Bognor Chichester CTC Ride Notes- Club Website is at
Monday, 29 September 2008
Sunday 28 September - Frankland Arms, Washington

The sun was shining though the air was rather cool as Colin, Linda, Gill, Keith, Chris, Phil and Mary left Walberton Pond on Sunday morning. We took the route through Binstead to Arundel where we crossed the footbridge by the station as the main road bridge was closed. We took the Khyber Pass route to Amberley and then on to Pulborough Brooks for coffee.

Chris departed after coffee. Colin led the group around the north of Storrington, crossing the A283 to take a minor road that crossed the A24 on a high bridge leading to Washington church where we stopped for lunch. Keith left for the Frankland Arms, but we subsequently saw no sign of him when we dropped down to the pub for a drink.


After discussing the possibility of climbing to Cissbury Ring and the merits of embrocation, we returned on minor roads to Storrington and then headed south past an ornately-carved wooden gate, through a hedge, crossed the B2139 and entered Parham Park. We then continued through Rackham to the new tea rooms at Amberley Village where we enjoyed large cups of tea (with real milk), tea cakes and tea bread.


We crossed the Arun at Houghton Bridge and then headed west again to Bury and continued to cross the downs via Duncton Hill. Finally, we traversed the ridge to Whiteways before dropping back down the hill to the Goodwood Circuit and returning to Chichester.


Total distance for the tandem was 105 kilometres – a good run considering a fair amount of off-road and climbing was involved.






Posted by RideLeader at 20:37 BST
Updated: Monday, 29 September 2008 21:09 BST
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Sunday 31 August. Ride to Tiffins, Petworth.


Linda was due to lead the ride today but as she could not make it I took over. I was joined at  Walberton Pond by Anne, Colin and Phil on his solo bike for a change.


The weather today was little different from last Sunday with heavy continuous rain until about 11.00 and then easing to light rain and dry in the afternoon. We met at the handy bus shelter across the road from the Pond. We were due to leave at 9.30 but soon after that the heavy rain turned into a torrential downpour so we stayed put for 20 minutes watching as a local lady on her bike struggled through the downpour.


Phil could only come as far as elevenses before having to return home. In view of the weather we decided to shorten the ride and go to Tiffins, Petworth for elevenses and then back towards the coast to Aldingbourne for lunch.


As the rain eased to normal heavy rain I led the group up to Fontwell, under the underpass and then onto Slindon Bottom Road through Slindon Woods. At the best of times this seems pleasantly away from it all. Today with the rain coming down, lading the trees with moisture and mist rising from the ground in the warmth it felt like a remote tropical rainforest out of Lord of the Rings. However it was soon back to reality as we emerged from the woods and climbed up to Eartham. Then it was the main road to Duncton Hill which was shrouded in low cloud.


From the bottom of the hill we took lanes over to Petworth where we received a warm welcome from the staff despite a little dripping. Phil couldn’t join us but had to head straight back.


When we emerged the rain had eased to a little drizzle. We returned on the same route. Before Duncton Hill, Colin turned off to do his own route further east. Anne and I continued with the hard climb up Duncton Hill into the clouds but from the top we spotted blue sky towards the coast. We headed on down to Aldingbourne where John Maxim was already well into his roast lunch. I had the same followed by apple and blackberry crumble after the lady there told us she had just cooked it and it was still warm.


We made our own ways home. My mileage for the day was 43.



Posted by RideLeader at 16:24 BST
Updated: Sunday, 31 August 2008 16:27 BST
Sunday 31 August. In the Bus Shelter at Walberton

Posted by RideLeader at 16:22 BST
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Sunday 24 August. Lodsworth Ride.


The day dawned cloudy wet and miserable with constant rain. It did though perk up a lot by about 11.30 when the rain cleared to some warm sunny spells and temperatures up to 20C.


Gill led this ride and not surprisingly she was joined at Walberton Pond by only 3 more, myself (Edwin) Phil and Mary.


Gill led us via Madehurst to Whiteways and then down Bury Hill and across on wet lanes to Sutton. Then more lanes up to Tiffins, Petworth for elevenses. As by now it was 11.30 we decided to make this a lunch stop and go on to the Pub later just for a drink. We had fast service and were soon tucking in. I had the breakfast which is served until 12.00.


The skies were clearing as we headed west on the A272. There were prominent new signs warning drivers to slow down and warning 39 casualties over the last 3 years next 5 miles. Not wishing to be no 40 we quickly turned off on the lane and long climb through Tillington. Then it was more quiet lanes down to River and up to Leggatt Hill and round to the Hollist Arms, Lodsworth. This was notable for the new paved area in the lower rear garden under canvas for the smokers.


We continued south on more lanes towards South Ambersham. On crossing the River Rother there were a lot of people on the banks waiting for the annual Bath Race to come by. Then it was lanes across Ambersham Common and on to the A286 via Heyshott Green. Then up Cocking Hill and down the main road to West Dean Gardens for a welcome tea.


After tea we headed on down to Chichester on the Centurion Way. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 51.



Posted by RideLeader at 19:24 BST
Sunday 24 August. Outside Tiffins, Petworth

Posted by RideLeader at 19:21 BST
Sunday 24 August. Riding back near Ambersham

Posted by RideLeader at 19:19 BST
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Sunday 17 August. Lee on Solent. Ferries Ride.

Arthur led this ride and he was joined at the Cross by myself (Edwin) Linda, Gill, Sonia, Ernie, Avryl, David, Alan and Liz. Adrian joined us at Portsmouth making a total of 11 out on the day.

The weather was bright and sunny in the morning but clouding over in the afternoon but staying dry. Temperature was about 20C with a strong SW wind.

Arthur led us on the South Coast Cycle Route lanes to Westbourne and Havant. Then over the Bridge and down the Hayling Billy Cycle Trail with very clear views across to Portsmouth and the Spinnaker Tower. We stopped for elevenses at a Beach Kiosk neat the ferry to Southsea. Alan and Liz and Sonia went back from here and the rest of us caught the ferry. Adrian joined us on the other side and we continued along Southsea seafront with a strong headwind to the Gosport ferry next to Portsmouth Harbour Train Station. After a quick crossing with views of the Spinnaker Tower we took the coast road with good cycle lanes to Lee on Solent and chose the Bluebird Cafe for lunch.

After some large lunches we headed back with a much anticipated strong tailwind. We took a different road back to Gosport via Stokes Bay and past Haslar Hospital. Then the ferry back to Portsmouth, we were getting our sea legs by now.

We continued through Southsea and back along the Seafront to the Hayling Ferry which soon arrived. Then it was lanes up from West Hayling and across on lanes to North Hayling and Northney. We had planned to go to Emsworth for Tea but I spotted a Cream Teas Today sign outside St Peters Church Northney. We soon piled in there for a welcome break. This was their second year doing teas which this year have been every Sunday 25 May to 7 September 3.00 to 5.00. There are several Russian Graves in the Churchyard including HSH Princess Katherine Yourievsky, the youngest daughter of Tsar Alexander II of Russia. She lived the last 31 years of her life in Hayling Island and was buried in the churchyard. For more on the history of the Princess and the sad end to her life follow the link to this website and an article The last of the Hampshire Romanovs. Found with a search on Google.

We headed back over the Bridge and then the path along the foreshore and a path and lane under the A27 up to the road into Havant. As time was getting on it was then straight along the A259 back to Chichester with a strong tailwind.

Mileage from and back to the Cross was about 53. My mileage for the day was 65.


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Posted by RideLeader at 23:32 BST
Updated: Monday, 18 August 2008 11:38 BST
Sunday 17 August. Ferries Ride. To play refresh browser or click "view all images"

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Posted by RideLeader at 23:05 BST
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Sunday 10 August. Selsey Ride

A total of 15 riders risked the weather today after a thoroughly wet and depressing previous day and despite some ominous dark clouds it remained dry and with some sunshine as well. Those out at sometime during the day were Avryl, Freda, Jim, Jeff, Adrian, Arthur, Lynn, David, Harvey, Richard, Keith, Edwin, Gill, Phil and Mary.

We set off from The Cross at Chichester and followed the Salterns Way stopping at the Yacht Basin for coffee and then carried on to Birdham. Here we cut across the main road to Bell Lane and hence through Almondington and Highleigh Road past Sidlesham school and Brent Lodge bird hospital to B2145 Chichester to Selsey Road. There was a strong headwind and a lot of traffic as we headed towards Selsey and we got separated into two groups but finally all made it to the Lifeboat Inn arriving in good time to get seated at a table. We awaited the arrival of Phil and Mary with Gill who had taken a longer ride via Midhurst and had had a battle against the wind.

We returned along the Bill Way and were blown back towards Chichester. Phil and Mary offered us tea at their house and we sat and basked in the sunshine fortified by freshly made hot scones, teas etc.

We made our different ways home from Runcton, the mileage from The Cross being 30mls.

Rides notes posted by Avryl (ride leader)

Posted by RideLeader at 22:47 BST
Sunday 10 August. Birdham Pool

Posted by RideLeader at 19:14 BST
Sunday 10 August. Lifeboat Inn, Selsey

Posted by RideLeader at 19:13 BST
Sunday 10 August. 5 Star Tea with Phil and Mary

Posted by RideLeader at 19:10 BST
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Sunday 3 August. Ride to Wisborough Green.


Phil and Mary led this ride and they were joined at the Cross by myself (Edwin) Gill, Linda and Richard. John Wickens from Arun Adur making his own way there and coincidentally met us near Petworth and joined us for the rest of the ride.


Weather was rather wet with frequent drizzly showers in the morning but made better by a westerly tail wind. The weather was cloudy but mainly dry for the return ride in the afternoon.


We headed out of Chichester and over the downs via the Pillygreen Lodge road. Then it was along the ridge with a view down to the coast despite the cloud. Then the main road to Duncton Hill and a careful descent on the wet road and a sharp left turn into the lanes. We followed quiet if muddy lanes across to Petworth and elevenses at Tiffin’s. This was our first visit there since it reopened and we were made very welcome by the new owners.


Then it was more lanes via Balls Cross and Kirdford to Wisborough Green. The weather was just dry enough for a picnic although some went for the Pub instead. We were joined by another 3 from Arun Adur and 7 from Horsham making 17 altogether which was reasonable considering the weather.


The planned afternoon stop was Bignor Park House for a visit to the Gardens and for tea on a rare day when it was open. John wanted to go there too so he joined us for the ride there. Phil led us up a lane to the infamous climb on the lane to Fittleworth with its average grade of 15%. After recovering at the top we headed down into Fittleworth and then lanes to Bignor Park and up the long driveway. Tea was in the stables and with large slices of cake on offer at £1 each I ended up having 2.


After tea John headed back to Bury to his car. The rest of us continued on the normally closed driveway coming out on a sharp bend between Sutton and the steep climb to Bignor Church. Phil turned right into Sutton and then across to Duncton Hill and its testing climb. We continued down the main road via Halnacker. When the others headed for Chichester I split off to return home via Tangmere.


My mileage for the day was 60.



Posted by RideLeader at 20:25 BST
Sunday 3 August. Picnic at Wisborough Green

Posted by RideLeader at 20:23 BST
Sunday 3 August. Up the hill from Wisborough Green

Posted by RideLeader at 20:21 BST
Bignor Park. Hungry Seagulls. Photo by Mary Turner

Posted by RideLeader at 20:20 BST
Monday, 28 July 2008
Sunday 27 July. 100 Mile Ride.

The longer ride today was a 100 mile ride into North Hampshire stopping at Popham Airfield Cafe for lunch. Phil and Mary led the ride and they were joined at the Cross at 7.00am by Linda, Gill, Ann, Colin and myself (Edwin). Jim Jennings joined us at Rowlands Castle and Adrian at Meon Springs making 9 out on the ride.

Weather was excellent, warm early and late and hot in the middle of the day up to 27C. There were unbroken clear blue skies until mid morning and in the late afternoon and scattered clouds in the middle of the day.

Phil led us out on the South Coast Cycle route lanes over to Rowlands Castle where Jim joined us after riding over from Southbourne. Then it was Clanfield and up to the Bat and Ball and up to HMS Mercury on a lane I have not used for many years. After a short ride along the ridge it was down on a steep narrow lane to Meon Springs Fisheries situated on a back road between East and West Meon. This was a new cafe to me and well worth the visit as we settled on the veranda above the fish ponds and enjoyed our bacon butties.

Then over to West Meon and a stop to look at a real map as Phil?s GPS lost its signal. Then it was pleasant country lanes over to Cheriton and New Arlesford Station for a very brief stop. We met a cyclist there on a Moulton who knew Arthur (obviously not far enough away from home yet!)

We continued north from Arlesford with great views across rolling downland and on via East Stratton and Micheldever Station to stop for lunch at Popham Airfield Cafe. Very atmospheric, with planes taking off on the grass runway next to the cafe and part of the cafe doubling up as the control tower. Another new one for me and a very good lunch stop.

After lunch we continued on north to Overton to make sure we got in the 100, distance at Popham was 45 and 50 at Overton. Then down on lanes to Dummer and past Dummer Farm, home to Fergie?s (Duchess of York?s) Parents. Then it was lanes near Selborne via Hawkley to Liss and a welcome break at a Pub. We were greeted by a large Great Dane barking at us from an upstairs window.

Then on and over Hill Brow and a fast long descent to Rogate. Then lanes to Nyewood where Jim left us to head straight back. The rest of us headed on via Elsted Marsh, Treyford, Didling and Cocking where we found a shop open selling ice creams then back over Cocking Hill and the magic 100 miles was reached on all bike computers as we neared Chichester on the Centurion Way.

The 100 miles was from and back to Chichester and my mileage for the day was 113


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Posted by RideLeader at 20:28 BST
Sunday 27 July. 100 Mile Ride. To play refresh browser or click "view all images"

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Posted by RideLeader at 20:23 BST
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Sunday 20 July. Downslink Awayday Ride.

This ride met at Christ?s Hospital Station to do a loop taking in the Downslink path and the Wey canal path. Jeff offered me a lift and we agreed to meet at Hunston giving me the chance to ride some paths and lanes up from Pagham on my little used MTB bike. Gill also came by car. Colin, our leader and Anne came by train and Phil and Mary cycled 35 miles from home. Linda rode to the lunch stop from Chichester and John Maxim rode up from Angmering to the lunch stop making 9 out for the day.

Weather was sunny spells but a lot of cloud around especially in the middle of the day and still a brisk cooling breeze. Temperature was about 20C.

Colin led us first on the Downs Link and then paths and lanes close to the Haven and then past Gibbons Mill. Then it was some really scenic riding along the Wey Canal Path along the renovated Section. Most of the riding was on good paths but there were some bumpy bits and at one stage Phil and Mary did a slow fall off.

We took lunch at the Three Compasses near Cranleigh. John and Linda didn?t want to do any off-road so they headed back after lunch. The rest of us continued on tracks and then picked up the Downslink SE from Cranleigh. The generally flat route was interrupted by a steep climb at one stage to get above a tunnel occupied by bats. Soon after we came to the Wellwood Arboretum doing teas alongside the canal. This is a brilliant tea stop set beside a pool with a bicycle sculpture. Look at the slideshow below for full details, a picture being worth a 1000 words.

We continued on the Downslink back to Christ?s Hospital Station. Phil and Mary rode home. The days ride was 28 miles. My mileage was 36. Phil and Mary about 100 miles. Good practice for the 100 mile ride they lead next Sunday.


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Posted by RideLeader at 20:10 BST
Sunday 20 July. Downslink Ride. To play refresh browser or click "view all images"

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Posted by RideLeader at 20:02 BST

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29 Dec, 14 > 4 Jan, 15
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30 Dec, 13 > 5 Jan, 14
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31 Dec, 12 > 6 Jan, 13
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19 Dec, 11 > 25 Dec, 11
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22 Dec, 08 > 28 Dec, 08
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31 Dec, 07 > 6 Jan, 08
24 Dec, 07 > 30 Dec, 07
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