first on cyclepaths to Fishbourne and then making use of the cycle lanes on the old main road via Southbourne and then on to the Greenhouse Cafe Emsworth for 11s.

I turned back from Emsworth as I was just starting to recover from a Chesty Cough and didn’t want to push it too much on a long ride.

The plan was to go on via Havant and the cyclepath down the Western Road to Portsmouth. Then the ferry across to Gosport and on to Lee on Solent for Lunch. The estimated mileage for the day for the ride was 60.

I returned on the South Coast Cycleroute via Woodmancote to Chichester. Then it was quiet lanes via Oving and Colworth. This was the view as I got at the end of a lane where it joins the main road near North Bersted as a reminder of recent weather.

The flood was not as bad as it looks as the middle of the road was higher and quite shallow.

My mileage for the morning was 34.

Below are some more pictures from Paris processed over the last week. The first one was the plush foyer of Opera Garnier. The second is of the Eiffel Tower. Larger pictures and more details can be found on Flickr at



Posted by RideLeader at 15:53 BST
Updated: Sunday, 13 May 2012 17:09 BST
Monday, 7 May 2012
Sunday 6 May. Ride to Littlehampton

I  substituted for Harvey for the ride to Littlehampton. I set off for the Chichester start in the rain which steadily got heavier.

Arriving in Chichester I did not expect to see anyone but then noticed Lynn at the cash machine and also spotted Sam sheltering at the Cross! Then Arthur arrived with 3 other Moltoneers but they were intending to do their own ride to the Boaters bar - to train for the 100 mile in two weeks time.

Then Debbie arrived making the total at the start .....Eight.  However Sam decided to ride around the Witterings and I went Home. It was still raining!


Posted by RideLeader at 21:42 BST
A long Wet Weekend on the Isle of Wight
This years IOW holiday was attended by myself, Anne and John Maxim. We travelled over on the Saturday, did the Isle of Wight Randonee on the Sunday and travelled back on the Monday. Every day was grey with varying amounts of rain but we managed some good rides.

Saturday started early with heavy rain. This progressed to occasional very light rain. We all made our ways there at different times meeting up for tea at Godshill and apple pie and ice cream. Then it was on to check in at our B&B in Ventnor.

Sunday started with constant rain but clearing up about elevenses. The previous evening I had found I had bad problems with my hip when walking and decided to go about half way round the route and then head back to Ventnor. The hip problem cleared up later in the weekend. We stayed together to start with and got ready outside the B&B.

Then a very steep climb out of Ventnor and on in a clockwise direction along the south coast towards Freshwater. There was an unusual sight near Freshwater as this Steam Traction engine came towards us with Freshwater cliffs in the background.

Then it was on with the usual menu of hills to Yarmouth and the Feed control at the School there. They put on a very substantial feed there of sandwiches and cakes to feed the thousands. We later learnt that 1684 took part. A picture here of one of them.


Many hills later we reached Cowes where I cut the ride short with much more in the way of flat routes via the Cowes Newport cyclepath and part of the Newport Sandown cycle path before heading back to Ventnor via a tea stop at Godshill and – of course – another Apple Pie.

My mileage for the day was 55 and the full route which the others did was 71.

Monday started with – heavy rain, of course. I led a ride to take us on some different lanes in the centre of the Island. We headed towards Newport and at one point some horse riders came towards us and one said, “Oh my gosh you do know about that hill don’t you. We soon saw the reason for her concern as the road reared up skyward. We got up it and followed some lanes on a pretty route round Carisbrook castle. One lane included a ford.

After a visit to the entrance to the Castle we continued to Newport Town Centre and a stop at some tea rooms for a late elevenses. The rain stopped soon afterwards and we continued to Cowes on the Cycle path and then on to Fishbourne and the ferry back to Portsmouth.

After riding back home from Portsmouth my mileage for the day was 51.

One of my recent pictures from Paris below. This is of the Altar at Les Invalides where Napoleon is buried.


Posted by RideLeader at 21:29 BST
Updated: Monday, 7 May 2012 21:34 BST
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Sunday 22 April. Ride to Rowlands Castle

There were 2 Rides today. I was due to lead a ride to Steep nr Petersfield and Avryl a ride to Rowlands Castle. Just Ray turned up at 9.30 at Chichester Cross for the long ride so we both decided to wait until 10.00 and join Avryl’s Ride. We were also joined by Arthur, Lynn, Alan, Liz and Debbie making 8 out on the day.

The weather forecast was quite poor with a lot of showers due but in the event it held off with only spots until tea. Avryl led us on beautiful quiet lanes round via Bosham Hoe and then the road round Bosham Harbour with beautiful views.


We stopped for elevenses at Bosham arcade Cafe where we were welcomed on the doorstep by the Cafe cat.

Then it was onwards on more quiet lanes via Chidham and then on via Woodmancote. Alan and Liz left us here to get back early. The rest of us continued for lunch at Rowlands Castle. Here we met Derek and Margaret. We didn’t recognise them at first as they were in civvies, not cycling.

After lunch we got ready to leave still in the sun.

Arthur had recently been presented as a gift by Alex Moulton a new and expensive Moulton Bike for his help in organising the Moulton Club gathering for the last 11 years. Below is the new bike shining in the sun, campag equipped throughout.

We continued back taking the road towards Funtington but then turning off down to the South Coast Cycle Route and West Ashling we stopped at the Pond to look at the Ducks, Swans, Geese and Trout. 2 Geese were upset by walkers going by with dogs and started some agitated hissing. They made their way purposely towards us.

Luckily they were distracted before reaching us.

We returned on Clay Lane and on to Fishbourne Roman Palace Cafe for tea.

Mileage from and back to Chichester was 28. My mileage for the day was 42.

After 5 days in Paris last week I have taken lots of pictures but not processed many. Below is an HDR image of the Eurostar loading for departure at St Pancras last Monday.


Posted by RideLeader at 18:05 BST
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Sunday 15th April. Freewheel Nutbourne Nr Pulborough

We met today at Walberton Pond with Colin as the leader. He was joined by myself, Sam, Anne , Gill and Jeff making 6 out on the day. Weather was dry with sunny and cloudy spells but a cold NE wind.

Colin led us first via Slindon, The Spur and then on the backroad via Madehurst. We stopped briefly to regroup near Madehurst Church.

Then in was on via Amberley and Rackham and various lanes towards Wiggonholt.

We stopped for elevenses at Wiggonholt where we met Arun Adur Section and Horsham Section.  All groups rode together  to the top of the Freewheel hill being the new one on the lane north of Nutbourne nr Pulborough.

I went down early as Chief Photographer. I was in the lead for a while but ended up as 4th. The pictures below are of first Gill on her way to winning the ladies category plus 3rd overall. Next Tony York from Arun Adur who was second and then Tony Veitch from Horsham and Crawley who was 1st. For the DA Events Competition there were 16 taking part altogether with 5 taking part from Arun Adur, 6 from Bognor Chichester and 5 from Horsham Crawley

Everybody finished fairly close together.

We all then headed back up the hill for lunch at The Rising Sun, Nutbourne. Tony had lunch with every mouthful watched by the Pubs canine residents.

After lunch Sam and Jeff made their own way back. Colin led the rest of us back via Pulborough, Fittleworth and the lanes across to the base of Duncton Hill. We gave a miss to climbing that and took the lane via the College to Graffham. The picture below is a nice spring image as Avryl cycles under the blossom on the way to the College.

From Graffham we headed back on lanes via Heyshott and Cocking and then the main road up Cocking Hill and a long descent to West Dean for tea.

Mileage from and back to Walberton was about 50 miles. My mileage for the day was 62.

To finish here are a couple of pictures I processed during the week taken earlier.

 The one below was taken after a Committee Meeting at Avryl’s early this month. I cycled on up the road to Boxgrove Priory and the Parish Church. This is a Vertorama, a Panorama upwards of 3 pictures in HDR.

To view large see this picture on flickr at

The next one was taken last year on the Docklands light railway. Software was used to get the blur effect on the train and track


To view large see this picture on flickr at


Posted by RideLeader at 20:54 BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 April 2012 20:58 BST
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Saturday Ride: Bognor Regis Library to Merston, Chichester Garden Centre

There were 5 of us out today - Alan, Debbie, Carol, Steve and me.

The weather was covercast, with the sun threatening, but never quite managing, to make an appearance. However it stayed dry. The temperature was about 11 degrees, but felt much colder in the north wind (for some reason our prevailing South westerly had moved around a bit).

We headed out of Bognor along the sea front, then by the usual back roads to Stoney Stile Lane, Nyetimber, then Summer Lane to Runcton. The path across the fields at Summer Lane was bone dry and was as smooth a ride across there as I've ever had.   

Then it was round the old Merston aerodrome to the A259 and along the cycletrack to the Garden Centre.

I had it in mind to go round the aerodrome and take the last part of Green Lane to join the A259, but in the event this wasn't possible as a locked gate barred the way.  However the cycletrack provided a suitable alternative.

After refreshments, we took a direct route back down the A259 cycletrack to North Bersted, where Alan left for Felpham and Carol and Steve headed for the allotment. I rode back into Bognor with Debbie - a round trip of about 14 miles. I'd done 18.7 by the time i got home.


Posted by RideLeader at 22:08 BST
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Sunday 8th March. Ride to Selsey


There was one ride today a short flat one to Selsey. I had not been able to find a leader for the ride and at the time of preparing the Rides List I was not sure if I would be away so the ride was put down as nominate leader on the day. I was around so I led the ride and I was joined at the Cross by Harvey, Samantha, Rex and newcomer Debbie Lord. Gill joined us for lunch so 6 out on the day.


The weather had started off quite wet but it had cleared by 9.00. The rest of the day was cloudy with the occasional spots of rain.


We took a route west from Chichester and down Appledram lane, turning off onto the Salterns Way cyclepath. Then it was on to Chichester Yacht Basin crossing the Lock just as a large Motor Cruiser set off. We stopped for elevenses at Chichester Yacht Basin. We continued via Birdham Pool and Birdham where Samantha headed back.


The rest of us continued taking a track across fields and then lanes via Highleigh and Sidlesham and then the main road straight down to Selsey. We arrived at the Riviera Cafe bang on 12.00. This is the 3rd week running, have to be careful or we will outdo Horsham section. It was just as well though as it was very busy.


Rex headed straight back while Gill joined us for the afternoon. After lunch we headed back up the main road and then before Sidlesham turned off on the Bill way Cycle track. For a change it was high tide so we had views of water rather than mud flats. We continued on the Bill Way, Sustrans route 88 via tracks and lanes to Fisher where we spit up to head home. A short ride as by now it was only 1.45. Distance from and back to Chichester would have been about 22 miles.


To finish here are a couple of pictures I processed during the week taken earlier.


The one below was taken on a trip to London and is a combination of 4 images at long exposures containing 2 different buses



To view large see this picture on flickr at


The next one was taken a few weeks ago during the time of warmth and clear skies. This was taken in my back garden and is 2 hours worth of star pictures combined later in software



To view large see this picture on flickr at



Posted by RideLeader at 17:35 BST
Updated: Sunday, 8 April 2012 17:44 BST
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Sunday 1 April. Ride to East Meon
 First last Saturday week I went to London taking HDR pictures. The first one is of an Underground platform with a lady standing still in the foreground while a train pulls in which is blurred by a slow shutter speed.


To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


The second is of Gants Hill Underground station on the eastern edge of the Central line which has an Art Deco look to it.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


For last Wednesday’s Club Ride I got to choose the destination and choose Brinsbury College Cafeteria north of Pulborough meeting for elevenses at the Stopham Bridge Garden Centre near Pulborough. Everybody else brought their bikes to Pulborough by car while I rode all the way getting in a good 55 mile ride. It was a clear skies day and beautifully warm.


In the evening I rode up to Chichester to take a Star Trails picture of Chichester Cathedral. I knew from other pictures that it was possible but was not sure how well it would turn out in the middle of a light polluted City. The picture is taken round the back of the Cathedral looking north.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


The longer ride today was to East Meon led by Anne. She was joined at the Cross by Colin, myself, Avryl, John Wickins, Sam and Samantha .


It was a beautiful clear sunny day though cooler than of late with temperatures reaching about 14C.


Anne led us on Clay Lane and the South Coast cycle route via Woodmancote and Westbourne for elevenses at Rowlands Castle. Here we met up with Gill and John Maxim was just leaving as we arrived.



Then it was on via Finchdean and Ibsworth to take the beautiful lane through Buriton Woods to the top of Buriton Hill.



For a change it was down the steep side of Buriton Hill and across to a quite lane winding its way to East Meon and for the second week running a 12.00 noon arrival. Some went to the Pub, The Isaac Walton while others had sandwiches in the beautiful spring sunshine.



After lunch it was another quiet lane heading south to the ridge road from HMS Mercury. There was a steep climb to the top, the caption for this picture might be “Look up Avryl”



Then it was on the ridge road with beautiful views towards Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. Then down to Clanfield and on via Chalton and Finchdean to stop for tea at Compton.

We split up after tea with Sam, Colin and Anne taking a longer route with a loop to the north. The rest of us went more directly back via West Marden and Funtington. Soon after we left West Marden 5 deer ran across the road in front of us taking great leaps over the hedgerows. Sorry I couldn’t get the camera out of my pocket in time!


For the direct route it was 51 miles Chichester and back to Chichester. My mileage for the day was 63.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:17 BST
Updated: Sunday, 1 April 2012 20:19 BST
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Sunday 25th March. Ride to Rogate

First a couple of HDR pictures I processed taken earlier.


The one below was taken of a sunset at Puerto del Carmen and posted to Flickr last Tuesday. This picture reached the Explore Pages of Flickr, the top 500 out of over a million uploaded for the day. It also reached what is known as Explore Front Page which is the top 10 and reached position 4. As a result it has been viewed by nearly 2000 people so far.


To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


I flew home on Tuesday and went out on the Wednesday ride. The same evening I rode up to Halnaker Mill to take a Star Trails picture. I left the bike at the first Stile and walked up with the Camera and spare clothes in a rucksack. Although it had been a beautiful clear day the evening was quite chilly and especially so on the exposed Halnaker Hill where the wind came whistling across, ideal place for a Windmill. The Star Trails were taken over about an hour with some clouds moving around forming a nice effect. The mill was lighted by playing my bike front light over it briefly. Unfortunately 3 of the sails have been removed for renovation.  



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


The longer ride today was to Rogate led by myself. I was joined at the Cross by Colin, Sam, Rex and Anne.



It was a beautiful clear sunny day with temperatures reaching about 19C.


We headed out on lanes via West Stoke spotting a few very early Bluebells in the woods. Then on via Funtington and up the valley via West Marden to stop for coffee at Compton Stores.



Then it was on up the gradual climb towards Harting with a lot of Sportive Riders coming the other way. From Harting we headed on lanes via Nyewood to arrive at the White Horse, Rogate at bang on 12.00.


After lunch Colin and Anne decided on a few more miles with a loop to the north. The rest of us headed back on lanes via Elsted Marsh and Didling to Cocking. There was a sign at Cocking Tea Rooms stating Closed To Further Notice. We headed on up Cocking Hill and back via Singleton to stop for Tea at West Dean Gardens Tea Rooms.


Mileage from and back to Chichester was about 41. My mileage for the day was 53.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:12 BST
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Lanzarote. Week to Saturday 18th March.

This week has seen a change from late spring to a high summer feel with temperatures 23 to 24C. Light winds early in the week turned lot windier later in the week.


First a couple of HDR pictures I processed taken earlier.


The one below is of the ceiling of a side part of Bath Abbey taken a Christmas.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


The next picture was taken in February of Teguise Church in the centre of Lanzarote. This picture reached the Explore Pages of Flickr, the top 500 out of over a million uploaded for the day. As a result my pictures on Flickr received 1900 views instead of the usual average of 250.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


Last Sunday 11 March I first did a half day ride to Fermes in the south riding via Geria to Fermes at 1250ft. I avoided the really steep climb doing an out and back ride from the south with a cafe stop at the top.



33 miles for that ride.


Later that day in the evening with clear skies I took a short ride half way up the winding lane to Tias which is my usual quiet route out.


I was headed for a deserted ruined building with some slats still in the roof but otherwise open to take Star Trails. This was taken over 70 minutes with 140 exposures of 30 seconds later combined in software.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


On Tuesday I started late in the morning for a ride to Haria for the sunset and possibly star trails. The wind was light and I headed out via Costa Teguise and up to the coast road. Then it was on a quiet side road via Tabayesco. This winds its way up a 1250ft climb to come out near Haria. Near the top I came across the odd couple of a Donkey and a horse grazing in a field.



Then it was on to Haria and an early 4.30 dinner at The Two Brothers Restaurant in the square.


Then it was on up winding hairpins the last 750ft to the top at 2000ft. For a while I had noticed that while most of the Island was clear cloud was lapping against the mountains on the far coast where I planned to take pictures. The shot below is part way up the climb with Haria in the distance.


After the top I turned off on another quiet road to the viewpoint at La Nieves. The clouds nearly cleared enough for some sunset shots including the one below. The viewpoint looks down from sheer 2000ft cliffs to Famara and the NW coast.

Just after this shot was taken the clouds moved in up to the top, rolling in like mist obscuring the view. The return ride mainly in the dark took 2 hours. My 2 strong front lights lit the way. 59 miles for the day.


Tuesday morning I badly cut my little toe banging it against a door in the apartment. I later learned on the web that the best way to stop a lot of bleeding is to apply pressure for 15 minutes continuously and not keep stopping to check how its doing as I did. This meant a few days off the bike for fear of pressure against the shoe opening up the wound.


I was fairly well recovered by today and took a ride up to the Plateau. I even managed to find a road I had not previously used before through Mozaga parallel to the main road to Tiagua. Then it was on to Mancha Blanca and a stop for a picnic lunch at the Church. Then past the cracked rim volcano and back to base. 28 miles for the day.


I will now be winding down and packing with no more rides planned until I fly back Tuesday.


126 miles for this week



Posted by RideLeader at 00:01 BST
Updated: Sunday, 18 March 2012 18:38 BST
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Lanzarote. Week to Saturday 10 March.

This week with a few exceptions has been notable for clear skies and temperatures up to 24C.


Late last week there was an exceptional sunset and I used a filter to slow the shutter speed to get movement in the waves. This was added to Flickr on Monday  and reached the Explore pages the top 500 out of about a million pictures uploaded that day. At time of writing it has been viewed by 940 people.


 To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


Last Sunday I did a half day ride, up the hill, along a bit and down and back on the coast. On the way back on the coastal cyclepath I caught this plane coming in to land.



On Monday it was very clear and I did a ride taking in a circuit through the Volcanoes National Park. The picture below is a great view just outside the National Park.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


Then it was on to the National Park and I took the Bus Ride round the Volcanoes. I have done this numerous times before but it is so spectacular it is always worth doing again. The picture below is looking down on a volcano


36 miles for the day.


I had planned a ride Wednesday but the winds rose to near 50 klms per hour so I stayed put


Thursday was another unusual day, warm but very hazy. I did a short half day ride. At the end of the day from the thin layer of sand on cars it turned out the haze was caused by sand blowing over from the Sahara 70 miles away


This picture is taken from the sea front after getting back.



On Friday I decided to climb up the 2000ft mountain to the north. With first backache and then a sprained ankle this was the first time I had done that this year, apart from with Peter in the hire car which didn’t really count. It turned out to be perfect, the clearest day I have ever had on rides to the north.


After the first climb to the plateau I went on to Teguise and a brief elevenses stop from my supplies. Then up another 1000ft to the top at 2000ft. This picture is a view from the quiet viewpoint of La Nieves. The view looks towards Famara and La Santa on the west coast.



I had a picnic lunch at the nearby Church. Then on a little further to a Cafe at another viewpoint for a piece of pie. Then down hairpin bends further north towards Haria. Then I turned off on a beautiful side road down to the coast. The people in the house in this picture might be said to be living on the edge.



The return was on the coast road and then down to Costa Teguise, Arrecife and the cycle path back to base. 55 miles for the day


136 miles for the week.



Posted by RideLeader at 17:31 GMT
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Sunday 4th March. Ride to East Wittering
 This Ride was cancelled due to long and persistent rain. 


Posted by RideLeader at 17:49 GMT
Updated: Sunday, 4 March 2012 17:52 GMT
SATURDAY 3 MARCH. CTC/ Fairtrade 10 mile Cycle Challenge Ride to Bosham

Our CTC group had been asked to plan and lead a short ride in order to support Fairtrade in a publicity event. Arthur had kindly volunteered to do this.


It was a fine sunny afternoon following three similar days and so there was a good turnout of 26 riders at Chichester Leisure Centre, 4 club members included.


After riders had signed in at a desk at the Centre photos were taken and we were sent on our way by the Chairman of the District Council. We cycled along West Street, taking the cycle path at Fishbourne to cross the main road to Old Park Lane and hence to Bosham. We stopped here outside the Co-op shop for refreshments of bananas oranges and bottles of water provided by the Fairtrade Organisation. We returned on the cyclepath alongside the A259 and back into Chichester proceeding along West Street and down South Street all ringing our bells which attracted a lot of attention and smiles.


At St. Mary’s Church we were treated to tea and cakes and a visit by the Mayor and his wife with more photos and speeches.


Distance cycled – 10 miles

 Write-up by Avryl

Posted by RideLeader at 17:34 GMT
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Lanzarote. Week to Saturday 3 March.

This week has stated warm and dry with temperatures about 20C with clear skies. There were light winds in the first part of the week but getting windy over the last few days.


Below is another picture from last week of Playa Blanca Marina in the evening



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


Saturday evening of last week was particularly clear skies and I did an evening ride to the Lava Coast near El Golfo. I set up after sunset by a tidal pool for this Star trails shot. 60 pictures of 30 seconds each taken over 30 minutes and later combined in software.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


32 miles for the evening.


On Monday I did a ride over to the opposite coast and La Santa. I stopped at a nearby village which looked quite uninteresting. However after going through it there was a beautiful bay where I stopped for a picnic lunch and sunbathing.



On the way back I had a request for assistance from a group of 5 French racing cyclists. One of their number had a puncture. They had a spare tube but the bikes were hired and none of them had a pump so my mini pump saved the day. Good deed for the day! 39 miles today.


On Wednesday I met up with Christine and her brother. They were staying in Playa Blanca and had hired bikes for 2 days. We met at a cafe overlooking salt flats at the start of the Lava Coast road to El Golfo. With the Lava Coast road still firmly closed to all we took the long route round to El Golfo and great views of the half eroded crater.



Then it was lunch at a restaurant by the sea with good views of crashing waves. Then it was along the coast as far as the start of the closure to Los Herbiveros where waves come in to create caves under the lava.


44 miles today.


On Thursday I did a half day ride stopping where the end of the runway is alongside the cyclepath. I took pictures with my SLR of planes coming in the land. This one comprises 4 pictures as the plane approached. This was edited later to blend the 4 planes into a composite picture.



To view large see this picture on flickr at

At the next window click the picture for a larger size and click “view all sizes” for the largest. See also there details of the background and the processing of the picture.


Then back to base and an Italian Ice Cream on the prom. 12 miles today.


On Friday I had a rather windy ride to Teguise. On the way there I stopped at a cafe and came across a quite talkative parrot. It was very good at saying “ola” Spanish for hello when anybody new turned up.



It was a day for animals as when I stopped in Teguise Square for a picnic lunch I spotted this dog on a nearby roof. A good caption for the picture might be “Don’t do it you can have better bonio’s”


Then it was down to Costa Teguise and back on the coast. 43 miles for the day.


My mileage for the week was 170.



Posted by RideLeader at 17:00 GMT

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